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How do you guys read so much?


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I usualy read 2 or 3 hours at a time, so it also takes me forever to finish a VN.  Most of those I've completed took me months to complete.  I will usualy start doing marathons when I get into the meat of the story/near the end, but rarely day long sessions.  I have too many other interests/hobbies, plus work and a social life, so there's no way I can hope to read as much as the most avid readers here.  It also almost always takes me longer than the VNDB average, but I'm the type who will sometimes stop to think about he's reading.


edit: I also realise, it seems to take me much longer when there are voices.

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Free time wise, I have to choose between VN and anime. Because I always choose the latter, it's been years since I last read through a VN. Wait, no. That's a lie. I finished Saya no Uta in one sitting. For a dude like me, we need more short and sweet games like those~

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For me personally, I tend to get obsessive over Visual Novels I really enjoy (Which is why I have so many I've only read on the first hour of) I think the main key is to just find a novel you really enjoy and go obsess over it. You'll most likely finish it and wonder where your time went (In  my case, the entire summer)

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