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Nosebleed's AMA


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Nii-chan, what's the VN genre you dislike the most?

i'd say Mecha. I've never been a fan of it. I don't like robots and things of the sort.


I could say Yaoi but that one's kind of obvious since it's just not a preference of mine in any way. So I can't say I hate/dislike it, it's just that it doesn't fit within my preferences.

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If I went to your house in a surprise and you had to make me dinner, what would you do?

Shamefully accept I can't cook anything decent and ask for forgiveness.

Or start skimming through cooking books.


But if you coming to my house was a surprise I wouldn't know I had to make dinner for you. This situation is a contradiction.

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Shamefully accept I can't cook anything decent and ask for forgiveness.

Or start skimming through cooking books.


But if you coming to my house was a surprise I wouldn't know I had to make dinner for you. This situation is a contradiction.

Nah, I would just ask you to make me dinner once I got there so you had to use whatever ingredients were already in your house.


Fantasy weapon of choice?

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Nah, I would just ask you to make me dinner once I got there so you had to use whatever ingredients were already in your house.


Fantasy weapon of choice?

I like anything that involves dual wielding. Mostly things like swords/sabers. As long as it has a blade and it comes in pairs I'll most likely enjoy it.

If I can name one weapon I really remember enjoying it would be Kratos' Blades of Athena in God of War. Those things were just a blast to use and I loved doing long combos with them and it made the game much more enjoyable despite being a generic hack and slash.


The character that sprouted such fascination for dual wielding would most likely be Rikku from Final Fantasy X-2.



What's your current favourite slang to throw around?

I actually don't use slang that often so I can't come up with anything really.



Would you take a vacation to Mother Russia?

I hate cold weather. I'll have to pass.

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Why is the sky blue?

Lame answer:

The wavelength of the color blue is shorter than all other colors in the visible spectrum and when the sunlight passes through the atmosphere that wavelength gets held back and absorved due to its slower speed as opposed to the other colors which pass straight through (though these also do get absorved, just in very tiny quantities). This blue that is absorbed is then scattered in all directions and that's why the sky appears blue when you look at it.

This also explains why the sky seems to become lighter as you look into the horizon. Since it's further away the color blue takes more time to get to you and ends up getting weaker in the process.


Not so lame answer (?):

Aliens. Probably.

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