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Looking for a language partner


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Basically I'm looking for a Japanese study partner to study Japanese through different methods with. Mostly it will be through visual novels. We will read a line, deconstruct, analyze it and try to understand it. This is much more fun than it sounds and I found this a great method to boost your Japanese to the next level.


My level of Japanese is not high but it's not a total beginner level either. I have a good understanding of the grammar too.

Please contact me if you would like to learn Japanese through visual novels (and games) with me. Or if you are already really good please help me and maybe I can help you in some other way.


I look forward to our cooperation :)


Edit: Doing this for about 30min per session (doesn't have to be everyday) will be great. This is enough to jet you to the next level in just a few weeks.

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This is going to be awesome. I already feel my Japanese improving. Today I watched a tv show and I understood like 90% of it.


Imagine, no more waiting for translations of your favorite visual novels, no more hopping someone will pick up this one VN you want to play, YOU will decide what to read, YOU will decide what is worth your time, and YOU will have an infinite choice of VNs to play.


Hope to hear from you soon.

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