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You fell for my cunning trap Salmon-San.

After the impersonations from earlier, I can see how that would happen.


Mission accomplished.


ALSO. On the topic of what fictional character would you identify a Fuwa member with, what about what fictional character you'd identify yourself as?

I feel like if I tried doing that I'd either come off as a show-boaty douche nozzle or an idiot. I'd have to think about that one. lol

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Not gonna lie, that's kinda the point. Although I am genuinely curious.

Hm... I don't really have a specific; but any generic protagonist of a harem anime. Women not only terrify me when they're overly forward, I'm incredibly indecisive and scared when it comes to dealing with them in any form as well. Add in the general cluelessness of what they're thinking, and you've got a recipe for the protag that you despise because he can't pick up on basic (or completely blatant) hints. Other than that, I'm pretty god damned average in most categories.

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Hm... I don't really have a specific; but any generic protagonist of a harem anime. Women not only terrify me when they're overly forward, I'm incredibly indecisive and scared when it comes to dealing with them in any form as well. Add in the general cluelessness of what they're thinking, and you've got a recipe for the protag that you despise because he can't pick up on basic (or completely blatant) hints. Other than that, I'm pretty god damned average in most categories.

I wanna make a pun or two from tht....lol

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Hm... I don't really have a specific; but any generic protagonist of a harem anime. Women not only terrify me when they're overly forward, I'm incredibly indecisive and scared when it comes to dealing with them in any form as well. Add in the general cluelessness of what they're thinking, and you've got a recipe for the protag that you despise because he can't pick up on basic (or completely blatant) hints. Other than that, I'm pretty god damned average in most categories.

I tried to use Google images to see if I could find any characters that matched. I ended up searching for "anime clueless terrified of women".

It came up with a picture of Bilbo Baggins...



Edit: No, wait, I got it. You're Amano Yukiteru.

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For me personally, i'd like to think i'm quite like this guy.


Mostly because, if I had the powers of a dragon in my body, one of the best uses I would think of would be to remove womens clothing. Heheeee.


Lol, yeah, I can picture you in that role.


I'm probably the same, but with asses instead of tits.

Which reminds me...


Why asses are superior to boobs, by Kengaku Gakuen:


Used to walk on all fours. What they saw before them then were asses.

In the evolution of mankind, the ass... became the boobs...

When man walked on four legs, what were before their eyes were the ass.

Ever since the day man started to walk on two legs, the ass... no longer remained in front of their eyes. And what replaced it... were boobs.

Women's large mounds are replacement for the ass.

But the true origin of life is the ass...

Boobs... are just a replacement... so...

In the end, boobs

Are nothing more than fake asses.

And if I had to choose between the original and the imitation...

Of course I would choose the original!!

And though I could go on to say that the course of evolution

Has led to the ass being hidden, back and away,

It is that itself - that modesty - that gives the ass eros...

An eros which boobs, out in the open, could never have...!!!

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Mission accomplished.


ALSO. On the topic of what fictional character would you identify a Fuwa member with, what about what fictional character you'd identify yourself as?


Len. Why? because then I'd be close to Rin. All my dreams would be realized. It doesn't even matter how much I'm like him. My desire for Rin overpowers any posible differences that may or may not exist between me and Len, in order to bring me and Rin together. THE POWER OF LOVE PREVAILS!!!

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Len. Why? because then I'd be close to Rin. All my dreams would be realized. It doesn't even matter how much I'm like him. My desire for Rin overpowers any posible differences that may or may not exist between me and Len, in order to bring me and Rin together. THE POWER OF LOVE PREVAILS!!!

But then you'd be twins, which means you wouldn't be able to connect your microphone to her jackstick. 

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I'm not even sure how to react to this. Just...it's probably what I should expect off you Mon. xD!!!

No...seriously....his job in tht 3p was a thruster like a sex toy.....the kisses,foreplay n others was the Loli job..n the konyuu is playin S with the loli...

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But then you'd be twins, which means you wouldn't be able to connect your microphone to her jackstick. 


you sure about that? I would gladly transcend the pathetic limits of society for my beloved Rin. 

And by transcend the limits of society, I mean something like this (in case you haven't figured it out yet, the following picture is very NSFW)



Oh and crypton has specifically said that they're not twins. They are whatever you want them to be. So if you want them to be twins, then they are. If you don't, then they're not. Not that that would stop me either way, just saying

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