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You ARE tsun though bucket-sama. Until you pass the mantle of the tsun to someone else you shall remain that way!

I am NOT tsundere, will NOT be tsundere, will NOT EVER become tsundere.


I'll stay with your dere, thanks.

Again, all I have for you is hatred ^_^

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I did, I also have the drakewing ultra greatsword. To be honest I dont really find any of the boss weapons worth wasting petrified dragonbone on. Most of them will scale with int/fth and me being a paladin (sort of) I dont see use for them

A paladin is a type of holy warrior why wouldn't you have any faith or use miracles?


Yeah, the boss weapons are kind of a bummer.

A Dark infused sacred chime hammer is amazing! With resonant weapon it can deal up to 1000 damage in a single swing and over 2000 on a shield break/parry crit.

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I was speaking in general terms, lol.

Wasn't trying to discredit you. Most of the boss weapons in this game do suck hard. Just felt the need to share my latest discovery that works really well with str oriented builds.


In PVP it kills people most people in 2 HITS!!


And they thought the Moonlight Greatsword was bad. <_<

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hello guys.

today i found this forum, and i wanted to know if miyako and agave translation has been realised already.


Many thanks for taking this project, i read majikoi for the fist time when the translation of momoyo's route was realised, and i've been waiting since then because i fucking loved it.

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hello guys.

today i found this forum, and i wanted to know if miyako and agave translation has been realised already.


Many thanks for taking this project, i read majikoi for the fist time when the translation of momoyo's route was realised, and i've been waiting since then because i fucking loved it.

Miyako is expected to be released next month

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woo, many thanks guys. I've been waiting since yandere7 death. i'm also waiting for advances in majikoi s and A-1.


My favorites heroines are Momoyo (i'm in love with her and i can't wait to read her route in S), tatsuko, koyuki and benkei. so i still have to wait.


but really guys you are the best.

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woo, many thanks guys. I've been waiting since yandere7 death. i'm also waiting for advances in majikoi s and A-1.


My favorites heroines are Momoyo (i'm in love with her and i can't wait to read her route in S), tatsuko, koyuki and benkei. so i still have to wait.


but really guys you are the best.

IS is the best.......for me lulz...and i agree on Tatsuko.

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