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Hello :D


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Hi, there :D

I'm just an on-and-off gamer, a college student, and aspiring artist (for visual novels *cough*neverhappening).

I usually am kept busy due to college coursework, commissions and various other things, if not for playing visual novels.

As for my start in visual novels, my first translated visual novel was Narcissu, my first translated otome VN was Yo-Jin-Bo, my first OEL VN was Zeiva Inc's Imaginary Realm, my first H game was Fate-Stay/Night, and my first Chinese VN was Bluebird's Illusion. ;;;; It's been a long time since then and nowadays, I normally just play Japanese otome games, my favorite of which is Hakuouki. I prefer PC visual novels, since I don't like staring at a tiny screen ^^;;;

I'm sorry that I don't have much to say, but it's nice to meet you all ;w;

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Hey there!

Since I'm on a copy-paste spree anyway I'll dump you my personal recommendations as well: G-Senjou no Maou, Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo and Ever17. From what I've seen in the sort time I've had to give each of them a quick read, both KonoSora and Grisaia no Kajitsu seem to be great, even though Grisaia might be targeted more towards a male audience.

Other than that, feel free to ask if any questions arise and enjoy your stay on the forums in the meantime. :)

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