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Germany Legally Acknowledges The Armenian Genocide


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I hate my country's politicians so fucking much that I'm excited.


Rundown of situation:

WW1, 1915- Armenian populations allegedly start to cause internal conflicts in Anatolia to assist Russian attack (someone confirm this, shit's a taboo subject in Turkey so I am not sure if that's the allegation)

-Turkey, allegedly to defend itself, starts mass deportations of Armenians

-Succeeds, marches the deported through desert, many Armenians die (500K according to Turkey, 1.5M internationally) 

-Some Turks also die

-Turkey denies that it committed genocide to this day

-Turkey-Germany relations are generally on very good terms, a significant Turkish minority in Germany

Today- German parliament almost unanimously (1 against, 1 abstention in a house of 114(?) voters) votes in favor of a resolution that acknowledges the genocide

-Erdocuck is FURIOUS, immediately recalls the Turkish ambassador to Germany

-The three leading Turkish parties send a shared address/letter/ultimatum decrying the acknowledgement, drawing upon concepts like "taboofying discussion of the past", "taking Armenian conjecture as fact" and such

-The signs of a huge-fertilizer-factory-ten-kilometers-to-your-home-just-got-demolished-by-the-century's-biggest-tornado level shitstorm in the air


I'll be trying to cover the petty fury of Turkish politics in here. Personally I think that the massacre must indeed be called genocide though I'm interested in refutations of the "defense of nation in wartime" argument.

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It is a genocide, and actually not the only one that the Ottoman Empire committed.


I think Turkiye should aknowledge that their former country did it, it's not Turkiye fault, so why holding that much? and i know something, if you don't clean up that problem, it'll come back in the future. 


Plus, i followed a bit of the turkish situation, and yet, i don't know anything about domestic turkish politics, but Erdogan is basically spitting after everything the foundations of Turkiye are, then, it's the vox populi who choose, if the people wants that, i'm nothing to prevent it. 

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Even if it was 'just' five hundred thousand, considering the population levels at the time, that's definitely genocide.  To be honest... if this were the secular Turkey of pre-Erdo, it probably wouldn't have caused as much of a fuss, but Erdo and his supporters are religion-oriented politicians and Ottoman nostalgists, just as Putin and his crowd are Soviet nostalgists and the Iranian Republican Guard are Persian nostalgists. 

Edit: As much as I enjoy reading and writing on empires, most of them were genocidal clusterfucks after a few generations... founding generations tended to be the most meritocratic and later generations became ever more bigoted and wall-eyed when it came to dealing with anyone different from them. 

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