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I just finished the Dynasty Warriors NEXT demo on my Vita and I think I'm hooked. It's so fucking fun to cut down a mob, call a horse, then move on to the next base to fuck shit up all over again.

I want to buy a full Dynasty Warriors game. I think my options are the first two Dynasty Warriors (PSP versions), DW NEXT, and DW8 Xtreme Legends Complete Edition. I think (not sure) that a game called DW8: Empires is also getting a Vita release in English.

I want something closest to the core musou formula, out of DWN, DW8XL CE and DW8:E which is the closest?

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I take it u only have vita since u r talkin bout NEXT. NEXT got a pretty unique gameplay for Sangoku series.

However it have the same core gameplay, Now if u prefer story driven i recommend u to play DW8XL. If you want to make ur own story(be a good ruler/tyrant,marrying the girls and other stuff) go with Empires.

For gameplay as i said earlier it have the same core, however in 8 u can bring 2 weapons to battle so u can change between those 2 everytime. Empire have more complex gameplay since u can use tactics card or attacking other kingdom using subterfuge from the shadows. Ah and the best thing is, if you decide to make ur own empire u can recruit only female characters :holo:

Btw, i`m not sure Koei may or may not reduce some of Empire feature for Vita. i play most of my Musou series on ps3 and ps4.

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Currently considering DW8 Empires, Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate or Samurai Warriors 4. Stuck in a three-way dilemma :wafuu:,

Does DW8E deliver enough on classic musou gameplay? Is it possible to play without the strategy elements (I think Free Mode does this?), and do these strategic elements keep you from enjoying the musou part of the gameplay? 

WO3U has a mixed cast of DW and SW which is interesting to me because I can possibly determine which cast I like more and move in that direction, and apparently it has a lot of content.Has pop-in issues.

SW4 is apparently the best running musou on Vita but its story mode is apparently rather short and it seems that the bulk of gameplay is in the create-your-own-character mode which doesn't draw me much

So overall I fear that the musou will bore me so I'm considering Empires, I want to compare the casts so I want WO3U, I want to get a feel for the classic gameplay so I want SW4.

I fear Empires won't have enough Musou, I fear WO3U will have pop-in issues and/or be too repetitive, I fear SW4 will feel too repetitive.

Edit: It seems that SW4's main draw is creating your own characters, which isn't really what I am looking for. Is WO3U's cast still well designed if I know jack shit about any of the games? How is WO3U's story? Does Empires have more strategy than musou or the other way around? 

Edited by Funyarinpa
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I have play all 3 of them and i will say SW4 is still my favourite however its without its cons of course.

Lets see WO3U its a great game if u just want to have fun with makeshift history with loads of awesome chars from both DW,SW and new chars(And u can bring 3 of them in single battle, pro tips alaways use Gracia and u will never lose :holo:).But in the end its the most repetitive for me IMO.And yeah i was really hype when i get this game because i want to lvl up as many characters i love, but in the end i only max 9 people because its too much chores.

And yeah DW8E still have lots of the classic musou battle, however the difference are in other DWs u only do battles and battles, but in Empires before u doing battle u can govern ur empire or follow your ruler plan(if your plan being an officer) so basically it have more depth gameplay than DW8 or DW8Extreme, beside who doesnt want an empire with all female cast of Dynasty warriors.

Now for SW4, Its my fav because i have so much better graphic from DW and WO series, and lots of amazing characters.The downside are its kind of too repetitive(well tbh DW,SW and WO are pretty repetitive) and it will become to easy even in hardest mode when u know there r some characters that can abuse their special ability, take Gracia for example her skill can heal her in everysingle attack and most of her attacks are AOE and knock people back so basically a tank,mage and monk combine to 1.

Tbh, the legit reason why i love SW4 other than others because i prefer sengoku jidai history rather than 3 kingdoms,but that doesnt mean i dont love 3 kingdoms(Battle of chibi FTW).So my reason is totally personal rather than gameplay


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Yeah WO series tells different story and there r no historical story or whatsoever, but there is so many many trivias and funny stuff u can found, Take example Xiahou dun and Masamune Date comment to each other(both of them got eyepatch) or Zhuge liang with Hanbei Takenaka(both of them r the best strategist in their times) And there is a funny battle in between of serious story take example the single female chars(some of them r married) finding loves from selected male chars or Japanese strategist vs Chinese strategist with loads of funny and hilarious content and comment, however they do follow and original story from the first Orochi series so u need to read the wiki for the whole story until 3.




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DW8XL is the closest to the core formula. Empires is a spin-off thing where it has no stories at all, you just pick (or make) a character and then each state you can own and fight single battles to expand your territory etc. it's fun, but doesn't last as long as the main games for me. It's out on PC, and also you can look into Samurai Warriors which is essentially the same but set in the Sengoku ago rather than the Sangoku age, and 4 was also just released for PC a few months ago, although I know you're looking more at Vita. They're both good.


Do also note that there are VNs based on this time, specifically from BaseSon. In the Sangoku age there's Koihime Musou, and for the Sengoku there's Sengoku Koihime. Both series are good, Sengoku isn't translated yet, but the original Koihime Musou is, and the expanded Shin Koihime Musou is being translated right now (there's a thread on this forum).

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Sengoku Basara has more in-depth storytelling than Samurai Warrior series with the Japanese Sengoku period, although SW3 was great on this. As for Dynasty Warriors, 7 did it best but if you played Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there's nothing that can top the detail in that. 

Btw, who's everyone's favorite character in these types of games?

I like Sima Yi from Dynasty Warriors, Takatora Todo from Samurai Warriors, Nuwa from Warriors Orochi and Oichi from Sengoku Basara.

Edited by CeruleanGamer
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Sengoku Basara has more in-depth storytelling than Samurai Warrior series with the Japanese Sengoku period, although SW3 was great on this. As for Dynasty Warriors, 7 did it best but if you played Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there's nothing that can top the detail in that. 

Btw, who's everyone's favorite character in these types of games?

I like Sima Yi from Dynasty Warriors, Takatora Todo from Samurai Warriors, Nuwa from Warriors Orochi and Oichi from Sengoku Basara.

I`ll disagree with that, Sengoku Basara is a totally fiction and they only using Sengoku jidai for the based and characters, For example Date Masamune and Yukimura only ever fight once in the Battle of Domyoji however in Basara they are rivals same, And Nobunaga never ever fight with Masamune Date in the real sengoku period, i want to list all the inconsistency but i`ll refrain to do so , dont get me wrong though i love Basara series(exept the anime).

And ofc ROTK r better story telling game for three kingdoms but its a totally different games and the game developer, Koei had a difference approach for both of them. They want to make musou series a action games and i think if actions games.

and my fav chars are

Da qiao,Sun Ce,wang yuanji and Guan yinping from DW series

Gracia/Tamahime,Kai-hime and Date Masamune from SW series

Himiko,Sun wukong and Sanzang from WO

Date Masamune and Magoichi Saika from Basara series

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I didnt mean if the story was canon or not. I know some of them are inconsistent. Heck was Saika even a woman irl? Thats one big inconsistency I found. What I meant was the game putting some good story mode to play unlike SW4 where you just get little snippets of what happened and some shared cutscenes.

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I dunno, IMHO both of them are the same from story perspective. The difference is SW4 rather than Individual story telling they went to Clan story telling. Thats why for some people it may lack of story telling, but IMO there is a lot of story in the battle comment.


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I guess it's preference. I just didn't like the way SW4 presented some story modes like

killing off Hanbei after 1 freaking appearance yet they had the nerve to post his portrait as one of the main characters in Kobayakawa's story mode or making Hisahide the main villain in Nobounaga story and had 20x more appearance than Mitsuhide even though Mitsuhide was the total mastermind of Oda's downfall.

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Well, Hisashide is indeed the main villain, and Mitsudhide wasnt a villain. Mitsushide was totally loyal to Nobunaga until Oda broke the peace agreement and kill Hideharu. And because of that Hideharu's retainer kill Mitsuhide's mother. Anyway There no big event except for Honnoji for Mitsuhide because he will do whatever Nobunaga want because he is one of the most royal retainer. But Hisashide is truly hate Nobunaga and he always plan for betraying Nobunaga lots of times.

For Hanbei, i`m not sure bout that or u can say i`m not really interested with Hanbei,Kanbei and Kobayakawa's history.

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I have both in PC/Vita and they both run smoothly. It's not like your old DW games that experienced some lag when there's 500+ moving peons on the screen at once. 

Thanks! Many people say it's bad in terms of performance though, so I guess I'll hold off for this sale and wait for a SW4 sale. 

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I didnt mean if the story was canon or not. I know some of them are inconsistent. Heck was Saika even a woman irl? Thats one big inconsistency I found. What I meant was the game putting some good story mode to play unlike SW4 where you just get little snippets of what happened and some shared cutscenes.

Well Basara is out there and you should never take its story seriously. Saika as a woman is the least off of that



Anyways, if you enjoyed Next on Vita, you're bound to like pretty much all of the DW series (except for 6). I'd say 4 is my favorite, but you really can't go wrong. With DW and SW, since one is based on a novel about history and the other is just plain history(both a little romanticized), you should really worry about spoilers. SW4-2 is fun even without knowing what happened earlier, but if you can then you should play both.

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