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Kizumonogatari countdown.

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I'll just go on with my preconceived notion/prejudiced critical thinking/simple conjecture that this getting a trilogy means a bad thing for us hardcore(whiny) fans who only wants quality as opposed to quantity.....or a mix of both....or I don't know. Depends on what you would consider quality...


In other words, shaft milking as always.



You know, this 'trilogy trend' getting rife on almost all platforms of storytelling from books to movies to games to serials produced by all the wannabe artists and generic corporate guys is actually a positive thing for slightly-more-intellectual-than-the-average consumers who ignores the return on investment values and just wants something unique and cathartic breaking conventions or just being promethean? According to a reddit thread, the media conglomerates first noticed this norm to be profitable when th-

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