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Everything posted by Onlineglax

  1. Welcome to the forums. I hope you'll like it here. And don't worry about your english, it's fine
  2. Welcome to the forums I hope you'll like it here.
  3. Tokyo Ghoul!!!!! Look forward to that one. Not really thought about the others, but I'll probably check some of them out
  4. Well tecgnically my first anime was probably Pokemon, Dragon Ball, or Digimon, but I didn't even follow the story so yeah. The first anime I watched, where I followed the story and watched it somewhere else than TV, was Inuyasha. I watched it with my sister since she was the one, who recommended it to me.
  5. Well it's definitely a hard question, but the more I think about it the more I think that I like the VNs I have read enough as VNs and wouldn't want to ruin that. I feel like it's a different feeling watching an anime and reading a VN, Not that I think it's a bad idea to adapt a VN into an anime, I just wouldn't do it myself.
  6. Welcome to the forums, and as they say "Better late than never", just like my welcome-message here Hope you'll like it here
  7. Welcome to the forums I hope you'll have a great time here
  8. Welcome to the forums I'm just gonna be honest. I have a very hard time reading that type of writing... Hope you'll like it here
  9. Welcome to the forums. I hope you'll like it here
  10. Hey Vlad, welcome again then Hope you'll still like it here.
  11. Welcome to the forums Pramit. Hope you'll like it here
  12. Hi. And I'm just gonna go ahead and break the 1-word thing that people seem to be going with And I'm not gonna put it as a spoiler Oh well like your avatar and your signature. Hope you'll like it here and welcome
  13. Hello there. Welcome to Fuwa. Hope you'll like it
  14. Why hello there and welcome to the forums. Hope you'll like it here
  15. Hello there Superrior. WElcome to Fuwa I hope you'll like it here.
  16. Why hello there. And welcome to the community I hop you'll like VN's and that you'll like it here on Fuwa
  17. Welcome to the forums I really hope you like VN's
  18. Welcome to the community Frogie Hope you'll like it here. By the way: It's the internet. One does not need to use their own name
  19. Hey welcome to the forums. Hope you'll like it here
  20. Welcome to the community Hopeyou'll like it here.
  21. Helcome to the community. Hope you'll enjoy your stay. Feel free to tell us more about yourself, if you feel like it
  22. Hey Sorakmony Hope you'll like it here. feel free to tell us more about yourself, but of course only if you feel like it
  23. Well the most common rules for Nuzlockes would be that you can't swap any pokemon on your team, which is still alive. That is not an official rule though and is entirely up to the player if they wanna put a restriction on themselves. This also means that you can swap a pokemon from your team if it is dead. And about the special/event pokemon that is usually up to the player as well, since they are nice to have. The most hardcore players would say "no" though. But I guess this doesn't really help since I don't know what rules they are using here ^^
  24. Well if I ever pick up Dragons Nest, then I'll definitely join you guys, but it probably won't be for a while.
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