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Everything posted by Mikel

  1. Already finished Da Capo, I really enjoyed Kotori's route, it was my favorite. Apart from hers, I didn't really like any other route, except for Nemu's. Today I started Da Capo 2 and I can already say that I'm gonna like it more than the first one.
  2. I only skipped some text in FSN and Clannad. Since I already watched the anime before, I already knew some things, so I skipped some text, but not much. Apart from these, I don't think I've skipped anything else I haven't read before.
  3. Just changed my desktop and theme. http://puu.sh/26YDn http://puu.sh/26YF5 http://puu.sh/26YFl By the way, I made the desktop myself, any advice on the background color?
  4. Oh my god, that's sooo cool, what an amazing pack I guess you must be overjoyed with this, I know I would
  5. In my case, Spain, I would say 15-20% I think most people here don't care about other languages, I actually know few people who can speak English properly
  6. I have to agree with you, Kirara is my favorite character of the show, maybe because I like characters that behave like animals just like her xD
  7. No, no... NO. I actually do that without realizing it. The first two "no" are like thinking about it, and the last one is a total negation. I can't think of anything else I say normally, so that's it for now.
  8. I think Clannad is more serious than Little Busters, but both have a deep, moving plot. I have to say LB was the first VN that made me shed some tears, I couldn't believe it, I didn't cry even with Clannad. Well, I had more fun playing LB than Clannad, I actually laughed out loud while playing it, so I prefer LB.
  9. I paused FSN, just have the Heaven's Feel route left, and I'm playing Da Capo, in the middle of Kotori's route, and I also play the Sono Hana games, they are really quick to read.
  10. Welcome to Fuwanovel ^^ Ohh, it's good to see more Spanish people around here. I'm from Menorca. If you like Little Busters, you should also try Clannad, it's really great.
  11. Welcome to Fuwanovel ^^ I guess we're the same here, my childhood was based especially on Dragon Ball, but I enjoyed Pokemon and Digimon as well. I've wanted to play Tsukihime for some time, but I watched the anime and it wasn't good. When I heard about the remake I thought I would wait for it, but it could be a long time until it goes out. And another long time until it's translated. I'll probably end up playing it soon.
  12. Mikel


    Welcome to Fuwanovel ^^ I'm currently playing Fate Stay Night, and I understand what you mean, there's a LOT of text, but I think the story is so great that it's worth reading. By the way, you should try Hoshizora no Memoria, it's really easy to read and you never get bored (at least I didn't)
  13. Ooh, Lucky Star is just great. Is a nice show to enjoy without having to think. And for people who like mechas (and those who don't too, I don't like mechas but I love this anime), they should watch Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, from GAINAX studio. It's really awesome.
  14. The only thing that'll happen if you play bindly is that you'll probably miss a couple of CGs, so I don't think there's a problem. And the missions don't affect the story, so don't worry
  15. I live in Spain, and I know a lot of people who likes anime and manga, but some of them don't know what VNs are and the rest don't care.
  16. Currently playing Fate Stay Night, I'm in the Unlimited Blade Works route
  17. Welcome to Fuwanovel ^^ I'm sure you'll find people with the same interests, and even with different interests, it's easy to get along with people here ^^
  18. Fuwanovel ni youkozo (not sure if I wrote that correctly) ^^ I hope you have a great time here
  19. Mikel


    Good to know, my primary language is Spanish as well. I'm from Spain, where are you from?
  20. Oh, Peter Hollens is great. I've been following his Youtube channel for some time now. I love his collaborations with Lindsey Stirling
  21. Right now there are some VNs I'm waiting for, but the ones I want to play the most are: -Koi to Senkyo Chocolate -Mashiroiro Symphony -Irotoridori no Sekai
  22. I downloaded the Fuwanovel version and it's 100% English. If you have another version that must be the reason the menu is in Japanese
  23. Mikel


    Hi, welcome to Fuwanovel ^^ I finished LB a few days ago and it certainly one of the best VNs I've played. I know the anime it's worse than the VN, but I started the anime before the VN, and now I've already finished the VN, but I'll keep watching the anime. It's well done and I love the art. If the VN is 10/10, the anime would be 8/10 in my opinion
  24. I'm watching Sakurasou, GJ-Bu, Haganai NEXT, Kotoura-san, Maoyu, Mondaji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?, Shin Sekai Yori, Da Capo III, Little Busters and Oreshura. The best anime, or at least the one I'm looking forward the most every week is Shin Sekai Yori, it's a bit weird, but it's been some time since I enjoyed an anime this much
  25. Welcome to Fuwanovel ^^ I hope you have a great time ^^
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