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Posts posted by ff80c38

  1. On 2.3.2016 at 1:57 AM, Vorathiel said:

    How does popularity ranking works?

    You can take a look at VNDB's source code here, and the part for calculating the popularity score would be as follows:

    -- recalculate vn.c_popularity
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_vnpopularity() RETURNS void AS $$
      -- the following queries only update rows with popularity > 0, so make sure to reset all rows first
      UPDATE vn SET c_popularity = NULL;
      CREATE OR REPLACE TEMP VIEW tmp_pop1 (uid, vid, rank) AS
          SELECT v.uid, v.vid, count(*)::real ^ 0.36788
            FROM votes v
            JOIN votes v2 ON v.uid = v2.uid AND v2.vote < v.vote
            JOIN users u ON u.id = v.uid AND NOT ign_votes
        GROUP BY v.vid, v.uid;
      CREATE OR REPLACE TEMP VIEW tmp_pop2 (vid, win) AS
        SELECT vid, sum(rank) FROM tmp_pop1 GROUP BY vid;
      UPDATE vn SET c_popularity = s1.win/(SELECT MAX(win) FROM tmp_pop2) FROM tmp_pop2 s1 WHERE s1.vid = vn.id;
    $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

    I don't speak SQL so take everything I say with a grain of salt, but it seems it's just counting all votes a VN got + counting for every user who voted on that particular VN how many VNs he voted lower than that VN. In the end there's also a bit weighting by taking the power of 0.36788 and normalising by dividing by the score of the 'most popular' VN.
    So the popularity ranking just says something along the lines of "How many people voted on that VN?" and "How much did the people, who voted on it, like it compared to the other VNs they voted on?". The score is a bit biased towards users with lots of votes, and people with few votes (or e.g. only 10s) don't make much impact but it's still a rough estimate of how popular a title on VNDB presumably is.

  2. Okay, I stuck with my little pet project and now I can finally say "It's done". I spent way more time on the final touches than I'd like to, but at least I learned how laborious polishing a piece of software really is. Moreso if you're not skilled in programming.

    While the port isn't perfect, it's to the best of my abilities and (I think) worthy of True Remembrance so that I'm going ahead and release an all-OS build. As always, this port is completely unofficial and all credit belongs to Shiba Satomi, insani and all the other awesome people who made the Japanese and English version of True Remembrance become reality. I didn't produce anything new or even better, I only did some petty coding and image editing. To experience the VN as it was intended, read the either the English version handled by insani or the original Japanese version. Naturally, if there should be any complains I'm going to take the port down as I don't want to cause anyone trouble.

    It wasn't the original intent of this project, but it would be nice if this port will be useful to other people. True Remembrance is such a beautiful tale (and beautifully written on top of that) so if some more people can (re)enjoy it because of this, I'm glad. Through this project I learned a lot about coding a VN in Ren'Py and how it feels to be on the developer side of things, but I also learned much more about True Remembrance. Turns out I more or less misunderstood the story when I read it the first time a few years ago :). Recognising all the foreshadowing on consecutive 'readthroughs' was one of my favourite parts as well as learning always new aspects about the story - Even if the most interesting questions are only vaguely hinted, so I'm not sure if my current theories are correct or not. In any case, while this project took more effort than I expected, I also learned new valuable things. And that's enough of me, back to the port and its technical details.

    The port is as true to the original as possible, but it wasn't always possible to exactly recreate the behaviour of the KrKr2/KAG3 version. In some places I also made some conscious alterations on the GUI to make navigation easier and the VN joystick/gamepad compatible in case anyone likes to use those. All (slight) changes are are more or less restricted to the GUI, looks of weather effects, the readback screen and used fonts - I would never dare to touch the story. There's also a new config/preferences screen (in place of a dropdown menu) which has some more options than the KrKr2/KAG3 version and functions now as a navigational hub. I also added the possibility to disable the readback and get the default rollback back in case anyone prefers that system over the other. The custom mouse cursor can also be disabled just in case since I read somewhere that it can cause slowdowns on some systems. There shouldn't be any bugs left, but let's see what I missed :).


    Windows / MacOS / Linux

  3. Hmm, thanks for the feedback, but I'm not sure what to think. I understand that a port is basically useless (from a Windows-only user perspective) and that asking for permission would have been necessary or at least better. Or asking for the remade 3DS gfx and sfx, and the omake to create something 'new' for the community. (On a side not, I'm not really fond of the new art style, but the remade music is indeed neat.) But I started this little project on my own and I didn't intend to make it into something big or official. If anybody wants to use my amateurish build, ask Shiba Satomi for permission, maybe get the resources from the 3DS port and include it in my build - be my guest.

    I don't really want any credit for this (that all belongs to Shiba Satomi and insani + other parties seen in the credits) and I don't think that I'm creating something new or even better than the original KrKr2 build with my port - my only goals are that it's as true as possible to the original and that it's not blurry in fullscreen. And 'as true as possible' means I (probably) won't be able to replicate every small detail, so it's de facto inferior.

    At the moment I consider to simply not release my port. At least not publicly. The story is soon fully enjoyable (that's basically enough for me) and polishing the port (mainly UI, gfx and fx) so it's appropriate and worthy to be released is a lot of work I'm not sure I want to take on.

  4. Good luck! True Remembrance is a personal favorite of mine, so I'd love to see what you come up with.


    Regarding the images/GUI with text: You might be better off re-typesetting those elements rather than trying to size them up. Text is a little less forgiving than art when it comes to scaling and smoothing. (If you need any help with that part of things, feel free to shoot me a PM. I'd be happy to lend a hand.)

    Thank you. I already thought about making the images containing text completely from scratch, but I have trouble finding the same font that was originally used. It's also a lot of work, so I'll do that as one of the last things. (I'll keep your offer in mind, thanks.)


    But... True Remembrance is Kirikiri2... Which is open-source and easy to modify engine, as it is text script-based... That means you can just do a 3-line patch, rescale images and you're done, without any need to do a port to any other engine...  Like Sekai did (or doing) for G Senjou... Same for font, you can replace or rescale existing one, as it is true type as well... Obv it is too late now to change anything, just much faster would be to do fixes to the game without any porting.

    Ah, I tried modifying the original game, but I quickly ran into a few problems. Well, that's not too surprising with having no knowledge about KrKr2 and no real English documentation available for it... It was mainly sprites and opacity problems, as well as having an exotic pre-rendered font. I probably would have been able to solve those issues with enough time, fiddling and editing (and doubling nearly every coordinate throughout all scripts), but fiddling about with Ren'Py to get the prologue quickly working was the easy way out for me. Also, having native Linux support and having a reason to finally learn Ren'py played a big role in my decision.

  5. (I'm not sure whether this actually belongs here or not, but this board looks like the best place to post.)
    Don't worry, this thread is not about a possible True Remembrance fanfic or something along those lines. So, without further ado, I'm working on a Ren'Py port of True Remembrance at the moment. However, it's not a completely direct port as I'm aiming for a higher resolution of 1280x960 (original: 640x480, hence the '2x'), where the art assets are manually upscaled with algorithms like waifu2x or through other means.

    I started this project to finally learn Ren'Py (and a little bit about KiriKiri), to have a native build of True Remembrance on Linux I can play in fullscreen without all the blurriness (True Remembrance was the only VN I couldn't read in windowed mode) and to see whether upscaling a whole VN with waifu2x is possible or not. If other people will find this project useful, I'm glad, but I'm mainly doing this for me.

    The port is slowly coming together. The whole script is more or less ported by now - that means it's completely playable (sans the credits), but a few special effects aren't implemented yet and there are issues regarding wrong sprites, wrong transitions and italic text.
    I haven't touched the GUI yet and I guess it will be a pretty tough endeavour when I get around to do it, the same goes for upscaling the many images with text or the images for the GUI. I also haven't worked out a few other technicalities or whether porting every detail/effect to Ren'Py is even possible, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

    As my project is in no real publishable state, I'll have to resort to a few comparison screenshots to give a rough idea how it looks at the moment. I'm especially fond of the truetype font I stumbled across and which has a real similar vibe as the originally used bitmap font. (It's CrimsonText Semibold if anybody is interested)



    2x Port



    I'm not actively recruiting at the moment, but if anybody wants to join, I won't say no :).

    I think that's all for now. The main purpose of this thread was to announce my project somewhere and to gauge interest. I honestly have no idea whether people will find my project useful or will be averse to it. And if there are any questions, concerns or even feedback, I'm all ears.

  6. That looks quite promising. I really enjoyed Y;N and if this is going to be similar to it, then I'm thrilled. The general premise, character art and soundtrack already look and sound good, and I wish you all the best for your project :).

    Oh yeah, how will the puzzle be used in the VN? Will they be little separate sections of the game or similar to classical point and click adventures where you have to solve them step-by-step on a broader scale?

  7. I noticed when I start the game theres 2 parts/episodes - "Death Rule" and "The Last Code", which one do I read/play first? Thanks :)

    They are both two independent stories set in the same universe and written by different authors. That means the objectives and personalities of the characters differ between the two stories. It doesn't really matter in which order you read them, but better give both a try.

    "The Final Rule" is from the co-author, has a cast that is totally nuts and psychotic and doesn't focus much on the backstory or characters. Expect lots of action and atmosphere here. My personal favourite part of the VN.

    "Lost Code" is from the main-author, has a normal and humane cast and focuses more on the overall backstory and characters. It's good, but I thought it stumbled in the end a bit, as the relationship fuss felt a bit off and was either too shallow or too long for my tastes.

  8. How do I download the game? I thought I got the 'patch' but couldnt get it working :o

    It's indeed a tad confusing what the project page and what the download page is, so here you go :). The patch should be included in the latest version and was just a fix for some little features Ren'Py has. Nothing really important.

  9. What they want to do with ProjectACE is perfectly legal, maybe the wording that they will fund ZE3 is a tad misleading. At least, if what they're saying on twitter holds true:

    I will make sure to post some much needed clarifications regarding the way we intend to use the money to help ZE3, but in a nutshell : Mr. Uchikoshi will be entrusted with the choice and decide what's the best course of action : buying chunsoft stock, waiting for a potential ZE3 kickstarter to inject the money in, investing directly in the development...his call ! if Mr. Uchikoshi and Chunsoft decline to make a choice, we will ask fans to voice their opinion about the matter However, Mr. Uchikoshi has explicitly stated he's open to private investors getting involved in this case, which is why we're doing this in the first place :) no matter the outcome, half of the profits WILL work toward this goal, if only by buying Dwango Co. Ltd stocks I have informed Mr. Uchikoshi of this initiative about 3 months ago, but please ask him to know his exact stance on the subject :) this project is in no way affiliated to Chunsoft and uses/references no copyrighted asset from the zero escape series. However... a certain key member from the zero escape staff is excited and has agreed to participate. Please stay tuned and thanks for reading this :)

  10. I recommend Air Pressure too, it's a piece of art. Though I would suggest the Ren'Py version from here, as the flash version doesn't feature skipping and you have to beat this very short VN a few times to understand it.

    Well, since I'm here... I'm suggesting The Dandelion Girl and Death Rule: lost code to be added to the list. Former is a kinetic sweet little romance story and literary adaption of a short story by Robert F. Young, so maybe the plot won't be new to some. Second one is a Battle Royale story, setting would be a mix between The Hunger Games and 999 and it's quite entertaining despite its flaws in the back-story department.

  11. Thank you Pabloc for still trying to translate this car wreck, I can't even imagine how frustrating it must be. I simply dropped IMHHW after reading one hour of the twins arc, it really robbed me any motivation to read further after completing Kotori's route (which was so-so).

    Part of what Tiagofvarela said. A complete and decent translation of IMHHW would be cool but it's not cool if just one poor soul has to do all the work alone. So I'd rather have a partial patch released and the translation project put on hold for now before you ragequit :|. It's no use to plague yourself with shitty MN translation if you could dedicate your time to other things/projects where you would have fun.

  12. Yes, "click and play" here most likely means that no installation is required in order to "play" the VN. Just extract the game data if necessary and launch that executable or script to get started.

    For example VNs based on the Ren'Py, NScripter or KiriKiri2 (without DRM) engine technically don't need an installation.

    Besides, the term "preinstalled" is used for software already installed on an OS when you install it freshly. And even if you meant it literally, it's technically not really correct...


    I don't delete any VNs after finishing them. I just can't, as I can't throw away or sell old books I read. Though, if they are of the "click and play" type (and there are a lot as mostly Linux user) I compress them to an .7z archive to save HDD space and have them neatly packed away. Same goes for other data I probably won't touch in years.

  13. Heavens feel is just not doing it for me. I have zero interest in Sakura. I just can bring myself to care when Saber and Rin are so much better and there the whole route. I just find myself wishing that I could talk to Saber or Rin more whenever I see them. But what do I get? Sakura. I am only finishing it for the completion.

    Hang in there. I didn't like Sakura much and couldn't care less about her but I thought HF went from 'why-am-I-reading-this? (besides-reading-more-F/SN-because-F/SN-is-great!)' to 'now-that's-exciting!' around day 14. The finale is great and the Last Episode is more than worth it to trudge through HF, especially if you liked Saber's route.

  14. But if I'm not mistaken even before Realta Nua there were OST releases, I maybe wrong so I wont push on the matter too much, but don't worry I didn't take your comment in a bad way ;).

    You're not mistaken, but there was only this one OST release for the PC version besides the obligatory few vocal song CDs (proof). And this version is sadly not a full OST because it's cheap on amazon...

    To get somehow back on topic (which is also off-topic): I was more surprised than agitated by the backstory of Kirei - or more the fact that the VN presents you a short one. I can't say I sympathized for him.

  15. Actually the OST video I posted is from the original 2004 PC version, it's just looped to last 24 minutes or so.

    Just a little soundtrack rant, go away you're not interested:

    I thought Nintendo Maniac 64 used the PS2 version of the F/SN OST in his videos and the releases of the fanpatches... Actually, the PS2 OST is just a remastered version of the 2004 PC version. It sounds the same, just less blurry and dull. It really is an improvement to the 2004 PC version, as far as my investigations led me to believe. I also think it's unlikely that he used the 2004 PC version in the videos because there is no complete OST available for the 2004 PC version. Only the PS2 (and only the limited edition) and the Vita versions have a complete OST release. It is finickiness, but for example New Dawn 2 wasn't featured on the 2004 PC OST release and I doubt that version on YouTube is a stingy ~ 96 kbps ogg game rip.

    But please take that as just a piece of information, I don't want to make anyone look like a fool.

  16. Okay, derailment has been stopped.  I was wonder, by the way, what was everyone's favorite ends to F/sn's routes?  I don't mean the bad ends, only the actual conclusions to the routes themselves.  I've only completed Fate's automatic True end and UBW and HF's good ends, so I'm a little curious.

    Favourite ends, not routes? If the Last Episode counts, then this by far. Otherwise it would be Saber's or Rins true end.

    Saber's end was predictable, but the inevitability of the outcome was also so great. At least if you care about Saber's ideals and her fate.

    Rin's true end: Tohsaka, nuff said. The good end felt kinda tacked on, doesn't make any sense and defeats the purpose of the Saber/Rin true end for me.

    In HF I liked some bad/dead ends better than the actual endings.

    The bad end from Black Saber's perspective was interesting - I think that was the only bad end in F/SN with actual information in it. I also wanted to kill Sakura at every opportunity, so they didn't felt wrong - except that Shirou never managed to do it :\.

    I wondered why the music from those two videos sounds so weird, even though I have read F/SN, but they are from the PS2 version and not the remixed Vita version (which I actually prefer). So that's why.

  17. Ich kann mich nur anschließen, eine wahrlich herrliche Vorstellung! Willkommen bei Fuwa!

    I can totally relate with the second half of your post (except maybe finding KS while searching for porn). AA and BB are awesome VN hybrid series. And "kneesocks & love"...? Genius!

    Well, I thought you would but a link to Gabelstaplerfahrer Klaus in that spoiler, I'm glad you didn't.

  18. I liked Hanako's the most, but I'm probably biased in that it's the first one I played on the first VN I played. For some reason, it just felt more immersive than the others.

    Ditto. I cried myself to sleep after Hanako's good end. I just wasn't emotionally prepared...

    I reread three routes some time ago and Hanako's route is still my favourite route, though Lilly's route is a close second. In general I'm (retrospectively) surprised how detailed and natural the characters in KS are/feel.

  19. Dat Mayuri route... ;_;
    I finally got my romance, I'm completely satisfied now. A great route to end S;G HRnD.

    On a different note: Maybe you should advertise here the completion of your project a bit more? I read your post on reddit, but here on Fuwanovel I wouldn't know it's finished if I hadn't followed this translation.

    All in all, thank you Zakobot for translating this fandisc.
    If criticism is allowed: The translation was good for me, I understood everything and even terms from S;G were correctly adopted. The only minus points would be the occasional wrong spell checker corrections and the regular lacking of syntax - but I can't really complain and don't want to. There was probably not much time for editing at this release pace.

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