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Everything posted by Secchan

  1. Correct Was pretty easy for you huh? Pretty out-standing if you remember it.
  2. Nope. First person to fall for the trap ^^
  3. For real help. Just bind each minior with ctrl + 1 ( i think thats default) ctrl + 2 etc. Or if you want just click on the minions ( not suggested its better if you get used to hotkeying, even i still use this method out of habit) You can start easier with trolls to net instead of centaurs for stuns ( more micro to move them closer etc) bottom line would to play and practice more >>
  4. Purposely chilling around plat > gold
  5. fxo.na zhurai will help you ^^ He is streaming now go watch him
  6. Supipara (poster) cameo in ep 4~ Was surprised to see that.
  7. I have physical copies of the book.
  8. Anyone else actually play this? If so let me join you once in a while.
  9. Yes. I will eventually get to the end, just barely started vol.3 x_x (i only read it when I'm out and that's not very often.)
  10. reading mayochiki at handicapped snail pace ^^
  11. Use kanji next time. Welcome ryou
  12. After you get me masters for whatever reason i want it ^^.
  13. 124 wpm 623 keystrokes correct words 120 wrong words 1 im coming for you mephisto ^^
  14. If we sold them roughly around the same time then yes, the Japanese consumer would be more upset but we're not selling them at exactly the same time. Also a major price difference can be because how the economy and prices of things can differ in other countries. I don't know how exactly economy works but surely you can find things that are cheaper in America and expensive in Japan and things that are cheaper in Japan and more expensive in America. 6months - 1 year can be considered a enough time for something to fade out ( this is kinda subjective). They don't necessarily have to 'halt' the project. It can just be a side project they're working on, but not their main focus. (Lets be honest, they're doing a lot of nukige, which isn't their fault, but i doubt theres much to translate in a nukige. And most of the time people that are playing nukige probably care about 100% perfect grammar and translations. Some might but a majority probably doesnt care. Yes i know this is kind of off topic.) If they are fairly finished with the game when the final version of D.C III is out and release it (lets be nice and say)roughly 1 - 2 years later, The hype for the game won't be completely gone and people will still remember it. If they wait until the final version is out, by the time they finish people might not want to play the game anymore. People change, their taste change, and 4+ years is a long time.
  15. Most of the sales in Japan for these types of games are on the first 3 days of release. It's very unlikely that the fans that buy the game would want to wait over half a year, if they want to play it they will get it on release day. If they do reverse import that would have to mean the person is confident enough to read it in English. Although some people are probably confident enough to do that, I think most of them are not. If you look at the release dates between JP D.C. and English D.C., they are about 4 - 5 years apart. Mangagamer should start translating to tell fans it exist but they don't have to release outdated versions. When new versions like R/X come out they can just continue their project from there. 90% of the scripts are the same so it would be simple to just transfer what is already translated. If they wait until the final version to start translating that would mean we would get D.C III 5 - 7 years later and by that time D.C. IV would already be announced or out.
  16. This one is harder since the words don't form sentences. easier because there aren't a lot of capital letters, periods, apostrophes etc. typeracer.com gives you mean words and periods and capitalization... >=( zhurai gimmie your mech keyboard ^^
  17. wpm - 112 keystrokes - 561 correct words - 107 wrong words - 0 in Jp.. 37 wpm oh yeah.
  18. Oh right, they randomly introduced 2 - 3 new characters. So far the pool looks like a battle between Rikka / Ricca and Sara..
  19. Yes I know, I never liked any of the D.C. Anime adaptations anyway. They're just as bad as the Love Hina / Negima ones. But unfortunately it was the only taste of D.C. III some people had.. until an Eng release of the game comes out in god knows how long. Perhaps you're referring to ep8, the ridiculous pool / swimsuit / fan service episode? lol =D. Or the Mikoto episode(ep9 I actually went to check xP).
  20. So for those that watched the anime, looked at random pictures of D.C III etc. What is this forum's favorite D.C III heroine? Accidently put Himeno Twice. Fixed it though sorry!
  21. ^^ As sad as it is for the girls, i prefer the guy to pick one girl.
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