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Everything posted by Secchan

  1. No =P I hope i didnt break the game
  2. sppl / supipara http://vndb.org/v6700
  3. Still at the point where i can tell what i'm doing wrong as im playing, replays help yeah. It's ok i'll get there soon :P/> I don't want to do low master -> high master climb though lol
  4. The road to masters is long and hard ;_;
  5. Yep. On a side note silverlink animation also did baka test
  6. Nope. I believe in you? Theres a character + uniform :3 if its too abstract for others as well ill post something else.
  7. Hopefully it's not too abstract for someone to guess.
  8. Apparently a lot of people use fullscreen never knew.
  9. Just curious how many people actually use the full screen option that comes in the game. Since it exist i guess some people out there might use it. I personally find it useless cause most of the games are 800x600. Recently there have games that are increasing in res but i could just be spoiled with 1920x1080 so full screening just makes it worse.
  10. I think Eldin wins the award for the "most times of no one getting the correct answer.
  11. 廊下(ろうか) hallway, halls, etc.
  12. Don't worry i got gold gotta work my way up.... again
  13. うぐう uguu on a more serious note 運命 (うんめい) fate
  14. 楽勝 (らくしょう) easy win
  15. Widow mines dont let me A attack my 228957902874502984750899 lings into terran army. Sad face.
  16. This would kinda explain why you type so fast
  17. Grats ^^ please carry im unranked still
  18. For people who don't understand, Metaler said: Hello Everyone! How are you doing? While I was browsing the forums I thought "Ah, there isn't a topic for Japanese!", so I decided to make this topic for practice and for other people to practice. There are a lot of members here that are studying Japanese right? So lets talk! Any topic will do. I added extra things in the translation.
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