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Everything posted by Secchan

  1. The artist's name is DaHaDa (or something like that). His blog went down sometime ago but you might be able to find him if you googled him ( although the website might be in viet). Firefox theme - i have no idea who the artist is but you can just search for it. Also i dont have icons / shortcuts ( cept the ones you see on the taskbar) @solidbatman ty
  2. That guy is pretty BS without resist paralysis >.>. Will get around to finishing the rest of the floors at some point. As for me playing Kourin no machi lavender no shoujo
  3. I played I and II and Vanilla III (Before v1.3 dash, waiting for R just cause its so close). Haven't watched any of the cept for III. I just feel like the anime threw the context and stuff out of nowhere to the viewers.
  4. Does anyone that has only watched the anime feel like the last episode was just "wtf is going on"? Felt like they just threw a bunch of things at you randomly?
  5. What kind of happy end do you want? If you are talking about a lover that is likely not going to happen. If you think about it from a different perspective, Sakura has (Kind of) the whole D.C. series based around her. Most other characters don't get multiple series with the main story being based around them =3. As for the Rikka touching Sakura scene
  6. Sorry to break it to you but you're forced to do Aoi last because she is 'unlockable'.
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