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Posts posted by hydro

  1. I haven't seen a single update on the android version. People all over the internet are asking for it, but no-one has an answer. It was implied it would come out shortly after the iOS version, but here we are many months later without even an ETA I know of. Really strange. When stuff like this happens I take it as the universe conspiring against me, feel free to do the same.

  2. so guys I was never really interested in all the IV stuff and things like that but i was looking at all the new stuff and thought hey this might be fun and i honestly think this is harder to grasp then all the concepts that i have ever been taught in school. 


    IV's aren't important unless you wanna seriously dive into competitive battling, you don't lose anything by ignoring them while you play the game. And EV's were made much simpler in X&Y, I'm assuming that simplicity will carry over to ORAS (and even those are unnecessary if you're just interested in single player).

  3. OMG these pictures are the best thing to ever come from IGN:




    Holy fuck, it's like IGN is trying to embrace the caricature they've become. 


    They're trying to take Kotaku's spot as the #1 laughing stock of the gaming industry. It's a tall order given how unashamedly awful Kotaku is, but this is a step in the right direction.

  4. Objectively it's hard to say, but subjectively I liked some routes better than others, despite liking heroines from other routes more. I like Saber better than Rin, but UBW better than Fate. An example from a more traditional format would be Grisaia. Michiru would be in my top 3 heroines, but her route was my least fav. Similarly Yumiko is my least fav heroine but I like her route better than Michiru's at least. There are a few other subjective examples like that from what I've read. But yeah, generally there's a positive relationship between heroine quality (again, mostly subjective) and route quality. I'll often ignore a route entirely if I dislike the character, mainly if they're selfish jerks like stated above. Though this is only really applicable to typical moege. I don't wanna see a selfish jerk romance, but I don't mind as much if a selfish jerk takes the spotlight in an otherwise interesting story.

  5. Protagonist wise Yuuji is my fav. I don't really care about his combat ability, but his inner thoughts and conversations are just so funny and amazing by protagonist standards, which can be pretty low at times given Japan's love of shitty self-insert leads.


    Side character wise Kenji from KS is an OG. I ended up on his "bad" end 3 times and didn't even care. Best character in the game.

  6. Been slowly reading Symphonic Rain. So far I've done Torta and Fal's routes, as well as what seemed like an Ari pseudo route. I'm more looking forward to Al Fine than Lise's route, which I have a feeling I know how it's going to play out.


    Also Phorni is the most adorable smartass ever.

  7. I'm not a fan of changing dictionary definitions to accommodate stupidity. "Literally" is being used not only in a way different to its original meaning, but in a way completely opposite to it. It would be like if people started saying "yes" to refuse something, and "no" to accept something. And then who edits dictionary's being like "welp, people are using the terms this way now, better change it."





    Beat me to it. Parks and Rec is hilarious, and that's how I view people that use the word this way. I don't mind exaggerated use of something I hate if it's clearly making fun of something. For example: Tsunderes - bad. Nichijou tsundere - hilarious.

  8. Another problem with all of this is how it presents Yuuji. He's not a go-getter just dying to solve everyone's problems. He makes a point of minding his own business, but gradually learns about a specific girl's problems as he gets to know her and eventually does something to help. This is a long process. The anime rushes things and has Yuuji do some pretty extreme things fairly quickly.

  9. - and the main reason for sure is yuuji, his personality and his background. He is so halfheartedly and just cold. I know he had a bad childhood... Boohoo, come over it!!! His background is just ridiculous. Well I could rant about that hours, but I will stop here and wait for the insults of you :P ...


    Just curious, what's your opinion on Yumiko? Because I'd say she's far more "cold" than Yuuji. Unlike Yumiko, Yuuji openly has civil conversations with everybody. Not to mention playing around, cracking jokes ect. "Cold" isn't really what comes to mind for him, just pragmatic. Though I'm probably misunderstanding exactly what it is you dislike about him.

  10. I'm not too big on following airing anime, but I'm watching a few weekly.


    Log Horizon 2 is pretty solid, though sad Akatsuki makes me sad. :/

    Grisaia started alright but ep 4 was shocking. There's no point cutting out funny stuff for serious stuff if you don't have enough time to do the serious stuff properly.

    UBW is wonderful and ufotable is wonderful and I love them.

    Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken is a fun short. Started meh, but got better as it went on.
  11. Thanks for the recs guys. Other than A-channel I had come across these before while browsing VNDB, but didn't start or look too deeply into them because I had other things to read. Now that I'm not drowning in a backlog I'll check a few of them out.


    If My Heart Had Wings is conspicuously missing from your list. Unless you're just waiting for a proper translation. Ageha's route is unreadable, the rest of them are mostly decent, though nonsensical lines and sloppy translations are all over the place.

  12. Yo, I'm looking for a translated romance VN not already on my list with the following things:


    1. A competent main character, though if need be I can settle for one that's just not a pervert.

    2. No tsunderes, though I can settle for a VN with one or two if they're avoidable and not in your face all the time.

    3. I'm not too big on "defrosting the ice queen", though again this is just a preference. If a VN has one and I can mostly avoid it I'm fine.

    4. I would prefer a normal slice of life/school setting here, but I'm open to a little sci-fi/fantasy if necessary.


    Romance VN's are obviously extremely common, but since translated VN's not on my list narrows it down quite a bit, I've tried to allow some lee-way with the conditions. Though of course the more it can meet the better. Thanks!

  13. Anyways, now I have to figure out what to read next. I should probably pick up where I left off but I have several unfinished VNs I could go back to. The Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro na partial, the other routes in Yumina, I was actually thinking of finishing Osadai, which I've left unfinished. There's also Harukoi Otome which I was wasting some time with but eh..... I'm not sure about that one. I also have yet to read the Kagome route in Comyu and the Suzu route in Ayakashibito. Where to start...
  14. Killer Queen doesn't have "routes" per se. There's just two linear episodes with no choices. The second episode is a re-telling of the first that unfolds differently, which as mentioned above is unlocked once the first episode is complete.

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