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Blog Comments posted by Nimbus

  1. I'm really conflicted on this topic.

    Recently I have considered doing a teaching degree once I finish my current one at the end of the year but I'm constantly plagued by this doubt that I'm making a bad choice. I hear a lot of good things about living in Japan, especially if you're teaching English there but I'm also constantly hearing about negatives such as it's poor economy and strict working conditions. I went to Japan last year for a study tour (it was really just a glorified holiday but still) and I can't get ever the possibility that really I just want to go back for a holiday and not to live there.

    I'm getting really optimistic and worried at the same time about this choice before me but I just can't get off the fence. It isn't helping that by the end of the year I'll have finished my degree and will be expected to have a job lined up. 

  2. I've never much cared for the Bechdel Test, all it really does is take story/characters out of context and judges them for it. It's even worse when people use it to determine if something is sexist. By the tests logic Shadow of the Colossus is sexist, and anyone whose played that can tell you why that's bullshit.

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