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Posts posted by Praeliator

  1. I am looking forward to being able to watch season 2 soon.

    Btw I have a dilemma right now guys. Should I use my 50 gems right now for a chance of getting hanayo, or should I wait for the special recruitment draws (which might not even be available this year). I just don't want to end up getting no UR again, and who knows maybe my chances with the latter draw would be better than with normal ones.....

    I'll wait until I hear more than 5 opinions before I decide.

    Oh yeah, when I woke up I actually dreamed of getting a UR. I also remember having dreamed before of getting 2 URs in one 10+1 draw. Haha, I guess I'm just really desperate for URs now lol.


    Already have enough SRs that you can bench some for healing stamina instead of being score/perfect lock huh :P

    Wait did you feed all fodder cards to your UR Cool Rin? I'm so tempted to also go "eff it, I wanna max this card so I'm dumping everything into it" but I'm still being a stingy little prick and feeding them to the proper color for the 20% bonus xD

    (IT TOOK GODDAM FOREVER GETTING MY HONOKA TO 100. seriously just wanted to go "eff it" and use all the Smile/Cool N's for her!@#)


    Speaking of EXP, did some testing.


    After every song, you can get up to 3 N cards (let's not include the very, very, rare chance of getting a R)

    I'm including the 20% bonus if you train via same color.

    Level 1 N for completing song (120 exp)

    Level 1 N for at getting at least C combo (120 exp)

    Level 1~13 N for getting C~S Score on Easy~EX (exp varies)

    • S score on Easy gives a level 4 N (156 exp)
    • S score on Normal gives a level ???
    • S score on Hard gives a level 9 N (324 exp)
    • S score on EX gives a level ???; A score gives level 11N (444 exp)


  3. Whoa I didn't know Cool was your strongest team xD nice teams!

    But you need more pure cards huh :P

    And damn, 6/9 members are Honoka for Smile... she's your #1 isn't she :wub:


    And yeah, I've been wondering about that too: which song mode (Easy, Norm, Hard, EX) would give optimal N cards to be used for training.

    Naturally you can fit in like 5 Easy songs for every 1 EX song, so you'd get 15 Normals instead of 3 etc etc but man, I'm too lazy to grind that much ><

  4. Oh are score matches based on team stats?

    (UR Leaders)

    Smile: 39497

    Pure: 38402

    Cool: 37409

    EDIT: if my cards were to be max leveled (while keeping consistent with which SRs/URs are idolized or not)

    Smile: 41980

    Pure: 40580 (40700 if I use Hanayo R instead of Kotori R)

    Cool: 40150




    I wanna know Praeliator's team stats :P. I don't think he posted them yet.

  5. Btw during an event are there any sort of prizes for being in the top 3 position (aside from bragging rights :P)?

    Ouch. Poor Eli being the 3rd wheel LOL.

    @phoenix: Of course! And so that's why i just want to know people's reasons for not likeing a character. Most of you already mention who you didn't like, but haven't given reasons xD

    @praeliator: Message was ~13 days ago if we check the timestamps. Dw, I'm completely addicted to LL:SIF! as well and would totally spend more if I got a job again xD

  6. Yeah I noticed you were doing alot xD but when I asked you said you didn't do 10+1s often so I assumed you just had god tier luck and a single 10+1 was giving you like 5 SRs or something xD

    The quest for idols is expensive $-$

    I think you asked me about that during September, which at the time I only bought 50 Gems three times for that month and that I was enjoying the game but nothing more. Last month however I got REALLY addicted to SIF because of events, new amazing cards every two weeks, idolising SR cards or above, tackling EX songs, more cards to collect, watching both seasons of the Love Live anime, reading Love Live doujin etc. etc.. Pretty much SIF became an addiction (a good one) and I practically spent significantly a lot of money on it but I feel that every cent going to the game was worth it.

    To be honest my luck isn't amazing, but it's good enough that I have 2 URs and a crap load of SRs (the ones idolised are Honoka's, one Hanayo and one Nozomi, all of whom are up there on my favourites). Hell the new SR cards I got took four 10 + 1 draws.

  7. I'm really ashamed by myself. SInce I saw you here wrote the amount you spend on SIF I calculated what i payed... ANd now I'm a little shocked. I thought it was so 450 € what would have been enough... but in reality it was 751,71 €.... THAT ARE 941 $ ... thats crazy I think I should not spend more money in the next time ...

    Whew, I thought I was the only one who spent a crapload on Love Gems, I just checked my Purchase History and I spent more than $850 on Love Gems.................well thankfully I have a part-time job but damn, I didn't realise I spent so much.

  8. Yes you should don't make the same mistake I made and lost my first and most awesome 50 gem draw *crying* D:I lost my awesome Nico UR and 3 SR D:


    It doesn't expire until you use it yourself and if you use it you can get another transfer code again :)

    Damn, when did this happen? I hope it wasn't recent.
  9. Tomorrow we will get this beauty how do you feel? I want to scout, she is strong too but I can't need to save for Maki :( and super wondering jp cards :D



    I really want to do another 10 + 1 draw just for this UR Hanayo (hell any UR and I'll be completely satisfied), but rrrrgh 1% chance....maybe I'll keep my expectations low and just aim for a SR Cool Honoka or 2 or more SRs.

  10. How are you guys' card collections coming along?


    SR/UR Card count: 20 (4 UR, 16 SR)


    Eli: 2

    Nico: 1

    Nozomi: 0

    Umi: 1

    Kotori: 1

    Honoka: 3

    Rin: 5

    Maki: 4

    Hanayo: 3

    I'm so 1st year based xD. Need more 2nd and 3rd years!

    And wow, I didn't realize I only have one Nico :blink:

    My SR/UR card count: (2 URs, 25 SRs)

    Eli: 3

    Nico: 3

    Nozomi: 3 (1 idolized)

    Umi: 5

    Kotori: 2

    Honoka: 4 (1 UR)

    Rin: 2 (1 UR)

    Maki: 2 (1 idolized)

    Hanayo: 3 (2 idolized)

  11. I've said this before, but if only you started earlier, you wouldn't have to say that, the old EX songs like Yuujo no Change (or was it Baby Maybe?) was really easy and a good first EX FC.

    Damn, well I'll stick with Oh, Love & Peace for the time being since Yuujo no Change wouldn't come around for a while, not to mention I'm already used to Oh, Love & Peace.

  12. I still haven't FCed an EX song yet because I'm still not used to the speed of the notes, and that I've only used my thumbs to hit the notes while holding my IPad so next time when I play it, I'll be using my other fingers and not holding my iPad. I realised that painful fact when I was watching an Assist Guide video of someone playing Soldier Game on EX and FCing it, holy shit that's so on my list of things to accomplish in life.

    Just before I hit the sack, I've just listened to Kodoku Na Heaven, and wow Hanayo's singing was amazing, especially that beautiful voice (it was to a point where I asked "Woah, is that really Hanayo?!").

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