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Posts posted by Praeliator

  1. S-Sorry! I didn't know about this thread until recently.


    Thank you for the add!


    hmm, questions.. I have a few.

    1. Is it suggested to level up your R/SR/UR before your Normals? I have lots of normal cards and I'd like to get rid of them for extra space ;_;

    2. I want to clear the Expert's level for the love gems. Since I still stink, should I have a team consisting mostly of healers or Perfect locks?

    Welcome aboard Dizzyworld2! Enjoy your stay here! Oh, another female SIF player, maki~chan and cloudy12 will be overjoyed. :D


    1. It's better to level up your R/SR/UR and not any normals you have because Rs or above have skills and better raw stats than any Ns. Also if you have a UR from a draw, do not feed it now, not until you have decent teams because it takes forever to level up URs which as a result you will have to feed a lot of cards to it. If you have a SR, feed that first so that your team will have a strong card.


    2. If you're not used to Expert because of speed, have a team mostly of healers so you can survive through an Expert song. Once you get used to the speed of the notes from playing Expert songs a few times, reduce the amount of healers by replacing them with Perfect Lock cards.

  2. Token Events really vary for me, for me it really depends on what EX songs are available to play and what the event song is like in terms of listening to it, and of course the fun factor. I couldn't feel like playing during the Nozomi event because aside from Binetsu Kara Mystery EX, three of the four EX songs were just so boring to play, really, the only song I really liked to play was Snow Halation, just that one song out of four.

    The 'Innocent Declaration' (Honoka) event in November last year to me was so much fun because these were the EX songs available to play: No brand Girls, Love Novels, Shiranai Love * Oshiete Love and Sweet & Sweet Holiday. All of them, I loved playing.

    Also the 'My Wavering Heart' (Umi) event in December last year had these EX songs to play: Korekara no Someday (loved it! Only song I've S-Cleared), Yujo no Change (not fun to play), Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIVE (ok) and Kaguya no Shiro de Odoritai (Fun factor at its best).

    Score Match to me is really fun regardless of the songs available to play because you can just compete with your teams against others for the best possible scores, fun factor doubles if you're up against really strong players and you end up winning or if you run into someone you know (whether it'll be forum members or whatever). Sooooooo, who's looking forward to be pitted against me in the Rin event? *puts on an evil grin*

  3. Eli's event is in March right? I may hold off until then. It will be hard though I really want more cards D:

    Actually to be exact, the next Eli event (which is a token event like the last Nozomi event) which gives out a SR Eli as a prize isn't until near the 20th of June which is a long way away.


    If you want an UR Eli card to scout for, it'll be released right after when the Kotori event has finished which starts near the 20th of March and finishes at the end of March. And if you can't go for the UR Eli released in March for any reason, the next UR Eli released for scouting will be right after when the Honoka event finishes which starts near the 20th of May and finishes at the end of May.


    If you're wondering what the UR Eli looks like in May (assuming you havn't seen it), its this:


  4. Damn, he's a big fan of Rin for sure! Wonder if there's any news of hijacking attempts on that car...




    Well, seeing as the Nozomi event finished I decided to kill time by playing around with my team combinations for the fun of it (SRs and above only). Lots of combinations...


    Full team of Idolized Umi's :wub:



    μ’s (URs only)



    NicoMaki pairing



    NozoEli pairing



    RinPana pairing



    Full Honoka team



    Full Hanayo team



    Full Nico team



    1st Year students



    2nd Year students



    3rd Year students



    Soldier Game trio (only Cool cards)



    Soldier Game trio (different attributes, all levels maxed out)


  5. 1. You know how much money I spent on League of Legends? My wallet is already cowering in the corner I don't need this  :sick:  Well I guess this will be a test of willpower! No buy hearts no! 


    2. Is this event thing only Nico cards?

    1. Hmm, you like Eli cards? Well lets see if you don't spending any money when these come out near the end of March :P



    2. No, every event they'll offer a SR of one of the 9 characters which you can get if you have enough event points (the next event is Rin).


    I assume you're talking about the SR Nico I got from a draw or the UR Nico I was talking about earlier, well after an event has finished KLab always release new cards that you can potentially draw for (which I chose to spend 50 gems for a 10+1 draw). This time they released 4 new SRs and one UR which is Nico. The next cards they'll release is UR Maki + 3 SRs.


    If I'm misunderstanding something, my apologies in advance.

  6. What's with all this 1500/3000 talk?

    Basically the tier cutoffs for events. The higher you're placed the more lucrative the prizes are so when the event has finished if you're placed 299th you will be given the prizes offered in Tier 1. Also note that KLab (the developers of this game) can increase the rank cutoffs (they've just increased it for this Nozomi event).

    Tier 1 = Top 300

    Tier 2 = Top 1500

    Tier 3 = Top 3000

  7. Top 3? Really? I also have a hard time trying to pick my 3rd favourite song. My top 3 would be Aishiteru Banzai!, Love Marginal and the third song I'm torn between Fuyu ga Kureta Yokan, Silent tonight, soldier game and Moshimo Kara Kitto. Aishiteru Banzai! is my absolute favourite song out of all because to me it was the most emotional and that when I've heard it on the last episode of Love Live S2, I got teary-eyed. Love Marginal is my second favourite, I gotta say, it was Printemps at their very best, the singing from the trio was just phenomenal, Honoka's, Hanayo's and Kotori's voices were in perfect harmony with each other and as soon as I heard this song for the first time, I really fell in love for it. I also had a hard time distinguishing the voices between Hanayo and Honoka (which is not a negative by the way). I also really love the solo version of Love Marginal sung by Hanayo, made me once again ask "Is this really Hanayo?!" because I thought she'd sing it in a more high-pitched voice.




    After Nozomi's UR they went to presents box btw 


    AHH I am happy I got a UR but why here? Why not on ENG server? :(

    Maybe all your luck has transferred to the JPN server, why do you think you've gotten all your URs on your JPN account and not a single UR on your ENG account? :P
  9. Double posting because yes. It won't last long, but being tier 1 for a while makes me feel so happy as a player.



    You aiming to be in T1 by the end of the event? :P


    Anyways. Ranked 10th in the Event Song Ranking!


    Gotta see how long I can stay in tenth before another player takes over (goddamn, I really wanna feed my UR Cool Honoka, but no I gotta feed UR Pure Hanayo).

  10. It's question time again guys ;) ... This time I was thinking about my skills at the game. I mean the pure skills to play and FC a song.


    How good I'm really? I'm only so good because my teams are pretty amazing? <- I soon found an answer for this ... Yes :)




    So how would yourself rate your skills at the game? Rate if from


    0 - I played one song on Easy and broke my fingers




    10 - I can FC Susume Tomorrow on EX with one hand while I'm watching an Anime and reading a VN




    I'm not that great. I can FC almost everything on Hard (only the new song is a bit problematic). I also FC'd almost everything on EX but that isn't something i can do regularly, I've have to try it multiple times. I would say my FC rate on EX is lower than 20 %.


    So in the end I rate myself with a 5. Not great, not bad, just average.

    I see myself as a 6, I can FC most of the EX songs somewhat consistantly so about 40% of the time (this includes some of the 10-star difficulty songs). But I can't for the life of me FC Susume->Tomorrow on EX.

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