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Posts posted by Praeliator

  1. I'm planning on picking up the japanese version to see how good the story really is. I'm kind of curious how bad it can really get, so I'll be playing without enabling any of the censorship options, but I'm worried, to say the least. Kind of glad I still have other things to read. :D If I stall it long enough, I might just as well go with the MG version, but I doubt I'll hold out until then. I hate my curiosity.

    Do PM me your thoughts once you get around reading it or when you finish it (or drop/stall it if that happens), I am really curious about how it turns out. :D

  2. I... what? Planetarian takes like 2-3 hours to finish. ._.

    I know, but I have a habit of switching vn's to read from time to time so I usually don't stick with one vn at a time. Also reading vn's isn't all I do during the day since I usually play games + I have a bad habit of procrastinating when it comes to reading vn's. I'm gonna try to read it all in one go after lunch.

  3. A wild fire would scare me the most. Seeing as how I live in Western Australia where it's dry as a desert, a fire could easily break out somewhere in the bush. Even if I am prepared for a wildfire, I can't help but be frightened by the sheer potential of how a small fire can grow very large and consuming anything in its path with it's sheer heat.

  4. Depending on the interaction between characters, the characters themselves and the progression of plot, I could either enjoy reading the entire common route or it becomes a chore.


    I didn't mind reading Rewrite's common route at all but Grisaia was, well a mixed bag to me. I did enjoy some parts of the common route in Grisaia but there were more negatives than positives. There was barely any plot progression, the character interaction was ok, some characters I didn't like and finally, it should've been shorter imo. Grisaia's common route was overall, boring at best and freaking chore at worst (to a point where I was really close to pressing the ctrl button to skip parts of the common route).


    I don't mind reading long common routes as long as it doesn't bore me. As for re-reading the entire common route, I don't, I've already read it once so I skip to the unread text.

  5. You can make a visual novel can take place anywhere the you wish, it doesn't have to take place in a Japanese setting for it to be successful.

    Example, Zanmataisei Demonbane took place in Arkham, a fictional city in Massachusetts, USA.


    Here's my advice, if you really are planning on making a visual novel, you make the visual novel however YOU want it to be. The story, characters, setting etc should be what YOU want it to be, because in the end I, the reader want to enjoy reading something that you poured your heart into making, not something that will just cater to narrow-mind weeaboos because "JAPANESE SETTING IS THE COOLEST, ANYTHING ELSE SUXXX".


    Anyways, good luck if you are making a visual novel, I'll look forward to it.

  6. In Perth there are 2 anime conventions I attend every year, Wai-Con and Supernova. Both take place at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre (with Supernova changing venues from the Showgrounds to the Convention Centre this year, thank god...).


    There are two stores that I know of that sells a lot of things related to anime or manga (hell one of them was selling figurines of characters from the Rewrite VN). Both stores located in Perth which from where I live only takes 30 minutes to an hour by bus.

  7. How do you feel about this? I feel disappointed that the Japanese Government is going down that route, a route which will bear no fruit in the future when there were other ways to deal with piracy in a more efficient manner. What they're doing now is just wasting money and time.


    Do you think they're actually going to achieve less pirating or is this just useless effort? This will be a useless effort, first of all even if one website has to take down their illegal anime or manga content then more websites will upload theirs onto their own. Do the Japanese Government honestly think they'll be able to remove all the illegal anime or manga from every single website on the goddamn internet? Well they're completely mistaken. And my second point, would foreign operators of the pirate sites really give two-shits about another countries' requests?


    And any hopes of us getting more anime and manga through legal means? If they can give a service or product better than that of foreign websites (good quality subs and everything, no censorship, no region-locking and it's at good price) then I'll gladly accept it. But I doubt they'll be able to offer something like this considering that a lot of money is going into fighting the symptom, not the cause.

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