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Everything posted by reyaes

  1. Woah, this is a good thread to read. I used to know a white dude that was a paper door salesman. He travelled Japan frequently and among the stories he told me, he mentioned something about public computers in subway stations. According to him, you could find public access laptops in open locations, like transit stations, not just like some computers set up in a library. People in Japan respect them, treating them as their own property and not stealig them. I've never been to Japan so I have no idea if that's true or not. However, I can see that being probable as Japanese culture (at least what I understand of it) is largely based around honour. If that being the case, what westerners would call the honour system would be just a normal function for Japanese people. I couldn't find myself changing my fundamental thought pattern to such a degree and that's only a single example of how their culture is different. There's really a reason it's called cuture shock. I think it's much more enjoyable and overall practical just enjoying other cultures. Does anyone else know about that whole public computer thing or is it just heresay?
  2. Maybe stick with your fight scene and the history part's added after by those familiar with the thread? This is supposed to be a collaboration after all.
  3. I'll drop some more in when I've got the time. This is a genious idea.
  4. reyaes

    A new start

    The forums changed so much in a year? I joined in February. Where the hell have I been? I feel like I missed out. It seems I missed out on knowing ya, maef. It's unfortunate seeing anyone leave. Edit: Wait, I joined in June. My conception of time over the past few years has been very off.
  5. I find forums to be great communities through the strength they hold among their members as well at the versatility of being somewhat anonymous. Members aren't necessarily know each other personally, but I find that the relationships the grow between different internet personalities as well as they would between acquaintances in real life. One can also chose how much of their internet personality is going to reflect who they really are. I would guess that most people would just act as themselves, as I do as well. I do like to personalize my experience, maybe more than others. My avatar and signature reflect at least a part of my personality, interests and ideals. I like to incorporate personal experiences in my posts. I'll get involved with others on making connections between my won thoughts, the thoughts of others and the topic on hand. The discussion structure of forums seems to be the simplest and most effective way of displaying a point, coming to conclusions and getting to know people along the way. There are my two cents.
  6. I was planning on something here, but I am not certain of how this is exactly supposed to work.
  7. Might be something to replace settlers of catan on occaision. I think?
  8. Very good encouraging post and a good read! I can't summarize my past year, there's just been waaaaay to much that's happened. But I can say I've come across a great community, the same as you have, Ezeefreak. Happy new years and all the best wishes! All of them.
  9. I'm not sure I understand. What do you mean by "play-factors"? Do you mean additional features to the game ontop of the story itself?
  10. Some very good thoughts on this whole topic, gotta say. I hope as well that VNs, through becoming popular in the West can be exploited to their full narrative potential. I once saw a video describing why Western comedy films are failing in the past decade. It explained how many comedies released today rely almost completely on narrative. Relying only on narrative is poor, unimaginative film making, using only the audio aspect of film while the director still has the full spectrum of video he is not using. What I get from what you're reading is that VNs are beginning to suffer in the same way. The main hurdle is the fact that VNs are marketed as video games. People over here see VNs as jokes of video games. They are kinda right, as they are indeed not video games and are being marketed wrong. If they were to be marketed as a new storytelling medium, like e-books for example, VNs would be much more likely to catch a wave of popularity than they are now. To get creative here, (this would be really nice) selling a Kindle equivalent would make this medium much more appealing to the western public.
  11. I saw It's a Wonderful Life in a movie theater a few days ago before Christmas. Never saw it before and I'm happy I had a chance to see it on the big screen. Not gonna lie, I cried at the end.
  12. I'm not too keen with hats on girls. If I had to choose any hat, it'd have to be a fedora though. On topic, hair's definitely an important factor for myself. It's one of the most defining parts of a character. Personally, I don't have much of a preference, except I've never ever ever liked a girl with her hair tied back.
  13. I had to look up most of the deres on google... kuudere's what I'm going with. Agreed. Getting a brief glimpse through that ice is always great too.
  14. True...? I don't have Christmas shopping. Next person knows pig latin.
  15. I know the feels. Christmas Eve Kutea Party. Then dinner with family Christmas day. Nothing special.
  16. This is a whole other part of the english language I've never even heard of. A solid kutea to your kudette can help one sleep if you know what I mean.
  17. Agreed. Kuudettes would be more my preference. Lucy was the first yandere I ran into (yikes!). Kuuderes*
  18. Well, I haven't read fate/zero, but I gotta say, them bunch of characters by the end of Heaven's Feel were pretty damn badass. If they jumped me, I'd hand my wallet over to them before you could say "hogswaddling turtleflapper".
  19. I've heard good things about Big Hero 6. It's one of a very few modern Disney movies I've had a want to see. A freind of mine said it's based of a magna lol.
  20. As a relatively new member, I do have to say that I never find an opportunity to jump into this strange conversation.
  21. Well, it has really large hands so... True. Next person has never worn cuff links.
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