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Everything posted by HMN

  1. kanji makes life easier every kanji has a meaning of it's own more than just a sound like hiragana and katakana to make things more clearer check out this video: grammar is very important so you can fully understand the whole sentence let me give an example: 若いうちに本を沢山読みなさい the kanji: 若い=young 本=book 沢山=a lot 読みなさい= to read(an order) so now we know all the kanji but wait a second we don't know what うちにmeans right? we can't then fully understand the sentence we know that this means 本を沢山読みなさい which is "read a lot of books" 若いうちに means "while you're young" the sentence is read a lot of books while you're young that's what うちに stands for "while" that's why grammar is important even though we knew every kanji there were still something we didn't understand i don't know if that's what those people meant by they had to study it all over again ask them instead as i told you learn the basic kanji with grammar for now
  2. フワノベルにようこそ  ヨロティク(=゚ω゚)ノ どうぞよろしく!
  3. it doesn't end there they are whole companies just to produce virtual reality porn,now that's sad..
  4. パンツ脱げるもん! パンツ脱げるもん! パンツ脱げるもんね! i didn't know this song excited
  5. don't start an argument on who's the best girl everyone has their opinion and we'll end up spamming the thread
  6. Or I think that is how it was done, it never was clarified. in meikyuu it's all about yuuji's past i think..
  7. yes it's very bad,but that's just my opinion i mean if you don't get into any of the other routes in the game you'll find your self in yomiko's route so i think it's the true end
  8. yumiko's route is the true end for the game in my opinion,too bad her route isn't liked by the majority
  9. the first step is to learn the hiragana and katakana http://www.punipunijapan.com/ this website has free hiragana and katakana e-books so you can download them and print it out and practice all you want or you could just watch videos on how to write hiragana and katakana characters there's a lot of videos on youtube,it's not very hard you'll finish them in like 2 weeks or maybe less i finished them in 1 week alongside with learning to write hiragana and katakana learn some basic grammar,there are some great books like Genki for beginners there are loads of books to help beginners so you can't go wrong with it now the kanji probably the hardest thing you'll face in learning the language but once you get hold of how to write them you'll realize it's really fun,the website i mentioned also has kanji e-book that will go over 300 kanjis which is very food for a start when learning kanji with grammer i suggest going over 5 kanjis a day with the grammar if you have any other question or you feel like i didn't clear a point don't hesitate to ask
  10. yumiko is the worst route in the whole game so i can see where you're coming from but you'll miss out big time if you don't do amane's route
  11. True I really want to but can't it's Ramadan Next person didn't rage quit corpse party book of shadows
  12. Seeing the two sequels getting translated would be a dream come true,but getting them in the near future is highly unlikely (-_-)
  13. now that you mention they have to remove it don't they? won't there be issues if they don't?
  14. you mean it's going to be a love triangle?,judging from the first episode i think so too
  15. are you sure you got distracted? wanko won you know
  16. alright alright i want a fair match with no cheating blah,blah,blah let's start!! ready START!
  17. i wouldn't underestimate her if i were you
  18. so the cursed kids turn into a gastrea if the percent passes 50 right? enju had like %7 percent left to turn into one what happend to that?
  19. just watched tokyo ghoul and i wasn't disappointed in the slightest it's just as gory as i expected it to be really looking forward to the next episode
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