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Posts posted by Vince

  1. If you have a gigantic screen, 4K is better than 1080P, but who would read a nukige in a TV screen?


    that's quite true i'd definitely turned off if i saw a HCG where a girl's m*nko is bigger than my head.

    even though for some people (few people) that's maybe a turn-on aspect... :illya:

    and it'd be kinda tiring to turn my head left and right that often, lols

  2. A piece of advice:

    1) Don't touch MTs even with a stick.

    2) Study JP until you will be able to read VNs (with MeCab/JParser if necessary).

    3) Read 5-10 VNs in JP (depending on their length).

    4) Once you will be able to read rather comfortably, THEN start thinking about translating simple stuff.

    Jumping into translating too early will be very discouraging. If you don't have solid foundations, learning-by-translating will be very inefficient, too.

    And "translating" with MTs is absolutely pointless. No, seriously, you can't translate anything if you rely on MTs even in the slightest way. This is a very simple fragment, and yet you managed to twist Yuki's words quite a bit. Well, that's precisely how MTs work. That is - they don't. :P


    There's no such thing as "perfect" translation, ENG and JP are just too different. But, good translations are certainly doable.

    You have to remember the point of a translation - conveying the meaning of original text in another language as faithfully as possible. Sometimes you can use the same words and expressions (some idioms have very nice equivalents), but usually you will have to rewrite sentences to make them actually readable in English. Preserving similar meaning is the important thing here, using similar words and expressions is secondary and pretty much optional. Actually, sometimes they can convey something completely different. That's why overly literal translations can be surprisingly inaccurate (and hard to read to boot).

    Translators with poor writing skills should probably aim for more literal TLs though. Writing quality can (and should) be improved by editors, meaning twisted by translator's poor grasp of English is much harder to fix.

    As for keeping the sentence structure close to the JP one - that's a rather bad idea. Even if it's just a raw, to-be-edited translation, it can easily lead to errors (unless the editor is also familiar with Japanese).


    In short: preserving similar meaning > using similar words and expressions; literal ≠ accurate.


    cant agree more. i was just like that.

    since japanese vns use many idioms and all that, so you have to be careful when using machine translator.

    don't ever let go of the context, and feel what the chara wants to convey (in vns of course).

    and keep a close eye on the particles like 'no', 'ni', 'de'. they what makes the sentences readable and understandable.

    if you're too lazy to tamper with ith/aggregator and all that.. here's a lil present for you :


    jparser and mecab have always been my BF from the second i read untranslated vns. :wahaha:

  3. well, what's with this topic about monitor i don't understand? :makina:

    Oh god this is such a close call


    I'm really discreet at hiding my power levels, so I didn't really have anything of this sort during my school years.


    one misstep and my school life had been ended that second. the literal definition of close call. :illya:

  4. Ahh wonderful kid picture when I was little with my mom, and sis



    Ahh found a old picture of my mom when me and my sis were younger such great times




     picture from about year 2010 with me and my 2 fun nephews :P




    And a recent one from 2014 of our baby daughter!



    chiccai! chicca sugiruuu! hnngg


  5. For me it would of course have to be Marika, just imaginening her flustered reaction sounds like the greatest thing in the world, and on top of that she'd go all out and build a giant chocolate statue. Can't ask for more~


    would nosebleed-san be angry if i answer Marika?

    :illya: :illya:

    or is it legit to name more than one chara?


    imagining how would she give the chocolate when she's drunk...


    yes, this is nothing. (i don't know why i'm feeling anemic, but it's maybe just my imagination).

  6. for me, it's when i was still in the second year of highschool and one time i was given assignment to present some kind of slideshow to my class. and the last night i was reading G-senjou and at the H scene got sleepy. you know that feeling of drowsiness after you answered to the 'nature's call' don't you? I MINIMIZED it, and put my laptop to sleep. :amane:


    the next day, i woke up and brought my laptop to the school, totally forgot about the g-sen. well, then. i plugged the projector's cable, turned it on. And realized the minimized g-sen, fug i totally got a hell of a cold sweat. i tried to think calmly and froze in front of the class for a while until my homeroom teach told me to act fast.


    lol i opened the task manager and end process of the g-sen, with my monitor still projected to the whole class. i still get shivers if i think what would happen if i just idiotly put the laptop to sleep without minimizing the vn. Since i was quite social at the highschool, and no one knows that i watch, read, or play that kind of things.


    note : there's one (or two i don't remember) of my 'otaku' classmate who was totally holding their laughter when i froze and fucking 'end process'ed the vn, whom i didn't got quite friendly with. you know that caste system of highschool (more like groups) where the same kinds feather flocks together, right? :makina:

    till now i don't know why they were laughing, maybe it's because of the g-sen i killed, or maybe they were just laughing at the class' clown who was joking around.


    but sometime after that, he asked me if i read manga or watch anime. and we get quite closer after that. medetashi medetashi.





    i really. really. really glad that i hadn't plugged the speaker's cable.

  7. dont think they need medical treatment, cause they seem to do fine.

    but was rather shocked myself when this project popped out of nowhere with over 65% done

    whoa, 65%, didn't catch my eye. lol.

    on the other hand, i'm quite grateful that this akagoei project hadn't finished yet when i REALLY want to read this.

    that's what made me jumped on untranslated vns. :holo:

  8. I'm willing to put in 150 hours to Kamidori again man.

    It's all for the levels.

    well, actually it's not completely true that i don't want to grind again.

    it's about downloading the game, my connection now is too bad that i want to cry.


    even for torrent, i'd happy if i get 70 kbps speed. kbps.

    usually it's around 30-40. lolz.

    and i haven't read yumina and the true ending. so. yeah. if someone would send me a copy of yumina i'll play it. :wahaha:


  9. After smacking my face against my keyboard for awhile... I finished Yumina... so then I started chipping away at my backlog. I can't believe how many things I have left near completion.. it's not even funny.


    So I finished up Saya no Uta (needed to get the other ending), and I also finished up Narcissu side 2... and now my tear ducts hurt.


    From there I'll probably finally get started on Shikkoku no Sharnoth, as I really should have already been reading it awhile ago.. as long as I can resist starting Eden.

    i probably won't touch yumina for some time. lol.you know why.

    and, you sure like to stop reading one vn in the middle of it and read another one, huh? :makina:

    i heard some positive (negative) opinion for that one tearjerker narcissu. is it really that good? tbh, i haven't read it yet

  10. I there somewhere I can farm rubies? This may be hard to believe, but I've yet to get even a single one. I've seen people talk about how they can be found in the Rosean Mountains, but do I have to excavate them or something? Also, how do I get the Maria's Heart accessory? I know it's a Yuela route-exclusive, but I have no idea where to get it.

    get mylen to join your party, everything will be a walk in park. i mean it.

    on the other side, if you enjoy challenge, don't use her much. lol

  11. Yeah I know that classic miss, but I don't know which VN it applies too. 

    did you use the patch, i remember that one error one time when i didn't use the patch/crack (don't quite remember the exact error message).

    and for sharin, changing region to another country aside from japan will results in error (if i remember it rightly).

    for muvluv, haven't played that one, so don't understand.


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