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Everything posted by Chocolat

  1. My final examens will arrive soon, so I tried not to play too much, and I try to concentrate. ... But it's kinda annoying!
  2. Hi there! Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay among us! ^^ Have a madoka cake:
  3. False, I've never tried it before. The next person would like to live in a town near to the sea.
  4. Ah, I get it! Mustn't be easy everyday... Oh, I'm sure he have good sides, but you just won't admit it.
  5. Ah, I get it! Mustn't be easy everyday...
  6. Aaawh, don't be shy! Or are you just fearing DimDito's reaction..?
  7. Hum.. For me it would be DimDito and Monmon.
  8. Thanks you Mellow, I'm very happy! But I have just a question about the subject, do we have to draw an existing video game character or does it have to be from our imagination?
  9. Mine is full of anime and movies posters, with figures on my shelfs and mess all over the floor!
  10. Almost finished Love Revo. What should I play next?

  11. True, just to annoy everybody in my house X) The next person sleeps with a stuffed animal.
  12. DimDito and Monmon, your relationship looks somehow comical.
  13. False, I love needles, it must be what I eat most of the time! The next person have good relationships with his/her siblings.
  14. Welcome among us! Enjoy your stay, and read a lot of visual novels! ^^ Have a cake:
  15. True, but I'm looking forward to get it! The next person loves metal music.
  16. Welcome among us! Enjoy your stay on the forums, and welcome to the world of visual novels! Have a parfait:
  17. Do you plan to take over the world?
  18. I have read one or two, like some Princess Tutu ones, but it's hard to find no h ones; But it's nice to see fan's interpretations of characters we like, and to see them in new stories. Some are very creative!
  19. When I was playing Gakuen Hetalia, which is not translated, I used a website to find kanjis and google translation to traduce (or at least to understand the meaning of some sentences) while playing. But I think it all depends of your patience and of your motivation, because it can be annoying to search for a kanji during 10-20 minutes or not understanding a sentence even with the kanjis and kanas in google translation.
  20. I was born in France, but I spend most of my time in the Internet and in my imagination.
  21. True, and I was kinda worried about it! The next person have a lot of free time.
  22. Yeah, but since I have difficulties to completely understand their strategies with vostfr, i can't imagine what it would be in vosta ><"
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJD3XIQaIg4
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