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Everything posted by Kurisu-Chan

  1. Your VN list...SUBAHIBI? srsly? as a first VN, Subahibi? wow. Welcome and bienvenue to fuwanovel, please take a seat.
  2. Here, better. To make an analogy...Clannad is like the tastiest cake you ever had in your life...But you're forced to eat 4 Kg of that cake or else you DIE, and some parts of the cake are rotten, others taste like semen...etc So yes, the cake is delicious...But in the overall, that tastiness is dilluted into a lot of shit and garbage.
  3. I'm not talking in term of gameplay, but in term of atmosphere.
  4. So, if i get what Rooke say, Persona 5 is a mix between persona 4 and 3, but that is farther away from Persona 2?
  5. Your experience would be really interesting to share with everyone. I'm actually proposing you something : don't you think it would be more interesting to take the most interesting questions asked here, and answer to them in the form of an interview? i think the inside of someone who actually tried to make a VN would really help a lot of people out there who wants to jump into the adventure. Also, i'm quite happy for you to have succeeded in making a Comics, at least, good luck man.
  6. The same as "oh, the Germans have invaded France, why don't they just go to another fucking christian country, nah?"
  7. You're prolly the closest reason i would leave fuwanovel.
  8. Just like my thread, this message is also an april's fool.
  9. Plz. Feels like you trashtalking steins;gate, but waiting your confirmation.
  10. Btw, if one or two people still didn't get it. Yes, it is an april fool joke. And, i'll say it one last time... I'am not a tsundere!!!!! baka!
  11. Please, i even got kicked out of the secret dis...eh nevermind.
  12. VNs are overrated and completely expendable piece of non-art.
  13. You're on the list of those who MAY become fuwachat mod. But i'll do everything i can in order to veto you. ...Who are you? Do i know you?
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