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Everything posted by satoshikyouma

  1. ._. ................................ true............................... next person hates fish~ XD
  2. wait................. *sees the title of the topic* whoa~ I can do random talks here? XD
  3. false~ I can hear you~ next person can't see ghosts~ XD
  4. Hm.... ahahahahahahahaha~ those gifs LOL'ed me pretty hard~
  5. faaalse~ next person loves to kill himself~ XD
  6. t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t.....................false!!!!~ XD next person loves markiplier~
  7. FAAALSE~ XD next person loves horror games~
  8. LOLZ~ hahahahaha~ lil bunny wanna sit with someone eh? XD
  9. TRUUUE~ XD 2D! nuahahahahahaha~ next person hates needles~
  10. HELLO DOOD!!!! welcome to fuwanovel and enjoy your stay~ XD
  11. I will make miku robots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and use them to rule the universe!!!!!!!!!!!!! nhaha.............nuhahahahahahahahahhahaha!!!! ...........................................what? never seen a hatsune miku fan before?????? lol XD
  12. dang.............................. =3=

  13. happy fuwa-birthday dood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
  14. lets destroy lives...................... =w=

  15. yes i hate coffee~ next person loves to stalk someone! X)
  16. the new profile pic is cute~ where did you get that? XD
  17. nice profile pic~! where did you get that? X)
  18. I want to see you suffer dood~ I'll watch your stream if i can~ X)
  19. dood? disney? false..... I don't wanna watch disney movies anymore!!!! next person likes adding "-san" to people XD
  20. welcome.......welcome to the forums dood~ XD
  21. oohh~ do you avoid people IRL? XD
  22. oohh~ then do you watch school days? XD
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