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Everything posted by satoshikyouma

  1. true,I have a headache and It kills me XD the next person loves to stare at people!! XD
  2. False XD Next person loves to eat pancakes XD
  3. True,I like strategy games XD The next person can run within 3 miles without rest XD
  4. OK then I shall hold My throat for now and make peace possible with God. XD Edit: roleplay XD
  5. ugly people of the french,you will regret you have taken our terrirories and destroyed the other factions and I like to slice your throats right NOW!!!!!!!!!!! XD Right this moment,I shall attack the ugly french people on the kingdom of spain~!!!!! (roleplay XD )
  6. can I join forces with you m'lord? XD I want to help!!! In the name of the Lord we shall fight for peace~!!!!! do you accept? --->yes --->no
  7. EDIT: can someone help me dood? I just double posted and I don't know how to delete......... can someone help me? T^T
  8. whoa!!! whoa!!!! calm down!!!! unseed your steins gate torrent and you'll be fine.........maybe........XD just remove your steins gate torrent by right clicking it and choose "remove" -_-
  9. yea~! me too~! can anybody else reccomend us? XD
  10. I dunno about this dood..........maybe you should do this: right click on the steins torrent then choose "remove torrent"????? try that dood..................T^T If I'm wrong,tell me dood!!!!!!!! T^T (I'm a noob though T^T )
  11. currently playing hoshizora no memoria doods~!!!! XD
  12. WHOA!!!! there's even a dota 2 topic??????? this forum is epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
  13. anyway doods~ this is my fav video for now!!....................................maybe................ XD
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