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Posts posted by Satsuki

  1. They're both considered moege. Hoshimemo has an overarching plot that runs throughout the different routes, culminating in the true route. It also has a lot of spiritual pseudo-science hogwash. PE has none of that, the routes are entirely self contained and are based solely on character interactions focusing on romantic drama with no spiritual weirdness.

  2. I was just asking because i saw someone saying that Princess Evangile is basically an all girls school equivalent of Hoshimemo without the astronomy stuff. I haven't read PE yet (but i have read Hoshimemo) and i got a little confused because from what i can see the only thing PE and Hoshimemo have in common is that they are both school life comedy romance.

  3. A bit about me then:

    AstralAir was actually the 2nd untranslated VN I finished. The 1st one was Material Brave (I did level-farming like crazy back then :lol: ). This was also the first VN ever I gave "route priority" to a non-loli heroine (Tsubomi) instead :lol:

    Different from "common belief", I rarely care about the amount of H-scenes (unless they overdid it and litter H-scenes just anywhere possible, like Kamitsure) since I will just skip them anyway. In fact, they can help me significantly cut down the reading time, so, pretty convenient :lol:

  4. Correct me if I'm wrong ,but I would call that VERY different , since it states that it was video footage. Think child pornography is banned everywhere in the world, even Japan if I remember correctly, but animation does not fall into that category for some reason or another.

    Oops, sorry, wrong link.
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