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Mr Poltroon

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Posts posted by Mr Poltroon

  1. Also I am not good about conveying my feelings with writing (English is not my native language) so there are a ton of other things I could talk about. I hear there is some sort of "Infinity series timeline", where can I find that?

    Hum... I'd certainly like to have one if such a thing existed, but I don't know if it does...

    Well, I do plan on eventually replay Never 7 Ever 17 and Remember 11 in order, and, hopefully, I can grasp some of what's going on and how they all relate to each other.

  2. In Ever17 there were almost no mysteries left in the end, they really took the time to explain the mysteries. This isn't the case at all in Remember11, it is all about catching the hints and read everything there is (including bad ends, they are really important) and then you can figure out a lot. But..I don't think anyone really knows how to explain all mysteries is this game.

    Certainly a convenient excuse. "The fans need to use their brains and figure it out!" 

    Meh, maybe if I was smarter I wouldn't mind it as much.

  3. Also, just a warning.


    If you don't want to lose your sanity, avoid the Games and Chatter subforum at all costs. Do not get involved with the factions in and out of the Games and Chatter subforum. Do not think about the Games and Chatter subforum. If you wish to enter, prepare to lose your humanity.


    Bloody hell...

    I take it's by past experience?

    Well, fret not, do to my own experiences I have learnt that certain parts of certain forums are too dangerous for humans. 

    I applaud your effort regarding the factions as well, just from looking at those I can already tell it's a sodding minefield down there.

  4. You say it was a proper introduction? I'm not so sure... I have no idea how one should introduce himself.


    Wow, really a proper introduction, i bid you welcome to Fuwa and hope you'll enjoy your stay :D


    Here some Loli love, seen your previous approbation <3



    Approved, although the lad looks rather neutral in face of that 'love'ly cuteness.

  5. Are the Portuguese normally secretive? 

    No... not really. But they have a tendency to stick to Portuguese communities, not to other languages.

    Because Brasil is a Portuguese speaking country, with many more people than Portugal, and in Brazil they like to have everything made for their own language, so there's no shortage of sites and forum sections made for Portuguese people.

  6. That's because Portugal is filled with people. It's not strange to find two or ten people on Fuwanovel living in Portugal.

    I understand that much. What surprises me it's that it's the first time I've this many people from Portugal (that publicly state it, anyways) on any forums I've seen. 






    Your honour, relevancy?

  7. M'afraid you'll never get the answers to those questions except by community theories. The ending was rushed because the company in charge of it was running out of money. 

    Although I enjoyed this game, that ending, coupled with my tendency to avoid bad ends like the plague, means I'm pretty much in the dark about what went on at the end.

    Meh, doesn't matter. I really liked Kokoro (so cute and nice <3) and I think Satorou "thinking" was something amazing (for some reason... 'look, look! a character is using his brain and conveying his thoughts to the player! ain't that brilliant?'), so, I had fun nonetheless.

  8. Welcome to Fuwa! Have a crab:



    A... crab?

    ... I like red things, approved.


    Welcome, and you can't have more than one favourite. It's pointless to call them all 'favourites'.

    1. 1.
      a person or thing that is especially popular or particularly well liked by someone."

    Nonetheless, at the top it's Grisaia no Kajitsu. It's the visual novel I loved the most out of everything else.


    Hey man what a coincidence, I started on visual novels through To the Moon as well. What a tear jerker huh?

    Indeed. I absolutely enjoyed that game.



    Just wanna say hello, hope i'll cross paths with you here in the future and have a good time at fuwanovel.

    Have a magical girl as a gift.   :)


    Yes, I do hope to have a great time. :D

    Although I disapprove of magic and fantasy... there's just no way I can disprove someone with eyes like those. Approved.


    Welcome on the forum !

    But I was wondering ... it's not just me who can't find Clannad in your list ... right ?

    Go read clannad Now !


    Enjoy your stay


    PS: you didn't finish the two best katawa Shoujo routes  :P


    Right, the thing is, I've already watched the anime, and when I tried playing the actual game I couldn't help but feel bored by the prospect of a bloody giant game with routes I've 'technically' already seen most of. So... I've never really played it.


    PS: Yeah, I know. I'm about 10-5 minutes from reaching the ending on both of them, but I couldn't be bothered...


    Thanks everyone! I hope to have lots of fun in this community!

  9. First order of business.



    How dare you.


    Second order of business:


    Hey, welcome to the forums! Quickly looking through your lists it seems that we have a few favorites in common. That's cool.


    Here, have some robots/androids/whatever category Motoko Kusanagi falls under.







    I see you have your priorities straight.

    Now, for my defeat. You have bested me, I cannot disprove of Nano Shinonome...

  10. I'm not the only one, I'm pretty sure Steve can help you gather lolis too. In fact Fuwa is secretly powered by lolis so whenever you have a chance feel free to post some :D

    One day everyone will come to their senses and realise loli superiority.

    I approve of this cause. Although... I won't actively go around posting such imagery. I have a horrid sense for such things.

    If I happen to come across something to be worshiped, however, I'll make sure it is made known to these forums. (after all, according to what you've said it is the best way to power them and I want to be an upstanding member of society, obviously). 

  11. Again, thank you everyone.

    The lists originally had a bit more information, but I decided to remove it because it was kind of redundant to state the genres and the language I played it in since the language is always English and the genres can be easily searched.

    But truly impressive is that list of all the English translated Visual Novels. Not even I have the will to go do something of that scale without incentive... And to find them all? I'm terrible at searching for these things.


    It's Douraku Utage from NouCome

    And she gets the loli seal of approval


    NouCome, eh? I'll make a note of that, appears to be interesting, if nothing else.

    Furthermore, from what I've gathered you appear to be the loligagger- er.. loli gatherer around here. I see, I now know who to turn to should I need help (for... some... reason...?) in such a regard .

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