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The Major

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Posts posted by The Major

  1. I nominate The Major for this project.


    M-m-m-me? Eeeeh?!


    It isn't anything too complicated. Mainly timing images and text to music with overlays and other little effects (rapidly shaking images blah blah). 


    Seems simple enough. I could do it. I edit the video versions of the Fuwanovel podcast on Youtube, so timing images and text to music and speech is what I do.



  2. Rail Wars-The ending was bleh as expected but I still enjoyed this anime overall.  Got repetitive though so I bumped it down to a 9. 


    Talk about repetitive...


    Rail Wars: Why Can't I Go an Entire Episode Without Falling Face-First Into My Female Partner's Breasts?!


    Considering what it was though (ecchi, harem. not saying that I don't enjoy the ecchi shows. heuheuheuhe), it was actually okay. I enjoyed it. pretty good I guess/10

  3. What I meant by my post was that the EN ver. is more plot-focused while the JP ver. is more comedy-focused. All in all, we don't need the EN version. JP works much better, in my opinion.

    I'm not sure that's the case, but even if it was, the visual novel was way more about the plot and how it all worked than any comedy. I only remember there being a few funny moments (usually involving Daru). So...

  4. ARENA 01: Yūki Asuna  [shiina Mashiro]

    ARENA 02: [Yoshino]  Aragaki Ayase

    ARENA 03: Shana  [Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko]

    ARENA 04: [Misaka Mikoto]  Tokisaki Kurumi

    ARENA 05: Kirisaki Chitoge [Abstained] Kirasaka Sayaka

    ARENA 06: Tokido Saya [Abstained] Kinoshita Ringo

    ARENA 07: Itsuka Kotori  [Aoyama Nanami]

    ARENA 08: Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko)  [Tachibana Kanade]

    ARENA 09: Aisaka Taiga  [Eucliwood Hellscythe]

    ARENA 10: Kuroyukihime  [Takanashi Rikka]

    ARENA 11: [Aihara Enju]  Stephanie Dola

    ARENA 12: [Kafū Chino]  Tedeza Rize

  5. Can anyone name several high-quality anime dubs?  I'm not actually going to watch them, I'm just mildly interested in the topic.  The only one I've seen so far was the one for the original FMA anime.  All of the others I've seen were either okay or just bad.


    Fate/Zero has a great English dub. So does Black Lagoon. And if we're talking about movies, then Wolf Children has a great dub.

  6. Alright, let's see...


    I'll definitely watch:

    Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works

    Strike Witches Operation Victory Arrow (ova)


    I'll check out:


    Amagi Brilliant Park

    Sanzoku no Musume Ronja

    Danna ga Nani wo Itteru ka Wakaranai Ken

    Denki-Gai no Honya-san

    Rakuen Tsuihou: Expelled From Paradise (movie)


    I'd like to read Grisaia before watching it, which means I won't be getting around to it this season.


    And that's about it. I'll probably drop a few here and there, but if I end up with 2 or 3 series to watch, it'll be an average season for me.

  7. Sooo I think we shouldn't have a MotM at all. Im just plain sick of seeing that widget (even minimized). It hasn't even been around that long and is clearly not being updated.

    GetterEmperor should have gotten the title for completing the list before anyone else. Seriously, WTF is up?


    I'm pretty sure that Tay is the only one who can change it. (I might be wrong on that)

  8. Just finished up A Certain Scientific Railgun S. I'll agree with the people on this forum who were telling me that the first arc (Sisters?) was really good. That final episode was so great, though.


    Seriously. That Kongou-Bot or whatever it was called was just too much. I love it.




    I also really like when they insert a bunch of music into an episode in the way that they did. It just makes everything feel more grand, somehow.

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