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Posts posted by hsmsful

  1. Confession: He's right, I loved Flutterz all along


    Actual confession: Responded to my former classmate. I made a suggestion based on one of my friends' advice (told her I'd help her write her thesis if she went out for a drink with me) so let's see how it goes.

    so u liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike her? ok 

  2. @hsmsful's monogamy rant: now now, don't forget there are plenty of people in the world who do the whole polygamy relationships thingy ^_^


    but yeah ur right there's a difference b/w doing that and being a plain ol' cheating skank

    inb4 muslims can marry 4 women , totally not polygamy :Kappa:


    For a lot of guys, sex is the most intimate thing they can get without being emotionally invested in it. Don't be mad at them, you should feel sad for them because they will never be able to have a fulfilling relationship. Just ask Taco, having lots of sex doesn't make you a better person, even though society dictates that 'a real man must conquer a ton of women' etc... 


    Also, about college: these are just people having fun, usually. If you could sleep around without worry, experiment a little here and there with girls that don't want any kind of commitment from you, wouldn't you do it? Everyone just wants to get laid. I don't see the problem here, honestly. As long as you're not cheating on someone, it's all good, right?


    I don't wanna get laid that much tbh. I don't know, I always thought getting laid with one partner was so romantic and awesome that I always wanted that. 


    Also I will probably still live college like highschool, a loner who looks down on all his classmates. 10/10 best laifu 


    Confession : Actually I am a hypocrite, I always talk about relationships and how I wish I had a girlfriend but when opportunities present themselves, I pass. Some say I am paranoid to change. Others say I am just a plain nerd shut in :sachi: . Also what do you think of serious relationships in highschool? (I know that u are mostly past that point but bear with me and let's say not necessairly college but pre-20 relationships) So far I usually get 2 replies whenever I ask that question:

    1- It's a very great age to get into naiive innocent relationships and fool around and It's awful if you are serious about ur relationship because u haven't met enough girls to decide who you want to be with forever. 

    2-if the feeling is mutual then you can continue on. Nothing wrong or regrettable in it.


    Confession 2 : I still dream to this day about my crush and the dreams are getting repetitive , I heard once it is not wise to think too much about ur dreams. But it still makes me think about things and stuff I thought I was getting over ._. 

  3. Well I guess you're not in college yet. There are frat guys and sorority sisters who have competitions to see who can fuck more people. My friend is good friends with a lot of frat guys who have had sex with 60 different girls.

    Indeed I am not in College yet. I have 1 year and about 2 months before I enter college.... and I am not looking forward to it at all 

    I guess I might as well just suicide  try to get used to dealing with these guys cuz I bet some people won't mature no matter how much they grow up.

  4. I used to never waste LP, and now look at me. Each score is each leaderboard update, and you can see I sit at a single score a lot... :makina:

    I thought that's because u got tired after the SR rush O.o

    I am totally destroying my sleeping schedule since I know I won't wake up using alarms, but anything for SR (as long as it is not Honoka).

  5. Don't worry, Flutterz. I am as bad as you when it comes to cars :D

    I wouldn't really want to try alchohol so bad. Sadly I have become really open lately and I just don't care about other people unless they might harm me (for example the headmistress). A year ago I was really interested in being drunk and came so close (because the guy thought I was of age) then suddenly I chickened out. I should probably be grateful , dunno. Also as far as my openess go, all my irl friends (or even just acquaintances) ,males and females, know that I am addicted to fapping, don't like to be a womanizer or engage in relationships, sexually confused, wanna try many things in life but I am afraid to and all my dark secrets unless it is something regarding my family because I feel that is associated with my honor. I have been warned by many of my close friends not to be open but I really just don't care since I am proud of who I am atm and everyone in real life respects me, I hope it will be the same when I join college.

    Also I am getting really tired of those typical alpha guys who keep bragging on how many girls they dated especially those who brag about how they dated more than one girl at the same time. I find it disgusting to cheat on a girl. If u are dating a girl, u stay loyal to her. You aren't allowed to even "like" other girls slightly. And dating many girls in a short time doesn't mean that u are a great womanizer , it just means that u are a very bad partner who made all these girls run away and ofc u will say u dumped them cuz u got bored which is like super awful. Just just.... I feel like I wanna kill these guys and ofc girls do similar stuff too. But girls are even more nasty since their interrelationships are always filled with complicated feelings like jealousy, envy... etc... I have seen girls who would try to destroy a girl's love life just out of jealousy and envy (thoi they stopped talking to me when I faced them with the truth and shouted at them cuz I get super disgusted at them , wurf ). Humans are scary and I am still young, I bet I will see even more things to look down on with disgust.

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