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  1. You're set, got you down! I sent you a message! Love your enthusiasm! Check your messages!
  2. I know there's some folks talking about more art related talks next year, and I'd personally love to see talks on framing and production values myself. Nick's talks from both years really talked a lot about architecture, and while I don't think they talked specifically about their visuals, Necrobarista was announced at the first and I think their team would have a lot of input on it.
  3. Hey everyone. I know I don't get to make it around to Fuwanovel much(I'm trying, I swear), but I wanted to come by and give out some tickets for the creative sorts on the forums. The web conference is running this coming Saturday and it covers a variety of visual novel development topics (largely content writing this year) and I have a few tickets to give out. If you haven't heard of it, the schedule and talk details are over here: https://vnconf.com/schedule/ The tickets are first come first serve. Just let me know if you're interested and how I can reach out to you, and I'll get you set up!
  4. Haha, thanks. I've been meaning to get around for ages, but it's one of those things where it's like "Once I have a free moment, I'll get to it." And then I just never got a moment that felt free. Until recently. Now I'm here and it's a thing. Huzzah! Got any more of that Root Double Route A Pacing? I could use a few trucks of that.
  5. Hey everyone! I'm Nai! I haven't spent much time on Fuwanovel, though I've been reading visual novels for a while now. I'm making one too, and I'm hoping to get some feedback on the one I'm working on. It's nice to meet you all!
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