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Everything posted by seventhfonist425

  1. Oh god. Rabbits. Lolis. The cuteness level is off the charts. I may have to put make this a priority to watch.
  2. Whoa. Why is this thread getting so big...? Well, I put down B+. My biology class in high school went over this, and I got to test my blood in class. We could tell based on how the blood reacted to some substance or whatever. It was 3 years ago, so I don't remember much about it now.
  3. Oh boy. You're in for a surprise if you ever decide to go watch that. I'm surprised I didn't see a mention of the Clannad anime. I really did think the anime was pretty darn good. Though I saw it waaaaay back when I was... I think maybe in elementary or the beginning of middle, it was a pretty darn good experience at the time.
  4. Just keep in mind that this idea is fairly new, so there are plenty of things here and there that need to be worked out. So far, I'm getting more comfortable with the whole thing myself. We're gonna be curious about how much you know, and I believe you may be expected to do some catch up work. Koikishi... is honestly a bit hard for my near beginner level, but it's more comfortable to read than children's books, just because it feels, well, baby-ish. Anyways, I've started my own reading (Your Diary, which I honestly think is better for my level) on the side when there is extra time after I've reached the set deadline early. So things on the side can also go on.
  5. I say Marenovel. I've already grown accustomed to Mare being on top of the site, and she's a pretty good mascot. It'd be like telling everyone to read Hoshimemo without telling everyone to read Hoshimemo.
  6. As for the sentences I'm particularly confused about: I'm not sure if I should continue doing this because I have no feedback on where I'm misreading things. Maybe I should try reading a VN that has translated scripts so I can compare? Uhh. I've only read the first one, and I'm hoping to do something for myself, and we try not to stress on details, but I will tell you this much. The whole "Black" and "White" conversation is about a black and white knight. I remember correctly for that part, the talk was something which knight came first in an attack in some TV show (or was it an anime?) or something. I'm not too good myself, but we're not too far, and we're pretty slow. I haven't even gone through the entire Remembering the Kanji book either (I stopped after a while. I got a bit busy.) I also didn't go through much of Tae Kim's grammar book either... but yeah. If you've got that much done, you can probably catch up to us fairly easily... I think. If you want more explaining, it can be done in the skype chat.
  7. For the most part, yeah. Uhh, I'm not really interested in it. Though, if you gave the a choice between yuri and yaoi, and forced me to choose one, I'd probably choose yuri... Uhh, I'm a guy, and if I had to guess, there are a number of guys who'd just prefer girls over guys. If there's any sort of hate, it's probably just from the fact they're uncomfortable about it. Hey. To some guys, breasts make the world to them. I have to say though, it's not really a simplistic matter of +breasts or -breasts. The opposite gender has plenty of things that make it unique and likable to a person, and I think it's natural for lots of people to just like one more than another.
  8. Sorry. I'm just, sorry. I feel the need to be the one that says this: What.
  9. We're just kinda, not too active about it. I've also stopped, for the most part. I just made another Sylveon, but there's not much more I'm aiming to do.
  10. O. That's awkward, but alright, sweet. Thanks a lot for getting the thing to work, I really appreciate it!
  11. Files have been moved... Something still seems off about this... Shouldn't stuff be not cut off?
  12. I think I was able to get it working... for the most part, but this seems a little wrong...
  13. Well, here's my opinion on the whole thing. There were definitely parts that I enjoyed seeing animated... but was I disappointed, yeah. Things were rushed, and stuff like that, but I felt like they were somewhat minor problems. The simple fact that Little Busters is my top VN and first VN made it too difficult for the anime to not disappoint me. I'll admit that my expectations were probably set to high, but at the same time, nothing could've been done by it. The original set the bar that high, and anything below that was something that hurt. I realize that the anime is limited to certain things, but it doesn't change the fact that it didn't feel right to me. What bothers me most about the whole thing is something like this: People who watch only the anime are bound to create this mindset that Little Busters is just, "okay," or "good." Just maybe, yeah, people are gonna think it's "great," or even "amazing." For me, it was that first time experience with the VN that made everything for me. There were so many things that only the VN could do, and it just feels like those people who saw the anime just can't have the same experience that I did, all because they "know" what'll happen. This is the exact reason why I decided to hold out on the EX release of the anime. Until I'm able to read the VN for those EX routes, I refuse to watch the anime version. To some extent, yeah, I guess I do hate the anime for doing that to people. But, in the end, I appreciate what it tried to do. Seeing it all animated was nice.
  14. Aaaaand 150 captured. After Raichu is uhh, just a bunch of pokemon gathered in one picture... uhh. From what I can see, you get nothing else. Time wasted.
  15. Nah, don't feel bad. It's just Flutterz, whose true love used that avatar. Anyways, you don't ask anyone. The great Sieghart will take care of that for you when he gets the chance. (Thanks a lot, as always, Sieg.)
  16. http://pokemonaprilfools.wikia.com/wiki/Sorted_by_Pokedex_No. (Click on the link and add a period to the end of the link.) That was fast. The hunt's already over.
  17. I think the best part is that this isn't some April's Fool joke. You can seriously open up google maps and do this.
  18. Uhh, that's really tough. Can't say I really recommend going through with a machine. Like Mephisto said, it takes some understanding of Japanese. You're definitely gonna be walking into some trouble if you don't know what you're doing. (If I remember correctly, entire Grisaia series itself is pretty tough to read in Japanese.) Chances are, the translated lines won't make any sense at all... but, at the very least, I could help with set up. I recommend using Translation Aggregator and ITH, the text hooker. There are guides online that can help you set up using Atlas as a translator: http://kipchu.wordpress.com/2012/08/02/visual-novel-help-translation-tools-for-playing-untranslated-visual-novels/ I also agree that ITH is just easier to handle, so you can do whatever you want with agth (it does the same thing as ITH, really.) I mostly only skimmed the guide, but it does look pretty good. It's likely going to get you uhh, somewhat what you're expecting, but just be careful about really weird translations. Machines have a really bad habit of mixing up words with pieces of grammar. I don't have experience at all with VN reader, and I don't know how it works, so I don't really have any opinion or say at all about it. If you wanna hear more about VN reader, I sorta just recommend waiting for someone with experience with it to respond.
  19. I feel the need to ask the very important question: What exactly are you hoping for? As much as many of us would like to just slam Little Busters in your face... (Actually, we can still totally do that. Go read Little Busters if you haven't.) We still can't just throw everything at you in hopes of you liking it... actually, everyone here's already thrown what I've read at you, in which case, I recommend most of what people have said here. If you wanted specifics though, you'd have to give us more info.
  20. Sure, I plan on staying, but I can't help but feel like having matching avatars can become too difficult to actually accomplish (exception being if we were to just take from the VN and/or anime themselves.) Simply finding all the characters in the same art style and in a good pose (I'm looking at you, Saya) or whatever is probably next to impossible. That, and I kinda like my avatar. Though, thinking about it, taking from the anime would offer way more options than I first thought...
  21. Yeah, exactly what I'm doing. I feel like I'll cheat myself out of a good experience if I watch the anime before the VN.
  22. Alright, I hope you feel better, and we'll meet again. I know you're not blaming us... but I'll say this much. You didn't waste anyone's time, as it was something we chose to participate in. So any troubles that come on to us were on our heads. And honestly, you do have the right to blame us. It wasn't all your fault. Even though we said we'd participate, a large number of us decided to cop out anyways. So if you wanna be angry at us, I said, alright, be angry at us. We'll apologize, try to solve the issue, and make sure we make changes that would try to appease both sides. If you wanna leave for a while, alright, but know that we at least appreciate what you've done, even if we haven't really shown it, and I apologize for that.
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