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Everything posted by tankhedgehog

  1. Believe in me, your soul brother, not the lying, fake-lolicon tsundere Jun
  2. lol trust me on this, I'm not. And you, Jun, stopping spreading lies about me or I'll have to tell people about how your love of loli's is just a facade and that you're actually the biggest tsundere of them all and are in love with older women with MASSIVE breasts. Whoops, I might have just told them. Teehee XP
  3. Ah okay, thanks. That makes complete sense with the context (which, looking back at my post, I definitely didn't give enough of). also, you're probably right that I shouldn't have asked about that sentence. It was pretty basic. I think I must have been tired when I marked that line for posting on here (I mark lines that I don't get for my self and then paste them up here later and then move on with the translation) Also, about context: I'll be sure to include more in the future, sorry about that. I am well aware that my japanese isn't quite up to where it should be to do this game, but I'm translating this purely because I really want to play this game, and I got tired of waiting for a group to pick the title up. My plan is, that as I play the game myself, I'll translate each line (since I would have to do it in my head anyway) and write it down. If, by the time I'm finished with the game, no one more qualified has picked it up, then I'll go about forming a proper team with editor's, TL checkers, etc. If someone picks it up then I'll simply stop playing and wait for them to complete the game (in fact, this is the best case scenario. I would love nothing more than for someone else to pick this game up). I might ask them if they wanted what I had done so far, in case they thought they could use it, though Thus, there isn't any point to doing a different game. So while I honestly do appreciate the sentiment behind your advice, I simply wouldn't have the motivation to follow through with any game but this one. However on that note, I am enjoying the game immensely so far. Yuzusoft looks like it may become one of my favorite VN companies
  4. That's also what it's called when a car eats other cars, or if your body eats other people without you telling it to. lol jk, couldn't resist
  5. Alright so I need a little bit of help with this sentence: 「その点に関しては、異論はありません。ですが、ワタクシの心はその家族愛だけでは埋められなかったのです!」 The sentence before it was: 「心配だったんでしょ?いいご両親だね」 I'm not quite sure what it's trying to say. I thought maybe something along the lines of: "They weren't really worried about that, it's just that I wouldn't be able to be smothered in their love" but I'm not sure
  6. Translation of Amairo Islenauts is done through the prologue and chapter 1. I'm working on chapter 2 now. This isn't really the thread for this, but I feel like I have to brag about it somewhere, so that may as well be here.
  7. I'm seriously considering making a fake account to go identify myself with someone badass in that anime character thread you guys linked to earlier. Though, if we're being honest, and considering my love of Rin, I would probably be Len...
  8. Because I'm bored waiting for kancolle expeditions to come back, here's a cg from Amairo Islenauts:
  9. Ahhhhh okay that makes sense, lol. thanks. That's actually a pretty good idea, I think I'll go with that. Thanks, your response was as helpful as always
  10. I... May or may not have thought the same thing. Which is a shame since otherwise she was actually one of my favorite characters. Though that was probably only because of her "たまに本気” line. I don't know why, but I find that line really cute...
  11. lol then let me reward your loyalty to this thread with a loli. Of course, I'm also posting this picture because the image of you furtively looking around while waiting to open the spoiler of a loli is too good to pass up As promised: Also, here's a loli miku, since I don't want to show too much favoritism towards my queen and goddess Rin.
  12. done And, new question: 憑き物が落ちたっていうのは、こういう時に使うのかな。 what is this sentence talking about? Summoning evil spirits? Also, different question: how should I translate this pun on 萌える/燃える? 「わかりました、わかりました!わかりましたから、そんな潤んだ瞳で見ないで下さいよ……萌えるじゃないですか」 「も、燃える?」
  13. If that's true then wouldn't simply being on this forum at all be NSFW? I mean, what with everyone's avatars and signatures and all
  14. Trust me, I'm not new to waiting for visual novels to be translated. Take Majikoi, for example. Or Dracu-Riot. The better the game is, the more painful it is to wait for a translation of it. Especially if you're foolish enough to play partial patches before they've finished any routes. A nukige is a VN all about sex. Basically just a porn game.
  15. Ahh okay, thanks. Looks like that was actually really simple. I think I was just getting thrown off by that "blanch". Once again, thanks for your timely help
  16. yah but what's the latest patch up to? It doesn't matter how much the guy has translated, all that matters is how far the patch covers. Just look at Pure Pure. that's been completely translated, but they are still editing it (and have been for months, which I know because I check every day. EVERY. DAY)
  17. I don't think either of those has been translated yet, though there are teams working on both
  18. I'm pretty sure I'm the one who suggested that to you Other than that novel there aren't many There's Minna de nyan nyan, but that's pretty old. If i remember any others though, I'll be sure to tell you. Well... i suppose there is another... Amairo Islenauts has a girl with wolf ears and a tail. It hasn't been translated yet, but I'm actually working as we speak to fix that.
  19. You guys... I never imagined so many of you were with me on this. You're gonna make me cry here. We seriously need more kenomonomimi girl VN's to be translated. NSFW Don't worry, there are other supporters of sao here. I've read the books and seen the anime. Love both If To-Love Ru has taught me anything, it's that more hot babes joining the MC's harem is always a good thing. Unless its School Days. But we don't mention that around here...
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