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Everything posted by tankhedgehog

  1. can anyone answer the other questions in here? This government stuff is killing me. So many big words DX
  2. Sir, it's good to see another Sachi admirer. i'm definitely with you there but I don't know if I'd say her route was the best, but that's because I'm a big fan of Michiru, and all the others, really. Have you played any of the other routes? Personally I thought they were all amazing to an absurd degree, and I couldn't really pick one as being better than the others. Except for Amane, who's character I don't like, and who's route I haven't finished, but from what I've heard about her route, it sounds like I'll like it the least
  3. Ah okay, thanks for that. I've never made tea before, so I was a little confused XD
  4. according to vndb, she was granted her magical powers by Nyanmel, who she thought was a shooting star, which both makes a lot of sense, and also is very sad. I hope someone picks this up. I'd love to play it
  5. I like moege, vampires, and Yuzusoft. That's the draw for me. Plus I think the art is amazing.
  6. Another question, and once again, it's about tea: 顔を洗い、服を着替えたボクは、ここに来た初日と同じように、カップとポットに熱いお湯を注ぎ込む。 そして十分に温まったら、中のお湯を捨てる。 Saginomori:「うーん……最初だし、やっぱりクセが少ない方がいいかな。キャンディにしておこう」 茶葉の缶を開けて、茶葉を取り出す。 In this sentence: そして十分に温まったら、中のお湯を捨てる。 what warmed up? is it the teacup? It's not the tea leaves, because he doesn't take them out until two lines later Also, what does this part of the 3rd sentence mean: 最初だし、やっぱりクセが少ない方がいいかな。 What I've got for this is: "Since this is the beginning (or first time or something like that), it's better not to have very many habits" But that doesn't really make any sense. Unless he's implying that he's going to be doing this frequently, so he doesn't want to have very much stuff at the tea party in order to avoid setting a precedent that's hard to live up to. Question 2: Situation: Saginomori-sensei is teaching social studies to a class The lines before: Saginomori-sensei:「ライゼルグの政治は日本とは違って、君主が存在しない」 Saginomori-sensei:「まず最初に議会議員の採用試験が行われ、その試験をパスした人たちが選挙によってさらに選出されて、定員85人の議会が存在し、任期は6年」 Saginomori-sensei:「議会の代表者は、議会議員の互選によって選出される」 The lines I need help with: Saginomori-sensei:「これは共和制と呼ばれている制度でね、これに対し日本は立憲君主制と政府は言っている。立憲君主制についてはライゼルグの反対といえばわかるかな?」 Fran:「法律によって定められた君主が存在する政治形態ですね」
  7. So, I've been using ITH to hook text from Amairo Islenauts, and I've been having significant difficulty with doubled text. It seems to vary by sub-chapter, where in some sub-chapters, every single line will have doubled characters, in others, there will be no doubling at all, and everything in between. I've tried messing around with the options and such but that doesn't seem to help at all. Well, if I untick the "automatically suppress character repetition" box then every line gets doubled in stead of just some, but other than that, none of the options seem to have any effect. I've found a temporary work around which I've been using which is every time I find a doubled line, I go into the text log and jump back to the line I'm currently at. If I do that, then the text gets hooked correctly, but I have to do that every time I come across a doubled line and it's really slowing me down. There may not be anything I can do about this, but I thought I'd ask here, just in case there was some magic fix or something that I'm unaware of. TLDR: Help! doubled text in Amairo Islenauts I appreciate you spending the time to read and (hopefully) answer my question
  8. this is the second longest thread I've been in. The longest thread is the Kancolle thread over at the world of warships forum. It was started 5 days after this thread was (on september 26) and it has reached 10,027 posts as of the time this was written. However, unlike this thread, it has stayed on topic for all 10,000 posts
  9. you sure about that? I would gladly transcend the pathetic limits of society for my beloved Rin. And by transcend the limits of society, I mean something like this (in case you haven't figured it out yet, the following picture is very NSFW) Oh and crypton has specifically said that they're not twins. They are whatever you want them to be. So if you want them to be twins, then they are. If you don't, then they're not. Not that that would stop me either way, just saying
  10. Len. Why? because then I'd be close to Rin. All my dreams would be realized. It doesn't even matter how much I'm like him. My desire for Rin overpowers any posible differences that may or may not exist between me and Len, in order to bring me and Rin together. THE POWER OF LOVE PREVAILS!!!
  11. well, it's certainly not something anyone would say if they were a serious person, but I've definitely heard people say it when they are trying to be cute. But I decided against it anyway, since I don't like the phrase anymore than you do and I haven't been going out of my way to make her sound cutesy up until now so I can't suddenly start now, unless i want to go back and re-do all her lines, which I don't
  12. I can't stand it when people sing around me, especially when they aren't my friends or family so I can't stop them. If I wouldn't pay to hear you sing, kindly shut the fuck up. frozen was a good movie. that's all I'll say on that topic
  13. then why would you never use that phrase?
  14. This is depressing news indeed, as I was looking forward to this a lot, but I suppose that's how things go. Dedicated translators are a rare breed. Hopefully a kind-hearted translator will eventually come revive this project
  15. No, the release date is very tentatively set for next month, but that's not set in stone or anything. It could change at a moment's notice. For now though, that's the best estimate we have
  16. That's true, but I think in this case, it's necessary, since he's specifically referring to it, and his statement doesn't make much sense without it just a small question. Would "my tummy's rumbling" be too cutesy of a translation for もうお腹ペコペコ? the character talking usual speaks in a fairly cutesy way, I'm just not sure if "my tummy's rumbling" is overdoing the cuteness or not.
  17. Ahh okay, if that term refers more specifically to "z-score" in japanese than just "average" then that makes a lot more sense, especially with Werfen-sensei's reply. I wasn't familiar with 偏差値 and when I looked it up, my dictionary just had average.
  18. really? I had thought that's what it said, but that seems like such an obvious thing to state I thought it might have been implying something I wasn't getting. About context: Okay, I'll include a short summary of past events as well as who's saying what next time, Also, i edited my post to include who was speaking
  19. you can thank skype for killing most of the activity in this thread. There once was a time when I dreaded coming back to this thread after even only a few hours away from it, but now, I'm not worried even if I don't check this thread for days. There will be at most only a few pages.
  20. Alright so here's the context: Saginomori-sensei:「へぇー、これは凄い」 Werfen-sesnei:「どうされたんですか、鷺ノ森先生」 Saginomori-sensei:「さっき言ったテストの採点をしてたんですが……みんな凄いですね。ちょっと侮ってましたよ」 Werfen-sesnei:「どんな問題を出されたんですか?」 Saginomori-sensei:「世界史と日本史、近代史をそれぞれ全般的に。レベルを計るためのテストですからね」 Saginomori-sensei:「ボクとしては平均正解率が半分ぐらいかと思ったんですが……まさか、8割近いとは思いませんでしたよ」 What I need help with are the two lines that come after that: Saginomori-sensei:「もしかして、かなり偏差値が高いんですか?」 Werfen-sesnei:「どうでしょうか……その手の数値はよくわからないので」
  21. Lol that was but a simple typo. You can't be rejected from something you don't want Also, while I'm sad I don't get to be pet, my spikes are a personal point of pride and I'd say are well worth the price of missing being pet occasionally Edit: Unless the person who would have pet me was Rin, in which case I would probably kill myself from the grief
  22. Ah, you're right, that was a mistake on my part, I had meant comrade. I have no interest in fighting for the place of soul brother. Comrade is fine
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