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Blog Entries posted by kivandopulus

  1. kivandopulus
    Foreword: I fell in love with this game after reading a long French review a long time ago (1). Imagination went wild back then, but only now I can finally play it.

    The story of 12Riven takes place on May 20, 2012 with Renmaru Miyabidou biking his way speedily towards the abandoned Integral building after receiving a message on his cellphone that Myuu, an old friend of his, would die at the building's top level today at noon. When he gets there, he checks his wristwatch and sees that it is 11:24 AM.
    Elsewhere, Narumi Mishima is on her motorcycle heading towards the same location. She has received a request from a friend and coworker asking her to help save a girl named "Myuu" at Integral. Narumi must save Myuu to prevent the execution of the "Second Eclipse Plan". Narumi has never heard of this phrase before, moreover, the message was sent with the "XXX Lv6" marking. This was a rating scale for the severity of a situation and a level 6 marking has never been used. Even a large scale terrorist threat was set at level 5. The message also indicated to Narumi that someone named Renmaru may be there, that he will be on her side...
    Game type: Time paradox mystery
    Character Design rating: 9/10
    Protagonist rating: 9/10
    Story rating: 9/10
    Game quality: 10/10
    Overall rating: 9/10

    It's difficult to talk about this game without spoilers, but the whole point of the game is in gradual solving the mystery, so I refuse to talk about game concept or story in detail. So let's just settle with my impressions and focusing on game's strong and weak points.
    Concept of the game and main scenario are prepared by Uchikoshi Koutarou who is one of the best known and most acclaimed visual novel scenario writers. But what interests me a lot is not Infinity series, but his previous game which is Eve Zero. I rated game really high, but it had several dire flaws including horrible graphics, failure to keep preset personalities alive and introduction of supernatural elements. Back then I said that it would be a superb story if it was set in original setting and aided by a competent artist. And, basically, it's precisely what happened to 12Riven.

    I feel strong continuity with Eve Zero. It's again supernatural mystery story that's told not by professional detectives, but by hot-headed action police woman (again) and a genius amateur detective with strong guts feeling (again). Renmaru only looks like an incompetent boy - his abilities and intuition are on par to dreadful Kojirou. But since it's original setting, it's free from predecessor boundaries. Protagonists swap naturally, there's no point and click horror, there's no limit on participating characters. And it yields fantastic results. Apart of great main mystery of the game, it astonishes with very likeable characters. All the female characters (apart of Maina, since she is used for infodumping function all the time) are really attractive and charming the way heroines can be only in All Ages game. We don't expect any bed scenes, so it's a rare opportunity to get to know girls while in the process of solving a mystery in contrast to usual cheap tricks. Everyone is voiced, so male character for once aren't just side characters, but equal actors.

    But why is not it perfect score then? Well, first of all, it's a traditional flaw of "mystery" games that as soon as main twist is revealed, excitement is gone, and thus final impression gets dulled. Next, there are three routes - Renmaru, Narumi and Integral. And each of those routes has 2-3 endings. Naturally, many elements get shared, and by the Integral route it may even feel sleepy at times. This Integral route is also twice as big as personal routes, with many explanations, so it requires more endurance. And finally there is roughness in in time paradox and integral concepts. Mystery is great, but Uchikoshi never tried to explain every nook and cranny like Steins;Gate did, so an attentive reader can find some loopholes and inconsistencies. These aren't decisive downsides, but perfect score game must bring excitement, and there's not enough of it in the game.

    12Riven is an absolutely superb mystery game. It's very pleasant to read and explore step by step in the company of really nice characters without the need to capture any heroines. It's the pinnacle of Infinity series and just a game that proudly presents the medium to the outer world without usual cliche or perversity elements. It's what I always wanted visual novels to do - combine serious literature and modern technologies presentation.

  2. kivandopulus
    Foreword: It's an all-ages non-trivial setting doujin work of the best quality I ever seen by Watanabe Ryouichi. If that's not enough... Synopsis: 1400 years ago first murderer demons get spotted 700 years ago western technologies start to get used for rebellion 500 years ago murderer demons learn to acquire human image in Transilvania 18 years ago a huge massacre takes part in Japan 10 years ago murderer demon is killed at the age of six in Japan Nowadays.  Sakurano Mana gets worried by the murderous desire overflowing her body. Onose Kiri is troubled about her past when she lost one hand and one leg. Kaiho Kazuki investigates murderer demon killing at the age of six. Then Kaiho Kazuki meets these girls and other strong persons in this town full of death scent. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwGwDxf37gElQGPD7Adx5vix_objh5qlr   Character Design rating: 9/10 Protagonist rating: 8/10 Story rating: 8/10 Game quality: 8/10 Overall rating: 8/10 I doubt I can rate a doujin game higher than this. Voicing alone always takes away a whole score point for me, plus there are other flaws. But do flaws really impede enjoying this game? For me flaws are absolutely neglectable. I'll list them after observing the structure. There are 6 phases or Chapters each generally having multiple sub-chapters. Phase 1 presents six introductory stories from different protagonists perspective. Phase 2 gives several sub-chapters for three protagonists - Kaiho Kazuki , Sakurano Mana , Onose Kiri . Basically, it's the most action-packed phase with not always good endings.  Phase 3 presents three flashback stories. Phase 4 literally takes one minute where narrator says that there may be a better world without killings. Phase 5 basically presents same main stories as in Phase 2, but gives choices now and thus ability to see different endings, including bad ones. Phase 6 presents two side/bonus stories. With that covered it's impossible to say that Kaiho Kazuki is game's protagonist. He's merely one of protagonists, but it's just the most traditional boy character out of this colorful cast, so he's easier for reader to empathize with.  But structure does not really reveal what this game is about. First of all, it's not a battle royale like FSN or survival like Abyss although there are some elements present here as well. So what is it? Hard to say, actually. I'd determine it as unique stories of different colorful characters in the town where murders is way of life and communication rather than crime. Wow, I made it even more complex, but there are no easy answers here. There is no single protagonist and there is no single antagonist. Of course there is a mysterious organization (several, actually), but multiple antagonists show up and leave the scene. We can even theoretically say that it's a love story as I've counted as many as five couples forged. I'll undertake another attempt to explain game's nature at the final word. Let's numerate game's multiple flaws. I've already mentioned that there is no main conflict in the game. Due to multiple protagonists the start is very slow as we're just thrown to different character's lives without much explanation. Even later on multiple protagonists structure has its painful moments as same scenes can be shown from different points of view. Watanabe Ryouichi is wordy, and for a number of occasions I was irritated by the fact that the same thought could be repeated several times in varying phrases. Conversations take about 70% of screen time while action scenes aren't that frequent. Moreover, overall number of unique CG is around 40, so don't expect them to be used at action scenes at all. Dialogue lines have no character name or icon, and it can be a mess since it's often not clear who is talking. Can't avoid a spoiler here, but ... how should I put it... not all the dots are put in the ending. And it's not necessarily a bad thing, will try to explain in strong points. On the other hand, this is arguably the highest quality doujin game in visual novel history, four years in the making. CG quality is outstanding, character design excellent, BGM deserves a separate CD distribution. There are a lot of really cool characters, both men and women ranging from elementary school children to middle-aged persons in late 30s. And thanks to Watanabe writing, characters feel developed. It's an all-ages game, but love plays a very important role both in plot and in jokes. Author is not afraid of vulgarities, so you will see discussing of nakedness, periods, rape, pregnancy etc all the time. So it's a surprisingly adult work not suiting newcomers who will get confused by character relations, bored by lengthy dialogues and offended by lack of conflict storyline. At the same time it's not a must have work that broadens readers horizons or gives new ideas. It's just a well written story with many well written characters who live, love and fight in a different world where demonic presence transformed traditional morals. And that's exactly what I seek in art - a detailed world with the logic behind it so vivid that I'm both persuaded by it and see this exact logic determining characters' actions, not author's whim. And open ending in Indigo is a hymn to this logic.
  3. kivandopulus

    VN of the Month 2016
    Akeiro Kaikitan is VN of the month with Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya o Mezasu and Toki o Tsumugu Yakusoku as other masterpieces. Clephas thought alike. Micchi in naturally chooses Maitetsu and tome ga Irodoru Koi no Essence in addition  
    1. Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?? Wonderful Party! ご注文はうさぎですか?? Wonderful party! [160303] MAGES. GAME 1 2 Gameplay of Wonderful Party is divided into 2 parts that illustrating the daily life of Rabbit House Cafe. In the first one, player need to enliven the shop in order to prepare Chino's birthday party. The main focus in this part is to set up the shop and dialogue between characters. While the second part, player must set up the shop for a Christmas party. In this part, player will play as Cocoa and story will focuses on which character Cocoa developing a relationship the highest with. Anime Spin-Off  
    2. Akeiro Kaikitan あけいろ怪奇譚 [160325] Silky's Plus 1 2 3 4 5 Four girls committed suicide one after another. It was rumoured that their deaths were caused by the "spirit of the old school building". For most, this was just a silly rumour, but Yashiro could not just ignore it. This was because he had been troubled by a strange dream ever since the shocking incidents, which caused him to get weaker day by day due to not being able to sleep soundly. One day, he saw a black-haired girl beckoning him in the hallway, but he was pulled back by a strange girl named Velvet. She told him to be careful because he was cursed. There are English reviews  
    3. Dungeon of Regalias ~Haitoku no Miyako Ishgalia~ ダンジョン オブ レガリアス ~背徳の都イシュガリア~ [160325] Astronauts: Sirius 1 2 3 4 5 6 The floating city of Windal was full of prosperity due to its advanced magic culture. However, an unexplained massive magic explosion sent the city crashing to the ground, killing almost all of its citizens. Only a huge crater and the ruins of the city underneath it remained. Nomads built many villages and over time, the area turned into the large metropolis Ishgalia. Reckless adventurers came to the city to challenge the demon-infested labyrinths under the city in the hopes of striking it rich. The battle-seasoned Orias, who has no memories before becoming a mercenary, arrived at Ishgalia in search of his forgotten past. What awaits him in the depths of the labyrinth and the ruins of the floating city? RPG  
    4. Otome ga Irodoru Koi no Essence 乙女が彩る恋のエッセンス [160325] ensemble 1  Naoto worked as the sous-chef at the mansion of the Amagi family, who owns the leading zaibatsu in Japan. One day, he was asked by the madame to assume the chef position at her daughter Sakuya’s school because she thought that she was acting strangely and she wanted him to report back on her. Even though he felt overwhelmed being at the famous Maishiro girls’ school, he was still full of expectation for his new job. Then, his boss Yakumo gave him some shocking news: he will have to dress as a girl and attend school with Sakuya, since it was easier to keep an eye on her that way. Despite his resistance, he was introduced as the new student and cook, Chihiro. If his true gender is found out, then he might lose his job and be reported as a pervert. Will he be able to fulfill his duties as a cook and a student at the school? There is an English review  
    5. Rep Kiss リプキス [160325] Giga Souji moved back to his hometown and was excited at starting a new life there, even though he was a bit saddened that it wasn’t the same as before. He went out to the convenience store to do some shopping after moving in and met a pretty girl at the entrance. She called him ‘Sou-kun’, a nickname which he hadn’t heard in a long time, and he realized that she was his childhood friend Kanade. He was surprised by how beautifully she had grown up. Their chance meeting spurred the revival of half-forgotten feelings. Giga Kiss series is a long-standing frontrunner of moege genre  
    6. School of Fantasia スクールオブファンタジア [160325] Tamamo Soft All of a sudden, there were children who were born in Japan with special abilities. They were segregated to a school located on Tendoujima, an island in the southern sea. Meanwhile, the relatively normal Yorito drifted on to the island after being swept by the waves from his adventurer father’s raft. After Himeno saved his life with artificial respiration, he ended up transferring into the Tendoujima Gakuen. Since he was suspected of being a spy, he accepted a request to explore the dungeon where monsters dwelled in order to establish his innocence. He enjoyed a pleasant life with the girls at the school, getting to know them better and solving their worries, but soon he became involved in various events while investigating the dungeon. RPG  
    7. Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya o Mezasu 少女たちは荒野を目指す [160325] Minato Soft 1 2 3 Buntarou doesn’t know what he wants to do in the future, he does not have any kind of dream that he wants to pursue. So currently he just spends his days hanging around with his friends. When one day his classmate Sayuki asks him if he wants to help with development of a galge. She says that she had become interested in his help after she read one his works intended for the drama club. Buntarou doesn’t know anything about gal games but Sayuki claims that she has the ability to make it a success. Can they make the game and will it be a success like she claims it will be? This is the story of youths taking a daring step into the unknown… There are English reviews  
    8. Tengoku Hime 2 ~Haken Soudatsu, Gen'you no Shousei~ 天極姫2~覇権争奪, 幻妖の将星~ [160325] Gesen 18 Another crossover work featuring heroines from Sengoku Hime VI and Sangoku Hime IV with original story and new heroes. Everyone lives happily in the paradise Venard, where there is no fighting nor starvation. Generation after generation, the king governs the paradise by following the divine messages in the ‘Book of Prophecies’. However, one day these messages stopped appearing and strange beings appeared from a distortion in the space-time continuum. With strife breaking out in various areas, the king decided to use a secret art which had been passed down the Imperial family. In exchange for his life, the new rulers would be summoned to govern Venard. With that, he disappeared without a trace. What will become of this world? RPG  
    9. Tokeidai no Jeanne ~Jeanne a la tour d'horloge~ 時計台のジャンヌ ~Jeanne à la tour d'horloge~ [160325] Liar-soft 1 2 3 The story opens in the final days of World War II, on the shoreline of northwestern France. A young soldier of the Free French Forces, Roland, and his sworn friend Olivier participate in the invasion of Normandy to free their motherland. But as they descend to raid the enemy position at the break of dawn, their aircraft is exposed to enemy fire, forcing them to land. Isolated from their unit, the two wander through a forest blanketed by night, where they unexpectedly encounter a group of cavaliers. These ghastly, medieval knights are led by a Edwalda, a female knight in a flowing black dress. Roland swiftly dives to cover Olivier and is fatally injured, losing consciousness── Upon returning to his senses, he finds himself near a calm forest spring, a single lovely girl having nursed him back to health. Roland's life threatening injury was healed, as if it was never there to begin with, causing him to wonder if the knights' attack was merely a dream… but he is mistaken. Roland has awakened in another world entirely, shrouded by endless fog - a grotesque realm caught in the midst of eternal conflict and endless bloodshed. And the girl who saved him was the maiden trapped at the center of this history of war- the “captive of time”, the fated girl - Jeanne. The moment this young man and the maiden meet, the clock tower breaks its long lasting silence, and once again begins to mark the passage of time. Its tolling lures Roland the young soldier and Jeanne the Maiden to set out on their journey of penance, in a strange and distorted world── Game is localized and has English reviews  
    10. Toki o Tsumugu Yakusoku 時を紡ぐ約束 [160325] Applique 1 2 3 It was late spring when Hayato arrived at the remote hot spring town of Yunohara with his daughter Miria to start a new job at the traditional inn Kusakabe-an. Hayato has a special magic ability, but since it can only be used within 10 seconds, it’s not really useful to him. Freed from a rough upbringing in an orphanage, he was glad to finally start a new life, working at the inn while attending school. He met many supportive people in the school and town, including the daughter of the inn owner, Misaki. However, these halcyon days would soon be shattered when the orphanage director came to take Miria away. There are English reviews  
    BLOCKED   1. Dies irae ~Interview with Kaziklu Bey~ Dies irae ~Interview with Kaziklu Bey~ [160325] light 1 2 3 "My mother was my sister." Brooklyn, New York - The man who sat across the interviewer at the vampire bar known as the "Borges House" began his story with those odd words. Following the end World War II, the pallid SS officer traversed the globe to many a raging battlefield, leaving carnage unforeseen in his wake. The vampire of the battlefield. The wandering Hakenkreuz. Though his saga was passed down as naught but a stale ghost story, it was no mere urban legend. For he was Wilhelm Ehrenburg - hunted in absolute secrecy by the UN as a remnant of the Third Reich, enemy of the world, and one of the infamous members of the demonic Longinus Dreizehn Orden. And after over half a century, the time had finally come for him to depart for Japan in order to fulfill his most ardent desire. Humoring this interviewer he would have ignored or slain any other day was merely a whim birthed from the exaltation of the promised time drawing ever closer. That was the only reason our intrepid interviewer found him in a talkative mood. Thus, as he reflected on his life, Wilhelm grew nostalgic - sentimental, even - for the path he had walked. And when asked, he unveiled his past piece by piece. From the accursed blood that poisoned his very soul, to the blight wrought by the works of Mercury. He spun a tale of the day he awakened to the truth of his being, and of the woman who had the nature of Wilhelm's existence engraved upon her very being. "Don't you worry, I'm gonna tell you everything. From the first moment I met her, to the very end of our story." Fandisc   2. Grimo ☆ Love ~Houkago no Witch~ グリモ☆ラヴ ~放課後のウィッチ~ [160325] Shiroi Pantsu 1 2 Yuuma had his future all planned out: he would join the literature club, fall in love with his senpai, and become a best-selling light novel writer. However, it all came apart when his homeroom teacher informed him that the literature club had been disbanded many years ago. He couldn’t find another club where he would be able to write novels, so he ended up finding a nice place in the library to focus on his writing. Then, he was forcefully recruited to the student council as the secretary, mainly to take care of the mounds of paperwork which had piled up. After some incident, he ended up as a member of the second literature club, which was actually the occult club and the Grimoire ended up in his hands. According to club leader Yuzuna, if one makes a contract with the book, then they will become popular with the opposite sex. She was really eager to try it, and he became her test subject. However, it actually possessed magic which made others sexually excited, causing all types of ecchi events to occur around him! Nukige listed for the sake of an English review   3. Maitetsu まいてつ [160325] Lose 1 2 3 4 5 Set in Hinomoto, a fictional version of Japan, where railway travel served as the primary form of transport for a long time. Each locomotive was paired with a humanoid control module, so-called RailRoad, that aided the train operator. However, many rail lines had been discontinued due to the rising popularity of ‘aerocrafts,’ a safe and convenient aerial mode of transport. As such, their accompanying railroads also went into a deep sleep. Soutetsu had lost his entire family in a rail accident and was adopted into the Migita household, which runs a shochu brewery in Ohitoyo city. He returned to his hometown to save it from the potential water pollution if they accepted the proposal to build an aerocraft factory nearby. He woke up the RailRoad Hachiroku by accident and became her owner. They agreed to help find her lost locomotive for different purposes, with the help of his stepsister Hibiki, the town’s mayor and local railway chief, Paulette, and others. Nukige listed for the sake of English reviews   4. Natsu no Kusari 夏ノ鎖 [160325] Clock Up 1 2 3 It's the beginning of summer. I moved up a class but nothing changed. This year is the same as last and the next, nothing will ever change. A dreary every day life. If only I knew why I'm so depressed. My relentlessly boring life won't reveal the cause or name of this feeling. Therefore, I will change this bleak world by myself. I will now carry out what I've always imagined. My plan is perfect. Now I just have to choose a girl to entrap in my scheme. Anyone will do, as long as she's not boring. For example, the girl walking in front of me with the long black hair. I don't desire a brightly shining summer. What I crave are days filled with a girl's screams and despair. Nukige listed for the sake of English reviews  
  4. kivandopulus
    December expectedly attracts many publishers and can boast of such masterpieces as Gun Knight Girl , Kimi e Okuru, Sora no Hana and Fata morgana no Yakata . Micchi is also interested in such lovey-dovey titles as Ima Sugu Onii-chan ni Imouto Datte Iitai, Kanojo to Ore to Koibito to and Natsuzora no Perseus while Zen for once also finds something to play - Ourai no Ghakthun and a fandisc.  
    1. CrossQuartz [121214] Flatz Miyu was cursed with having the people that she likes die. She had been careful with not having any guy get close to her, but one day she felt her heart beat fast for her best friend Riko. In despair that she may get Riko killed, she intended to hang herself. That’s when a magical cat named Yuu appeared. It revealed to her that she wasn’t actually cursed and that she was able to sense people who have their souls stolen by evil spirits. Miyu decides to become a magic girl and capture the Castle of Blandulg in order to retrieve Riko’s soul. Platformer  
    2. Ima Sugu Onii-chan ni Imouto Datte Iitai! いますぐお兄ちゃんに妹だっていいたい! [121214] fairys 1 2 3 Rikuto had a new younger brother Ayumu after his father’s remarriage. However, little did he know that Ayumu was actually his younger sister and it was under her mother’s orders that she pretend to be a boy to him. Every day, his heart beats a little faster around his overly cute ‘otouto’ (imouto), while her heart aches in having to hide her true identity from her kind brother. With the arrival of spring, Rikuto and Ayumu begin attending the popular private school Asaoka Academy, with Ayumu dressed up as a girl. As he became friends with his classmates, he noticed that they all had something missing. His friend from middle school, Matsuri, has lost sight of what it meant to be a girl. The cool-mannered Mao dresses as a boy even though she is a girl. The extremely shy class rep Kimika wishes to change herself. With Ayumu by his side, he sets out to help them seek out what they are missing. There are English reviews  
    3. Kanojo to Ore to Koibito to. 彼女と俺と恋人と。 [121214] Pulltop Latte 1 2 3 4  Haruto saved Ayano when he jumped out in front of an errant vehicle that was heading for her, but he got hurt in the process. She came to visit him every day while he was in the hospital and they gradually got closer. Even after he was discharged from the hospital, she helped take care of him until his injury was fully healed, spending every day like lovers. On the final day, he walked her to the train station and thanked her for everything she did for him. She responded by kissing him and saying that she didn’t stay with him only because he saved her. The next day, she came once more to his place, but this time as true lovers. However, their sweet time together was soon interrupted by his childhood friend Yuuko, Ayano’s best friend Tsukushi and her younger sister Konoka. There are English reviews  
    4. Kiss Bell キスベル [121214] Giga 1 It was nearing the end of autumn when the volunteer Christmas club started up at Academy Ekoda. It has been a tradition that it will be run by the newly-appointed student council president. Ichio decided to help out with the club to make amends for causing trouble at the culture festival. He gradually got to know the other members better: the hardworking and reliable student council president Chiharu, her quiet best friend and class rep Yumi, carefree senior Ayano who understands him well, and earnest kouhai and public morals committee member Eri who keeps a watchful eye on him at all times. How will their relationships end up considering they all joined the club voluntarily? Surely, their future will be one that is full of joy. There is an English review  
    5. Sengoku Hime 4 ~Souha Hyakkei, Hana Mamoru Chikai~ 戦極姫4~争覇百計、花守る誓い~ [121214] Gesen 18 1  The fourth installment of the Sengokuhime SLG series takes place after the death of Oda Nobunaga and features 65 female generals and 35 male generals, based both on famous and minor historical figures. New features including naval battles, new battle and domestic affairs skills, a training system and an easy mode for beginners. Strategy has an English review  
    6. AKB1/149 Ren'ai Sousenkyo AKB1/149 恋愛総選挙 [121220] Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. The ban on romance is lifted once again. And this time, the stakes are higher than ever, all the pretty girls in Japan are vying for your attention. Choose your girl from 149, they come from AKB48, SKE48, NMB48 and HKT48. Find 1 and reject all the other 148. May the goddess of romance smile on you. As the third game in the AKB series, everything is new, from the voice clips, photos, movies to the scenarios. To those of you who adore Maeda Atsuko, the eternal center girl in AKB48, this might be the last time you strike up a romance with her, as she is graduating from the group. When the girl falls in love with you, you will be treated to the Kami Kokuhaku scenario. A special scene where she confesses her love to you. Unlock this for all 149 girls. It's the third visual novel about AKB, cut it out already  
    7. Yaneura no Kanojo 屋根裏の彼女 [121220] F&C FC01 1 Towa is a second-year student at Tenjin Gakuen, who liked everything related to the occult. One day, he got involved in a fight with a vampire at night and ended up being cursed and left to die. He was saved by another vampire Francesca, but was turned into a vampire in return. He greatly hated being a vampire with eternal life, so he wished to return to being human. Will his wish come true? There is an English impression  
    8. Chaos Labyrinth [121221] Debo no Su Seisakusho When he woke up, he was in a room he didn't know. The only light in that room was the moonlight coming from the window. When he raised the upper part of his body, the body creaked as if he had been bedridden for a long time. He didn't know what place it was. He didn't know who he was. He couldn't remember his name. When, bearing the pain, he descended from the bed, the dust, thinly piled up, was whirled up. When he went outside, that place looked like a section of a castle somewhere. But nearby there was nobody and at the windows there weren't lights. Only, in the far zenith, the full moon was shining. Suddenly a restless chill took possession of him. The world was softly distorted, the sound of a bell reaching him from far behind resounded in his head. How much time had passed? The chill and the sound of the bell had already gone away. To take their place, in front of his eyes there was someone's shadow. But ... it had something fantastic. RPG  
    9. Gun Knight Girl ガンナイトガール [121221] Candy Soft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  In the year 2034, a large war had been going on for 4 years. Ever since a military accident near Ayato’s hometown last year, the townspeople had been fleeing the town due to fear of the army and encroaching battle lines. Now only those who are too old to move or had to stay in the town due to connections remained. With most of the students gone, his school was closed down and taken over by the ground self-defense forces as an engineering school for the girls-only #0 squadron of the 2nd ward. He didn’t like danger, but he was a bit curious and ended up joining their school as an outsider along with his two friends, Kentarou and Yuina. His views change when he realizes that even though the girls are in the army, they are still just girls. However, when gunfire soon broke out in the skies overhead and the oldest member of the squadron Sayaka went missing, the peaceful rural life that he once knew was no more. There are English reviews  
    10. Himegoto Masquerade ~Ojousama-tachi no Tawamure~ ヒメゴト・マスカレイド~お嬢様たちの戯れ~ [121221] Escu:de 1 Shizunari Itsuki doesn’t have any relatives, lost his memories and even has a fear of women. In order to overcome this fear, which was causing problems in his adopted family, he was enrolled into the Saint Tiphereth Girl’s School as a girl under the assumed name Shirahane Itsuki. However, any hopes he had of an uneventful school life were destroyed when model student and star of the school Hirasaka Eri, known as the "Holy Mary", found out his secret. Luckily for him, he also discovered her true nature in turn, and so they agreed to a mutually beneficial partnership. They would not reveal each other's secrets and would support one another to the best of their ability. And in order to help him get rid of his gynophobia... "I, Hirasaka Eri, offer you my body." She would help him get used to seeing and touching a woman's body, but it was yet another secret that nobody could find out. Yet his problems didn't stop there. With him and the famous "Holy Mary" spending so much time together, it was only natural that other girls in the school became jealous of their close relationship. He soon had many enemies, but then another girl vowed to protect him. That girl was Mitsurugi Maya, who was known as "Arthur", and was the head of the school's disciplinary committee, The Chivalric Order of the Church. She was the only one at the school considered a rival to Eri in terms of popularity. "Don't worry, Itsuki, I will keep you safe!" With Eri and Maya competing over him in a war of charisma, the school itself split into two factions, and all eyes on him, will it be possible for Itsuki to achieve the goal he came for? There is an English review  
    11. Hyakki Yakou 百機夜行 [121221] G.J? 1  The plot takes place around the time of the Sino-Russia war, although it doesn’t attempt to recreate any historical conflicts and instead does its own thing. The plot is filled with political maneuvering, but also a more personal story about what “duty to country” really entails. Strategy  
    12. Justy×Nasty ~Maou Hajimemashita~ Justy×Nasty ~魔王はじめました~ [121221] Whirlpool 1 2 3 4  The school for heroes, Sousei Academy, and the school for devils, Zouma Academy, are within a stone’s throw of each other. Obviously, this led to daily fights between the two schools. Lately due to declining birth rates, it was decided that the two schools be merged together and Souseizouma Academy was constructed. However, this only led to increased skirmishes, especially when the two principals don’t like one another. Kiyoharu was enrolled at this school by his father to become a dark lord. He was awakened one day with a girl on top of him, vowing to defeat him. Later at school, he was challenged by this girl Mana to a duel, but he managed to overcome her even though she was one of the strongest heroines-in-training since he was not going to die a virgin. When he revealed that his mind was not set on becoming a dark lord, she and other students from both sides tried to persuade him to join their side. There are English reviews  
    13. Kimi e Okuru, Sora no Hana キミへ贈る、ソラの花 [121221] Cabbit 1 2 3 4  Shuuya has been able to see ghosts ever since he was a child, but he kept it a secret from everyone. One day, he noticed a girl wearing winter clothes even though it was warm outside. She noticed his gaze and happily said ‘I found you!’. The girl Matsuri was a ghost who was scouting people who could see spirits for a new private school Suou Academy. Since he wanted to find out why he had this special ability, he decided to join the school where ghosts and those who can see them both attend. There are English reviews  
    14. Koiken Otome 恋剣乙女 [121221] Eufonie 1 2 3 4 5 6  A long time ago, unknown beings known as Kotona invaded Earth in search of food. Humans were unable to repel them until after a few years, some people gained special abilities known as ‘douryoku’ which allowed them to exterminate the Kotona and return peace to the world. Now, Seiichi attends the super-elite Kashinomori Academy which trains people with douryoku in preparation for another attack by the Kotona. However, even though he has great power, he doesn’t have the ability to manifest it, leading to him being labelled as ‘most useless one’. The rest of the students in his class all had great skill, but in particular one girl caught his attention. Akane had average powers even though she came from a distinguished family, so she trained hard daily to improve her skills. Watching her, he can’t help but want to help her[...] There are English reviews  
    15. Natsuzora no Perseus 夏空のペルセウス [121221] minori 1 2 3 Shinra and his younger sister Ren have the ability to transfer ‘pain’ on to themselves by touching someone. Ever since they were young, they have been used by their foster parents for this ability. Tired of constantly moving from place to place, they decided to leave together to the rural mountain village of Tenryou-mura with the intention of not using their powers again. Even though they can temporarily lessen pain by taking it from someone, they are unable to cure whatever is causing the pain. However, his mother had told him that his ability is a gift for someone special in his life. Their distant relative Sui greeted them and showed them around the school, where they met the bookworm Ayame and Touka, who had an angelic smile. They are the only students at the school and this suited the siblings just fine since they wanted to avoid contact with people as much as possible. Gradually, he learned about the ‘pain’ that each girl had. Sui had an injured leg, while Ayame suffered from her parent’s deaths in a traffic accident. His own sister Ren didn’t trust anyone, relying only on him. However, Touka’s pain is on a totally different scale – just touching her had pain shooting through his body. This is the beginning of a tale of love and sacrifice. There are English review  
    16. Ore to 5-nin no Yome-san ga Raburabu nano wa, Mirai kara Kita Aka-chan no Okage ni Chigainai!? 俺と5人の嫁さんがラブラブなのは、未来からきた赤ちゃんのおかげに違いない!? [121221] Onomatope* 1 2 3 The protagonist was living a relatively normal school life when one day, a baby appeared together with thunder! He didn’t believe it, but it was his own daughter from the future. Forced to take care of the baby, a ‘baby club’ was created at school with his classmates, kouhais and teacher helping him. That’s one problem solved, but then he inherited a large enterprise. Due to countermeasures against the declining birthrate, the rich must have multiple wives. So, he proposed to all the members in the baby club. There are English reviews  
    17. Ourai no Gahkthun ~What a Shining Braves~ 黄雷のガクトゥーン~What a shining braves~ [121221] Liar-soft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  The year is 1908. The 20th century is still young. An unfamiliar 20th century - in an unfamiliar world. This is a world that experienced a 19th century very different from our own. A world filled with innumerable steam-powered "Engines." The unnaturally rapid development of this steam civilization has left the world's skies shrouded in grey... and its seas dyed black. "Sea" - Once, the word suggested an expanse of blue. Today, it refers to something dark and putrid. The former harbor city of Marseille in the European Kingdom of France looks out on a sea as black as any other. But these particular waters are home to something that can't be found anywhere else on Earth... A massive artificial island, solid and imposing as a fortress. A city in its own right, but also a school; a place bursting with life and color. Its formal name: The Marseille Offshore Academia. In the spring of 1908... A single young man appears within its walls. After declaring his intent to wage war against its powerful Governing Council, he introduces himself in this way: "Nikola Tesla. 72 years old. I'm a transfer student." "Students of the Marseille Offshore Academia. My hundred thousand young friends, cursed by fate." "...I will save every last one of you with my own two hands." And at the summit of Château d'If, a bell rings out. The Bell of Gahkthun, announcing that the time of rejoicing is at hand... Game is localized and has English reviews  
    18. Fata morgana no Yakata ファタモルガーナの館 [121227] Novectacle 1 2 3 4  You awaken in a decrepit old mansion. A woman with eyes of jade stands before You, informing You that You are the Master of the house, and she Your Maid. However, You have no memories, no concept of self—or, indeed, any certainty that You are even alive. The Maid invites You to join her on a journey through the mansion's lifeless halls, to behold the numerous tragedies that have befallen its residents. She suggests that among them, perhaps You will find some trace of Yourself. Beyond the first door lies the year 1603. It is an era of unparalleled beauty, where art and theatre flourish. Roses bloom abundantly in the garden where the inseparable Rhodes siblings play, and though they appear to be free of worry and strife... not everyone is content to see them happy. Beyond the second door lies the year 1707. In this era, the mansion lies in ruins, and a beast dwells within. He claims to yearn for a life of serenity, but it is not long before he yields to his innate savagery and a massacre ensues. Beyond the third door lies the year 1869. In this technologically advanced era, people are always on the move. The mansion's master is an ambitious businessman who has invested in the rail industry. However, his obsession with wealth and power leads him to neglect and mistreat his wife. Beyond the fourth door lies the year 1099. The Maid tells You that this is the final tale. In this era, You see a young man who claims to be cursed and a girl with white hair, called Giselle, who has been branded a witch and marked for death. Having borne witness to these four tragedies, each set in a different time and place, You are now free to choose whether You wish to end Your story here... or press on. But there are those who would say, "You were able to bear them because they weren't your tragedies." Game is localized and has English reviews of which I listed only early ones  
    BLOCKED   1. Tasogare no Saki ni Noboru Ashita -Applique FanDisc- 黄昏の先にのぼる明日 -あっぷりけFanDisc- [121214] Applique 1 
    Fandisk for Applique’s Miageta Sora ni Ochiteiku, Concerto Note and Tasogare no Sinsemilla. There are three after stories (one from each series), as well as three side stories and online mahjong.
    Fandisc     2. Appare! Tenka Gomen Matsuri ~Koi to Arashi wa Ooedo no Hana~ あっぱれ!天下御免祭 ~恋と嵐は大江戸の華~ [121221] BaseSon
    Fandisk for Appare! Tenka Gomen, featuring some new characters and of course lots of icharabu scenes. With the world finally at peace, the students at Ooedo Gakuen prepare for the school festival. However, an inspector from the education head office arrived at the school with ill intentions.
    Fandisc   3. Guro Dere グロ・でれ [121221] Cyclet 1 2 3 One day, on his way home, Komura Kazuto ran into a girl from his past; a girl he had not seen in 10 years. But this was no normal reunion. The girl was standing in the middle of the road, about to be hit by a truck. Kazuto rushed to her side and pushed her out of the way, then... everything turned pitch black. When Kazuto regained consciousness, the girl was by his side. The girl's name was "Ilmi." She had apparently saved Kazuto at the last minute. Ilmi asked Kazuto if he could let her crash at his place for a bit, and he could not find it in himself to turn her down, bringing her home with him. That night, Ilmi snuck into Kazuto's bed, and the two ended up sleeping together. For some reason, Kazuto lost consciousness right after. And the first thing Kazuto saw when he woke up again was Ilmi sitting naked in front of him, holding her own severed head in her hands. With a bright smile, Ilmi then said: "You really know how to punish a girl." Shocked and confused, Kazuto asked her how she could possibly still be alive, and with a brilliant smile, she answered: "Because I'm a vampire, duh!" This was the beginning of Kazuto and Ilmi's lovey-dovey, lewd and grotesque relationship. Nukige, but with English reviews   4. Mushi no Me 蟲ノ目 [121229] Yotsutsuji Echo 1 2 3 Nijoukubou and her best friend Sanbara travel to a village found at the very center of Japan to unravel its myths and legends that all focus on insects. But they both get dragged in a battle royal between 9 people and the insects within them. Armed with a power that can only allow her to run away, Nijoukubou tries to survive during this game of death. Doujin, but with English reviews
  5. kivandopulus
    Akatsuki no Goei ~Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron~ finally can be considered a masterpiece as story actually moves somewhere this time. Micchi sees some merit in Iro ni Ide ni keri Waga Koi wa .
    1. Eien no Ikusa Hime 永焔の戦姫 [100413] Eushully Eien no Ikusa Hime contains the novelized versions of Ikusa Megami Zero, Genrin no Kishougun and Genrin no Kishougun 2 for those who want to jump into Verita without missing the previous story developments. Remake without gameplay parts  
    2. Akatsuki no Goei ~Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron~ 暁の護衛 ~罪深き終末論~ [100422] Syangrila 1 2 3 4  With helicopters in the air and thousands of police surrounding the ‘forbidden area’, where those who aren’t recognized as humans reside, the normal lives of Kaito and his friends is coming to an end. There are English reviews.  
    3. Ikusa Megami Verita 戦女神VERITA [100423] 1 2 3 4 5 6 Eushully The wandering God-Slayer Serika, who's still searching for his purpose. The half-demon king of Menfill, Loui, who just won the war, but lost his wife in it. This is the story of two infamous heroes and how their paths in life inevitably cross each other, and the conflict that it brings. While on the backdrop of the setting, various ancient forces rear their head and the temple of Marsterrie starts moving. RPG is localized and has English reviews  
    4. Kokoro no Sumika ココロの住処 [100423] Yatagarasu Chihiro likes his imouto Rina, but she doesn’t want him around. In fact, Rina loves her older sister Matsuri, who in turns likes Chihiro! In the midst of this (taboo?) love triangle, their scientist parents sent them some packages and Chihiro opened them and found some weird stuff. His father returns shortly after with a strange girl and introduces her as an android named Kokoro. Heartwarming love comedy that keeps being nice only before individual  routes. Graphics is very uneven. Low budget - low quality - is felt everywhere..  
    5. Noblesse Oblige ノーブレスオブリージュ [100423] Clock Up Kouji was surprised when a beautiful girl appeared one day and said that she would be his maid. Yuria is part of the famous maid servant group called “Noblesse Oblige” (N.O.) which caters to the wealthy and famous. His grandmother had told him that wanted him to be the most loved in the world, but he never expected to have a maid servant. Not only that but shortly after, another girl showed up, as well as his childhood friend Ayana. What is going on here? Non-nukige Clock Up work? Seriously? Don't get hopes up. Setting of super-maids is not explained. No serious story is developed, as expected. Maids provide all kinds of service and excel at everything, so H tilt is inevitable, 5-6 H scenes per heroine.  
    6. Chou Jikuu Bakuren Monogatari ~door pi chu~ 超時空爆恋物語~door☆pi☆chu~ [100428] PrimRose Yoshitsune lives with his childhood friends, sisters Orihime and Otohime. Otohime likes delving in black magic and one day makes a drug that bend space and time. Yoshitsune ends up getting this power and summons lots of historical figures. However, he can’t make them return to their original time, so they end up living together with him. Comedy with celebrities of the past like Kleopatra as sub-heroines (what a shameful stealing from GIDYY), but reality acquaintances as main heroines. Good light funny game if you can appreciate such smelly concept.  
    7. Marriage Royale ~Prism Story~ マリッジロワイヤル ~プリズムストーリー~ [100428] Vridge Inc. Marriage Royale's story revolves around the male protagonist, a high school student named Hinomoto Tsukasa, who is told one day by his parents that he was adopted. Furthermore, they tell him that his real father is a manager of a large company, meaning he is very rich and holds a lot of power. Tsukasa's real father wants his son to marry a good woman, so he sets up an event known as Marriage Royale where beautiful girls from all over Japan will come together at a school built especially for the event and vie to become Tsukasa's fiancé. The school is located on an isolated island near Japan, and Tsukasa himself is taken there to live in a mansion in the care of two twin maids: Miku, the elder sister, and Miu, the younger sister. There are various paths the player can take in the game beyond the main marriage path provided that the player fulfills the correct requirements to open those paths up. These paths are designated by different colors and include a red route which involves investigating dangerous ruins and a yellow route which involves the girls aiming to be idols. Another PSP crap with all kinds of sugary banalities pushed together.  
    8. Iro ni Ide ni keri Waga Koi wa 色に出でにけり わが恋は [100429] Windmill 1 2 3 Autumn has arrived in Tenshin and Yuuto is attending the prestigious Reimeikan girls’ school since his old school closed due to financial difficulties. He lives at a shrine, so he helps out occasionally. One day, he was asked to be an observer for a duel between two Tenjou sisters, Rio and Kikyou, to decide on who is deemed the successor of the family. However, there was an accident and somehow Rio ends up living with him. I tend to block games with sudden cohabitation plots, and Windmill has rather poor reputation, so expect an ordinary moege. To make things worse, protagonist is pretty much a pervert. This all gives room to many silly gags.  
    9. Acchi Muite Koi アッチむいて恋 [100430] ASa Project Kousuke just transferred into rural Harusaki Gakuen, but the school accidentally didn’t reserve a room for him. After much searching he found a free room, but it’s at a girls’ dorm! Thus begins his double life: as a boy at school and as a girl named Mae in the dorm. A pretty common scenario, and one in which his cover is bound to be blown eventually. However, he has his imouto Runa on his side, who followed him to the dorm so that no other girl can take her oniichan away. Also, the most ojousama-like chara in the school is actually a trap. The obligatory trap game of the month. Pretty ordinary stuff with humor concentrated in common route.  
    10. Custard Cream Taiyaki カスタードクリームたい焼き [100430] Axis  One day while returning home, Raikou gets in trouble and meets his childhood friend Aira who he hadn’t seen since he was small. He wondered why she came back and she said that she has an arranged marriage with him, however she just wants to keep her promise with him. The next day, Aira transfers into his school and announces to everyone that she’ll be marrying him, which surprises everyone since no one knows of their relationship. Aira moves in his house, as well as Kanae and Ayaka, since they find Aira too suspicious. It all very soon turns into a harem with uninteresting characters.  
    11. Floating Material -The Hill Where the Star Born.- Floating Material (フローティング マテリアル) -The hill where the star born.- [100430] Biscotti Shun is the only male teacher at Kyoukasen Girls’ School, a well-known high class school also known as the “Water School” since it is situated in a forest and there is a lake on the school grounds. It is a place to heal the wounds of those girls who are hurt. He meets girls who shut off themselves from the world, those who don’t have confidence in themselves, those who are still traumatized by their past. He decides to help them move forward with their lives. Heroines are just cute, but without appealing personalities or charm. Not the worst work especially if you like healing games, but definitely mediocre.  
    12. Ikinukissa ~Kakushiaji ni Ai o~ イキヌキッ茶~隠し味に愛を~ [100430] Noir Soft There are various girls at my cafe. Which girl will you choose? You can spend your time freely here! Enjoy... Plain and simple, it's a nukige, no block only because it's not 100% clear from synopsis.  
    13. Neko☆Koi! ~Nekogami-sama to Nekomimi no Tatari~ ねこ☆こい!~猫神さまとネコミミのたたり~ [100430] Whirlpool 1 Tsukasa is the head of the Toono shrine, which he and his sister Sayaka take care of. However, they’re being forced to move out under pressure from his childhood friend Misaki’s father’s company. One day, Misaki’s father’s car crashed into and destroyed the small shrine for some reason. Two cat spirits Hina and Sakuya appear and Sakuya casts a curse, which accidentally hits Misaki, causing her to grow nekomimi and a tail. Now they have to find a way to lift Misaki’s curse, while solving the shrine’s eviction problems at the same time. There is an English review  
    14. Petapeta ぺたぺた [100430] Lime Tooru is the grandson of the president of the world-famous Sakurai group. His sister Miki was named as the successor to the group, so people don’t really care much about him. However, Miki made him pretend to be her when helping out the company. This spring, Tooru will be attending Zuikou Academy. Will he be able to protect this secret under in a new setting and at the same time, fall in love for the first time? Royal road school game. All characters and kind, so it becomes boring very soon.  
    15. Shu ni Majiwareba Akaku Naru 主に交われば朱くなる [100430] Gummy Soft Hajime is a normal guy who transfers into Elde Gakuen, a school for the wealthy. He soon learns that he needs to enter into a ‘master-servant’ relationship with another student. Surrounded by various different kinds of ojousamas, his school life has become more exciting. Game starts nice and has worthy everyday part, but due to the concept has to shift to SM, and that's too big of a contrast. Don't think it can work without some fetish affinity.  
    BLOCKED   1. Kotori Love Ex P ことり Love Ex P [100423] Circus 1 
    Kotori Love Ex P is comprised of three parts: Kotori LOVE (Kotori's stories from D.C.P.C., D.C.W.S., D.C.A.S., and C.D.C.D.), Kotori Extasy! (18+ port of PS2 D.C.I.F.) and Kotori Plus!. The last part is a brand new story focusing on Junichi and Kotori’s life as newly-weds.
    Fandisc   2. Kansen 4 ~The Day After~ 姦染4 ~The Day After~ [100430] 1 2 Most events in Kansen 4 take place "The Day After" the endings of Kansen 1 and 2, during the reclamation of the contaminated areas by the Japan Self-Defence Forces. Daisuke Sendou just enjoys his school life with his classmates. One day, they go camping just before summer holiday (therefore escaping the initial outbreak of the Unknown virus epidemic), but... A cruel result is awaiting them there... Nukige, but with English reviews
  6. kivandopulus

    VN of the Month 2016
    World Election , Tsumi no Hikari Rendezvous and Wagamama High Spec are all masterpieces with first one being more to my taste, but Clephas opted out for the second one. Micchi chooses Mamiya-kunchi no Itsutsugo Jijou , Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart and Nekopara nukige.  
    1. Wagamama High Spec ワガママハイスペック [160204] Madosoft 1 2 3 The story revolves around Narumi Kouki, a high school student who also draws a manga serialized in a weekly magazine. Because the manga he draws is a risqué romantic comedy, he keeps this fact a secret from everyone around him, with his younger sister Toa and his sister's best friend Mihiro being the only ones who know. But one day, as the student council president Rokuonji Kaoruko is searching for male members for the student council, she finds out that Kouki is the manga's author. Kouki joins the student council in exchange for Kaoruko not revealing his secret. However, the vice president, Sakuragi R. Ashe, strongly opposes him joining, and in the midst of all this, various requests and troubles of students begin to pile up. There are English reviews  
    2. Amaekata wa Kanojo Nari ni. 甘えかたは彼女なりに。 [160226] Giga 1 2 3 “It’s not like I can’t make friends. I just don’t want to.” That’s what Hiroto says as he pretends that it was his own choice to be alone, but it would have been rather difficult for others to approach him with his slightly frightening looks and general surliness. His classmates also kept their distance from the strikingly beautiful Tomomi, who would chide anyone who bothered her. One day, Tomomi came up to Hiroto in the courtyard while he was enjoying lunch by himself. He thought she was going to confess to him, prompting a stern rebuke from her, as she was flabbergasted at his unexpected misunderstanding. Actually, she wanted him to come with her after school to the ‘assistance committee’, which is committee under the control of the student council for helping troubled students. However, he hadn’t heard anyone say goods things about it; in fact, it was dreaded to the extent that it is nicknamed the ‘meddling committee’. There are English reviews  
    3. Happening Love!! ハプニングLOVE!! [160226] Tsumiki Soft Due to their parent’s transfer abroad for work, Shun returned with his younger sister Miku to live in their hometown. The town had changed slightly from what he had remembered. He reunited with his energetic childhood friend Haruka, and met Sanae, the smart and beautiful granddaughter of the school chairman, and the mischievous and voluptuous senpai Misaki. The days he spends with them shouldn’t be that unusual, but since they are overly unskilled at love, they are lively and full of exciting happenings. Scenario is bad, and abundance of H scenes does not leave this game a single chance.  
    4. Koi Suru Otome to Shugo no Tate ~Bara no Seibo~ 恋する乙女と守護の楯 ~薔薇の聖母~ [160226] AXL 1 2 3 Because of his success in the events at St. Theresia Academy, Kisaragi Shuuji (Shield 9) has obtained a firm position within Aegis. That is, as the one in charge of “Crossdress infiltration”. Since the previous events he has successfully completed several more assignments, and currently considers stepping down from the position. Unfortunately for him however, he has been tasked with just 1 more assignment. This time, his task involves another all-girls school similar to St. Theresia Academy. He has to run in the elections for student council president and success in obtaining the position. Shuuji himself considers the operation to be impossible. To infiltrate the school alone, and run in the elections that take place within just 2 months from now? There’s no way that he can do it. Especially since apparently there are many dangers involved with the run for student council president. And who knows what other traps lurk within the shadows of the Academy? Will he manage to find his way through? There are English reviews  
    5. Mamiya-kunchi no Itsutsugo Jijou 間宮くんちの五つ子事情 [160226] CUBE 1 The Mamiya household that runs the seaside cafe Seamore is comprised of a set of quintuplets and their parents. Cheerful, active and positive eldest daughter Yakumo, who is bright and excels at sports, even if she is sometimes quite clumsy. Kind second daughter Moeri has the most common sense and is good at looking after others, but she can’t be honest with her feelings with the one she loves. Oldest son Ryouta helps resolve any problems among the sisters, who greatly love and rely on him. Third daughter Tamane is a domestic girl who takes care of most of the housework. She is a bit concerned about her weight lately. Cat-like youngest daughter Nekoto doesn’t speak much and is a bit strange, but she makes friends very easily. Even though they’re sometimes worried about their father’s tendency to wander, life in the Mamiya household is relatively peaceful. However, one day just before summer vacation, the wealthy Ririka who had fallen in love with Ryouta at first sight, transferred into their school. She declared that she will take Ryouta to be her husband under the pretext that her family had lent their family money to start up the cafe and that she would erase their debt. His sisters sensed a strong danger that their dear brother would be taken away by a total stranger, so they decided to work hard to pay off the debt before the summer ends. There is an English impression  
    6. Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート [160226] Harukaze 1 2 3 Nora lives together in Sakuragabuchi with Shachi, a girl younger than him whom his mother had adopted. After his mother’s passing, they were able to grow up just fine with the support of those around them. Shachi loves Nora very much, and wakes up him every day while straddling him in bed. Then they head to school and enjoy their time with their friends, including their childhood friend and discipline committee head Michi, and his cheerful gyaru-like kouhai Yuuki. One day, Nora came upon a girl named Patricia in a park on his way to school. She was a Princess of the Underworld and she came to the world of the living on her mother’s orders to destroy everything and remind humans of death. However, the life energies were too strong for her and she was overwhelmed by it. Nora took care of her while she was feeling ill, and she fell in love with him as a result. She asked him to explain the ‘mysteries of life’, but why does that include reading porn books...!? There are English reviews  
    7. Tsumi no Hikari Rendezvous 罪ノ光ランデヴー [160226] minori 1 2 3 In front of the lone tunnel leading out from the small village of Tamasato, Yuuto draws a picture of a mermaid living in the deep ocean where light does not reach. One day, he looked up from his drawing and there was a girl in front of him who looked just like the one on his canvas. She called herself a ‘sinner’ who came to this town to repent for her sins. Yuuto and the townspeople welcomed the girl, Ai, to their town. Come spring, the entrance ceremony was underway. The new students took pictures and videos in front of the school with their parents to commemorate this special day. However, it was a depressing event for Yuuto, who lives alone after the death of his father and the abandonment by his mother and older sister. While he had gotten used to it, this time he suddenly felt very lonely due to the recent passing of grandmother, the sole close relative he had left. Upon finding out about Yuuto’s loneliness, Ai confided that she was abandoned by her parents. She searched for a reason for living, whereas he ran away from reality through his imaginative drawings. Even though they were polar opposites, their backgrounds also made them quite similar. Gradually, they became closer to each other, while harbouring secrets of their own. There are English reviews  
    8. World Election ワールド・エレクション [160226] Whirlpool 1 2 3 World Election is the 10th anniversary game for Whirlpool. The world was split up amongst 5 different factions, the dark world of hell, an advanced technical world, the peaceful land of God and Angels, the primitive beast world, and the human world. As our story begins, it’s already been about 20 years since all of these worlds have been unified and are ruled in peace by the World Government. The protagonist is a type of person that people call a “Neo”, a human of the new generation who has been born with a special power. He currently attends an international school in the special region, but otherwise lives a very ordinary life. One day a meteorite crashes down nearby, and a single girl appears out of the rubble. She says her name is Kururu and that she is the God of destruction, though the rest of her memory seems to be lost. Her arrival happens just as the school is preparing for the new student council elections and due to circumstances our protagonist ends up running in them as well. Other famous students follow his example and also nominate themselves as candidates in the elections, not to mention the dangerous ones as well. All of this marks the starts of the greatest student council elections in history, opening the door for a new chapter in the history of the world… There are English reviews  
    BLOCKED   1. Neko Para Vol.2 Shimai Neko no Sucre ネコぱら vol.2 姉妹ネコのシュクレ [160226] NEKO WORKs 1 2 3 4 5  Business is booming for La Soleil, the patissiere run by Minazuki Kashou with his two catgirls, Chocola and Vanilla, his sister Shigure, and the Minazuki family's four catgirl sisters. Among them are the sarcastic oldest sister who hides behind a facade of toughness, Azuki, and the clumsy youngest sister who always tries her best even if she ends up doing more harm than good, Coconut. No one got along better than these two catgirls when they were younger, but lately, they've been fighting all the time. Despite their sisterly love, a small misunderstanding ends up driving a wedge between them. As the story of these catgirl sisters unfolds, they'll grow to understand each other and strengthen their familial bonds in this heartfelt catgirl comedy, which is only a little lewd. Now open for business! Nukige listed for opening's sake  
  7. kivandopulus
    Kimagure Temptation is good enough to be VN of the Month , or it may easily be AI: The Somnium Files if you can stand investigation games. Micchi also gives a chance to Cross Concerto and Study § Steady  
    1. Cross Concerto  クロスコンチェルト [190901] クロスコンチェルト Applique 1 It was spring, the season of new beginnings. Satoru finally broke free from the closed remote village where he had been held captive as an unwanted child, and entered the same school that his late mother attended. However, he was surprised to find his twin sister Ruri and her attendant Kyouka waiting for him there. He met the cool senpai Touko and occult-loving student council leader Mirai and gradually got used to the dormitory life. However, there were figures working in the shadows; will they find out the truth behind the events around them? There is an English review  
    2. AI: The Somnium Files AI:ソムニウム ファイル  [190917] Spike Chunsoft 1 2 3 One rainy night in November, a woman’s body is found at an abandoned theme park, mounted on a merry-go-round horse. She had been stabbed repeatedly, and her left eye was gouged out. Kaname Date of the Metropolitan Police Department arrives on the scene. He recognizes the woman. Suddenly, he hears a noise from inside the merry-go-round. He breaks into the merry-go-round’s central column to find a young girl. And in her hands, she grips a bloody ice pick... AI: The Somnium Files takes place in a technologically advanced Tokyo in the near future, and follows Kaname Date and his top-secret team within the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, known as the Advanced Brain Investigation Squad (ABIS). ABIS is responsible for investigating crimes through the process of Psyncing, exploring the subconcious dreams of persons of interest via a machine connecting the two together in a dream state known as Somnium. ABIS agents doing such are known as Psyncers, and act as observers in subjects' dreams who are able to retrieve secrets and clues the subject may be hiding or may not be aware of. To ensure psyncers are not subject to adverse effects, their time in a subject's somnium is limited to a maximum of six minutes. Also featured in the universe is the topic of advanced Artificial Intelligence, based around a global cloud-based system known as the Wadjet System that acts as the core of AI. Game is localized and has English reviews  
    3. Study § Steady スタディ§ステディ [190927] Marmalade 1 2 3 Her first lesson about love started when she met you. As you two spend time together, she gradually changes herself to match your type. Perhaps she might call you by another name. Just by doing that, what had been normal conversations up till now would surely feel somehow more special. Hearing these whispers of love every day, whether with others or alone, will make you love her more and more. Perhaps she might change her hairstyle. Surely it’s her way of mustering up the courage to appeal to you. How you will respond to her feelings is up to you. Before long you will become true lovers. This is what they call ‘going steady’. Returning from school together while holding hands. An unexpected time alone in the classroom after school. Exchanging presents during Christmas. Welcoming the new year together at the temple. Such a love story only for you is surely out there… There are English reviews  
    4. Onaji Class no Idol-san. Around Me Is Full by a Celebrity. 同じクラスのアイドルさん。Around me is full by a celebrity. [190927] Sonora 1 Kentarou’s childhood friend Akari transferred schools a few years ago and they haven’t much contact since. One day, it was decided that he’ll live with his grandfather due to his father’s job transfer. When he arrived at the house, he saw Akari for the first time in a few years. She had enrolled in the celebrity course at Itsuko Gakuen and was living at his grandfather and the board chairman’s house, which had recently been converted to a student dormitory. Then he was surprised once more when he was told that he would be part of this new curriculum starting the next day. They were lacking students since many had quit due to the rigours of the program, so he reluctantly agreed to participate for a year. He was unfamiliar with the specialized classes, but managed to get by with help from Akari, aspiring singer Ei and his other childhood friend Wako, who decided to join to stay by his side. It’s a lot of hard work preparing the stage for the trio. What does the future hold for them? There is an English review  
    5. Kimagure Temptation きまぐれテンプテーション [190927] Silky's Plus Wasabi 1 2 There was an extremely baffling incident at a certain apartment building where all four of its residents were found deceased, with their stomaches cut open and internal organs removed. The dense miasma in the building suggested that there was a spiritual influence behind it all. Since the police was swamped with cases, the young onmyouji Haruhisa was instead dispatched to conduct the investigation. At the same time, the demon Anneliese arrived from England to partake in the otaku culture that she admired, and agreed to help him in exchange for permission to stay permanently in Japan. However, she was more interested in his lower half than solving the case. Her fierce advances made him feel uneasy due to his lack of experience with women. Thus begins a cohabitation life in a cursed apartment between an onmyouji seeking to solve a mystery and a demon who just wants to make out with him. Will Haruhisa be able to shake free from the temptation or give in readily to it? There is an English review  
    6. Gothic Murder -Unmei o Kaeru Adventure- ゴシックマーダー -運命を変えるアドベンチャー- [190930] orange inc. 1 2 The story is set at the manor of a Count in early 20th century England. The protagonist, a maid at the manor, can foresee the nearby deaths of others in her dreams. And what she foresaw was the death of the Lord she serves. At that time, the manor was also abuzz over inheritance and an ominous will. A dreadful murder plot was moving forward in that manor… To save the life of her Lord, the protagonist scrambles based on the information she receives from her dreams—. Game is localized and has English reviews  
    BLOCKED   1. Sen no Hatou, Tsukisome no Kouki -Hana Akari- 千の刃濤、桃花染の皇姫 -花あかり- [190927] August 1 This is the fandisc for Sen no Hatou, Tsukisome no Kouki. featuring after stories for all heroines. Also includes new stories for side-characters Isuzu, Chihaya, Himi no Mikoto and Sekka. Fandisc   2. Sex Open World e Youkoso! セックスオープンワールドへようこそ! [190927] Moonstone Cherry Thanks to an accident, our protagonist 'Sejima Seiya' awakes to find himself in the parallel world of "Laurentide". In the land of Laurentide, there is an ancient legend which has been long held by the people... -From a hero who arrives from a parallel world shall come the seed which will end the Era of War- There is no doubt that the seed spoken thereof is that of our protagonist. "What am I, a stud horse!?" the hero thinks to himself, yet even be that as it may, our protagonist can't help but want to do it. And besides, to become the father of heroes is to become king of the world. And so it goes... Led by the legend, beautiful women from all over the world begin to converge in order to claim our protagonists' seed. ...Maybe these heroines secretly desire to unite the world under their country's banner. ...Or maybe they just want to have sex with the hero. Our main character's days of being exploited by beautiful women begin now... Nukige with an opening
  8. kivandopulus
    Foreword: I was prejudiced towards this game after reading Japanese reviews blaming it for scrapping story in favor of H-events, but in reality the setting, plot and characters left me no choice but to get to the ending.
    Title: Rougetsu Toshi
    Developer: Softhouse Bonbee Bonbon
    Date: 1997-12-26
    VNDB link:https://vndb.org/v15347
    Youtube walkthrough:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX9cGamwbB8&list=PLENAECnNmAq9uoqPyBvnAsL7316x1C3bc

    Synopsis: Tokyo at the end of the century got completely blocked from the outside world due to transformation of Kanto plains and emergence of black fog that blocks radio waves. The raise of shady organizations and appearance of strange dreams make people uneasy. Hero acquires mysterious power to oppose those threats.
    Structure: There are six chapters roughly one hour long each.
    Length: 6 hours
    Game type: Mystery end of the world chunige type.
    Difficulty: Just one route with some commands to choose action and location.
    Character Design rating: 9/10
    Protagonist rating: 8/10
    Story rating: 9/10
    Game quality: 8/10
    Overall rating: 8/10

    Rating comments: My rates reflect my hesitation between 8 and 9 as final score. Game felt like a firm 9 during the most of its course and and only in the last third some of its flaws became evident after grasping where the game was finally going. I expected even more epic ending and at least some sort of epilogue. Otherwise it would be 9 since the game is of surprisingly high quality with individualistic characters, old-school charming design and a well-rounded story.
    Protagonist: Akira Myouji is an average high school student who starts to see strange drams. However he has a formed personality and no real weaknesses thus he has a cool aura. He does not look for H events, but is rather coerced towards it or does it out of necessity. The reason is that crystal bearers have to compensate their negative destructive energy with some positive life creation act... oh well, at least there's some kind of justification.

    Characters: There aren't main heroines in the game. There is childhood friend Asuka, her best friend Kuriko. There is also police special female team with the following cast: leader and descendant from ancient monsters fighting clan Suzuka, reserved blue long hair beauty Aoto, undercover transfer student Yuka, eccentric burly personality Mai and undercover Health room nurse Shiho-sensei. There are also side characters - strange library girl Kuko and school teacher Biho. Needless to say, they all get H-scene and sometimes much more than one. Most of the characters are grown-ups and everyone is memorable and attractive. My favorite character is Kuriko. We first meet her when she gives Akira a tour around the school - and while at it she badmouths pretty much everyone and gives skeptical comments on everything. Then she suddenly starts to avoid Akira and has a fight with Asuka and in the end Kuriko turns out the the most mysterious person with a huge role to play in the story.

    Story: Story can actually be described in couple sentences. Akira visits school and sees strange wet dreams about opening of the first game at night. One day he sees TV news broadcast about monster rampaging on the main square and hurries there to protect his friend who might be there. As police forces get thrown back by the monster, Akira manages to create a spirit gun and kill the monster with one shot. After that he's drafted to a special police division of spirit gun users unit and together they try to uncover the mystery behind school girls disappearance and prevent opening of the rest of four gates and the end of the world that ensues after all five are opened. But actually there's much more in this game than this dry outline, like development of relations with different characters and side-lines like the fate of the hooligan band or identity of woman who comes in the dreams or mystery behind Akira power (he can't control it and fails to use it when he wants to). Add to then the apocalyptic dark setting of isolated Tokyo standing on the brink of destruction by monsters or environmental disasters and you get more a less a full picture.
    CG: Great number of CG and I absolutely love the style and design.

    Sound: Only girls are voiced. BGM is notable, especially the piano composition by the end of the game.
    Theme:  Title of the game can be roughly translated as "hazy moon city" and the moon plays a big role in it, especially in the second half. There is almost no sun in this world and outside scenery is inevitably dark, but by the end of the game the end of the world happens literally by the Moon sucking Tokyo city in. That's a great sight and decent metaphor.
    Overall comments: Game turned out to be a big deal and a serious chunige story. It lacks the multiple routes diversity or the philosophical basis of the events, but it's an epic apocalyptic adventure story and game tells it brilliantly and logically. Just don't expect complex elements and Rougetsu Toshi will definitely attract you with its dark charm.

  9. kivandopulus
    Madohi Shiroki no Kamikakushi is the only decent game I see in May.
    1. Osananajimi no Iru Kurashi 幼馴染のいる暮らし [210430] Azarashi Soft In spring main character decides to confess to the childhood friend girl he likes. The feeling is mutual. Girl suggests to kiss and start dating right away like a real pair.  Vanilla nukige  
    2. Amairo Chocolata 2 あまいろショコラータ2 [210528] Cabbage Soft 1 Yunagicho, a town lined with Western-style homes. The previous autumn was when Yuzuki came to this town and met the animal eared girls and started working with them at Cafe Setaria. The day after Christmas, he meets a lost girl looking for a traditional sweets shop. He finds the shop, which is run by her sister and that’s when he realized that they sported magnificent rabbit ears! Suddenly, Yuzuki finds himself working at both the cake shop, Sweet Tail and the newly opened sweet shop, Mochizuki and his days just keep getting busier. But he continues to do his best in the fun and lively days he spends with these animal eared girls. There is an English review  
    3. Happy Live, Show Up! ハッピーライヴ ショウアップ! [210528] Favorite 1 The long, harsh Russian winter had ended, and Spring was in the air. On one particular day, Laikask Academy second-year Akito Yukihara was walking down the street when he stumbled upon a crying lost child. He decided to help the child find her parents, and was joined by Sofia Tulina, who happened to be present at the scene. Also, to get the child to stop crying, he put on a small magic show for her. After reuniting the child with her parents, Sofia turned to Akito and said: "Would you teach me how to use magic?! I want to be like you!" He agreed to teach her, a fellow Laikask Academy student, until they could find a proper teacher. Then, while the two of them were practicing magic in a local park, they ran into a girl named Roo Mao, who was doing a street performance. "Let's put on a show together!" she said. In this country, street performances were called "shows." At Roo's suggestion, the two joined her and all three of them entered the upcoming tournament for performers. Will they be able to accrue enough members to form their troupe by the day of the tournament? And will Sofia be able to learn magic? "Happy Live, Show Up!" This is a tale of these friends and their quest to shine brighter than the sun. There are English reviews  
    4. Loopers [210528] Key 1 Let's set out to find a real treasure. Tyler is a high school student who is obsessed with geohunting, a GPS-based treasure hunting game. One day during summer vacation, Tyler and his friends get drawn into a mysterious incident while out treasure-hunting. The real and imagined become interconnected. Thoughts are thrown into chaos. Tomorrow becomes today. Swallowed up by a time vortex, they are trapped in a never-ending time loop, repeating "today" again and again. Then they meet other "loopers." Simon, the leader, and the mysterious girl Mia. If they join forces, will they be able to break out from this eternal prison...? There are English reviews  
    5. Madohi Shiroki no Kamikakushi まどひ白きの神隠し [210528] Lump of Sugar 1 2 One day during winter. It all started with a flickering mirror inside a certain house. From that flickering mirror came out Roka, a girl with fox ears. The protagonist, Takuto, and his younger sister, Shiina, threw themselves in to the mirror following Roka, and wandered into "the other side." In there was a world similar but still different to the human world. Spirits, demons and all other sorts of non-human beings, a world of gods. "Welcome to the hidden world of the gods" Mikoto, the otherworldly girl with rabbit ears. Chiyo, the tsukumogami running a teahouse. Roka and her mom, the nine-tailed foxes. Shiina, who got spirited away together with her brother. Takuto will work together with these girls to find a way back home, but... Through these intereactions, he will learn the true nature of gods, and about secrets between siblings. Humans and gods, 2 worlds, 4 girls. He stands in the snowy land of the gods, and wonders- "Where do you belong?" There are English reviews  
    6. Parallel Akiba Gakuen ぱられるAKIBA学園 [210528] Panache Our protagonist is an otaku and game creator specializing in support, who is suddenly summoned to another world. There he finds a fantasy world of swords and magic. With the help of the hero and her party he somehow manages to defeat the demon lord. However, the goddess who summoned him tells him that she isn't able to return him to his own world. As an apology and a reward, she summons his house, which is filled with otaku goods (she also succeeds in summoning all of the packages that were delivered while he was away). He spends everyday having watch parties and discussions. The heroines' reactions are so favorable that he comes up with the idea to create a school that can educate people to become creators, and bring Akiba culture to this world. Will the protagonist be able to realize this ambitious dream together with the heroines, who have become thoroughly steeped in otaku culture thanks to his tireless teachings? Harem moege  
    7. Tantei Bokumetsu 探偵撲滅 [210527] Nippon Ichi Software “Yatsuzakikou” is a serial killer who has killed more than 100 people and thrown the country into chaos. To put an end to his murder spree, the finest members of the “Detective Alliance,” an organization made up of only the top detectives, launch a joint investigation. Around the same time, an ordinary boys’ high school student named Wato Houjou, who longs to become a detective, arrives at a remote island where the Detective Alliance is headquartered under the guidance of a mysterious man named “The Sage Detective.” On the island, Wato could not hide his excitement at meeting the Detective Alliance he so admired. However, when the detectives suspected him to be Yatsuzakikou, he was at a loss for words. Yatsuzakikou had already infiltrated the island, and many detectives have been murdered. To clear his name, Wato and the Detective Alliance leader, the “Ideal Detective,” launch an investigation. 14 detectives remain alive. And Yatsuzakikou is among them. Gameplay heavy console exclusive  
    8. World's End Club [210528] IzanagiGames 1 2 In an elementary school in Tokyo, there's a group called the "Go-Getters Club," made up from oddball kids from all over Japan. Reycho and the other members are somehow different than the other kids around them. Then, one day, during the summer... While on the bus for their class trip, they get into an accident. When they wake up, they're in a theme park under the sea. Reycho and the others are trapped inside this strange, long-abandoned place. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a mysterious clown appears and orders them to play a "Fate Game"! Before any of them can figure out what's happening, they're fighting for their very lives. Will they be able to survive and make it out of this weird place? The kids are all lost and confused... But then, extraordinary powers begin to awaken within them. While at the same time... Abnormal events are occurring all over the Earth. Game is released in English and has English reviews
  10. kivandopulus
    Foreword: Heaven's Cage is a very curious find for me due to its fresh, uncommon view on MMORPG. It pleasantly surprised me on more than one occasion. Here are the results of this experience.
    VNDB: https://vndb.org/v1355
    Synopsis: This game is about a group of classmates and an online game called “Heaven’s Cage”. As they go forth and explore the virtual landscape, battling monsters and looting dungeons, they unknowingly start to get to know each other. I appears that the characters can make some interesting online personae in the virtual world; such as seasoned fighters, powerful magicians, mysterious player killers, or a character that hates fighting/killing monsters. It would also appear that this game is more connected to the real world than we’d assume.

    Game type: Reality linked MMORPG with permadeath
    Character Design rating: 7/10
    Protagonist rating: 6/10
    Story rating: 8/10
    Game quality: 6/10
    Overall rating: 7/10
    It took me a long time to finalize the score, but there was not a single doubt that it was a masterpiece. During the whole common route and Melaria route it was a 8/10, but other individual routes are much different and at the same time very much alike among themselves, so evaluation dropped to 6/10, thus the result. Game is pretty chaotic, so will be this review.

    First of all, synopsis is pure crap, but official synopsis is even worse, so here's my lazy summary. Makoto is a normal high school student. Due to family circumstances he has to help about the net cafe. There is a local mascot girl Nao that he needs to escort to her work in the cafe and from it due to being stalked. But Makoto spends evenings in the "Heaven's Cage" MMORPG as a trader with the naive girl Melaria who seems to be bugged. Strange monsters start to be seen at school. Schoolmates including Nao get to disappear and mysteriously show up at the "Heaven's Cage" as adventurers...

    Phew, that pretty much covers it all. Just mind it that answers to the mysteries aren't really cool, so upon learning all of them game loses much of its charm. I really liked the common routes because of of pervert cousin Misao and constantly embarrassed Nao. The gags they produce are hilarious. At one moment I even thought that Nao is voiced by Naruse Mia - the voice got same funny. But I was always waiting for virtual world logins as Melaria really managed to grab the attention even while being a naive heroine. Melaria does not exist in the real world (well, except for her route), so she is not stupid naive, just naive about RPG. And that everlasting gag about Melaria hitting samurai bunny with the book and asking to forgive her all the time is just hilarious. I'd also want to notice that game cleverly uses repeats. Like Nao always says "Hai" wa ikkai where Hai can be Hoi, Ai, Ey etc. And then when Nao disappears and someone else says the same it strikes really hard. I'm saying all that in an attempt to explain why common route and Melaria route thrilled me so much. Just add here guildmates, permadeath, grind, time loop, player killer, beasts as if from abbyss, and I get enthralled.

    Originally there was only one negative point noticed - visuals. CGs are rare and mostly really bad. Then another point was added - eclectic narration that is presented both by Makoto, but also Naoki and Saiko. There are constant dream and interlude pieces as well as virtual logins that aren't really referred to in the real world, so we can't even confirm that Makoto really plays a MMORPG. These multiple protagonists are needed, because Makoto's job in the virtual world is ... trader. Wow, really. He is pretty bad with fighting, so whenever we need a strong character Naoki usually shows up. But the most devastating negative point is the resolution in all the routes apart of Melaria route - very upsetting endings. 

    Melaria is - probably - the main heroine of the game as she is the only one who has multiple endings (all the other are bad ones), but what's most shocking is that her route is the shortest one, it hardly scratches the surface of the virtual world, actually. But it has great resolution and saves mystery for that later, so is really enjoyable. All the other heroine routes are just a bad retelling of Fate/Stay Night. All the alliances keep the attention for some time, but the story fails to be bold and tell anything new. It's just a shame that the most intriguing character Amakawa Koyuki never gets her route. It was a chance to finally find another way out to the different resolution. 

    Game has one curious though that keeps pestering me. What if absolute majority of adventurers are fake ones and are controlled by AI? It's an absolutely shocking discovery that in Heaven's Cage there are only some 10 adventurers overall. The rest are fake ones since they never get interested in the most important news and never try to make any effort towards finishing the game.

    So, Heaven's Cage is a game that starts really strong, but ends up poorly, and we all know that final impression is what matters the most. There are some really nice characters like Nao and Shion. It's nice to see real world high school girls turn into adventurers of different professions. I enjoyed the combination of elements introduced here. But the core of the game is poor, and I can't argue about that.

  11. kivandopulus
    There are no masterpieces this month. I feel deep aversion towards flight clubs, but if I was forced to choose among these variants, Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa o Hirogete would still win by the sheer quality. It's also backed by Zen while Micchi prefers Supipara and Shiawase Kazoku-bu  
    1. Supipara すぴぱら [120518] minori 1 2 3 4 5 6  The protagonist, Sanada Yukinari, has returned to his hometown in Kanagawa Prefecture, Kamakura City, for the first time in seven years, and is greeted by his older cousin, Narumi Sakura (complete with maid outfit). He wanted to live in peace, but his life at the academy placed on the coastlands becomes bustling and brilliant while surrounded by a lineup of members with booming personalities like Amano Hotaru, the sharp tongued, half-Japanese beauty, and Alice Kamishiro, the lazy witch who loves modern-science and mail-orders. Eventually, Yukinari is coaxed into joining the action committee for the academy's traditional beauty contest by his close friend. He interacts with the heroines participating in this contest who are cute but each have an idiosyncrasy or two. Fun events (with their own difficulties) pop up again and again. Your story with "her" about smiles, peace, passion, and love, all while borrowing the power of a witch, is about to begin! There are English reviews.  
    2. Fortuna Rhapsody [120525] Symphony 1 In the town of Hazama-chou, legends about a goddess have been passed down through generations and there was a shrine dedicated to her. Returning home one night, Kouhei saw a winged girl descend from the sky at the seaside. It was late and she seemed to have taken a liking to him, so he brought her to his osananajimi Kiyo’s house. Later he found out that the girl Fey had lost her memories and he ended up taking care of her. Even though she didn’t appear to be from this world, she was readily accepted by everyone and joined him at his school. There is an English review  
    3. Ibuki no Kiseki ~Kohaku no Omoide no Naka de Seirei wa Yume o Miru~ イブキノキセキ ~琥珀の思い出の中で精霊は夢を見る~ [120525] Milk Crown Hiroki met a mysterious girl named Ibuki by the large tree on a hill behind the school. She had saved him when he was about to fall from a branch. They became close friends and soon had feelings for each other. One day, his family was forced to move due to a large-scale urban redevelopment plan. After settling down in his new home, he attempted to find Ibuki, but was unsuccessful. Many years passed by and he had forgotten about the events from his childhood. Having returned back to his hometown, he accompanied his childhood friends Ichino and Mikan on a visit to places from his childhood. The large tree was no longer on the site of his old school which was now demolished. He wondered if it was chopped down. The next day, the tree stood once again on the hill. Sitting on a branch waiting for him was Ibuki. I doubt it's possible to play it without lolicon affinity  
    4. Kamigakari Cross Heart! 神がかりクロスハート! [120525] Windmill 1 2 3  It’s been ten years since Shougo had seen his childhood friend Anzu in the rural town of Amamisaki. Her body has rounded out nicely, with her chest being quite large. But why was she naked in the ofuro with him!? “See, your wish has come true, hasn’t it?” It was a mysterious puppy by her side that said that. The puppy was a divine messenger that can bestow divine power on the someone so that their wish can be fulfilled. Shougo was quite confused, but before he could figure it all out, his classmate Koneko and cousin Hijiri also have their own divine messenger. There are English reviews  
    5. Kessen! Otome-tachi no Senjou 3 ~Dengeki Sakusen! Senka wa Ace no Na no Moto ni~ 決戦!乙女たちの戦場3 ~電撃作戦!戦果はエースの名のもとに~ [120525] Gesen 18 1  After the end of the second World War, a scientific experiment by the leading post-war nation went terribly wrong, annihilating most of the country. With the world balance suddenly in tatters, countries once again began to fight each other for supremacy. Out of this new war emerged three nations: the Republic of Japan, the Howell Kingdom and the Schwarzwald Empire. Strategy with an English impression  
    6. Koiimo Sweet ☆ Days 恋妹SWEET☆DAYS [120525] Parasol 1 2 Yamato looks like a typical guy, but being surrounded by one older sister and two little sisters, he greatly loves his sisters a lot. One day, his older sister Azusa informed that he will be transferring to a girl's boarding school as part of a test case for coeducation initiative. He also has to help the school board chairman's daughter Yurika with various duties. Reluctantly he heads to school and waiting there was his little sisters Aoi and Akane who lived apart from him, as well as his childhood friend Ena who’s like family to him. His little sisters shower him with pent-up love, having not seen their older brother for so long. There are English reviews  
    7. Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa o Hirogete この大空に、翼をひろげて [120525] Pulltop 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Aoi returned to his hometown of Kazegaura where a gentle breeze blows through the streets, having lost his direction in life. On the hill lined with windmills, he met a wheelchair-ridden girl Kotori and watched the gliders overhead in awe. With his childhood friend Ageha in tow, they resurrect the soaring club in order to fulfill a childhood dream: to fly on a glider. Game is localized and has English reviews  
    8. Sakura No Reply 桜ノーリプライ [120525] Onomatope* 1 2 3 When Ichigo was small, he lived with his grandmother on a small island surrounded by the ocean and mountains. Due to his parent’s work, he moved away, leaving behind his sickly imouto Minto and close friends. He did not have any plans for his future, but then he was chosen to be part of a student exchange with their sister school. So he returned to the island and reunited with his now grown-up imouto and childhood friends. On this small island where the sakura do not bloom, will the hope and love in their hearts blossom? There are English reviews  
    9. Shiawase Kazoku-bu しあわせ家族部 [120525] Purple Software 1 2 Kazuki transferred to Amanogawa Gakuen in the middle of the school year. His childhood friend Honoha invited him to the unofficial ‘family club’ where the members pretend to be a family. In addition to the club leader Ougi and imouto-like kouhai Runa, they are soon joined by a robot Misora, the student council leader Mikage, his classmate Yuuki and energetic kouhai Suzu. For Kazuki, who had lost his family at a young age, he did not understand at first the meaning of family nor the purpose of the club, but he felt at ease with kind people at his side. Gradually after spending more and more time with them, they become precious to him, just like ‘family’. There are English reviews  
    10. Sora to Kumo to Kimi no Koi 青空と雲と彼女の恋 [120525] Klein A few days into the new school year, Takayuki gazed at the clouds in the sky from his favourite spot on the roof and drifted off to sleep. When he woke up, he noticed a boy about to confess to a girl. Unable to leave, he ended up watching as the boy was quickly turned down by the girl, who he recognized as the new transfer student known as the ‘one with the steel skirt’ since no one has been able to win her love. However, she turned to him and kissed him to his utmost surprise. Commonplace scenario, boring conversations and unmemorable heroines don't leave this game a chance.  
    BLOCKED   1. Oshiete Ecchi na Recipe -Anata to Watashi no Ama~i Seikatsu!- おしえてエッチなレシピ -アナタとワタシのあま~いせいかつ!- [120525] Hiyoko Soft Momogumi 1 The protagonist, Sakura is cool and there was an actual goal in the story. Namely to revive the cake shop Aurora that is on the verge of going bankrupt after Sakura’s teacher in patisseries died to a sickness while he was out of country working. In the end he was too busy to even attend her funeral and all so in a sense it’s a way of paying back for what she did for him. That is, at the start. Sakura may be missing a few screws in his head but he’s still a very talented patissier. Invited back to Japan by his junior, Rui from back in school. He started working at the cake shop Aurora  Nukige, but with an English review   2. Katsute Arishi Hi かつてありし陽 [120509] Check&Stripe
    In a world full of violence, nations have lost their meaning and a group of geniuses created the ‘World Commonwealth’ with the goal of uniting the entire world in the name of peace. It’s been seven years since they began taking over each country and Japan was the first, falling in roughly half a year. Kazuya was one of the few survivors of the battle. He fled with his osananajimi Setsuka and sided with the rebels against the Commonwealth. Then he heard about a rumour that there was a school for captives established on the Commonwealth’s floating base Aegis Zeus. While not sure if it was true or not, he made his way there with the aid of the rebels, with the aim of bringing back the good old days.
    Doujin, but there is an opening   3. J.Q.V Jinrui Kyuusai-bu ~With Love from Isotope~ J.Q.V 人類救済部 ~With love from isotope~ [120519] Studio Beast 1 2 3 4 
    Mankind has vanished. Uninhabited town, uninhabited school, uninhabited classroom. In this world where no other humans exist Shimaji meets a young girl. And from this girl flows words that don't fit this world "I will make a club" A club to save mankind. But in this world where humanity doesn't exist anymore, who can be saved?
    Doujin, but with English reviews and an opening   4. Yojouhan Princess 四畳半プリンセス [120525] Paraiso
    The small European country of Hoegaarden is abundant in resources and rich in history and culture. It has great influence on international affairs despite its size. A poor student Hibiki watches the news about the princess Pecheresse coming on a visit to Japan in place of her sick father. When he was a child, his family was quite prosperous and he had played with her while accompanying his father on a visit to Hoegaarden. It was a very precious memory to him, even if she had forgotten about him. Then when he was about to leave for his part-time job, standing there was the princess. “It’s been a long time, Hibiki. I’ve come to fulfill our promise.”
    Nukige, but with an opening.
  12. kivandopulus
    Foreword: Unlike Hidamari this AXL work has no superficial elements, so I'm starting it with heavy heart. Can AXL pull it out with a SOL story?

    Synopsis: Naoya fails the university entrance examination, and starts to study at a preparatory school. He meets Sakura, Miyuki and Ouka there and enjoys his life. On the other hand, his father tells him to go and help the hotel, owned by his father. He also meets beautiful girls including Izumi, his childhood friend, there and enjoys his peaceful life. Naoya is busy with studying, loving and working! Sakura, Izumi and Miyuki... Love with girls, friendship with friends, long distance love and triple cohabitation...? What will happen to Naoya in the end?
    Game type: Youth comedy
    Character Design rating: 8/10
    Protagonist rating: 7/10
    Story rating: 6/10
    Game quality: 9/10
    Overall rating: 8/10

    Story is really absolutely normal, so I'm rather disappointed with it. But it's not a plotge, so game should be evaluated by different criteria. Still some words about the story. Naoya fails entrance exams to the university, so he attends a preparatory school for a year as a ronin. And it's a fantastic setting, actually. It's just a bit about school to get new acquaintances, but it's mostly free time to do anything characters want. Such a gracious way to avoid school-college-work dilemma. Recurring video addresses of Naoya's father is a huge repeating gag by itself, but among others it also gives an opportunity to help about family ryoukan. It's all about choice where to move now.

    Here comes the structure. Game presents an unusually complex structure that can be treated positively and negatively. Basically, there are three routes that can be roughly described as distance romance relations, cohabitation with heroine, and cohabitation with multiple heroines turning into harem. First branch is much more to my liking. Moreover, it seems to be initial plan for the story due to game's title that can be translated as "I can hear your voice". First part is all about telephone talks and sending photos to the telephones. As for heroine routes, it's also not that simple...

    There are three main heroines - step-sister Miyuki who comes to live together with Naoya, childhood friend and ryokan caretaker Izumi, genki classmate Sakura. Izumi and Sakura have an ending in each of three route branches while Miyuki has only one ending in third branch that can be described as harem. Can't stand Izumi, btw. There are also four sub-heroines that have just one ending each, but they are unjustly treated as bad endings. There is such feeling, because in every such branch choice there's either instant ending of sub-heroine or story continuation with several more choices for either Sakura or Izumi. It's ok for less funny heroines, but I feel that Ouka deserves better. 

    But where game especially shines is humor. Common route is an absolute paragon for comedy. Everything serves humor purpose here. Only bright and funny heroines like Sakura, Ouka and Miyuki show up here to set the drive. Needless to say that each heroine meeting is done masterfully. But that's not all. There are two baka friends that bring so much fun with them - otaku Masamune and moderately stupid sportsman Kenta. As if it's not enough two more silly characters are added - a self-proclaimed best-friend Gonjuurou and homosexual Shirou. Every time this many hilarious characters gather together it's in for a blast.

    As a result, Kimi no Koe ga Kikoeru is a fabulous comedy that deserves much more attention. I personally consider that game would win with only distance romance relations authentic branch present. It would be a cleaner and less confusing structure without loli step-sister Miyuki and harem additions. But bigger story can't possibly be described as disadvantage. Don't read extra routes if you don't want to. I just wish I knew that and read only first route.

  13. kivandopulus

    VN of the Month 2022
    It's becoming a tradition, but there's again just one candidate that fits to run for game of the month and wins by default - Unless Terminalia
    1. Ai Kiss 3 アイキス3 [220325] Giga  Arimori Gakuen is an art school . Two years have passed since enrollment and relations with different girls around. This year two new girls Maniwa Karin and Ikenaga Avrola enroll , so new story page brings even more fun. Moege sequel  
    2. Himemiya-san wa Kamaitai 姫宮さんはかまいたい [220325] Prekano  Main character was looking for a new school club to join when Tsubaki Himemiya forced him into joining tea ceremony club. Soon it turns out that it's full of ghost members , so it more and more starts to remind a date. Not a month without vanilla nukige. With so few titles can't just strike it out.  
    3. Hokenshitsu no Sensei to Gothloli no Koui 保健室のセンセーとゴスロリの校医 [220325] Citrus "I, may have been looking for spring." "Maybe I was looking for love." Kazami Sora is still working as a nurse at Saika Girls' Academy as planned after the first semester has passed. His traveling companion, Shirobana, works as an assistant, but they no longer live together at their hot spring resort, Shikisai-no-Sato. After seeing his sister off peacefully, Sora has decided to lead a life not for her anymore but for himself. Shirobana, who knows this better than anyone else, decides to step aside and watch over Sora from afar, just as Sora's older sister did in the past. Autumn is the season of school events, including a field trip to a lavender field and a school festival held jointly by the schools. As time passed by, one day, a new mystery was added to the Seven Mysteries of the school. It is said that oni (demons) appear at night, and they ravage the school grounds. Sora, who thinks it is the work of the Tamabito, is starting to investigate the case as an Okuribito. He is accompanied by Otohime, the school doctor, who is also a reliable coworker and drinking companion. The language of cherry blossoms is the language of beauty. And that of purity. ---- It's more of a fandisc as it's a rather short kinetic story focusing on a side character introduced in the previous work  
    4. Unless Terminalia アンレス・テルミナリア [220325] Whirlpool High school Morinomiya Gakuen is located in the deep, deep forest. Neighboring towns consider this place a sanatorium. Boys and girls with extraordinary abilities are gathered from all over the world at this school. The "Yuzuriha Institution" protects them and researches the "gift" bound in them. The "gift" is considered to be of heavenly nature. Main character is cursed to forget everything except for one chosen memory, so he is placed in this school to find that most important memory to carry over. One day he meets a transfer student Mikuriya Ren who wants to experience the joy of youth in this place, but who is about to die soon by a wicked twist of fate.  This is a story about the meaning of fate. God certainly exists and keeps asking boys and girls about it... Good to see Whirlpool following the flow of Pieces rather than some other its infamous projects. Individual elements are fine, so if you can stand all this heavenly providence and resurrection themes, could be more entertaining than Pieces.  
  14. kivandopulus
    Eve ~New Generation~ is VN of the Month. I'm reviewing it. Katahane makes a second masterpiece.
    1. Boku no Miko wa Chiisana Koibito ~Chouai~ ぼくの巫女は小さな恋妹~寵愛~ [060804] Haoh

    Hikaru is living in a dormitory being apart from his family. He doesn't visit his house because he had an affair with his brother's wife, Kiriko and he doesn't want to meet his brother. One day, his brother and Kiriko had an accident and passed away... He adopted Shion, who left alone, and comes back to his house. Days to raise Shion as an older brother... Arranged fiancee, Tomoyo. Maid working at his house, Kaori. Shion's senior at school, Midori. Is Hikaru going to choose Shion at the end of his love road? How is Shion growing up, Miko or his bride? The bad thing about this game is that it's partially a SIM. Each month we target a girl and raise intimacy parameter, and because of that a lot of days pass without events or somewhat meaningful conversations. So until some big festival or Christmas nothing really happens. H tilt is slightly higher than usual, as well.  
    2. Dear Pianissimo ディアピアニッシモ [060811] Kuroneko-san Team

    Shu works at a pizza restaurant. When he is on his way to deliver, he sees Nagi, who wants to be a voice actress, practicing at a riverside. When he is on his way back to the restaurant, he sees Nagi again but they get involved in a truck accident and lose their lives... They come to a school located between this world and that world called "Conservatory". They wake up and find out the fact that there is a way to go back to this world. It is necessary to win a music contest done one-on-one. This means a winner can go back and a loser can't. Ironically, Shu is going to have a one-on-one match against Nagi, who is actually tone-deaf... Shu suggests that they practice together until the contest day... The good part is that musical part can be set to auto-mode. Overall game is a comedy mixed with human problems, but it ends up an ordinary miracle story.  
    3. Wanko to Lily ワンコとリリー [060811] CUFFS

    Seiichi goes back to his hometown after his father's death. He meets Toko, his childhood friend, after an interval of several years. And he starts to live with Wanko and Lily... It's basically a healing game with nice atmosphere. In main game only Toko can be cleared, and Wanko with Lily are only accessible in bonus scenarios. It feels pretty weird that dog-girls look like girls, but are basically treated like dogs. Still atmosphere is kind and gentle, so it feels like a refreshing approach.  
    4. Boku wa Kimi dake o Mitsumeru ~I Gaze at Only You~ 僕はキミだけを見つめる~I gaze at only you~ [060813] inre 1 2 3

    The protagonist Sahara Takumi was feared as the leader of the juvenile gangster group “Sabre-tooth Tiger”. Some people in the underworld even called him devil’s incarnate, and so far the police has been unable to capture him. Then suddenly two of his best friends are killed by an assassin employed by the mafia. The event marked the downfall of Sabre-tooth Tiger and Takumi made sure he stayed out of public attention. Despite even all that he receives a request to be the bodyguard for a mysterious diva named Towa. Seeking revenge for his comrades and a way to rise up from this nightmare, the protagonist accepts the job and stands up to act as Towa’s shield. There are English reviews.  
    5. Strawberry Panic! Girls' School in Fullbloom [060824] MediaWorks 1

    This is a girl's adventure game, featuring relationships among girls on three girl's high schools. You can choose "Boy Mode" or "Girl Mode". If you choose "Boy Mode", you will be a brother of a heroine. If you choose "Girl Mode", you will be a girl who has transferred to a high school and meets girls there. Don't miss unique systems that recreate a girl's feeling in love. Girlish crap  
    6. Katahane カタハネ [060825] Tarte 1 2 3 4 5

    The story takes place in a world with 3 kingdoms, the Red, White, and Blue Kingdom. In this world, they have highly-advanced dolls with some closely resembling humans. These dolls occasionally need maintenance which is done by a “tuner”. A young playwright named Wakaba writes a controversial play about a traitor named Ein who killed a ruler of the White Kingdom, Christina. In Wakaba’s play, she presumes that Ein did not betray Christina, but was actually her loyal supporter.
    When Wakaba’s friend Cero needs to make a trip to get Coco, a doll that lives with him, maintenance, Wakaba and her brother Light travel with him. Wakaba travels in the hopes of finding some actors for her play. Along the way, they meet a beautiful doll with one wing named Belle and an aspiring actress named Angelina. There are English reviews.  
    7. Koi Otome 初恋撫子(こいおとめ) [060825] Carriere

    After years of behind the scennes political maneuvers, first female prime minister takes her position in Japan. And she sets her plan to return the Japanese life style to back to its days of glory, starting by reforming the girls into "Yamato Nadeshiko". A school established for this purpose and students were selected from the families of the highest standing. Which one of these girls will be the perfect "Yamato Nadeshiko" and be the next prime minister ? It's quite stupid how girls need to become perfect Yamato Nadeshiko, but at the same time winning condition is conquering protagonist's heart. So they all act actively and push protagonist at the same time. Basically, game is a moege in traditional Japanese entourage.  
    8. Mine Fukaki Se ni Tayutau Uta 峰深き瀬にたゆたう唄 [060825] Eushully 1

    Evidence of the great battles between the realms of order and chaos has been present since ancient times. One such ruin is the “Taproot of Distortion”, which is a cavernous maze full of monsters and the like. The story begins in the town of “Ete”; it is a quaint, quiet place--despite its close proximity to the labyrinth. Knights and warriors from the town and surrounding countries have been sent to investigate the labyrinth and defend the populace from what lurks inside. You play as the son of one of these guards who feels that it is his time to explore its depths. He won’t be alone, he has found many allies (most of them beautiful women) to join him in his many adventures inside the labyrinth. RPG  
    9. Prism Ark [060825] 1 2 3 4

    Princia, the heroine of the previous game, has now become queen. Despite any action she could now take as a ruler, the seeds of war have already been sewn. Strife will return to the land, but still her own daughter (and the new heroine), Priecia, aspires to be a great fighter like her mother was. Despite the seriousness of her training and the battles soon approaching; she will still have her fellow students and friends to help lighten up the epic mood of the story. You play as another student at the same academy, and together you will face your destinies. There are English reviews.  
    10. Tama Tama ~Tonari no Kanojo wa Seiyuu no Tamago. Tamatama Umareta Koi no Tamago ga...~たまたま ~となりの彼女は声優のたまご。たまたま生まれた恋のたまごが…~ [060825] Banana Shu-Shu

    One day, a girl moves next to the main character's house. She is small and looks young, Saki. She practices hard to be a voice actress and their relationship gets closer and closer through phone calls, emails and so on... a love egg born by chance.... Is the love egg going to hatch... and something in the egg...? Game is presented as romance ADV, but it's actually much closer to SIM, just without a map. After setting a good impression with heroine we get other means of communication like phone, email and finally date invitation with number of available places constantly growing. There are even four parameters - Intimacy, evaluation, fatigue, money. A cheap title with cheap gameplay.  
    11. Eve ~New Generation~ [060831] C's Ware

    Kojirou, a private detective, meets a girl when he is on his way back to his office. Once she finds him a detective, she brings him an offer. "Please find my memories...." That very moment, a man gets off out of a car and takes her away.... He finds out her identity and some keywords.... He is led to a certain place.... Marina, an agent of an information research group, finds a boy who is about to fall off at the top of a building. She tries to stop him but he commits suicide.... There is a tattoo of a bee on his palm. She starts to investigate his death but she is pursued by the police.... Blackout, terrorism, a mysterious medical company, a tattoo of a bee and a mysterious girl.... Will Kojirou and Marina be able to find out the fact? Reviewing it since I played all the prequels.  
    12. Hitokata no Ou ~Akashi no Kuni~ ヒトカタノオウ~アカシノクニ~ [060831] Artel Team Prefab 1

    Yatsusaka Naoya has had since little the ability to see invisible things, for which he got alienated from his classmates. In the present, he lives with the family head representative, Isuzu Satsuki, and since the gruesome death of her parents, Kuroba Nao. He dreams with a girl, and gradually remembers he used to meet her in the forest when child. And when he goes to the fireworks festival with Nao, he'll take a decision that will change his destiny.
    Akashi no Kuni includes Nao's route. There is an English review.  
    13. Hitokata no Ou ~Oru no Mori~ ヒトカタノオウ~ヲルノモリ~ [060831] Artel Team Prefab 1

    Yatsusaka Naoya has had since little the ability to see invisible things, for which he got alienated from his classmates. In the present, he lives with the family head representative, Isuzu Satsuki, and since the gruesome death of her parents, Kuroba Nao. He dreams with a girl, and gradually remembers he used to meet her in the forest when child. And when he goes to the fireworks festival with Nao, he'll take a decision that will change his destiny.
    Oru no Mori includes Mizuha's route. There is an English review.  
    1. Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side: 2nd Kiss ときめきメモリアル Girl’s Side 2nd Kiss [060803] Konami 1  The main stage is Hanegasaki High School, same as the previous game. While communicating with unique characters, players can find their surprising sides and experience more realistic love romance.
    Also, new systems are introduced for this time, "Second Kiss System" that players can enjoy the story born by an accidental kiss and "Approach System" that players can approach their favourite boys. Enjoy "Tokimeki" moment! Otomege  
    2. Anekoi Moyou 姉恋模様 [060804] Black Rainbow Older sister, Megumi who is kindhearted and cheerful... and younger brother, Masato who is shy and generous.... They have been getting along with each other. However, one event changes their relationships.... Masato starts to see Megumi as a woman... and Megumi starts to love Masato.... They are afraid of crossing over the line someday.... and one day, a woman appears in front of them.... Nukige  
    3. As You Like Chanzuke Scenario with Songs As you like ちゃん付けシナリオ with Songs [060804] Nail Daigo has always been in love with childhood friend Kana, but she treats him only as a friend. During Tanabata festival he makes a wish to reunite with her one day. And Kana actually arrives to Daigo's school as a new English teacher and due to her circumstances stays at Daigo's house... Fandisc  
    4. Classmate no Okaa-san -Immoral Teacher- クラスメイトのお母さん -Immoral Teacher- [060804] Guilty+ Jun is a lovesick student at Seikyo School. One of his classmate's, Sae, has the hots for him. But Jun has a taste for the forbidden, ripened fruit of Sae's mother Keiko, who also happens to be their teacher. Little does he know that he's about to sample the best of both worlds. Whether he's satisfying Sae's sexual curiosity or satisfying his own with the experienced Keiko, Jun always gets an A for effort! Nukige  
    5. Kokoro no Kakera o Atsumete ~Homunculus Malum no Seichouki~ ココロのかけらを集めて~ホムンクルス・マルムの成長記~ [060804] Main heroine Malm is an incomplete homunculus . She has to develop and grow as a human in a limited time. And with that love comes alongside lots of exciting events. Otomege  
    6. Luna Sora ルナそら [060804] light
    One day in summer vacation, two girls suddenly comes to Shintaro's house. They came to his house under Shintaro's father's command, who is a robot engineer, to test wife robots that he has invented, Luna and Sora. At first, he refuses, but later he accepts it reluctantly.... That night, Shintaro is given "the Love Meter" from Luna and Sora. When he makes love to one of them, the meter increases one point and the one who gets less points will be scrapped.... His strange life with two robots starts.... Nukige  
    7. My Tsuma Myつま [060804] Tryset Riku lives with his father and mother, Misaki. Misaki is more like his older sister and they live a peaceful life. Riku gets married to Mai and they are about to start a love love life together... but his father goes abroad on business. They decide to live together with Misaki until he comes back to Japan. Also, Mai's younger sister, Mana joins them.... What is going to happen to their new marriage life...? Nukige  
    8. Tsuma Shibori 妻しぼり [060804] Alice Soft The game opens in the month of December. The main character, Shinba Kousuke is a 4th year college student, 3 months away from graduating (Japanese academic years break off between March/April), and recently has a job lined up. Kousuke has never had a girl friend, and his father arranged a special omiai for him. Kousuke is forced to live under the same roof with his omiai partner, Kodotsuki Madoka. Madoka's older sister, Aoi Sakura (married), also lives with the two young adults to keep an eye on the progress of the omiai. Nukige  
    9. Hyouka no Gen'ya -Koharu Biyori- 氷花ノ幻夜 -小春日和- [060804] FAKE STAR A collection of side episodes to Hyouka no Gen'ya revealing some of the mysteries of the main game. Doujin Fandisc  
    10. Seiryou Gakuen Rape Doukoukai 聖凌学園レイプ同好会 [060806] Softhouse-Seal Seiryo Gakuen Rape is an unofficial club in Seiryo School. The purpose of the club is to take sanctions against evil in the school. The method is simple. Rape the target. Sexual pleasure is not something we want. We have more sublime idea. Let's say it's kinda improve the world...... Nukige  
    11. Tantei Jinguuji Saburou Series No.12: Futairo no Shoujo 探偵 神宮寺三郎 Series No.12 ふた色の少女 [060809] WorkJam Jinguji receives a request for a detective investigation of a pickpocket case in Kabuki-cho. And traces lead to a high school girl... Console exclusive  
    12. Choukyou Daikounin 調教代行人 [060810] Ariel Soft Main character Dick lives in poverty, but happily with his father. However, father unexpectedly dies in an accident leaving protagonist in charge of sister Riz. One day letter about dept repayment comes. Dick plans to deal with it tomorrow, but Riz slips away alone the same day. Dick is not allowed inside the mansion, and Riz is reported to have sold herself to repay the debts. Boy soon discovers that Riz is confined inside against her will and treated poorly. Mansion owner makes a business proposal - he will free Riz if Dick trains girl Remi to such a level that she can satisfy any customer's needs. And the 10 day training begins. Doujin Nukige  
    13. Maid ni Natta Boku メイドになったボク [060810] Hiyokobanchou Exciting hentai sim game where you play a boy who is somehow a maid and totally submissive to dominant girls. You'll have ultimate sexual experience with the cuties!! Doujin Nukige  
    14. Mystragedy [060810] Circle Epion Five years ago there was a murder that never got solved.
    But same type murder happens again now. As main character begins his investigation, he gets infatuated with an intelligent girl of surprising identity... Doujin  
    15. Ori, Ochi, Onoe [060810] ATP Projects Yoshiyuki left everything behind to start a new life. Moving to the far away Shinrin City, everything is new. All is so calm, and so pure. Several years later however, the situation is very different. EVN  
    16. Arabians Lost ~The Engagement on Desert~ アラビアンズ・ロスト ~The engagement on desert~ [060811] QuinRose 1 Aileen Olazabal is the only daughter and princess of Gilkhatar who wants nothing more than to lead a normal life and not be a princess. However, nearing her birthday, the King and Queen decided that she should marry and chose a husband for her.
    Wanting to live a normal life (which includes having a normal romance, falling in love, etc.), Aileen refused. This lead to a wager between Aileen and her parents; if Aileen could raise 10,000,000G in twenty five days, she's free to do what she wanted. If she failed, then she'd have to do what her parents had planned. Otomege  
    17. Boku no Shuukatsu Nikki 僕の就活日記 [060811] a.m. Main character begins job hunting. He spends time with his friend who got a job recently and with helpful and attentive human resource manager. Employment is a war, but love starts to bloom at unexpected places sometimes. Will protagonist find a job? Doujin Boys Love  
    18. Kare to Kare no Hazama De ~Wedding March~ カレと彼の間で ~ウェディングマーチ~ [060811] Amedeo A fandisc to the second Kare to Kare no Hazama De game. The heroine must choose who of the two boys she wants to marry and the consequences of her choice. Otomege Fandisc  
    19. Meccha Mama めっちゃママ [060811] Cyon Main character graduates from college and earns money at various part-time jobs. Every day looks the same and is spent in worries about future. He is of gentle personality and has tender feelings towards mom. One day he takes a certain medicine that turns his body into a child while mind remains the same. There is a neutralizing agent, but is not if fun to stay as it is and fulfill love for mom? Nukige  
    20. Miharu - Alto Another Story みはる あるとアナザーストーリー [060811] Purple Software Features Miharu, who was a secondary character in Alto Fandisc  
    21. Natsu no Sora o Mou Ichido 夏の空をもう一度 [060811] Jewel Box Final Fantasy 7 Cid x Vincent adventure game. Boys Love Doujin  
    22. Noise [060811] DreamDrops Katze woke up in a room he can't identify. Besides, a man named Sieg watching him anxiously.
    "Where the hell is this? Who are you?"
    ....Katze lost his memory of the last few years since he fell from the cliff.
    The life with Sieg started... Boys Love Doujin  
    23. Piano ~Kouroukan no Reijoutachi~ ピアノ ~紅楼館の隷嬢達~ [060811] Takayashiki Kaihatsu Takajou Takumi lost his parents in an accident. The only relative he has in his life is his precious sister, Miu. He and she were placed into a mansion run by their Chinese uncle. There, they meet various girls in refuge, to what they thought they call a "garden."
    His uncle designates Takumi to become the successor of the mansion. He has been trying to make him the successor against his own wishes only because his father was a slave trainer. His father has trained many women into becoming successful sex slaves during his days. That bloodline is now passed to Takumi and he is expected to follow in his footsteps or else...
    In order to protect his sister, Takumi has no choice but to become the slave trainer of the house...
    In this strange relationship of a game of roses and thorns, Takumi is placed between the boundary of trust and morality as he and the girls gradually develop beyond master-and-slave relationship and into tenderness. But when subordination turns into affection, love becomes desire and tragedy ensures... Nukige  
    24. Semerarete ~Gibo~ 責められて~義母~ [060811] Eroro Main character's mother-in-law triggers a fight with his father and moves into protagonist's place. She treats him like a family, so she does not mind walking in underwear or sleeping together in one bed. But boy sees a young seductive woman in her... Can he control himself alongside her? Nukige  
    25. Spell Down [060811] Monoceros Masato Kijima was once an excellent boxer, but now he just works at a boxing gym. He gets the chance to achieve a comeback as a trainer when boxer-to-be Ootani Yousuke shows up and begs Masato to train him. However, to become the champion, Ootani has to beat Otoba Yuuji who holds a grudge against Masato. Otoba wants revenge against Masato for the very thing that caused him to quit boxing. Will Ootani be able to beat him, or will Masato end up being the one to face Otoba in the ring? Boys Love  
    26. Taiiku Choukyoushi ~Kichiku Jugyou Bloomer Yuugi~ 体育調教師~鬼畜授業ブルマー遊戯~ [060811] Kuro Hina Main character loves girls in bloomers more than anything in the world. He gets a qualification as a physical education teacher to be always surrounded by them. He gets offended by arrogant attitude of Maria girl, so swears to have revenge over her. The first step in it is making a photo of a shy girl Shinobu masturbating in the classroom to blackmail and train her. Nukige  
    27. ToucH Mou Ichido Kono te ga Fureru Sekai ToucH もう一度この手が触れる世界 [060811] Jidou Shiki Jidou Ningyou Main character lives in a ruined abandoned house waiting for this place to disappear. Actually, he is a ghost. He explores Seven Wonders of the school to find other spirits inside and outside the school. Doujin Boys Love  
    28. Wiz Anniversary ☆ FUNTA! feat.RURU ウィズ アニバーサリィー ☆ FUNTA! feat.RURU [060811] Favorite Wiz Anniversary fandisc starring Ruru. Fandisc  
    29. Konohana 此桜 - コノハナ - [060812] Luna System Main character is the master of the luxurious mansion with vast garden in blossom. Two cute maids serve him - gentle older Haruna and cheerful noisy Natsumi. It's a beautiful spring day to spend in this atmosphere. Doujin  
    30. Kumori Quest くもりクエスト [060812] Pawn Main character is a traveler in the dark forest. He is looking for a treasure to present to his lover. But there is a curse on the treasure... Doujin  
    31. Acmeholic [060813] Dopamine Software Main character Anko is a masochist futanari. As if it's destined she attends the same class as lesbian  sadist girl. They develop intense lover-master-servant relationship. One day Anko gets pregnant. She wants a decent life for the child, so she abandons all previous relations. This story begins as her daughter Kinako starts to attend high school with firm intentions to lead a decent life. Doujin Nukige  
    32. Aienkien ~Kashiwagisou e Youkoso~ あいえんきえん~柏木荘へようこそ~ [060813] Haikara Kissa Main character arrives to a small town to enter a college. His apartment manager Asahi is a cute girl, and he soon finds himself in relations with her. But there is also a strange person Yuki, Asahi's mother. Actually, she is a ghost. Protagonist wants to lead a normal college life, but these two females don't leave him at peace. Doujin  
    33. Ai Suru Koto wa Ikiteiku Koto ~Mou Hitotsu no Ai~ 愛することは生きていくこと ~もうひとつの愛~ [060813] Inspire Modern technology boom made information intelligence agents - aces - appear. Among them the best of the best who can filter truthful information belong to class diamond.
    This city is full of violence as it is, but recently serial murders break out. Main character is a private detective who does not even have enough orders to pay his rent. A woman appears requesting a job to be done. Is she a goddess of salvation or ...
    34. Comic Days H コミックデイズ・H [060813] Hanpamania-Soft Main character is an aspiring manga artist, so he joins manga research group. The welcoming party is terrible as it involves cross-dressing and perversity. He visits this party with a childhood friend, and surprisingly she volunteers to be trained. Manga sempai say that after passing through such experience, drawn manga will definitely improve. Nukige  
    35. Death Scythe ですさいず [060813] Chain-Reaction Main character lives in a rural town and meets a death reaper girl one day. She predicts main character's soon death, but nothing actually happens. For this mistake she gets demoted and sent to live with the mortals and guard protagonist everywhere, even at school. This is the start of their communal life. Doujin  
    36. Fukigen na Itoko 不機嫌な従妹 [060813] Stray Moon Main character goes to the relatives' house in the countryside for the summer vacations. Female cousin there is a cute and noisy girl. But she is so defenseless in her sleep. Why does not she wear a bra...? Doujin Nukige  
    37. Funi-kun no Obenkyou 3 ~Kagai Jugyou~ フニ君のお勉強3 ~課外授業~ [060813] Nest. Two people go out on their first date with excitement to an amusement park. But female teacher suddenly appears and messes things up posing a rival threat. The situation is going to an unexpected direction... Doujin  
    38. Hinamizawa Kaiki Navigator Tsumikegare 雛見沢怪奇ナビゲーター 罪穢 [060813] Yakiniku Banzai! June 1983. In the cold Hinamizawa village population protests in vain against construction of a dam. Main character arrives to the deserted village after the struggle and experiences mysterious tragedy through communication with “Oyashirosama”, a being similar to Kokukuri-san.. Doujin  
    39. Killer Queen キラークイーン [060813] Flat 1 2 3 13 players are locked inside an abandoned building, each with a PDA representing a playing card from A to K and a collar device set around their necks. Each of the 13 PDAs correspond to a different set of objectives, and if a player doesn't fulfill their PDA's objectives in 72 hours, their collar will explode.
    No one knows who has which PDA, and players are at a disadvantage if they proceed alone. But in this deadly game filled with mistrust and paranoia, who can you trust ... ? Doujin  
    40. Madogoshi no Heya 3 窓ごしの部屋3 [060813] Soft Circle Courreges This game depicts the relations of two old childhood friends over the course of 20 days. You progress through the game by picking various options as things happen to you in the game. What will happen over those 20 days between this boy and girl who have never before been more than childhood friends? Doujin  
    41. My Pet Saber マイペットセイバー [060813] MOON GODDESS Chapter 1 of My pet series Fate edition . Gears start turning with a click. Endless gangbang humiliation drives Saber into despair. Her spirit is broken by the pleasure delivered by tentacles. On the day this man appears her normal life is already at an end. Doujin Nukige  
    42. Naru Kisu なるきす [060813] Parthenon Princess Erika do Borgia is visiting Japan for a week and Kamiya Mutsuki is chosen to cross-dress and be her political decoy since they have similar features. Doujin Nukige  
    43. Natsuiro 夏色 [060813] Yuzusoft (Doujin group) Main character's earliest memory is about a girl he met at the age of five. Now at a proper age he sends that girl Natsumi an invitation to the Misaki island where she lives. But she does not arrive by the set date and even after that. Protagonist loses taste for life in waiting, so he goes to the island himself to clear things out. This island is called a hidden island... Doujin  
    44. Natsu no Torikago 夏のとりかご [060813] in the air Aki is invited by his female friend Mayu to the camp in the mountains. Eiji suggests seeking a buried treasure. Young people find fireworks and spend a pleasant evening. When sun sets, heavy rain begins, and friends start to look for a shelter. Doujin  
    45. Natsuzaki no Maboroshi 夏咲きのまぼろし [060813] Menou A flying object suddenly crosses the sky of a small town and falls down in the forest.
    Main character leaves the house and starts to live in the forest.
    Female childhood friend who had not been in contact for four years, shows up and suggests to reunite as friends.
    After a while a mysterious girl comes out of the forest depth and becomes a close friend.
    As days change color, reality starts to erode with mysterious events... Doujin  
    46. Oku-sama wa ○ Gakusei 奥さまは○学生 [060813] Shiritsu Sakuranbo Shougakkou Daisaku just had his 16th birthday. He's waiting for a big surprise from his mother. She announces that from now on he'll be living a common law marriage with his new bride. It turns out she's 10 year old 4th grade elementary school girl Yukie Komiyama. He now has to live alone with his 10 year old bride and her 14 year old caretaker. Surprise! Doujin Lolicon  
    47. Princess Fortissimo [060813] Sol-fa-soft Ayame returned to Japan after spending a year studying abroad. Unfortunately, her lover Ryouichi now lives with another girl, Azusa. On the other hand, Azusa doesn't actually see Ryouichi as a love interest.
    Observe the romance from the perspectives of Ryouichi and Azusa. Doujin Nukige  
    48. School Rendezvous 2 Gakki School Rendezvous 2学期 [060813] Blue Devil A sequel to School Rendezvous!!
    A School Rumble hentai, naughty Harima and the hot chicks are back again! Doujin Nukige  
    49. Stereo Life ステレオライフ [060813] Try to build a "good" relationship with the twin sisters living in the apartment you recently moved in. Doujin Nukige  
    50. Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuetsu 涼宮ハルヒの誘悦 [060813]  Seventh Heaven Maxion Full-voice erotic adventure game, parodying The Melancholy of Haru** Suzumiya.
    With Gallery mode and CG mode.
    S*S Brigade embarks on a jaunt! They fully enjoy the trip by having sex in many locations! Doujin Nukige  
    51. To Heart Hii Sunohara After To Heart ひいっ 春原アフター [060813] Champagne☆ Useless though I am, I have a wish.
    Useless though I am, I have a precious memory.
    A heartful comedy full of memories. Doujin  
    52. Toshokan Ressha 図書館列車 [060813] Katsudou Mangaya Lonely boys and girls spend their lives aimlessly as they have nowhere to go. A strange woman called a librarian invites them to the urban air pocket "library train." Doujin  
    53. Touhou Yuugetsutan ~Over the Moon River.~ 東方悠月譚 ~Over the Moon River.~ [060813] RECOIL Featuring Ud*nge in a lesbian story centered in Eientei town.
    After she drinks a magical potion and becomes tiny,
    Ud*nge gets teased by her teacher, mistress and T*wi. Doujin Nukige  
    54. Tousaku Kyoushitsu 倒錯教室 [060813] Sargasso A prestigious school has a long history of discrimination that's called tradition here.
    Main character is an ordinary boy who wakes up without memory in the health room, and woman before him claims to be his slave. He tries to watch recorded videos to restore his memory, and it shows humiliation play. In time, a new form of love is born... Doujin Nukige  
    55. Umisen Yamasen 海専山専 [060813] Underground Campaign Main character hurries to leave home town after graduating from high school.
    One day father priest sends him a telegram and asks to come back. Town has turned into an almost extinct village over this time. Father asks protagonist to get rid of the spirit of sea and mountains that drive away all the fish and attract beasts. But the way to awaken power and drive away the spirits is to have sex with them. Doujin Boys Love  
    56. Wind Fantasy 5: War of the Crimson Moon 風色幻想: 赤月戰爭 [060815]  Fun Yours Long time ago, the humans have discovered the secrets of nature. They have built a powerful civilization with advanced technology. But this led to the destruction of nature and death of living beings. God became angry and punished the humans with countless disasters. Seven leaders of the humans sacrificed their lives in order to put an end to their civilization, seal its secrets, and bring peace onto the world.
    But 900 years have passed, and the humans began to re-discover the ancient civilization. Once again, their greed led to wars. each country employed treasure hunters, who were trained to visit dangerous places and to bring them relics from the advanced civilization of the past. You control a group of such hunters under the command of a brave young man names Aiyin. What starts as a simple mission to protect the newly acquired treasure from pirate attacks end in a struggle to save humanity from committing the same error once again...
    The game is set in the same universe (inspired by Japanese animé) as the rest of the series. Like all its predecessors (except the second game), this is a strategy RPG. The story unfolds in dialogues, and the largest bulk of the game is occupied by strategic turn-based battles. The system is called Action Order Battle (AOB). Every character in your party has action points. Depending on their parameters, he (or she) can execute a certain amount of actions: moving, attacking, casting spells, etc. The character receive experience points not only after battles, but after defeating enemies, or even after inflicting damage on them. Non-JP  
    57. Haramase Meshimase 孕ませ召しませ [060818] Crepe Igusa Hideaki (player) and Koenji Sara are lovers, engaged to be married in the future. But there is a friction between the two families for generations. Their marriage is going to be destroyed unless they takes countermeasures.
    "Sara is pregnant with my child!!"
    Hideaki tells them a big lie, Sara neither is pregnant or has had sexual experience yet.
    To make it to be the truth, they begins to make their baby!! Doujin Nukige  
    58. Kaze no Satsui -It's a Long Way Round- 風の殺意- It's a long way round - [060818] Ritz software Six members of the broadcasting club gather at a villa in the mountains for a farewell party for former club director Haruki who leaves for the USA. Main character Kazuya secretly has romantic feelings for the members of the club. He organizes this this farewell party with quite a few surprises. Doujin Boys Love  
    59. Mawari Hime まわり姫 [060818] Marry Bell Tomoyuki finds a mysterious puzzle box. When he suffles the puzzle pieces there is an explosion and a cute girl appears before him. For her to return to their world he must finish the puzzle, but the puzzle keeps changing as he interacts with the girls in his life... Nukige  
    60. My Pet Mikuru マイペットミクル [060818] MOON GODDESS Main character's ordinary student life has changed because of Haruhi. He initially believed that nothing strange could happen, but joining a club with another Mikuru proved him wrong. Club does a lot of cosplay. It's ok to leave at least half of clothes on and rub rich Mikuru's breasts in this humiliation play. Doujin Nukige  
    61. Tachibana Typhoon 橘台風 -たちばなたいふ〜ん- [060820] Fusyro Main character is a lonely second-year student with no money. Love and money don't come by themselves. So he is going to hard and get both during these summer vacations by working at a beach cafe. Doujin Boys Love  
    62. Aguni ~Unmei no Saki~ Aguni~運命の先~ [060824] Circletempo 1 In this world, there are those who have transcendent powers, able to accomplish supernatural feats. Most people have this to some degree, the truly powerful rising to belong to the elite. Those without these capabilities are looked down upon by society as lower class and treated as inferior, lower than human. The story revolves around the new sovereign seeking to crush a group with revolutionary ideas. Doujin  
    63. ef - First Fan Disc ef - First Fan Disc [060825] minori A prelude fandisk that introduces the story of 'ef - the first tale'. Fandisc  
    64. Fudol v Ikita~i! ~Hadaka Apron Cabajou Mami~ ふぅどるvイキた~い!~裸エプロンキャバ嬢マミ~ [060825] Crowd Koutaro came to a town on business where was famous for the entertainment district. He called a home delivery prostitute, Kaori, and he was mesmerized by her techniques. A few month later..., he visits the town again to meet Kaori but he can't find her there. Instead, he meets Mami, who works at a pub and falls in love with her. What will happen to him in the end...? Nukige  
    65. In'youchuu Shoku ~Ryoushokutou Taimaroku~ 淫妖蟲 蝕 ~凌触島退魔録~ [060825] TinkerBell One day at the end of summer vacation, the monster hunter agency receives a telephone call. "Many swimmers went missing mysteriously. Please examine what is going on.". They get happy because they didn't get to go anywhere during summer vacation. Mikoto, Takeru and Sui head for that isolated island to investigate if the events are related to monsters. During their stay on the island, they reside in the house of the islands owner. They enjoy swimming and hunt any monsters they encounter, but their investigation reveals the presence of the big and stronger monster behind the scenes.... Nukige  
    66. Konya no Okazu wa Range de Marine 今夜のオカズはレンジdeまりね [060825] Rune Renji is a uni student, living a peaceful life. One day, he meets two people, one is a princess of the devil world who ran away from the devil world because she doesn't want to marry him and another one is her fiance. Unfortunately, Renji gets involved in their quarrel... and unknowingly, Renji pretends to be her fiance in the human world. No one notices this will be the dawn of full of H life.... Nukige  
    67. Messiah メサイア [060825] CORE The protagonist of the story is Takuto, who lives with a friend Ryouta, due to his parents death. He works part time in a local flower shop, when one day, a mysterious man named Koh (Kou) Haishima comes and starts buying white roses almost every day. He and Takuto get closer to each other, but Takuto realizes there are strange things happening, like the disappearance of his co-worker, which are somehow linked to Haishima. One day, he decides to deliver roses to Haishima's mansion, and Ryouta follows him.
    And so the mysteries start to escalate. Boys Love  
    68. Mesu Kyoushi ~Injoku no Kyoushitsu~ 牝教師~淫辱の教室~ [060825] Bishop 1 Takuya's parents divorced when he was a child. His mother took him and she got married to another man, Sanada, soon. Sanada's son, Eiji, was a genius and looked down on Takuya. Takuya couldn't stand it anymore and left his house. He entered a high school with his mother's family name. One day, there comes a new teacher to his school. It is Eiji, his older brother. Accidentally, Takuya sees Eiji and Miyuki, a popular female teacher, meet secretly in a vacant classroom. He decides to take a revenge on Eiji and plots to shag with Miyuki in cooperation with Rihoko, a school doctor... Nukige  
    69. Pretty Flap ~Chocolate Taste~ Pretty flap ~チョコレートテイスト~ [060825] TiramisuVilla Kasuga Miyu is an ordinary uni student in her fourth year. She started job hunting a while ago but hasn't received any good results. She doesn't know what she wants to do in the future and is just wasting her uni life without an answer. Friends around her encourage and support her and she gradually sets some goals... and love feelings spring up inside her as well... Otomege  
    70. Princess Saga プリンセスサーガ [060825] Finish! A world of might and magic existing in a state of constant struggle.
    There is a female aristocrat who becomes a monarch and tries to bring peace everywhere. She builds a strong army to repel invasions. But she fails not because of enemies, but because of allies, and this territory becomes a free for all in the arising chaos.
    But hope is not yet completely lost. Young princess escapes with the elite guard. They continue to travel while listening to news. Princess comes to the bar in the back alley in order to earn some silver... Nukige  
    71. Seikishi Sanranki 聖騎士産卵記 [060825] Pink Question Main character is a court magician who sneaks into a neighboring state territory looking for invasion foothold. He knows a medicine to deal with ordinary holy knights, but holy knight Vanessa is the main obstruction to his plan. He invents a scheme to lure her out and use her as body experiment object. Nukige  
    72. Semerarete ~Virgin Lady~ 責められて~バージンレディ~ [060825] Eroro The protagonist, who woke up late and was in a hurry to get to his part time job, was stopped for questioning by the policewoman Aoshima Haruka.
    After knowing that the protagonist is a mere part-timer, he was humiliated and treated as a criminal, and was interrogated with a barrage of questions, but he somehow managed to endure it.
    However, as Haruka was endlessly scolding him, the protagonist finally lost it and said, "If you really feel bad, suck my dick!" to embarrass the seemingly innocent Haruka with such an absurd request, but... Nukige  
    73. Tonari no Oba-san ~Kanrinin no Hitozuma Kaika no Joshi Daisei~ 隣の叔母さん~管理人の人妻・階下の女子大生~ [060825] Tabito Noto Mamoru, the protagonist, has his mind set on finally getting into the university he wants. For that purpose he moves into the apartment that is owned and managed by his aunt, Ichido Haruno, where he studies for the entrance exams.
    Up until that point, Mamoru never thought of Haruno as anyone other than his aunt.
    And she only saw him as a nephew who had to pass his entrance exams.
    This perfectly normal relationship starts to change with the introduction of a single woman. Nukige  
    74. True Blue Short Story [060825] LiLiM DARKNESS A collection of 3 short story and 1 minigame for True Blue. Fandisc  
    75. 8 Gatsu 8 Nichi wa Fu○ TV no Hi? 8月8日はフ○テレビの日? [060826] PROJECT.S Athrun x Yzak fanfic for Yzak's birthday. Doujin  
    76. Ayaui Onee-san 危ういお姉さん [060826] DIGITALG A spirited woman is possessed with sex, experiencing a sexual awakening as having a lot of sex with a younger man. Doujin Nukige  
    77. Loli Zukushi ~Lolikko Renzoku Ryoujoku~ ろりづくし~ロリっ娘連続陵辱~ [060826] Pumpkin Main character is a lolicon. He loves to submit loli girls everywhere - on the street, on the train, outdoors or anywhere else. Seven girls become his prey. Doujin Nukige  
    78. Rubic Hearts [060827] Circle Nekonabe Winter of second year in high school. Study is hard, but there are also happy moments. As things start to take unexpected turn, he has an opportunity to get a girlfriend. Will he choose among classmates or sempai?  Doujin  
    79. Shouhei-kun no Hani-Kami Life☆ 承平クンのHANI神ライフ☆ [060828] Clover Granny’s dying request is for Shouhei (the lucky bastard) to become the priest and take over the shrine. Since the guy’s parents died in a car accident, he doesn’t have any prior attachments and he decides to grant her wish. But gran’s memory must be going bad because she failed to mention that there are two babelicious sister goddesses in charge of the land who needs “energy” from the priest to sustain themselves. It also makes perfect sense how Tsukino needs to give a demonstration on how the “ritual” is supposed to work for Miku’s instruction. Nukige  
    80. Shitai no? したいの? [060829] Kagura Dou Girl hurries to become an adult. She chooses a classmate to have first sex with. Doujin Nukige  
    81. io [060830] Esuhara Main character is a normal school student who suddenly reunites with his sister. He spends time with his sibling and classmates happily not knowing that the world is about to end. Young people have to go through the biggest crisis in their lives. Doujin  
    82. Mousugu Natsuyasumi! もうすぐ夏休み! [060831] Complet's Just before the summer holiday, while his classmate is excited to have a girlfriend, Tomorou has none. He is smart and handsome but lacks something. He has an old friend, Chiharu, but he isn't interested in her. One day, Chiharu's mother asks Tomorou to hand over a shopping list memo to Chiharu because she left it at home. After school, he goes to her classroom but Chiharu isn't there. According to her classmate, she is on the roof. He goes there and see Chiharu having sex with other students. Chiharu invites Tomorou to join them, and so his sex life starts... Nukige  
    83. Kotoshi wa Ma no Tsuku Dousei Seikatsu 今年はマのつく同棲生活 [0608] DANDY LION Short stories of a romance between Yuuri and Conrad upon starting to live together. A "Kyo Kara Maoh!" fanfic. Doujin Boys Love  
    84. Sakura Mau! サクラ舞う! [0608] Kagishippo What used to be my unrequited love was the beginning of the young love between the two of us.
    One day, she suddenly came with a radical proposal...
    While she may look like a tidy and innocent girl, her sexual curiosity is not to be underestimated.
    This is about the weird secrets me and her keep hidden inside our hearts... Doujin Nukige  
    85. The Noose [0608] ZIGZAG 1 My older sister killed me.
    My younger sister hung me.
    I killed my older sister.
    This was... everything her dead brother wrote in his diary.
    He'd said he'd be right back, but he never returned.
    Shortly after, they found his bloody hat. Doujin
  15. kivandopulus
    Foreword: Shumon Yuu work from Propeller already sounds intriguing. Synopsis: We were always together. Irreplaceable friends. There was a strong tie between us even we got separated. Several years later, we have a chance to meet again at school. There are only four classmates, but that's enough. Only us. However... "Stop acting like before." Our relationship gets cold and distant. It's only me who believed in our eternal friendship. What made us like this...? "Ayanashisai Festival" Each person was given their own color. "Red" I make up my mind to establish our good-old relationship again... Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs4Gp5VU4Fv9Pi9ybhxsFWpOmdTKILCM_   Character Design rating: 10/10 Protagonist rating: 8/10 Story rating: 9/10 Game quality: 10/10 Overall rating: 9/10   With such large number of English reviews (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11) I really don't want to butt in. And since I can't add anything new, I don't want to repeat things, so it will be a super short stub impression.  Game gets penalty from me for mega donkan protagonist (although I realize that only such protagonist would fit the story) and somewhat extended main SOL part which has some dull parts and so-so comedy. Plot does not move anywhere for a long time. Also, VNDB seriously mistakes about game's length between 10 and 30 hours. It took me 52 hours, and about 40 hours were SOL scenes with occasional flashbacks while some of those scenes being seriously childish.  Pretty much everything else is fascinating in this game. Art, style, characters and BGM make it the most beautiful game I've ever seen. I absolutely liked the absence of traditional routes and lack of romance theme. I get the biggest enjoyment from a charage when I choose only a heroine I like the most and follow only her route to the end. Catching up with the rest of less likable heroines always felt very wrong to me. In Asairo there's basically just one route and just one love scene in traditional sense with two more scenes without insertion bearing different emotional meaning. And while "kindness" is the essence of 90% of protagonists, here kindness becomes not the means, but the goal.
  16. kivandopulus
    I choose Yume ka Utsutsu ka Matryoshka as VN of the Month. Chephas hesitated between the two, but chose Karumaruka * Circle . Micchi adds Ichiban Ja Nakya Dame Desu ka and some imouto nukige to his set of interests.  
    1. Yahari Game demo Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. やはりゲームでも俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。 [130919] guyzware 1  The story follows two loners, the pragmatic Hikigaya Hachiman and beautiful Yukinoshita Yukino, who despite their varying personalities and ideals, offer help and advice to others as part of their school's Service Club, assisted by the cheerful and friendly Yuigahama Yui. It largely depicts various social situations faced by teens in a high school setting and the psychology driving their interactions. Anime Spin-Off  
    2. Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii wake ga Nai. Happy End 俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない。 ハッピーエンド [130926] guyzware 1  The game further expands on the story of the Oreimo light novel series, giving the player, who takes on the role of Kyousuke Kousaka, the choice to follow the story of his complicated life with his younger sister Kirino and their friends. Anime Spin-Off  
    3. Baldr Sky "Zero" バルドスカイ ゼロ [130927] Giga 1 2 3 4 When Edward came to in the virtual world, he was in the middle of a battle. A giant humanoid robot (simulacrum) distracted the enemy (virus) which was targeting him by yelling at him. The girl Sakura and him fought off the enemies’ attacks together and then helped out a girl who was being chased by the state army. As he was about to depart the virtual world, he remarked to Sakura that he could not remember his own name. Coming to in the real world, he found himself in a foreign room. He soon met Sakura again. She belonged to the Squall team of the Fenrir mercenary unit and this was their base. In the Southeast Asia State (SAS) where reality and the virtual world are separated, the only way to survive in this never-ending war was to pilot a simulacrum, so he volunteered to join Fenrir. Action has English reviews  
    4. Himegoto Union ~We are in the Springtime of Life!~ ひめごとユニオン ~We are in the springtime of life!~ [130927] Seven Wonder 1 2 3 Saizou seems to be a typical student, but he’s actually a ninja-in-training! Maybe destiny had something to do with it, but he met four girls who also had secrets which couldn’t be told to others. They were the blonde transfer student Himeria (who’s actually a princess), his model-like senpai Yuuki (who’s actually a heroine of justice), the beautiful swordsman Hijiri (who’s actually a girl in disguise), and his small kouhai Koharu (who has superhuman strength in certain situations). Himeria revived the local history research group, which became the ‘secret union’. There are English reviews  
    5. Ichiban Janakya Dame Desu ka? 1番じゃなきゃダメですかっ? [130927] Rosebleu 1 2 3 4 A slightly old-fashioned wooden apartment called Ittokikan (Maison Ittoki) lies at the top of a gentle slope located nine minutes walk from the train station. It is a place inhabited only by girls who are disappointed with their male siblings. Shou was to be a new resident, but naturally he was refused entry to the apartment. However, he was able to open their hearts with his initiative and positive disposition and was accepted into their group. In turn, they became lovestruck with him and it was suggested that he become an older brother figure to everyone in the household. This prompted the declaration by his non-blood related imouto Hisui that she will stop being his imouto. Could they be satisfied all being second for his love? There are English reviews  
    6. Imouto Spiral 妹スパイラル [130927] Macaron Soft Seiji is a normal male student without a girlfriend, except that he has strange dreams almost every day. One day, he was going to be reunited with his younger sister whom he haven't seen since they were small. However, not one, but five younger sisters were waiting for him! It happened that some incident caused the protagonists from different parallel worlds to disappear and their younger sisters went searching for them. All of them ended up coming to Seiji since he was the same as their brothers. At the same time, strange dimensional distortions started appearing around him, threatening the balance of all the worlds. How will he and his younger sisters confront this crisis? Production values are on the rise, but story is very subtle, and imouto special feeling is gone.  
    7. Karumaruka * Circle カルマルカ*サークル [130927] Saga Planets 1 2 3 4 5 6 “You’re the master of this world!” With those words, Kaito was invited by his energetic turtle-toting underclassman Nicole to Seikai Academy’s student council room to join the star-crossing circle. All of the girls in that group are peculiar in their own way. Once every year, on the night of Tanabata, they gather to try to access ‘Karumaruka’. If they are successful, then they would be freed from their curses and their fear of the future. There are English reviews  
    8. Magical Marriage Lunatics!! [130927] Moonstone 1 2 3 4 5 Yuuta is just your typical guy who enjoys an ordinary school life with his childhood friend Yuuna. Suddenly one day, a mansion appeared in his backyard, inhabited by the vampire princess Luce. One by one, other other-worldly princesses came to him, all of whom had made a childhood promise to be his bride when they grew up. He didn’t remember the promises, but then Yuuna also joined into the fray and proclaimed that she’s the one who will always be with him. There are English reviews  
    9. Natsu no Osananajimi to, Fuyu no Kanojo 夏の幼馴染と、冬のカノジョ [130927] Nephrite 1 2 The town of Nagashimo only experiences two distinct seasons due to its topography, with only short periods separating summer and winter. Seiji returned to his hometown at the beginning of summer after 10 years away and was happy that nothing appeared to have changed. Together with his lively osananajimi Karin, fellow proud transfer student Mitsu, onee-san-type cousin Yurari, complete-changed friend Atsu and imouto Yume, they founded the animation club to help the school with events. There are English reviews  
    10. Noblesse of Rouge ノブレスオブルージュ [130927] ChuableSoft 1 Toshiya’s twin imouto Rui is part of the student council at Alexandra girls’ school, a school for the nobility, and is highly admired by all students. Rui injured her leg in a training accident and wanted him to take her place until she heals completely. The student council officers (D’Artagnan, Athos, Aramis and Porthos), fondly called the “three musketeers”, are happy to see ‘Rui’ again. Will he be able to keep up this disguise until Rui returns? There is an English impression  
    11. Rance 01 - Hikari o Motomete - ランス01 光をもとめて [130927] Alice Soft 1 2 3 This is a remake of the original Rance title which came out 24 years ago. The womanizing warrior Rance is accompanied by his magician slave Sill as they search for the kidnapped noble daughter Hikari. It uses an old-style chip-based battle system, but the layout is pretty polished. It comes with some spiffy BGMs as well. If you always wondered how Rance or Hani came about, now’s your chance to find out. Localized remake RPG has English reviews  
    12. Sangoku Hime 3 ~Tenka Shinsei~ 三極姫3 ~天下新生~ [130927] Gesen 18 1 This is a continuation of the Sangokuhime series, with over 350 generals. In addition to the three kingdoms, there’ll be routes for Kouhosuu Gishin (Huangfu Song) and Ryofu Housen (Lu Bu). In the new battle system, up to 18 units can fight simultaneously and there are 6 different general types, which adds more balance. There are also 16 different types of troops which can be employed. TBS  
    13. Yume ka Utsutsu ka Matryoshka 夢か現かマトリョーシカ [130927] Effordom Soft Crown 1 Mamoru lives on the island of Shinonoshima, enjoying every moment with his osananajimi Miyako and close friends Isuka, Shiori, Nagi, Aoi and Kazushige. Their time together is irreplaceable to him and he believed that it would continue forever. However, he did not know he was about to fall into the abyss of despair. He fell into a deep sleep due to a certain incident, and when he woke up, no one else remained except Miyako. Not wanting him to remain in sorrow, she told him about a ‘tradition’ passed down through generations. On the 100th night after the loss of their precious ones, if they are able to gather memories deeply connected with them and offer them to the island’s protective god Wadatsumi, then it might bring their lost ones back. They prepared for the ceremony while clinging on to the belief that it will work. There is an English impression  
  17. kivandopulus
    Two-digit number of games for a change! Sakura no Uta -Sakura no Mori no Ue o Mau- is VN of the Month. Kyuuketsuki no Libra is another worthy masterpiece. Clephas also evaluates Primal x Hearts 2 high within its genre. Micchi basically likes everything else - Ama no Sora Retrospect , Cocoro Rista , Koi x Shin Ai Kanojo  
    1. Tokyo Ghoul: Jail 東京喰種 JAIL [151001] Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. The Jail incident - once, the ghoul Jail committed the crime of mass-killing investigators. But there were few eye witnesses, and no one knew his true appearance. The ghoul youth Rio, as one of the suspects of the Jail incident, was falsely charged with the crime and imprisoned in Cochlea. Kaneki was abducted by Aogiri Tree. While being subjected to severe torture in their 11th Ward Base, Kaneki finally accepts that he is a ghoul, seeking strength. At the same time, Anteiku, Aogiri Tree and CCG are fighting a three-way battle. Kaneki evades Aogiri together with his comrades from Anteiku, and at last CCG eradicate Aogiri's 11th ward base. After the battle ends, Kaneki leaves Anteiku, and follows the trail of what caused him to turn into a ghoul together with Tsukiyama, Banjou and co. Meanwhile, Cochlea is being attacked by ghouls who seem to be Aogiri's elite forces under the cover of the fight in the 11th ward. Villainous ghoul prisoners are released into the world again. Taking advantage of the commotion, Rio successfully breaks out of Cochlea. Even though he's worn out, he wanders around the town, and is given a warm welcome at Anteiku. In order to prove his innocence, Rio is searching for clues on Jail, who was the cause for his imprisonment. Rio catches hold of some information on Jail, and decides to approach the ward that he assumes to be Jail's turf. There, he meets Kaneki, who is eating powerful ghouls and seeking to become stronger. Because they share the goal of chasing Jail, they decide to act together. Who on earth is Jail? The fates of the ghouls Rio and Kaneki, who encountered tragedy, cross towards a new end. Anime Spin-Off  
    2. Kenseiki Alpha Ride 剣聖機 アルファライド [151023] Eternal 1 2 3  Kai leads a normal student’s life with a nagging father, boring school and inseparable friends. One day, he started seeing a strange dream in which he was a wielding a sword in a strange land. His dirtied hand and the smell lingering smell of iron troubled him every day like a recurring nightmare. When he noticed that his body also began to change, his father revealed that those in their bloodline would be summoned one day to a war-torn world and his dream would become reality. His chance meeting with siblings Shino and Shizuma taught him the preciousness of their everyday lives. As his father repressed his sorrows, Kai faced down a destiny from which he could not escape. Determined to bring back his older sister Shino, Shizuma headed into the heart of darkness. Arriving at the corrupt country of Rujiwada, he was taken prisoner and sent to the capital. There he met the doll Stigma, who looked just like his sister. This was a world where one must kill to stay alive. He would dirty his hand with blood to find and rescue her. He would risk his life in this battlefield hell to gain freedom. He was caught in the unavoidable gears of destiny, with the strongest enemy standing in his path. RPG  
    3. Sakura no Uta -Sakura no Mori no Ue o Mau- サクラノ詩-櫻の森の上を舞う- [151023] Makura 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Spring. After the death of his father - a world-famous artist - left him without any living relatives, protagonist Kusanagi Naoya is put under the care of his friend Natsume Kei's family. There, his homeroom teacher Natsume Ai, and Kei's younger sister - the actress Natsume Shizuku - await him in turn. And with the arrival of the new school term, Misakura Rin - Naoya's childhood friend who transferred long ago - reappears right before him. Beyond the veil of cherry blossom petals blown by the wind - almost like their promised reunion -- Feelings pile up with the passage of time: once the torrent of emotions comes rushing down, what is the spectacle that awaits? There are English reviews  
    4. Ama no Sora Retrospect 天ノ空レトロスペクト [151030] GLace 1  Amanosora is a small town of around 60,000 people, formed ten years ago from the merger of the villages of Tensei and Sorami. Shikimi attends the local school with the cleaning club leader Himari and his lively kouhai Shinon. There’s a rumour at the school that the door to another world would be opened by pressing a certain sequence of buttons in the elevator at the lighthouse in the Stargazing Commemorative Hall. One day, the school committee asked the cleaning club to tidy up the interior of the lighthouse. Together with his mysterious book-reading classmate Misumi, they solved the elevator riddle while doing the cleaning. It led to the top floor of the lighthouse, which was a huge fairytale-like library. This was the other world: Remembrance. A small girl named Amahoshi awoke from her slumber and asked for their help in gathering the town’s scattered memories. There is an English impression  
    5. Koi x Shin Ai Kanojo 恋×シンアイ彼女 [151030] Us:Track 1 2 3 4 5 Kunimi Koutarou is a second-year student at Mikagegaoka Gakuen who is part of the literature club. He dreams of becoming a novelist, but he is unable to write a romance novel because of a first love trauma when he was small. This spring, Mikagegaoka Gakuen was merged with two other schools, Sakuradai Gakuen and Mikagegaoka Nishi Gakuen. Koutarou found himself sitting in between Sena, his former love who had moved away, and Ayane, his best friend a few years ago who hadn’t talked to him since a certain incident. Now his regular days suddenly turn into those like you would only see in romance novels... There are English reviews  
    6. Kokoro Rista! こころリスタ! [151030] Q-X 1 This is the sequel to Q-X’s 2003 title Kokoro Navi. In the near future, the otaku world which had been somewhat accepted into society returned underground as a result of large-scale regulations. The regulations then began to spill over to the Internet and even the once popular communication tool IRIS showed signs of decline with the departure of many occasional users. The shy Yuuto has no confidence in communicating with others and lives an uneasy life while keeping his 2D passion a secret. For him, who avoids others in real life and would only talk with strangers online, IRIS’s decline was a huge problem. However, he did nothing but lament at his situation. Then suddenly he discovered that ‘Cocoro Rista’, the next-generation version of the rumored magic browser ‘Cocoro Navi’, was force-installed on his smartphone! He was pulled into a virtual, where he met a mysterious young girl, Alpha. She was a ’rounder’ who lives in the online world and she had been waiting for him. There is an English review  
    7. Kyuuketsuki no Libra 吸血姫のリブラ [151030] Onomatope* 1 2 3 Kusanagi Shuuma was living a life of an ordinary boy until one day he got suddenly abducted by one of the three vampire ringleaders - Iris Pumila. She revealed to him the secret of his ancestors - that he has vampire progenitor's blood coursing through his veins and that it is her destiny to awaken his true nature. Fortunately, Shuuma was able to escape from Pumila at that time and return to his ordinary daily life, but as a consequence of his encounter with her - his body has radically changed and he became a half-vampire. As a side effect of his sudden change, Shuuma obtained superhuman strenght and vampire's vitality but he also started having spontaneous vampiric impulses that are calling for him to suck blood of living creatures. On top of all of that, Shuuma made a bunch of new bizarre acquaintances with random women from both human and vampire side: - Maritima Malcolmia, the cute werewolf maid who was tasked by Shuuma's deceased father to restore the family she served to its former glory; - Calendula Officinalis, a daughter of one of the three progenitor's families, who declared herself as a Shuuma's fiancee; - Aoi Kamishiro, a tsundere vampire hunter sent from the Holy See's secret anti-vampire organization - the Rubina; - Lycoris Radiata, an airheaded subordinate assassin sent by Pumila to abduct and capture Shuuma. While dealing with all these women as well as his old female friends, Shuuma is trying to live not as a vampire, but as a human. Tangled in the midst of this web of conflicting intentions, Shuuma will have to use his vampiric powers despite his aversion to them to oppose the rising forces of evil. His ordinary everyday life of a simple boy is no more. Game is localized and has English reviews  
    8. Primal x Hearts 2 [151030] Marmalade 1 2 3 4 On the advice of his older sister, Daichi transferred into Ainoshima Gakuen in the second term. His heart was full of expectation for a new life, at least until he crossed the school gates where he was accosted by the two student council leaders. There are two student councils: the noble Gekka-kai and the fashionable Tendou-kai. They regularly compete against one another and their support is evenly split. As such, he held the sway vote and everyone greatly anticipated his arrival, much like what happened at the school 6 years ago. They say 777 is lucky, but to Daichi, who had planned to spend a quiet school life, it was extremely unlucky. There are English reviews  
    9. Royal Garden ~Otome ni Koi Suru Ouji no Gikyoku~ ロイヤルガーデン~乙女に恋する皇子の戯曲~ [151030] Azarashi Soft Life is a series of choices; one must make important decisions at various points in one’s life. Shinkurou is a poor guy barely getting by every day while troubled by debts. Yue is a dark-skinned maid who was tasked with a secret mission from her mother country Elgandia. They came together on the main street in the resort town Oumisaka, and she asked him to enrol for a year at Oumisaka Girl’s Private School as Yang, the Crown Prince of Elgandia. Thus, he ended up in the midst of a maiden’s garden with only the daughters of the elite. He must abide by two rules: he must not reveal to anyone that he is a fake, and he must capture the heart of a princess. A tragic end would await them if he was unable to keep this oath. How will he act along with the princesses? Will he be able to ad lib through the entire year? Moege  
    10. Unlucky Re:Birth/Reverse アンラッキーリバース [151030] Windmill 1  Spring is the bright season of new exciting beginnings. However, the unlucky Yuuto felt in the dumps after having failed to find a job. Ever positive, he looked at the silver lining and felt that everyone has these kind of days in their life and tomorrow would be a brand new day. That’s when he suddenly fell into a hole and the self-proclaimed goddess Urushu took him to another world, Alternia. He ended up on top of Eris, the girl who had summoned him, and was promptly labelled as a pervert. It was the worst first impression, but he didn’t know that his unluckiness will soon be completely reversed! There is an English review  
    11. Watashi ga Suki nara "Suki" tte Itte! 私が好きなら「好き」って言って! [151030] ChuableSoft 1 2 3 "I love you." Under the tree in the garden behind the school, I confessed my love to 'Her'... My up-to-then ordinary school life took a turn after a chance encounter with QP, a fairy that was born from an apple. I met Ayame, the air-headed rich girl, my relationship with my childhood friend Yuuki has changed, and my ex-girlfriend Mahiru showed up in my life again. One budding relationship blooms after the next, and then... ...After the longest seconds of my life pass, 'She' blushes as she responds. What will her answer be? Game is localized and has English reviews  
    BLOCKED   1. Maro no Kanja wa Gatenkei 3 Kanketsuhen 麻呂の患者はガテン系3 完結編 [151015] Elf 1
    Maro 3: The End of Marogelion begins by backtracking slightly to replay the ending scene of the second game, which is for a reason and the scene, seemingly abrupt and random in 2, eventually takes on meaning but still feels random at the start of this game too. Randomness, disjointedness are themes of note throughout the third and final Maro.
    Nukige has an English review   2. Grisaia no Yuukan グリザイアの有閑 [151023] Frontwing 1
    This game was released with the third DVD and Blu-ray Disc volume for the Grisaia no Rakuen anime.
    This side story is a character-driven visual novel featuring some of the same characters. This time, it's Michiru who takes the lead role in this slapstick comedy. She tries to decide on a new club activity with the help of Sachi and her other friends, but it's harder than it sounds...
    Fandisc   3. Seven Piece! ~Ochiteyuku Shoujo-tachi~ せぶんぴ~す! ~淫ちてゆく少女たち~ [151023] Abogado Powers Main character moves to a school in a rural town and starts to live at Pension Lupine run by his uncle. There he communicates with girls who have supernatural witch powers. But he has demon king's ability to absorb powers of others. As he loses control to the darkness within, he starts to subjugate girls around him. Nukige listed for the sake of opening
  18. kivandopulus
    It took a huge amount of time to finish year 2000, but it's over. The industry has matured to contemporary state, so there's no need to search for novelties this year.
    First of all, here's the collection of Visual Novel Openings 2000 with songs.
    In 2000 I've made a number of videos with only 1-2 routes, so now is the chance for you to choose one of those games to make playthrough of the rest of the routes. Less than 10 votes in 2 weeks time will mean that noone needs that, and I won't do anything. Some playthroughs contained full number of routes and some (like Treating2U and Heart&Blade) are too torturing for me to return to. So the candidates in 2000 are:
    Lien ~Owaranai Kimi no Uta~ (3 routes missing) Gyousatsu♥Shinsengumi Hitokiri Bishoujo Adventure (not sure for the number of routes) Ragnapolice (7 stories missing) Kaichuudokei (2 routes missing) Dorei Ichiba (4 routes missing) Now let's list masterpieces of the year:
    Gensou no Artemis Lien ~Owaranai Kimi no Uta~ Treating 2U Phantom of Inferno Harlem Blade II ~Dark Angel~ EVE Zero Gyousatsu♥Shinsengumi Hitokiri Bishoujo Adventure Age Maniax ~Isumi Yon Shimai Saigo no Hi~ Hateshinaku Aoi, Kono Sora no Shita de... Shoin, Aruiwa Ushinawareta Yume no Monogatari. Tsukihime Sense Off ~A Sacred Story in the Wind~ Pure Mail Gin'iro Air Gensou Suikogaiden Vol. 1: Harmonia no Kenshi Baldr Bullet Nijuuei Never7 -The End of Infinity- I do not see any rivals to Nijuuei this year, so it's the VN of the Year.

  19. kivandopulus
    There is a normal Japanese family - a rock star priest, a fox goddess and their son ghost... ok, maybe not so normal. Anyway, there's a fantastic review ( 1 ) on this game already, so I can have a free style review for a change just to put something along with a video.
    So following that review... first things first - game has no bugs on win98, all icons are in order - everything is perfect. But since the game can't run install on newer Windows, we indeed have to copy contents to the disk folder, launch reg file (need to edit it to change cd drive letter) and speech volume up tool. The full guide is here ( 2 ). Just in case - the link for the volume up tool is ( 3 ). So the only little inconvenience that we need to tolerate on newer Windows is that icons get messed up. It's not that much of a deal, right?


    As a result the icons for SAVE and GHOST functions get exchanged. It's very easy to get acquainted with saving on ghost icon, we play as a ghost, anyway. But this way SAVE icon gets absolutely forgotten. This icon stays crossed out for 99.99% of time, but this is absolutely the most important icon in the game, because it gets active in 0.01% of time at the most crucial moments in the game. If I knew that from the start, I would not have to tear my hair out while redoing all the routes of all the characters over and over and each time either getting somewhat awkward endings or failing to set the flags for a girl. I followed three different walkthrough VERY diligently and each time had a failure as a result. By the way, the best walkthrough with all the choices and very comfortable table outlook is here ( 4 ).

    So here's the deal. One of such most crucial moments is on the screen. In this scene we finally get all the flags for the girl and enter the first love event marked with a heart on the map. In this event Minamo is sleeping... that's pretty much it. But... her skirt gets a bit wrinkled so that pants are seen just a little bit. Trust me, this is the most crucial event of the route. So hero enjoys the peaceful view when two boys approach, share the joyful news with each other and take out a digital camera while looking for the most beneficial angle... There are no options, nothing. Just as any other event that we've seen before so far. So hero cries out of helplessness since he's a ghost and can't really help Minamo. Boys get the photo and run away happily. Minamo continues to sleep happily. A weird event, but it's ok. The problem is that after the event Minamo absolutely disappears. We just pass days aimlessly and fly to the skies on the 49th day. Game over. I could not understand what was going on for a long time trying different approaches prior to the even. But I only understood it while skipping scenes on Win98. There is a ghost icon in place of SAVE there and during skipping the scene it suddenly stops in the middle of the scene, just at the spot the screenshot is. Why would a game stop skipping the text in the middle of text scene? The answer is that there are moments when main character Shiro needs to concentrate his psychic power in order to manipulate objects in physical reality. When we click this icon at this very moment, Shiro fixes the skirt, boys run away and Minamo wakes up noticing Shiro who hurriedly explains the situation in order not to be blamed for it. And later on Minamo admits that she understood that Shiro loved her exactly at the moment when he fixed that skirt expression his care and desire to protect this way. So with this hint all the routes finally become a piece of cake.
    Now to the contents. I give the game 8/10, it's that good. It could easily be 9/10, but the sectional voicing and a bit of fault in the system affect the impression. There are four heroines for capture - kendo club osanajimi Akira, shy diligent student who is afraid of ghosts Wakaba, merry single Psychic Sience club member Minamo and a ghost girl who supposedly ended her life by hanging - Yuzu. The game tries to follow To Heart structure, so that we get up, go to school and constantly get on a map of the school in the morning, noon and evening with girl figures at different sections of the school. Clicking on each girl triggers an event. And majority of those events are funny ones. There are also some events that we don't need to choose. What I mean is that such structure allows to pump the game with a great number of cool funny small stories and in that the game excels. For the biggest part of the game it's a comedy, but the very end is not so funny - hero dies. Well, I mean he was dead from the start, but on 49th day (35th day in game time since Shiro only regains consciousness 2 weeks after initial death) the soul link with the body finally disappears and the soul has to fly to the skies. We get to know about the time limit on the 45th day (31st day in game time). So what's the drama? Hero has to fly away. But that was known from the start. Hero is dead before we even start reading. We can guess he'll have to go eventually. But we still feel sad when we're said so on the 45th day and when we actually have to do it on the 49th day. So I don't consider this game to be a nakige in any way. Someone wants a happy end with a girl and a ghost living together and dying in one day? That's weird. Hero must resurrect? Well, it's not some fantasy, and furthermore the body is wrecked and buried over two weeks ago. So it's not a conflict, not a drama, we just see the story to the end and the girls who got attached to Shiro saying him farewell. And all the girls do so with a smile and gratitude. Futhermore, Shiro is promissed to be reincarnated and in some epilogues we actually get a hint of our grown-up girls feeling something very familiar in that young school boy... but it's not that kind of a game. Moreover, there is a ghost girl Yuzu and we get a perfectly happy ending with her. Two ghosts find a way to be eternally happy. But for my video walkthrough I chose Minamo. That girl is too cute and cool to miss. Moreover, we actually get to see three personalities of her. Her usual ghosbuster genki self, a cursed doll gentle personality (don't ask, better see for yourself) and the cat-girl personality that can't leave anyone indifferent. Don't get me wrong, other girls routes are very good and touching as well, but those are tilt towards nakige a bit more. Game's very nice. Give it a chance, and you'll like it.
  20. kivandopulus
    Memories Off #5 Togireta Film , Ayakashi and Heaven's Cage are masterpieces of the month, and I'm reviewing the latter two. The winner is Ayakashi. I refuse to acknowledge any spin-offs or sequels of Fate/Night like Fate/Hollow Ataraxia .
    1. Shirogane no Torikago: The Angels with Strange Wings しろがねの鳥籠 The Angels with Strange Wings [051013] Cromwell 1

    Shirogane no Torikage takes place in the city of Roddo Town. Two hundred years ago, a great war lead to the near destruction of mankind. The few people that did remain following the war started off with a clean slate, built new towns and connected the towns via steam-powered train. Soon, airplanes were invented and mankind took to the skies. Mysterious children started to be born in this new world, children with strange powers. So strange and feared were these powers that adults sent all the special children to Roddo Town, which is itself separated from the other towns of the world and is surrounded by a great steel wall.
    The game's main character is Woll, one such special child. Woll and the other kids of Roddo Town have the ability to read the memories of objects and know their pasts. One day, Woll uses his powers to fix the train station manager's television, and he's summoned to the Roddo Town mayor's place. He expects that he will be punished for having used his powers.
    Instead, the mayor asks him to fix a plane from 200 years ago and make it so that it can fly again. A great floating fortress called Sky Ray was built 200 years ago and is believed to contain the secrets into long lost pre-war technology. Woll, along with Andy, Bibi, Katie, Mini and the other boys and girls of the town start off on an adventure that will change not just their own lives, but the lives of people throughout the world. Visuals and some fun interactions are the only benefits. of the game. Scenario is pretty much a juvenile boy's growth story that's nothing but plain. Second half is especially bad.  
    2. Kakuu Shoujo 夏空少女 [051014] Mixed Up 1

    After the end of the world war in the near future, every human being is managed and controlled by a computer called "Mother". People who could not adapt to such a system were called "irregular", thus they lived in the educational facility "Reclaim Garden". The main character was sent to the garden as a "guardian" to re-educate its irregularities. Therefore, he will experience a world that he couldn't feel so far. There is an English review.  
    3. Days of Memories ~Boku to Kanojo no Atsui Natsu~ Days of Memories 〜僕と彼女の熱い夏〜 [051017] SNK Playmore 1 2

    Beautiful female warriors and other charming girls from SNK games make their appearances in this innovative dating simulation game. The first game depicts the adventures of the male lead (player character) and the the female cast. During the last summer of high school, the player has a premonition that something will happen between himself and the girls he came to know and became friends with. There are English reviews.  
    4. Kenshuui Tendou Dokuta 2 ~Inochi no Tenbin~ 研修医 天堂独太2~命の天秤~ [051020] Spike 1 2 3 4

    LifeSigns: Surgical Unit (研修医 天堂独太2~命の天秤~, Kenshūi Tendō Dokuta 2: Inochi no Tenbin, lit. "Resident Dokuta Tendo 2: The Scales of Life") is an adventure game for the Nintendo DS set in a hospital. This is the second game in a series that redefined the sim genre to make way for other medical games games such as Trauma Center: Under The Knife. Following the success of Trauma Center, LifeSigns was released in North America on November 6, 2007, and is released in Europe on July 25, 2008 under the name LifeSigns: Hospital Affairs. LifeSigns: Surgical Unit is the second game in the Kenshuui Tendo Dokuta series, but its predecessor has not been announced for foreign release. Game is localized and has English reviews.  
    5. Urusei Yatsura: Endless Summer うる星やつら エンドレスサマー [051020] Marvelous Interactive 1

    In here you will basically find a rather usual Japanese dating simulation in which you will be controlling Ataru and move him across the many screens that compose the town you will be playing in. You can enter some houses, talk to people you find around the scenario and even collect some items, all by simply moving your character to the place where the house/person/item is. When you enter a house or you get in touch with a person you will usually spot a small event sequence, in which your character will talk to someone else and sometimes more things may occur, like you having to play a mini-game (which are always really easy to play) and even increasing how much a specific girl likes you. There is an English review.  
    6. Aozora Enikki 青空絵日記 [051021] H.W.Lab

    The last summer vacation in the school life. This is the time when main character gets attracted to two younger sisters. The feeling of guilt for forbidden love can not suppress this wonder from a life-size perspective. Heartwarming and shy comedy. The ending is refreshing, but there is no impact.  
    7. Born Freaks! ぼーん・ふりーくす! [051021] Liar-soft

    Cell's sister, Uracil, suffers from an unknown disease since she was born. Cell became a successful medical doctor but he still can't find a cure for her. Together with another doctor, who happens to be his ex-girlfriend Fenyl, that works in the same clinic with him, they devise an unconventional method that might save Uracil, where everything else already failed.
    The plan is to make changes in her DNA so it can fight the pathogens eating her from inside. To do that, they have to try cultivating different strains in Cell's body and inject them into her body in a way that won't be rejected by her immune system. And the only way to do that is by sex... It's primarily a gameplay game, so no use talking about it without understanding mechanics.  
    8. CROSS WORLD -Mishiranu Sora no Etatia- クロスワールド 〜見知らぬ空のエターティア〜 [051021] Broccoli

    Enter Kuros, an average high school student who gets sent into another world after getting into a car accident. Losing his memory and forgetting his name, he became known as the Cross Sword hero. In search of a way to open up the Cross Gate to return his own world, Kuros and one of three heroines partner up to travel across the world of Etatia in search of clues. Meanwhile, a mysterious cloaked figure seems intent on disrupting their journey of getting Kuros back to his own world... It can be called a picture-only game. Enemies show up and get defeated through communication with one of three selected girls. Synopsis basically tells everything already, and there is no twist. An absolute failure game.  
    9. Happiness! はぴねす! [051021] Windmill Oasis

    Happiness! centers around Yūma Kohinata, who is a high school student attending Mizuhosaka Academy's regular section of the school, along with his close friends Jun Watarase and Hachisuke Takamizo. The other section, aptly named the magic section, was founded in order to train mages in the art of using magic. The story begins with Valentine's Day coming up in just a few days and there's a rush for all the girls to get the chocolate they want in order to give it to the boys they like, in accordance with Japanese custom. Haruhi Kamisaka, a mage in training, is out with her friend Anri Hiiragi, also a mage in training, in order to do just this. While walking outside in the park, after buying the chocolate she wanted to give to a boy she met when she was a child, Haruhi meets Yūma, who stops some younger boys bullying a young girl, and Haruhi thinks that he may be the boy she's been searching for all this time. The next day is Valentine's Day and at school, all the girls are giving their gifts to the boys of their choice. Later that day, Anri challenges Haruhi to a magic battle in order to take the chocolate she has by force for the reason that Haruhi wouldn't tell her who she was going to give it to. Before long, Anri loses control of her magic and it is flown outside, almost falling onto Yūma and his friends. Ultimately, Haruhi gives him the chocolate she had bought, and in turn Anri does the same, which was her plan - to give her chocolate to the same boy as Haruhi and see who would win his favor more. The next day there is a gas explosion at the magic section of the school and all the mages in training must transfer over to the normal section for the time being. Coincidentally, Haruhi and Anri are placed within Yūma's class.
    Now Haruhi and her friends must adjust to the transfer into the normal section of Mizuhosaka Academy. Extremely orthodox adventure. Overall, it's a normal moege with a slight tilt into magic. And it loses much charm for being overextended.  
    10. Heaven Strada ヘブンストラーダ [051021] AniSeed

    Aleph grew up listening about rare artifacts and adventures in the ancient ruins. As he becomes adult, he joins his uncle who got position of ruins caretaker.
    When he comes to the duel place in the ruins with his childhood friend, Aleph meets a girl in unfamiliar clothes being attacked by inquisition men in black. As enemies are defeated, Aleph takes girl home. She tells that she comes from the world of the blue sky. They decide to guard the ruins together against the men in black and work towards getting to the world of the blue sky. It's a single road RPG. Contradictions begin in the middle of the game, so game is weak story-wise. RPG part is unsatisfactory, but not bad.  
    11. Memories Off #5 Togireta Film Memories Off #5 とぎれたフィルム [051027] KID 1 2

    Haruto Kawai is an aspiring film director, however, upon the death of his best friend, the boy gave up the dream and settled down for a mundane existence until a strange girl pops up in his life. Life is like a movie, when Mahiro Sendou intrudes into his life, the cameras start moving. With touching storylines and endearing characters, make your own film and experience the climaxes and troughs as well as irreplaceable memories in the newest romantic adventure in the Memories Off series. There is an English review  
    12. Ayakashi AYAKASHI アヤカシ [051028] Apricot 1 2

    Kusaka Yuu is a student that lost his will to live after the death of a dear childhood friend, until the day a mysterious girl, named Yoake Eimu, appears. From that moment on, his life would never be the same again. Hunted by Ayakashi and their hosts, the power within Yuu awakens and a never ending battle begins. I want to play this game blindly and review it myself.  
    13. Bin★Can Darling BIN★CANダーリン [051028] Actress

    Our protagonist managed to enter in the school of his dreams, and prepared himself for a sweet school life after a painful past. He might even find a girlfriend! Thus, he starts interacting with the girls around him, trying to succeed in love... Game has nothing to do with Akikan anime, but it does not help much as moege direction is chosen instead. Basically, main character is invited to the art club with only girls as members. Development for each heroine is very thin, and very little effort is required for heroines to fall in love. H element is dominating here, and 3P scenes are frequent, so can't really understand how IOS and Android versions manage to exist with such a weak story and no H scenes.  
    14. Fate/Hollow Ataraxia [051028] Type-Moon 1 2 3 4

    Bazett Fraga McRemitz, a member of the Mages' Association and a master in the 5th Holy Grail War, wakes on the fourth day of the 5th Holy Grail war with a new servant, Avenger, and no memory of what happened to her beforehand. She and Avenger set off to fight and win the Holy Grail War. Meanwhile, Shirou Emiya lives a peaceful life with all his friends, from the 5th Holy Grail War. After her experiment alters the event-horizon changes time and space, Rin Tohsaka leaves for the Mages' Association in England to fix things. The Servants sense a new danger while dark creatures appear soon afterward. Shirou, as a precaution, sets off to ensure nobody is in danger and instead finds himself frequently meeting a mysterious girl, Caren Hortensia. There are English reviews.  
    15. Heaven's Cage ヘブンズケージ [051028] Art

    This game is about a group of classmates and an online game called “Heaven’s Cage”. As they go forth and explore the virtual landscape, battling monsters and looting dungeons, they unknowingly start to get to know each other. I appears that the characters can make some interesting online personae in the virtual world; such as seasoned fighters, powerful magicians, mysterious player killers, or a character that hates fighting/killing monsters. It would also appear that this game is more connected to the real world than we’d assume. I would not be me if I skipped a MMORPG setting visual game, so I'm reviewing it.  
    16. ShiroKuro ~Shiroi Kokoro to Kuroi Tsurugi~ しろクロ~白いこころと黒いツルギ~ [051028] ALTERNA

    Akira leaves his town to observe the first and last major meteor shower in this century and gets in an accident. He regains consciousness when he is attacked by some black life form "Zyphos". A girl appears and rescues him. This way Akira makes the first contact with the extraterrestrial life forms and gets involved in the species confrontation.  Some girls are more human-like, some are rather exotic. Scenario is a single road with frequent gags inclusion. Gameplay is quite monotonous, but game mechanics and moe tilt help a lot here. RPG part is tolerable, so it's a pity game is in oblivion now.  
    1. Purepuri Niizuma wa Boku no Tannin プレプリ 新妻は僕の担任 [051001] Haikara Kissa Enari Akane, a new teacher at your school, was recently married with you. She is a close friend of yours since you were kids. She is so curious about sex, wanting to explore sexuality more and more! Doujin Nukige  
    2. Hitozuma Leotard 2 ~Akage no Bijo wa Inran Tsuma~ 人妻レオタード2~赤毛の美女は淫乱妻~ [051003] Studio Ebisu Let's buy various leotards by using the one like a kind of money that is called RP and dress to married women. It buys of course, and the game progresses by the dressed leotard. The thing always changed while playing a game is possible. The dressed leotard can be reflected even in event CG. Not only default (usually) leotard but also a special leotard was prepared. Nukige  
    3. Happy Class ハッピークラス [051005] Tabun Osoraku Kitto A short and linear horror sound novel.
    "Hey, do you know about the happy class?" Doujin  
    4. Aru Atsui Natsu no Hi no Dekigoto. ある暑い夏の日の出来事。 [051006] αPLACE A collection of three mysterious stories about high school girls in summer. Doujin Nukige  
    5. Sex & Friend ~Osananajimi no Amai Nioi~ セックス&フレンド ~幼馴染の甘い匂い~ [051007] Under Lip Masaki had known Mitsuru Ebina since they were little. The rumor at school was that they were going out. But in reality, they were always at each other's throats. Even so...Mitsuru was getting prettier each year, and Masaki couldn't help but notice. Then one day she came to give him a love letter one of the other girls had asked her to give him. Masaki had mixed feelings, but Mitsuru was as blunt as ever. And then he told her how he felt... Nukige  
    6. Komachi Koiuta 小町恋歌 [051009] Circle Mebius Main character has been working in an antique shop for ten years since childhood. He believes that there should be only laughter in this world, but no sadness. One day he overhears a story about a girl living in an old temple outside the town. This very evening he approaches this building and finds young girl inside. Doujin  
    7. Nurunuru Shokushu ~Miko to Majokko Daisakusen~ ぬるぬる触手 ~巫女と魔女っ娘大作戦~ [051011] Necronomicon The sealed tentacle monster has escaped! A shrine maiden and a witch girl move out to deal with the situation. Doujin  
    8. Mirugeki 2 Papa tte Yobitai no みるげき2パパってよびたいの [051012] Milky Pearl Father suddenly remarries one day, so main character who attends college acquires a new mother and a younger sister. There is a big age difference, so sister calls protagonist "papa" for some reason. But somehow sister's behavior is far from childish, she is definitely longing for sex... Doujin  
    9. Akuratsu ~Chijoku no Yuri Shimai~ あくらつ~恥辱の百合姉妹~ [051014] Marry Bell This time father orders to train six half-sisters to prevent their claims to the conglomerate. This time he will be assisted by the two previously trained half-sisters. Nukige  
    10. In'youchuu ~Ryoujoku Gakuen Taimaroku~ 淫妖蟲 ~凌触学園退魔録~ [051014] TinkerBell This is the story of a monster hunter squad consisting of three beautiful girls and the "hardships" they face in their endless fight... Nukige  
    11. Okaa-san to Na-i-sho ~Bijin Oyako, Bessou Kankin 7 Nichikan~ おかあさんとな・い・しょ~美人母娘、別荘監禁7日間~ [051014] Haoh Yosuke, Yukari, his stepmother, and Natsuki, his stepsister, visit their summer house. Yosuke secretly loves Yukari and he plans to tell her that he loves her. However, a group of bank robbers suddenly comes into their house. "Well, you're now our slaves. Just entertain us...." Like this, they are confined in a separate room.... Will Yosuke be able to save Yukari and Natsuki...? Also, will Yosuke tell Yukari that he loves her...? Nukige  
    12. Ore no Miko-sama ~Ore Miko~ オレの巫女さま~オレ巫女 [051014] Black Package There is a shrine inhabited only by three maiden sisters after their parents' death. But they aren't allowed to continue like that without a proper priest, so main character is appointed to this shrine. Nukige  
    13. Subete Ubatteyaru! 全て奪ってやる! [051014] Waffle Ryuya's life has changed completely after Atsuko, his mother, got remarried. Tatsuo, his new father, robs him of his position in his family. Konoha, his younger sister, also depends on Tatsuo. He dislikes Serina, his new older sister, too. One night, Ryuya sees Atsuko and Tatsuo having sex and his anger reaches its peak. Several days later, Tatsuo leaves his home for ten days on business. Ryuya makes up his mind that he will get back what used to be while Tatsuo is out.... Nukige  
    14. Tomona ~Watashi to Furousha no Oji-san no Kouryuu Jikan~ 智奈 ~私と浮浪者のおじさんの交流時間~ [051014] STARWORKS Main heroine leads a normal school life with friends, but she is missing something... On her way to school she goes past homeless bums. She is confused, but also interested... And these guys are happy to make an acquaintance. Doujin Nukige  
    15. Coupling Cocktail. [051015] Momoto Ichigo.jp Western mansion humiliation training novel featuring big breasted futanari girls. Nukige  
    16. Sora no Mayoibito 空の迷い人 [051020] Nokka~ The protagonist finds himself wandering in a world of loss, unable to remember exactly what was missing. Through the help of people in his life, he finally starts remembering... Doujin  
    17. Aigan Iinchou ~Doukyuusei wa Nikudorei~ 愛玩委員長~同級生は肉奴隷~ [051021] Under Lip Yoji is a transfered student. He is attracted by Miyuki, a class president. She shows him around the school after school and suddenly she induces him to have a sex with her. After that his classmates tell him that she is a "sexual slave" and he is appointed as her trainer. Nukige  
    18. Fami Fami! ファミふぁみ! [051021] Applemint Main character is an ordinary school student in Tokyo. He returns to his home town in Hokkaido for summer vacations and finds his home being reconstructed into a family restaurant. Moreover, there are two cute twin sisters helping out. Doujin  
    19. Milk Junkie 3 MILK・ジャンキー3 [051021] Blue Gale Yusuke, the protagonist of the first game who loves big tits, is back.
    After a few years, he ended marrying Mitsuki, the mother of the girl he was tutoring.
    Besides a beautiful wife with big tits, now he has a new employment opportunity at the company of the cousin of Mitsuki.
    A well-endowed wife waiting him in home, and a well-endowed boss waiting him at workplace. His new married life is about to begin... Nukige  
    20. Taimanin Asagi 対魔忍アサギ [051021] Anime Lilith  1 2 The game stars and takes the viewpoint from a female ninja who is said to be one of Japan's greatest warriors. She's part of an elite ninja squad called Anti-Demon Ninja that fights in the name of justice. The main enemy in this story is the OFA (Oboro Forbearance Army) lead by another female ninja who is also said to be one of the finest in the land. These two female ninjas go at it until one of them is captured and trained/transformed against their will into a sex slave.
    It's important to note here that the game takes place around 2050 in Tokyo, so technology has become relatively advanced. The world itself seems to be VERY grim. It's also slightly fantasy based as it seems many different races inhabit the world, including vampires, orcs, and various types of evil spirits, which are the demons or "evil influenced" people that are making the world so corrupt. The ninjas also have special, beyond human, abilities as well. Nukige  
    21. Wana ~Hakudaku Mamire no Houkago~ 輪罠 ~白濁まみれの放課後~ [051021] Guilty 1 2 Misaki Raika's brother, a teacher at an all-boys school, has committed suicide. So Raika decides to disguise herself as a male student to enter the school and find out the truth behind his death... Nukige  
    22. Qu Beifang 去北方 [051021] Yangwawa Girl loves snow so much that she sets off on a journey to the North. She is sure to find the meaning of her life in this journey... Non-Eng/Jp  
    23. Have Relations With... 3 ~Junko to Nami to Naoyuki to Ore~ have relations with... 3 ~淳子と奈美と直之と俺~ [051022] Soft Circle Courreges This game is an interactive sex simulation game, where the commands you choose influences the attitudes of those you meet and causes different situations to occur.
    The game spans 14 days, from September 4th to September 17th. The game continues by the selection of commands, having sex and having conversations.
    The sex part contains two couples that have sex together: the hero and Junko, plus Nami and Naoyuki.
    Depending on your selection, the attitudes of the people you meet will change, and different situations will occur, so try out a number of things. Doujin Nukige  
    24. Honki ni Shite wa Ikenai Uranai 本気にしてはいけない占い [051022] Tabun Osoraku Kitto A joke fortune-telling game. Doujin  
    25. Tsui no Hi -in the latter half of the 90's- 対ノ日 -in the latter half of the 90's- [051023] Inspire 1 Main character goes to Tokyo to enter a college. A woman that lives next door envigorates his fantasies. He is confused by his feelings and tries to listen cautiously to his heart. This summer the two bodies will overlap. But it takes something more for thoughts to overlap as well. Doujin  
    26. Ryoujoku Shiokinin 陵辱仕置人 [051024] Haoh Main heroine's father remarries a young woman. She gets both company and mansion after father's death. The girl runs away from the mansion after hearing that she is going to be sold to yakuza the next day... Nukige  
    27. Setsugekka 雪月花 [051024] Pleiades Company Three years have passed since abduction on a ruined island. A terrible power broke out at that time. Main character lives in these snowy mountains while taking care of his childhood friend Miyuki who lives next door. But the battle for extraordinary power pursues protagonist even to these mountains. Messenger brings a bad news, and boy turns his blade to the fate... Doujin  
    28. Dorei Seitokai 奴隷生徒会 [051028] Cybele Main character is a rich bonbon attending a prestigious school. His only hobby is personal computer, so he gathers school geeks around him in the computer club. Since all they do is visit adult sites and install illegal software, the club is crushed by the student council president who is also main character's childhood friend. Protagonist decides to revive computer club with his own means. Nukige  
    29. Hajimete no Otetsudai はじめてのおてつだい [051028] Studio Ring Landlord asks main character to help about the cafe on the first floor of the building. It turns out to be a maid cafe where two cute twins are working already. It's confusing to be called "onii-chan", but promise needs to be fulfilled. Lolicon  
    30. Houkago Gekisha Club ~Inyoku no Motif~ 放課後激写倶楽部~淫欲のモチーフ~ [051028] Oz Project Shame is art! Girls humiliation can reach the masterpiece level! This is the motto of main character who heads school photo club. All the five girls in club lead an active sex life with the boys of the same club, so protagonist has no difficulty inviting girls to a private shooting session for a solo exhibition. Nukige  
    31. Kunoichiban! くのいちばんっ! [051028] Crowd There is a world famous shinobu village that produced a huge number of subterfuge experts. Main character returns to his home village for retirement. He is asked to make full-fledged ninja out of failed ninja candidates. It's a colorful bunch of different girls, but pride of his art is on the stake. He starts to live with the girls under one roof and train them. Nukige  
    32. Kuro no Utahime 黒の歌姫 [051028] Clock Up In a peaceful kingdom, the country is governed by the five royal sisters who are also mystical songstress.
    The gentle oldest sister - the diva of the earth, the second sister who is also the leader of the knights - the diva of the fire, the third sister - the diva of the light, the fourth sister - the diva of the water, and the fifth and youngest sister - the innocent diva of the wind.
    From generation to generation the divas sing the song of peace, leading the nation against the power of the devil. But a man resurrected from the grave. And along with him, the shadow of many demons appear at the peaceful kingdom.
    Against the hord of demons, the diva of light serving as a guardian of the kingdom sings, and all demons disappear in an instant. The revived man who saw that demonstration of power gets startled.
    "If I get that power... i can dominate everything!"
    And beside the man, the figure of a succubus arises. And so the man who is the revived demon king began to move in order to dominate and rape them all. Nukige  
    33. Mahoutsukai no Tamago 魔法使いのタマゴ [051028] Zero Main character is taken by a 300-year-old magician to the forest. There he has to help apprentice girl Miu to become a witch and also comply with the host orders. The way to produce familiars is to place eggs in Miu's body, and he has to help with that as well. He helps to raise a fine demon and hopes to find a way to return home one day. Lolicon  
    34. Natural Another One 2nd -Belladonna- Natural Another One 2nd -Belladonna- [051028] DreamSoft Belladonna is the name of a flower that is both beautiful and extremely poisonous. But it's also the name of the goddess who cuts the fate threads with scissors.
    Main character is asked to fulfill a request if he wants to return former lover and get a billion yen. The request is to persuade former lover to abandon all her claims to her dead husband's corporation. Any means are allowed, so he can choose to cultivate love or lust in mansion girls to reach his goal. Nukige  
    35. Nymphomania [051028] M no Violet Main character is an ordinary student who lives with a step-mother and a step-sister. He has never had relations with girls, but he starts to show interest. There is a childhood friend with the same fascination who attends the same school. The peaceful everyday is transformed suddenly by a single transfer student girl who starts to live in the same house... Nukige  
    36. Ryouki 2 ~Ayashiku Ugomeku Inbou no Enbukyoku~ 凌姫II~妖しく蠢く淫謀の円舞曲~ [051028] Psy-chs The main character of this h-game is part of the royal guard in service of the king. However, the king has fallen ill, and there is suspicion that witchcraft is the culprit. Soon the kingdom is in a frenzy to capture any woman suspected to be a witch. The 'hero' has taken this opportunity to get his hands on the trio of princess-sisters. Furthermore, his power over them includes their female servants and court members, giving him a total of 10 girls to interrogate/train/humiliate. Perhaps, if he's successful, he may have the entire kingdom for himself! Nukige  
    37. Slave Police Michiru & Misuzu スレイブポリスみちる&美鈴 [051028] 1 In this game you play as a perverted teacher who happens to find one his students trying to steal a test paper to cheat. He ends up blackmailing her and forcing her to have sex with him. Eventually, he uses her to help him screw all of the hottest girls from the school. Nukige  
    38. Tenshi no Himegoto 天使のひめごと [051028] Tactics Hideyuki Inori is an exorcist and a member of a secret Catholic order fighting supernatural evil worldwide, but apparently even Holy Ops from the Vatican need a vacation sometimes, because he suddenly asks for a leave from service and returns to his native Japan.
    His true motives, however, are terribly serious: his dearest childhood friends, the two daughters of his old teacher, have fallen under demonic influence, a power so terrible that maybe only the death of the girls themselves can banish it.
    Hideyuki is unwilling to report this situation to his superiors, but what can he do? And what are the real nature and objectives of this mysterious, demonic enemy? Nukige  
    39. Tutorial Summer チュートリアルサマー [051028] Studio Miris Pellet Hyuuga Ippei is a self-supporting university student. He has to work part-time to finance his studies so he does not have spare time to spend for summer sports, Romance, refreshing summer retreat, not even summer festival.
    "During this summer, I want you to tutor my granddaughters living in the countryside beach," his professor ask along with the promise of good salary and accommodation. It is also a good opportunity to enjoy summer, on top of that, those girls are known to be cute.
    "I'll do tutoring! Please let me do it!" Nukige  
    40. Toki, Tsunagu Yume ~Ano Goro no Sunao sa o~ トキ、ツナグユメ ~あの頃の素直さを~ [051029] Crus-Ade First day of the second semester of high school. Main character is unable to reconcile with his girlfriend for a week. He tries to avoid seeing her on the way to school. At this time a mysterious boy stops him. Doujin  
    41. Inanimate Alice [0510] Chris Joseph Set in the early years of the 21st century and told through text, sound, images, music and games, Inanimate Alice is the story of Alice and her imaginary digital friend Brad. EVN
  21. kivandopulus

    VN of the Month 2015
    Just 6 normal releases... I checked back and it looks like it's the driest June since 1992 for visual novels. Love Rec. is basically the winner by default due to incomplete/gameplay/nukige/trap nature of the remaining games. Clephas chose it and gave extended reasoning for particular releases. Micchi also does not mind incomplete Angel Beats! -1st beat- and a fandisc.  
    1. Maboroshi no Dystopia 幻のディストピア [150603] Tigre Soft 1  In the far future, the world’s population had grown to an unsustainable amount. The country descended into chaos and the government built a special protection area with high walls as the final paradise: Utopia. Ryouta comes from a noble family and was promised a life in peace, but he hides a certain ambition in his heart. It is a secret which cannot be told to anyone. A certain tragic event in Ryouta’s past caused his life to ‘end’ and that something happened in his previous school prior to his transfer. Utopia is not quite the paradise that is envisioned, with different castes occupying different areas of the city. The lowest tiers in this city of over 200,000 are about to fall into ‘dystopia’. There is an English review  
    2. Persona 4 Dancing All Night ペルソナ4 ダンシング・オールナイト [150625] DINGO Inc. 1 2 3 4 The story is retold to the player by Margaret, and takes place roughly a month after the epilogue of Persona 4 Golden. Since then, Rise Kujikawa has returned to the world of entertainment, and is teaching her friends from Inaba how to dance so they can act as her backup dancers in a live performance at the Love Meets Bonds Festival. Yu Narukami, now living in the city, meets up with Rise and Naoto Shirogane to practice, but they are informed by festival producer Kyoka Uchimizu that Rise's friends will no longer be performing and that Rise will instead be singing alongside her junior idol Kanami Mashita. Kanami arrives shortly thereafter, and they deduce that the change is due to the sudden disappearance of Kanami's idol group "Kanamin Kitchen," whom Ochimizu produces. This reminds Naoto of a recent rumor she had heard, stating "at midnight, if you see a video of a deceased idol playing on the LMB site, you are transported to the 'other side' and will never wake up again." The three view the website to test the rumor, and they are pulled into the world of the "Midnight Stage," a realm in the collective unconsciousness isolated from the TV World, where the Shadows are being bound and controlled by an unknown entity's song under the guise of forming a “bond” with them. Rhythm game is localized and has many English reviews  
    3. Angel Beats! [150626] Key 1 2 3 The story of the visual novel is to be based on the Angel Beats! anime series. The player takes on the role of Otonashi, a newcomer to the Afterlife who finds himself in the middle of a struggle between a group of students who call themselves the Shinda Sekai Sensen ("Afterlife Battlefront"), or SSS for short, and a mysterious girl who is known under the alias of Tenshi (Angel). The story will undergo changes from the original anime and will include story routes with each of the characters. It also stated that Otonashi will be very different than his original personality in the anime, and will change according to the choices made by the player. Anime Spin-Off is localized and has English reviews  
    4. Love Rec. LOVEREC. [150626] ALcot 1 2 3 The story takes place at the end of April in a small school in Funakura, a quiet town close to the sea. Akira is a shutterbug who loves taking videos even during meals. He left the film research club to start a videography club with his childhood friend Chiho. He wished to create a work which will make people smile. However, the film research club’s young prodigy director Miyuki strongly opposed it. It was decided at the school’s information session that if they can defeat the film research club at a competition, then they would be recognized as a proper club. He ran around finding members for the new club, but they still did not have enough members as the deadline approached. Just as their future looked bleak, there was a strange flash from his cherished video camera that he’s had for the past 10 years and a small girl appeared before him. “I am the camera spirit. Let me protect you, Master” After meeting the easygoing camera spirit Hitomi and the pro video editor Nori who doesn’t attend school, his surroundings began to greatly change. Why do we create things? Why do we fall in love? Why are we there? They experience the emotions of youth – anxiety, anger, laughter, sadness – as they gradually move forward together true to their own feelings. There are English reviews  
    5. Neyuki no Gen'ei -Shirahanasou no Hitobito- 根雪の幻影 -白花荘の人々- [150626] Silky's Plus 1 2 3 4 5 Shigeaki used to be a carefree womanizer until he met Kaho, whom he immediately felt destined to be with. It took over a year to convince her to be his girlfriend, so he has grown to love her above any other girl. He is certain that he would not meet another girl better than her. To celebrate their beginning as a couple, they visited the Western-style boarding house Shirohana-sou in the mountains. They were greeted by the beautiful Touko, who used to be the dorm mother when the building was a dormitory of the missionary girls’ school that Kaho graduated from. After some pleasant chatter, they were led by Touko’s daughter Kikyou to their room. The guest room was quite well made and felt almost luxurious. He had planned to just spend a relaxing time with Kaho in the mountains, but it seems like he would be able to enjoy this vacation more than he had envisioned. That was what he innocently thought at that time. He could not have imagined that they would soon be caught in a world far away from their normal days. There are English reviews  
    6. Ojou-sama to Himitsu no Otome お嬢様と秘密の乙女 [150626] Moonstone Honey 1 2 3 Yuuri looks like a cute girl, but he’s actually the son of the world-famous women’s fashion brand Shinohara family. He is in line to take over as the president of the giant corporate group in the future, but he is quite uncomfortable around girls. He would blush just standing in front of them and of course, he couldn’t talk properly with them either. Because of this, he can’t get a girlfriend nor even any female friends. Since he doesn’t understand girls’ feelings, it would be impossible for him to lead a fashion brand for women. So, his family recommended (forced) him to attend the prominent Magnolia Girls’ Academy. As a normal girl, he should be able to quietly get through this unfamiliar school life, but why are the prettiest girls at the school flocking to his side…? There are English reviews  
    BLOCKED   1. Maple Colors HHH Class Zenin Ore no Yome! メイプルカラーズHHH クラス全員俺の嫁! [150626] Apricot
    Shinji transferred into the special class at Kouka Academy, where he was the only male student. He was forced to do so by his mother, the school’s board chairwoman, who wanted him to find a bride so she can have a grandchild as soon as possible. All 14 of the girls in his class were gathered there as his potential brides, and he was given a permit which allowed him to have sex with any of them. While he was met with cold stares at first, they soon warmed up to him as they worked together preparing for the school festival. And so begins his harem-like school life with his classmates full of individuality.
    Nukige for the sake of opening   2. Otome ga Kanaderu Koi no Aria ~Kimi ni Sasageru Encore~ 乙女が奏でる恋のアリア ~君に捧げるアンコール~ [150626] ensemble
    This is the fan disc for Otome ga Kanaderu Koi no Aria, featuring after stories for each of the 5 heroines and added heroine Kanade, while chara poll winner Kei will get a route as well. Two additional patches (for Mikoto and Kotori/Yuuhi) will also be available for download from their website for a month after the release.
  22. kivandopulus
    Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu is revolutionary anime in several ways, so for me it has the upper hand over Black Lagoon which is also a great masterpiece, but in more mundane , complex and adult way. Lots of titles in Spring season, but I can't vouch for the rest.   1. Ouran Koukou Host Club Ouran High School Host Club 桜蘭高校ホスト部 [Bones] (Finished 1/26) Tags: Shoujo Crossdressing, Reverse Harem, School Comedy, Romance Haruhi Fujioka is a studious girl who has recently enrolled at the prestigious Ouran Academy. One day, while looking for a quiet and peaceful place to study, she stumbles across a seemingly unused music room. Upon entering, Haruhi is welcomed by the members of the well-known Host Club: a club in which attractive boys amuse girls from across the entire school. However, when Tamaki Suou—the founder and president of the club—startles the bright scholarship student, she accidentally breaks an expensive vase. With repayment looking difficult for Haruhi, the Host Club members come up with the perfect solution to the girl's problem: work for the club and ultimately become a Host herself! Mistaken for a boy by her peers, Haruhi has to entertain various female students while coping with her fellow Hosts' extravagant personalities. I've understood recently that Reverse Harem is the tag that I should block as there is not a single such work that I like. As far as I understand, this is one of the most popular representatives, and that's more than enough for me to know. Not finding it funny or entertaining or valuable in any way.   Overall Rating: 6/10   2. Gintama 銀魂 [Sunrise] (Finished 204/204) Tags: Shounen Gag Humor, Historical, Parody, Samurai Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi Edo is a city that was home to the vigor and ambition of samurai across the country. However, following feudal Japan's surrender to powerful aliens known as the "Amanto," those aspirations now seem unachievable. With the once-influential shogunate rebuilt as a puppet government, a new law is passed that promptly prohibits all swords in public. Enter Gintoki Sakata, an eccentric silver-haired man who always carries around a wooden sword and maintains his stature as a samurai despite the ban. As the founder of Yorozuya, a small business for odd jobs, Gintoki often embarks on endeavors to help other people—though usually in rather strange and unforeseen ways. Assisted by Shinpachi Shimura, a boy with glasses supposedly learning the way of the samurai; Kagura, a tomboyish girl with superhuman strength and an endless appetite; and Sadaharu, their giant pet dog who loves biting on people's heads, the Yorozuya encounter anything from alien royalty to scuffles with local gangs in the ever-changing world of Edo. I've watched everything from Gintama, at least everything to my awareness. And I liked less than 10% out of it all, mainly some plot advancing episodes and rare comedy episodes. I the end I only consider some Gintama movies to be worthy.   Overall Rating: 6/10   3. Black Lagoon  [Madhouse (Finished 12/12) Tags: Seinen Adult Cast, Organized Crime  Salaryman Rokurou Okajima spends his days trying to climb his company's corporate ladder, until one day when a business negotiation in Thailand goes awry. During the botched deal, he falls hostage to the Lagoon Company—a band of ruthless pirate mercenaries. Left to the whims of his captors after his managers refuse to pay his ransom, Rokurou does the unthinkable: instead of begging for his life, he joins the very crew who kidnapped him. Now a member of the group, Rokurou must adjust to his new residence in the dissolute hellscape known as Roanapur, a city where corruption and crime run rampant, and even the smallest slipup could cost him his life. If not for one of the many crime syndicates on the island, Rokurou also constantly finds himself at odds with his brash, gunslinging colleague, Revy. As Rokurou struggles to abandon his past—and with more than just the profits from the Lagoon Company's illegal trading on the line—he must quickly find the resolve to make tough decisions in high-stress situations while keeping his humanity intact. Always loved Black Lagoon - it's seinen, thought provoking and cool. Can't call it perfect or having an integral interesting story, though.   Overall Rating: 9/10   4. Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 [Kyoto Animation] (Finished 14/14) Tags: School Award Winning, Comedy, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Slice of Life If a survey were conducted to see if people believed in aliens, time travelers, or maybe espers, most would say they do not; average high school student Kyon considers himself among the non-believers. However, on his first day of school, he meets a girl who soon turns his world upside down. During class introductions, the beautiful Haruhi Suzumiya boldly announces her boredom with "normal" people and her intention of meeting supernatural beings. Dumbfounded, Kyon learns of her frustration with the lack of paranormal-focused clubs at their school and unwittingly inspires her to start her own club. She creates the Spreading Fun all Over the World with Haruhi Suzumiya Brigade, otherwise known as the SOS Brigade. Following the SOS Brigade's founding, Haruhi manages to recruit Kyon and three other members: quiet bookworm Yuki Nagato, shy upperclassman Mikuru Asahina, and perpetually positive Itsuki Koizumi. Despite their normal appearance, the new members of the SOS Brigade each carry their own secrets related to Haruhi. Caught up in the mystery surrounding the eccentric club leader, Kyon is whisked away on a series of misadventures by Haruhi and the SOS Brigade, each one bringing him closer to the truth about who and what she is. Again, can't call Haruhi perfect, but it's definitely something unique and intelligent.   Overall Rating: 9/10   5. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni ひぐらしのなく頃に [Studio Deen] (Finished 6/26) Tags: Gore, Psychological Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, Suspense  Keiichi Maebara has just moved to the quiet little village of Hinamizawa in the summer of 1983, and quickly becomes inseparable friends with schoolmates Rena Ryuuguu, Mion Sonozaki, Satoko Houjou, and Rika Furude. However, darkness lurks underneath the seemingly idyllic life they lead. As the village prepares for its annual festival, Keiichi learns about the local legends surrounding it. To his horror, he discovers that there have been several murders and disappearances in the village in the recent years, and that they all seem to be connected to the festival and the village's patron god, Oyashiro. Keiichi tries to ask his new friends about these incidents, but they are suspiciously silent and refuse to give him the answers he needs. As more and more bizarre events occur, he wonders just what else his friends might be keeping from him, and if he can even trust them at all. When madness and paranoia begin taking root in Keiichi's heart, he will stumble straight into the mysteries at work in Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, a story that is told across multiple arcs. I tried Higurashi a lot of times, but inevitably fell asleep out of boredom and confusion. And since it does not provide a normal story while substituting it with constant time resets, I'm absolutely not interested in this writer's self-satisfaction. Lazy concept.   Overall Rating: 6/10   6. Nana NANA [ナナ] [Madhouse] (Finished 2/47) Tags: Shoujo Adult Cast, Love Polygon, Music Drama, Romance Departing from their respective hometowns, two young women with identical names are brought together in their pursuit of new beginnings. With their hearts set on going to Tokyo, Nana Komatsu dreams about blissful love, while Nana Osaki aims for a successful music career. The former has a cheerful and friendly nature, but her naivety has steered her romantic life astray until she meets her dependable boyfriend—Shouji Endo. Without letting herself be dismayed by Shouji's decision to study in Tokyo, Nana works hard to earn enough money and follow him there. Meanwhile, her namesake is a solitary punk vocalist whose impassioned romance with her band's bassist, Ren Honjou, comes to a sudden end. Though heartbroken, Nana bravely looks forward and travels to the capital with the ambition of becoming a recognized artist. Shortly after they arrive in Tokyo, the girls cross paths again due to an unexpected coincidence that ultimately leads them to live under the same roof. As they grow closer, the two strive to support one another amid their struggles to forge a future for themselves. I understand that it's popular, but I can't stand the visuals and the personalities here. Not sure I'd tolerate this kind of naivete and flow of thoughts even if it was redrawn .   Overall Rating: 6/10   7. Air Gear エア・ギア [Toei Animation] (Finished 3/25) Tags: Shounen Action, Ecchi  Air Trecks, also known as AT, are motorized and futuristic inline skates that are the new craze taking the nation by storm. Although each AT comes with a speed limiter, a community of daredevils known as the "Storm Riders" are brave enough to tamper with the device. Utilizing AT's in underground battles, individual teams wager valuable AT parts or team emblems—their symbol of pride—to dominate the streets. Living in this era is Itsuki Minami, a middle school student notorious for engaging in street fights. Always wanting to reach heights no one else is able to, the reckless punk will break through any obstacle that stands in his way, alongside his best friends Kazuma Mikura and Onigiri. However, it is when he discovers a pair of Air Trecks in his house that the path to his true desire finally opens: to rule the skies. Such a barebones cheeky shounen that I've no idea how it can attract anyone.   Overall Rating: 5/10   8. xxxHOLiC ×××HOLiC(ホリック) [Production I.G] (Finished 6/24) Tags: Seinen Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Supernatural Kimihiro Watanuki can see spirits and other assorted supernatural creatures, which is quite a bothersome ability he strongly dislikes. On the way home one day, while plagued by some spirits, he is inexplicably compelled to enter a strange house. There, he encounters Yuuko, a mysterious woman who claims to be able to rid him of the ability to see and attract the troublesome creatures—for a price. She demands that he work at her "store" that grants wishes to people, and thus begins Watanuki's adventures through weird and wonderful events. Internet obsession episode put the last nail to this coffin. It's not interesting and situations are just ridiculously silly. There's no even story, just episodic cases with some random weird humor. And I dislike all the characters with their gimmicks. It's just bad.   Overall Rating: 6/10   9. Utawarerumono うたわれるもの [OLM] (Finished 26/26) Tags: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi  An injured man is found in the woods by a girl named Eruruu, and everything about him is mysterious. Without knowledge of his past nor even his own name, he is welcomed to Eruruu's home and is given the name Hakuoro by her grandmother, and younger sister, Aruruu. While the inhabitants of the village have large ears and tails, Hakuoro's defining physical trait is quite different as he has neither ears nor tail, but only a mask that he cannot remove. Soon after he becomes a part of the villagers' lives, a revolution against the tyrannical emperor of the land begins, and the conflict finds its way to his new home. Hakuoro must do whatever he can to save the people and the village that he has come to love, all while uncovering the mysteries that shroud his past. Original game was super boring except for deus ex machina in the finale, and mechanics were just trash. Sadly, anime is same horrible - very long and muddy development, slightly changed ending and zero good traits as I don't like characters, and story can be easily skipped. There's no way I can recommend this.   Overall Rating: 6/10   10. School Rumble Ni Gakki School Rumble: 2nd Semester スクールランブル 二学期 [Studio Comet] (Finished 1/26) Tags: Shounen Gag Humor, Love Polygon, School Comedy, Romance We still have no idea what's really going on with this show, beyond the fact that the weirdness is piling up! Curry-fiend Karasama remains oblivious to Tenma's crush, and Harima still hasn't confessed his true feelings to Tenma. But hey, the thug's got an excuse since he's caught up with his comic career and knee-deep in a blizzard of deadlines! Meanwhile, the love triangles are ever-shifting thanks to wannabe cupids and runaway brides. Even when you throw in a bit of cyborg love, a shipwreck, and a fugitive red panda–seriously, that ain't even scratching the surface. You are encouraged to scratch the pig, though. He likes it! And something rumbles in the next to last episode, no matter what I say next. School Rumble–The absolutely funniest show you’ll ever see that's not about anything that rumbles... Ever! Sequel with lots of specific humor which is not to my taste.   Overall Rating: 6/10   11. Strawberry Panic ストロベリー・パニック [Madhouse] (Finished 1/26) Tags: School Drama, Girls Love, Romance  Nagisa Aoi begins her new school life as a transfer student at St. Miator’s Girls Academy, one of three prestigious all-girls institutions atop Astraea Hill. Getting lost on her first day, Nagisa encounters a mysterious student whose elegance and charm is so bewitching, she ends up in the infirmary. There to greet her when she awakens is Tamao Suzumi, her roommate, who enthusiastically introduces Nagisa to the daily life and social structure on campus. Most notably, Tamao informs her of the existence of an exceptional student representative among all three schools—the Etoile, or "star." Eager to meet this person, Nagisa learns that the ethereal beauty she met earlier, Shizuma Hanazono, is the one and only Etoile herself! Not only that, Shizuma seems openly interested in Nagisa! Her interactions with Shizuma naturally make her a hot topic on campus; yet despite being so captivated, Nagisa can’t help but wonder if something is off. Strawberry Panic! follows the everyday routines of Nagisa, Shizuma, and her friends at St. Miator’s, St. Spica, and St. Lulim as they navigate through the challenge of relationships while confronting hidden feelings, lingering regrets, and new possibilities. As expected, can't appreciate serious Girls Love without comedy.   Overall Rating: 6/10   12. Tsubasa Chronicle 2nd Season Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Season Two ツバサ・クロニクル 第2シリーズ [Bee Train] (Finished 2/26) Tags: Shounen Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural Syaoran, Sakura, Kurogane, Fai and Mokona's journey through to different world's continue as they search for Sakura's feathers. The fated journey slowly becomes more complicated for our travelers, as they find themselves diving deeper into more dangerous worlds. Takes place immediately after the first season. Based on the manga by CLAMP. Did not like original, did not like xxxHOLiC, do not feel like gathering some feathers with this poor cast.   Overall Rating: 6/10   13. Witchblade ウィッチブレイド [Gonzo] (Finished 5/24) Tags: Super Power Action, Sci-Fi Masane Amaha and her daughter Rihoko are on the run from a government child welfare agency that wants to take Rihoko away from her mother. They are caught and Rihoko is taken away. Meanwhile, Masane is attacked by an advanced weapon that can disguise itself as a human being. When faced with the danger, a strange light emits from her wrist and she transforms into a powerful being. She destroys the weapon and consequently becomes involved in a power struggle between powerful organizations, with her at the center of their attention. Because she holds the greatest power of them all, the legendary Witchblade. Gonzo usually guarantees high visual quality, including this case. And I don't care if it's fanservice'ish provided that story is good. And what I see is just working for some organization and investigating new cases after acquiring superpower. What I get is another monster of the week story without any exceptional traits, and thus it can't be recommended.   Overall Rating: 6/10   14. Saiunkoku Monogatari The Story of Saiunkoku 彩雲国物語 [Madhouse] (Finished 1/39) Tags: Shoujo Historical, Reverse Harem Adventure, Fantasy, Romance Shuurei Kou, the daughter of a noble yet impoverished family, is a clever young lady who dreams of becoming a government official and contributing toward her country. However, her dream is out of her reach as such a position is forbidden to women. While her father works a low wage job as an archivist at the palace, Shuurei has to juggle odd jobs to make ends meet. Then, one day, an unexpected visit changes her life. Shuurei is called to assist Ryuuki Shi, the new emperor who is known for slacking on his duties and preferring the company of men. Tempted by the generous compensation, she readily accepts the chance to become the young emperor's consort for six months. Luckily, she is not alone as Seiran Shi, her trusty friend, joins her as Ryuuki's bodyguard. While tasked with transforming the new emperor into a responsible ruler, court life and politics prove troublesome as Shuurei faces the challenges of her new life. Set in a fictional country, Saiunkoku Monogatari centers on the idea of meaningful leadership, its adversities and the rewards that come alongside a prospering nation. This is definitely last season when reverse harem is included by me. Setting is ridiculous and convenient, as usual for this genre.   Overall Rating: 6/10   15. Digimon Savers Digimon Data Squad デジモンセイバーズ [Toei Animation] (Finished 1/48) Tags: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy  Upon meeting for the first time, undefeated street fighter Daimon, Masaru and renegade Digimon Agumon become friends in the most natural way possible for the knuckleheaded duo—by fighting their hearts out. The self-proclaimed "ultimate team" are recruited by a secret government organization called the Digimon Data Squad, or DATS, who had witnessed an unbelievable human fighting blow for blow with a Digimon. Their primary objective is investigating mysterious problems caused by Digimon entering the real world, and the world is currently in the midst of a crisis with Digimon appearing at an unprecedented rate. Embarking on various missions with DATS, Daimon and Agumon become colleagues with adolescent genius Touma Norstein and his Digimon partner Gaoman, along with the kind-hearted Yoshino "Yoshi" Fujeda and her Digimon partner Lalamon. As the group continues to investigate the rapid increase of Digimon in their world, a darker truth begins to surface, and it is up to Daimon, Agumon, and their friends to get to the bottom of things. I want to unsee this first episode.   Overall Rating: 5/10   16. Kiba 牙-KIBA- [Madhouse] (Finished 3/51) Tags: Isekai Adventure, Fantasy  In a dystopian future, two friends dream of freedom... and gain more than they bargain for! Hothead Zed is on the run from the authorities, while his brainy pal Noah struggles with his own battered body. Both find a magical world that seems to offer escape and power undreamed of. Join Zed and his powerful, rebellious spirit Amir Gaul on their search for the ultimate power. It's a force that can save the world—or destroy life as we know it. This is the world of KIBA! Where you must harness the power within and fight with all you got! As I see it, the main problem here is 51 episode length. All people who like it say that show changes drastically for the last 15 episodes and becomes more serious and dramatic compared to boring core. I'd watch some recap or cut into 12 episode version, but in this state it's a too tedious and dualistic shounen to follow.   Overall Rating: 6/10   17. Aria the Natural  [Hal Film Maker] (Finished 1/26) Tags: Shounen Iyashikei Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Slice of Life Akari Mizunashi continues her training to become a Prima Undine (a professional tour guide gondolier) along with her friends Aika and Alice in the peaceful city of Neo Venezia. Despite the fact that these three girls are from competing companies, they are constantly together, learning more about how to become better tour guides and more about the mysteries of Neo Venezia. As the group continues to meet interesting and unforgettable people through their daily routines, they will also come closer to the secrets that make the enigmatic and ever beautiful city of Neo Venezia so warm and alive. Welcome back to Neo Venezia: the city where miracles can be created by hand. Sequel.   Overall Rating: 5/10   18. .hack//Roots  [Bee Train] (Finished 3/26) Tags: Video Game Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi  After the termination of the incredibly popular virtual reality MMORPG "The World," a new version of the game—The World R:2—is brought online. On his first day in the game, newcomer Haseo thinks he has made some friends to quest with. However, as if mocking his sentiments, they kill his character just for fun. Luckily, he is saved by a mysterious, one-armed player named Ovan who offers to show him around The World. Alongside Ovan and his cleric friend Shino, Haseo enjoys a wonderful first year in the game. But this peaceful life is shattered when Shino's character is killed by a familiar figure notoriously known as Tri-Edge, whose victims have all fallen into comas in the real world. In a fit of rage, Haseo vows to find the elusive Tri-Edge and kill him. Taking place during Haseo's first year in The World, .hack//Roots explores the friendships Haseo built in the game before Tri-Edge ripped them away. I find anime about MMORPG difficult to fail, and because of that every case of failure is especially painful. First such case was with hack//Sign and now we have its sequel. Just as then it tediously follows some not really interesting story without focus on characters or world. And the result is that it's full of fillers and just not engaging overall. I still find it watchable, but just as Sign it's not memorable and is totally ok to skip. And it's one of those rare cases when I actually pay attention to music just because of how inappropriately it's used .   Overall Rating: 6/10   19. Juu Ou Sei Jyu-Oh-Sei: Planet of the Beast King 獣王星 [Bones] (Finished 3/11) Tags: Shoujo Survival Action, Adventure, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi After the murder of their parents, 11-year-old twin brothers Thor and Rai Klein are sent away from their home planet. They find themselves awakening on the terraformed planet of Chimaera, where carnivorous plants dominate and the few humans who live there are divided into four groups known as "Rings." Soon after, they meet a young man by the name of Zagi, and the twins learn that only the "Jyu Oh Sei"—the one who conquers these four Rings—is allowed to leave the planet. Driven by the desire to return home and discover the truth behind the death of his parents, Thor resolves to survive in the harsh, merciless environment of Chimaera. However, he quickly learns there is more than meets the eye in this strange ecosystem. As Thor is swept up in the politics that entangle the Rings, he uncovers more about his parents' murder, and ultimately, humanity's fate as a whole. I despise sandboxes, and this anime reminds one as it's battle royale between four artificially divided factions. To watch it just for action is not worth it, and all the other elements don't feel any good at all.   Overall Rating: 6/10   20. Inukami! いぬかみっ! [Seven Arcs] (Finished 3/26) Tags: Comedy, Romance, Supernatural, Ecchi  Kawahira Keita is a descendant of a historic Inukami tamer family; however, because he lacked in its ability, he was forsaken by the family. One day, an Inukami named Youko came. She looked graceful, obedient, above all, beautiful. Soon he contracted with her, and she paid homage to him. However, she was a problematic Inukami that no one had been able to control. This is a slap stick comedy of an Inukami Tamer, Keita and an Inukami, Youko. Keita is a man of worldly passions, and he likes money and girls very much. On the other hand, Youko likes to destroy things and is very jealous. Saying it's bad is praising in this case. Ecchi hunting for spirits is lame as a concept, and realization is even worse than it sounds.   Overall Rating: 5/10   21. Aa! Megami-sama! Sorezore no Tsubasa Ah! My Goddess: Flights of Fancy ああっ女神さまっ それぞれの翼 [AIC] (Finished 1/22) Tags: Seinen Harem Comedy, Romance, Supernatural One year after goddess Belldandy emerged from Keiichi Morisato's mirror and promised to stay with him forever, a new threat to their happiness emerges, one that could end the contract between Belldandy and Keiichi. Sequel.   Overall Rating: 6/10   22. Princess Princess プリンセス・プリンセス  [Studio Deen] (Finished 1/12) Tags: Shoujo Crossdressing, School Comedy, Drama Tooru Kouno's attractive appearance draws unexpected attention on his first day at an all-boys school. Having to transfer to a school without girls has been bad enough, but adding to his list of frustrations are boys staring at him all day long. However, he hopes that there may be girls around, since he ran into a lovely pink-haired girl on campus earlier that day. After being escorted to his dorm by his classmate, Yuujirou Shihoudani, he meets a student named Mikoto Yutaka, who looks eerily similar to the girl he saw previously. To his shock, he realizes Mikoto is the girl and confronts him about this revelation. Yuujirou divulges that he and Mikoto crossdress as part of their job: a school tradition in which attractive first years are chosen as idols called "Princesses" in order to boost the morale of the students—and because of his looks, Tooru has been chosen by the student council as their third Princess! How the hell is this shoujo if first male teacher hits on male transfer student, then everybody in boys school falls in love with him.... it's definitely boys love genre .   Overall Rating: 4/10   23. Kamisama Kazoku 神様家族 [Toei Animation] (Finished 2/13) Tags: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance Samatarou is not just an average high-school boy, the truth is that he is the son of a god, his mother is a goddess and his sisters are candidates to become goddesses. They are living in the human world, because they want their boy to learn about the human customs and the habits of the creatures that they are protecting, so that in this way Samatarou will become a better god. Tenko is a angel assigned to look after Samatarou. She's born the same day, same year as Samatarou and have been close friends ever since. Life seems normal but things start to change with the appearance of a transfer student named Kumiko. Samatarou falls in love with her and from now on, things will be a lot more different for him. His decision of making her fall in love with him without using his powers will put him in trouble. Quite a typical romcom about a company of gods deciding to live among humans. Can't find anything to cling to here, to be honest.   Overall Rating: 5/10   24. Shinigami no Ballad. Momo, Girl God of Death しにがみのバラッド。 [Group TAC, Ginga Ya] (Finished 2/6) Tags: Psychological Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural  A girl wrapped in white, her name is Momo...in her hand lies a blunt yet shiny scythe. By her side is a winged black cat by the name of Daniel. Carrying the souls of humans, the girl's existence parallels to that of a "Death God" or "Shinigami". At the instant when this white Death God touches the hearts of humans, the world is filled with kindness and grief... Just random stories about shinigami, seriously? It lacks pretty much everything.   Overall Rating: 5/10   25. Tokkou Tokko TOKKÔ[特公] [AIC Spirits, Group TAC] (Finished 5/13) Tags: Seinen Detective Action, Comedy, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural "Shindou Ranmaru has just graduated from police academy and assigned to Tokko: Special Mobile Investigation Force. On the day of his graduation, he meets the half-naked girl he has been seeing in his dreams. Her name is Rokujo Sakura and she works for a secret group within Tokki, known as Tokko: Special Public Safety Task Force. Shindou ends up joining Tokko to avenge his parents' death, and solve the mysterious mass murder of residents in his hometown of Machida. Meanwhile, bottomless pits begin appearing around Japan, and mysterious creatures emerge from them. Could these events be linked to Machida Massacre?" Ghouls start to kill and possess people, special girl team opposes them, and main character happens to be nearby as investigator, and he just learns more and more about these creatures and murders. Action is good, but overall it fails to involve and get interesting. Watch it or don't, it does not matter as nothing of it will stay in memory for any significant amount of time. Overall Rating: 6/10   26. Makai Senki Disgaea Disgaea 魔界戦記ディスガイア [OLM] (Finished 2/12) Tags: Mythology Action, Comedy, Fantasy An angel arrives in Hell! A demon lord is awakened! There are penguins everywhere! What’s going on here? Angel assassin-in-training Flonne is on a quest to destroy the demon Overlord. Instead of accomplishing her mission, the ditzy Flonne manages to wake Laharl, the demon lord and heir to the throne, from his two year slumber. Now the pair, along with Laharl’s not-so-faithful vassal Etna and her army of explosive souls in penguin costumes, must restore order to the crumbling Netherworld. Based on the events of the game Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, Makai Senki Disgaea follows Laharl’s journey to squash the demon rebellion, reclaim the throne, and destroy anyone who stands in his path. Or, you know, let them join him on his travels if they really want. Just remember: Laharl is a demon lord. There’s no way he’ll ever show kindness, compassion, or love... right? Disgaea games had too poor mechanics for me, and plot feels like a bad unfunny parody that has nothing to enjoy.   Overall Rating: 5/10   27. Simoun シムーン [Studio Deen] (Finished 26/26) Tags: Military Drama, Fantasy, Girls Love, Romance  In the peaceful theocracy of Simulicram, everyone is born female. At age 17, each maiden undergoes a special ceremony where she chooses her sex. However, only Pairs of maiden priestesses can synchronize with the ancient flying ships known as Simoun needed to defend Simulicram. These Pairs refrain from undergoing the ceremony as long as they wish to keep piloting their Simoun. Aer is recruited to be a Simoun pilot after a terrifying attack by an enemy nation decimates the squadron known as Chor Tempest. To earn her wings she needs to find her way into the heart of Neviril, Regina of Chor Tempest. But Neviril's heart still belongs to her previous Pair, lost in the battle when she attempted a forbidden Simoun maneuver. It is one of favorite works of my Taiwanese acquaintance, so after couple failed attempts to finish it in the past it's time to make that effort now. And I can understand the appeal as it's about pure priest maidens who start ship engine with a kiss and thus need to travel in pairs, plus to attack by writing figures in the sky they need as many as two ships and thus four girls. Girls are from different backgrounds and with very different personalities. Plus, there is not much in the story or action department, so majority of time is devoted to dialogues that help to flesh out images even better. Due to such non-cliche variety even I could find someone to root for. But it does not mean I find this anime interesting as story itself is lacking, and aesthetical enjoyment is not a solid ground for an 8-hour long show. A must have for girls love enthusiasts as all those constant private academy settings don't stand even close.   Overall Rating: 6/10   28. Joshikousei: Girl's High High School Girls 女子高生 GIRL'S HIGH [Arms] (Finished 3/12) Tags: School Comedy, Drama, Slice of Life, Ecchi Eriko and her friends Yuma and Ayano are excited about entering high school. Their excitement leads to their breaking of the rules when they toured the school before the opening ceremony. They find out their preconceptions about the all female school may not be as true as they had first thought. Despite that, Eriko and her friends are joined by new friends. They aim to get through high school life together. Comedy is actually not bad, but situations are rather silly and typical from joshikousei life. And since I'm not gaining anything from it and not enjoying it, no sense to go on.   Overall Rating: 6/10   29. Kishin Houkou Demonbane (TV) 機神咆吼デモンベイン [View Works] (Finished 12/12) Tags: Harem, Mecha Action, Romance, Ecchi Kurou Daijuuji is a poor detective living in Arkham City. One day, he was requested by Ruri Hado of Hado Financial Group, to search for a magic book. While he initially refused, Ruri offered him a large sum of money upon completion of her request, in which bribed Kuro to accept. As Kurou searches for the book, he unexpectedly runs into Al, a pretty girl that is actually a powerful grimoire. They forge a contract with each other, bestowing Kuro with powerful magic. Soon afterwards, Al also activates Demonbane, a deus machina owned by the Hado Financial Group, to combat the mechanical menace from the Black Lodge. With this, the war between the Hado Financial Group and the Black Lodge begins.... Only played first game, but not the sequel as genre switched to action. Having watched anime now, I'm absolutely shocked of how low quality essenceless mess it is. 95% of it is action fights, often poorly 3D rendered. Nothing is ever explained or concluded properly. Just watch an endless spree of fights with laughable villains and try to make sense out of it , then wait for Deus Ex Machina in the end and be happy about it. It's worse than bad. It's tasteless. It managed to deteriorate even further from first horrible visual novel that at least had three quite nice action segments. Visual novel would  have dialogues between these fights and some character focus, but with this kind of "story" I'd not recommend anyone touching this substance either.   Overall Rating: 4/10   30. Zegapain ゼーガペイン [Sunrise] (Finished 3/26) Tags: Mecha Action, Romance, Sci-Fi Average high school student Kyou Sogoru is an avid swimmer living in beautiful Maihama City. He spends his days hanging out with friends, swimming, and playing video games. However, his normal life turns upside down when a beautiful and mysterious girl named Shizuno Misaki approaches him with a strange request—jump into their school's pool together. This fateful leap transports Kyou into a war-torn world where humans pilot impressive humanoid robots known as Zegas to fight against malicious aliens known as Gards-Orm. To spearhead this endeavor, humans have formed Cerebrum, a rebel organization working to prevent the Gards-Orm from eradicating humankind. As Kyou participates in combat operations, meets his fellow Zega pilots, and witnesses countless deaths, he begins to question the true nature of this world as well as his own life. Sunrise mecha... of course I'm biased as no such previous attempt was worthy. And this time it's even more lazy than usual as it's partly school SOL and partially teleportation to another world to fight in mecha and teleporting back. Still, duality of worlds is not the worst idea they could have come up with, and second half can actually add something meaningful while first half is traditionally mostly waste of time since Sunrise stubbornly refuses to fit their shallow original stories in one season as they deserve. After three episodes can say that execution is rather poor.   Overall Rating: 6/10   31. Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan 錬金3級 まじかる?ぽか〜ん [Remic] (Finished 3/12) Tags: CGDCT, Gag Humor, Parody, Vampire Comedy, Ecchi Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan follows the daily lives of four young girls. There is just one catch: they are anything but normal. This group of friends—the energetic werewolf Liru, the joyful witch-in-training Uma, the motherly android Aiko, and the seductive vampire Pachira—are actually princesses from the netherworld who have traveled to the human world in search of a new home. Unfortunately, their naivety and severe lack of knowledge make living peacefully among earthlings much more difficult than they imagined. As they attempt to adapt to their brand new lifestyle, they cause all sorts of trouble, and end up attracting the unwanted attention of a woman by the name of Dr. K-Ko. The scientist believes that these new residents of Earth are up to no good and attempts to capture the girls to prove the existence of the supernatural and gain credibility with the scientific community. Every day brings a new adventure as the girls deal with the insanity of her antics and all that the human realm has to offer. Each episode consists of two shorter humorous stories. I don't like such episodic format, and humor here is not quite to my taste, so can't really praise it. But feel free to see for yourself, a lot of people seem to fit here just fine.   Overall Rating: 6/10   32. Kirarin☆Revolution Kirarin Revolution きらりん☆レボリューション [SynergySP, G&G Entertainment] (Finished 1/153) Tags: Shoujo Showbiz Comedy, Drama, Romance Kirari Tsukishima, a gluttonous 14-year-old beauty, is a girl who does not care about idols and the entertainment world because her mind is occupied by food. Her obsession with food only causes her to be clueless about love. One day, after saving a turtle that is stranded in a tree, Kirari meets with a handsome and gentle boy named Seiji, who gives her ticket to a SHIPS (a popular idol group) concert to show his gratitude for her saving his pet. Kirari then storms off to the concert and runs into another boy, who tears up her ticket and warns her to stay away from Seiji because she and Seiji live in different worlds. The outraged Kirari then sneaks into the concert, only to discover that Seiji and the boy who tore her ticket, named Hiroto, are actually members of SHIPS. Finally understanding the meaning of "different worlds" (Seiji is a popular idol while she is an average middle school student), Kirari refuses to give up. Filled with determination to be with Seiji, she declares that she will also become an idol. Feels like a typical romance shoujo without anything to give additional score for. But I'm not willing to investigate it beyond pilot episode.   Overall Rating: 5/10   33. Himawari! ひまわりっ! [Arms] (Finished 2/13) Tags: Martial Arts Adventure, Comedy  Himawari Hinata recently transfered to Shinobi Gakuen to train to become the best kunoichi she can be. She wanted to be a ninja ever since she was saved by one when she was little. On her first day, she meets Hayato Madenokoji (a new transfer teacher) who saves her life. Hayato does not possess any ninja skills or traits, he is teaching the ninjas about normal society to pay off his debt. However, Himawari notices that Hayato bares the same mark on his neck as the ninja who saved her when she was young. I have slight prejudice against ninja, so I'm not enjoying another anime about ninja at school, but with ninja affinity it should be a blast.   Overall Rating: 6/10   34. Soul Link  [Picture Magic] (Finished 12/12) Tags: Military, Space Action, Adventure, Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi Aizawa Ryota was in the 3rd grade of the preparatory course of Central Military Academy. AD 2045, he went to a space station, Aries, for the training with his classmates including Nagase Saka and Nittak Kazuhiko. However, the station was attacked by a terrorist group, Hallarax. Now they must find a way back to earth. What a tedious undertaking. This is what happens when stage substitutes story. Ever 17 was at least created by a talented writer and was one of the first to present a stage instead of story. But Soul Link is not even talented. Of course I can name even worse representatives of such concept, but that does not make Soul Link any better than average.   Overall Rating: 5/10   35. The Third: Aoi Hitomi no Shoujo ザ・サード 蒼い瞳の少女 [Xebec] (Finished 10/24) Tags: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi  In the distant future, because of an interplanetary war that had continued on for centuries, civilizations were ruined. Human beings have lost everything, and only 1/5th of the population survived. A strange breed of humans, ''The Third'' is said to have appeared just after the war. They possess a third eye, as their name suggests, that appear as oval-shaped red pupils called "space eyes'' over their conventional two eyes. Using them, they can control computer systems and so on, and as such, rule the world by their superior power over technology. In this world, there is a young woman named Honoka; she is a "jack-of-all-trades" sellsword, and she accepts any job except murder. One day, she happens to find and rescue a young man named Ikus in the desert. Entering his world, and accepting a job from him, the adventure begins for Honoka and Ikus. We've seen enough episodic anime about bounty hunters... well, this is another one. And there are no worthy characters to save it either. Overall, neither good, nor bad anime.   Overall Rating: 6/10   36. Nishi no Yoki Majo: Astraea Testament The Good Witch Of The West 西の善き魔女 Astraea Testament [Hal Film Maker] (Finished 1/13) Tags: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance On Filiel's 15th birthday, she received her mother's necklace as a memento from her obstinate astronomer father. Her common and tedious life was turned into a life of conspiracies. With her new life, many adventures await. I can't say after single episode if it's reverse harem or not, but it totally feels like one with protagonist as princess and all kinds of bishounens hitting on her. This is as far as I'm willing to follow it.   Overall Rating: 5/10   37. Ray The Animation [OLM] (Finished 1/13) Tags: Medical Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi If you have enough money, you can buy anything. So why wait for an organ you need to become available? Raised to be harvested for parts, Ray had already lost her eyes when renegade surgeon Black Jack rescued her. Now, ten years later, she has grown up to be a surgeon herself. And thanks to the unique artificial eyes she received as replacements, she has a reputation for performing incredible medical operations that no one else could even attempt. But unknown to any but a select few, her surgical endeavors are only part of a greater mission: to discover what happened to the other children she was raised with, and to find the men who stole the eyes she was born with and to bring them to justice. Come on, miraculous eyes is even worse than original Black Jack concept...   Overall Rating: 5/10   38. Black Jack 21 ブラック・ジャック21 [Tezuka Productions] (Finished 1/17) Tags: Shounen Medical Action, Drama No direct-relation sequel to original Black Jack. Black Jack attempts to find out the conspiracy, of why he was involved in the bombfield accident that killed his mother, while he uncovers secrets of Organization and Project "Noir", which, his father and other famous doctors were involved in... It's still medical action, just with more detective mystery now involved... can't watch that either...   Overall Rating: 5/10   39. Glass no Kantai: La Legende du Vent de l'Univers Glass Fleet ガラスの艦隊~La legende du vent de l'univers~ [Gonzo, Satelight] (Finished 4/24) Tags: Adventure, Sci-Fi  The People's Army led by Michel stands against Vetti's newly founded empire. Upon seeing how strong the Glass Battleship is, Michel tries to get Cleo, the captain of the Glass Battleship, to help People's Army overthrow Vetti's empire. And together they fight against Vetti's empire. The space battle aspect is laughable, even worse than stratagems of Legend of the Galactic Heroes. There's more focus on small battles while on foot, yet can't call it outstanding either. The way story is told is deliberately simplified, even that pales in comparison with deliberate complexity in the Legend of the Galactic Heroes.   Overall Rating: 6/10   40. IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (2005) 2nd Season IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix Season 2  [Production I.G] (Finished 1/13) Tags: Mecha, Racing Action, Sci-Fi Team Satomi has just been deemed as the winners for the IG-2 lower league and now join the top IG-1 competition. But it's not going to be easy. Young pilots Takeshi, Liz, Amy, and River are going to have to be a team to be number 1, however one thing leads to another with these four. Most important of all, their opponents overwhelm Team Satomi in every aspect, including strategy and skill, as well as funding. One thing is for sure, this is not going to be an easy year for "Team Satomi." Sequel.   Overall Rating: 5/10   41. Spider Riders: Oracle no Yuusha-tachi Spider Riders スパイダーライダーズ ~オラクルの勇者たち~ [Bee Train] (Finished 3/26)   Tags: Mecha Action, Adventure Underneath the surface of the Earth lies the Inner World, a realm where a war rages on between intelligent spiders and the invading humanoid insects known as Insectors. However, the spiders are not alone, as "Spider Riders"—humans from the Outer World, known as Earthens in the Inner World, that are chosen by the Oracle—fight alongside them. Filled with wondrous tales of a mysterious pyramid and entrusted with his grandfather's journal, a young boy called Hunter Steele sets out on an exploration. There, his destined meeting with the Oracle occurs, and he is transported into the Inner World as a Spider Rider. Finding himself lost and confused in the middle of a forest, Hunter crosses paths with a giant spider named Shadow. Although reluctant, Shadow agrees to fight by his side. He then meets Corona—a skilled Spider Hunter and kind girl with a penchant for normal life. She shows him the ropes of being a Spider Rider, and educates him about the fate of the Inner World if the Insectors continue their tyrannical reign. Thus begins the story of Hunter Steele, a heedless young boy on a quest to save the Inner World. But his task of retrieving the four Oracle Keys holding the Oracle's true power will lead him to an ultimate clash against Mantid, leader of the Insectors. It has such primitive dialogues and characters that it must be made for kids only. Can't take it seriously at all.   Overall Rating: 5/10   42. Yume Tsukai 夢使い [Madhouse] (Finished 3/12) Tags: Drama, Fantasy, Slice of Life  When people dream, they express their utmost desires and emotions within the confines of their mind; but when their strong emotions cross the border into reality, the dream can turn into an uncontrollable nightmare. Touko and Rinko are sisters known as "yume tsukai" (dream users), and their job is to take care of these nightmares. Using toys as weapons, the girls must both destroy the nightmare and return the dream to its rightful owner before the nightmare does any sort of serious damage. Have no fear, Touko and Rinko are here! Episodic stories about unusual ghosts. Lighthearted and moderately amusing, but it will wear off memory same easy as it comes and flows.   Overall Rating: 6/10   43. Love Get Chu  [Radix] (Finished 11/25) Tags: Showbiz Comedy, Romance  Five girls came to a training school to become voice actresses holding each thought in her mind. Momoko - she wanted to be a voice actress to meet her favorite voice actor. Rinka - she is an armature voice actress, but she didn't have special purpose to become voice actress. Yurika - she likes anime very much. Tsubasa - she was a girl in love, and acted only as a boy. Amane - she found a deadlock as a actress and tried to find another way. They managed to get over the difficulty to become voice actress although they couldn't perform as main characters yet. There is a love romance with a boy works for an anime company, and you can catch a glimpse of situations of anime industries. I was actually interested enough to go on, and the main problem here is length as there is not enough content for 25 episodes, and more and more ridiculous stories start to get inserted. It's actually masterpiece series with fillers and weird genre transformation, so feel free to try it.   Overall Rating: 6/10   44. Sasami: Mahou Shoujo Club Sasami Magical Girls Club 砂沙美 -魔法少女クラブ- [AIC Spirits] (Finished 3/13) Tags: Mahou Shoujo, School Fantasy In this world lives a group of people who call themselves "Majo" or "Magical Girls." They hide their powers so as to assimilate into society. They have been living together in harmony with humans for many years, as had their predecessors long before them. Sasami has had magical powers since her birth. However, at the age of three, she was told by her parents never to use her innate powers, and from then on, she kept them secret. On the first day of a new school term, newly transferred teacher Wajuu arrives, and from then on, Sasami's life begins to change tremendously. I see it as Sasami plus Tenchi. First episodes were slow and tedious, and I don't see the core here.   Overall Rating: 5/10   45. Gun-dou Musashi Gun Samurai GUN道 MUSASHI [ACC Production] (Finished 3/26) Tags: Samurai Adventure, Fantasy The war over control of a unified Japan, the Sengoku Era, is over and the Toyotomi army has won. Toyotomi has allowed his rival, Tokugawa, to live but since that final battle an evil ayakashi named Yasha reveals to Tokugawa that history says that he should have won the war instead of Toyotomi. Tokugawa agrees to the evil ayakashi power Yasha offers him, and the only person who can stop Tokugawa from ruling Japan and killing Princess Kaguya, who is the link to this alternate present, is Musashi Miyamoto, a young and brash man who follows the way of "Gun-do", which mixes together swordfighting with gunplay. Partially translated. Dueling on guns used as melee weapons is weird. Story is not going anywhere. Fighting action comes up constantly with no reason. It feels like a weird parody, but not a really  a funny one.   Overall Rating: 5/10   46. Rockman.EXE Beast+ ロックマンエグゼビースト+(プラス) [Xebec] (Finished 1/26) Tags: Shounen Mecha, Strategy Game Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi Beast+ continues from where Beast left off, though it is marketed as a stand-alone series. Episodes are reduced to approximately ten minutes in length, airing in the thirty minute time-slot Oha Coliseum alongside the Saru Getchu anime. Beast+ consists of a string of arcs beginning with the appearance of the Professor and Zero (both from Mega Man Network Transmission). Sure, why even bother making an opening for this crap already.   Overall Rating: 4/10   47. Fushigiboshi no☆Futagohime Gyu! ふしぎ星の☆ふたご姫 [J.C.Staff, Hal Film Maker] (Finished 1/52) Tags: Mahou Shoujo Comedy, Fantasy Fine and Rein are sent to the Royal Wonder Academy on the Royal Wonder Planet in order to study to become better princesses. They plan to make many friends, but unfortunately, the competition and cold nature of the students and teachers make things impossible. The twins also become Universal Princesses when touching the legendary Soleil Bell, releasing two angels named Pyupyu and Kyukyu to help aid them. Unfortunately, an evil force manifested in a painting doesn't seem to be satisfied about the Universal Princesses... Sequel.   Overall Rating: 5/10   48. Onegai My Melody: Kurukuru Shuffle! おねがいマイメロディ くるくるシャッフル!  [Studio Comet] (Finished 1/52) Tags: Comedy, Fantasy  A continuation of Onegai My Melody. Sequel.   Overall Rating: 5/10   49. Yoshinaga-sanchi no Gargoyle Gargoyle of Yoshinaga House 吉永さん家のガーゴイル [Studio Hibari] (Finished 3/13) Tags: Comedy, Fantasy, Slice of Life When Yoshinaga Futaba wins the first prize in a lottery, the prize turns out to be a stone gargoyle. More surprising yet, the gargoyle turns out to be alive. A decent nonsense comedy... with non-moving gargoyle statue as protagonist... It's random, but not excessively so even I can tolerate it, but not finding it super interesting as it's not funny, it's more like episodic jokes during some finished story inside episode where gargoyle usually fights some baddie. Just not to my taste.   Overall Rating: 6/10   50. Iron Kid Eon Kid 아이언 키드 [Daewon Media] (Finished 1/26) Tags: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi In a futuristic world, young Marty stumbles upon a bionic arm which endows him with superhuman powers and put him at the centre of a centuries-old struggle between good and evil. His teenager heart will now begin a long-way training together with two loyal friends: Buttons, his robo-puppy, and the brave Ally. Korean childish action, now ugly 3D edition.   Overall Rating: 5/10   51. Kakutou Bijin Wulong: Rebirth 格闘美神 武龍[ウーロン] REBIRTH [TMS Entertainment] (Finished 1/25) Tags: Seinen Martial Arts, School Action, Comedy Mao Lan continues growing into her path in life through what she learns while fighting. Her grandfather thinks that she has grown complacent and decides to train an adversary for her next Prime Mat appearance. Training with her friends and companions Mao Lan slowly advances through life. Sequel.   Overall Rating: 6/10   52. Bakegyamon 妖逆門 [Radix] (Finished 1/51) Tags: Shounen Isekai, Mythology, Strategy Game Action, Fantasy Sanshirou's chances of having an adventure are slim to none in his tiny island hometown, until the day a mysterious stranger invites him to play a game... Without warning, Sanshirou is taken to a backwards universe to play BakéGyamon—a game pitting monsters against monsters. Along the way he meets other players who have a particular reason for being there—to obtain the wish that is granted to the winner. But how far can Sanshirou get when the monsters he's been paired with are a bunch of little mud balls?! Childish imitation of Yu-Gi-Oh monster duels.   Overall Rating: 5/10   53. Himesama Goyoujin 姫様ご用心 [Bandai Visual] (Finished 3/12) Tags: Comedy Nomad Himeko is supposed to be a common high school student... until she happens to obtain a crown and she becomes a princess. Since then, Nana, the true princess, follows her around to take the crown back. In addition, Leslie and Caren, the thieves, appear to rob her of the crown, and her peaceful life turns into turmoil. Another random nonsense comedy, but again keeping inside some acceptable boundaries. I don't like humor here, but it's not the worst comedy to run at background.   Overall Rating: 6/10   54. Ring ni Kakero 1: Nichibei Kessen-hen Ring ni Kakero 1 Episode: The Pacific War リングにかけろ1 日米決戦編 [Toei Animation] (Finished 1/12) Tags: Shounen Action, Sports Immediately after Ryuuji Takane won the Champion Carnival, the U.S. Junior Champion Black Shaft appeared, and challenged the best Japan has to offer, just before the World Tournament is about to happen. Now Ryuuji, Takeshi Kawai, Kazuki Shinatora, Ishimatsu Katori, and Superstar Jun Kenzaki have to prove to not only Black Shaft, but the world, that they are truly world-class boxers before the World Tournament starts. But Shaft is not recruiting boxers for his challenge, but instead gets a life-timer criminal from Death Row, the leader of the Great Angels, one of the toughest gangs in America, a mysterious woman, and the "Dark Emperor of the South". Also, Shaft negotiates with Don Juliano, the Italian Junior Champion, just in case... Sequel.   Overall Rating: 5/10   55. Himitsukessha Taka no Tsume Eagle Talon 秘密結社 鷹の爪 [DLE] (Finished 0/11) Tags: Parody, Super Power Comedy  Eagle Talon is a secret society based in Kojimachi, Tokyo. With plans for world domination, their attempts are continually foiled by Deluxe Fighter, the superhero who always manages to save the day. This comedy of their frivolous lives is definitely not to be missed! Not found.   Overall Rating: 0/10   56. Yoshimune 吉宗 [AIC Spirits, Ginga Ya, Gonzino] (Finished 3/24) Tags: Historical Comedy  Akubi-chan is a cute magical girl. She is good at magic, she can turn into any form by tapping a tambourine, and she can grant any dream or wishes. Usually, Akubi-chan is in a vase, but when Ruru-chan, the owner of the vase, yarns (akubi), Akubi-chan pops out of the vase. Ruru-chan is in the 1st grade in elementary school, but she is little precocious and loves secretly her classmate Itoshi-kun living next-door. Akubi-chan uses various magic to make them good friends, but she always fails. However, for her best friend Ruru-chan, Akubi-chan gets out of the vase and taps the tambaine to play Cupid. This one is actually more frivolous and random than I hoped it to be, so closer to average.   Overall Rating: 5/10   57. Flag FLAG(フラッグ)  [The Answer Studio] (Finished 13/13) Tags: Mecha, Military  In 20xx, a civil war broke out in a small country in Asia in spite of the dispatch of UN forces. But a picture taken by accident in the battlefield accelerates the peace process: a photograph of a flag, which became the symbol of peace. However, just before the peace agreement is finalized, the flag is stolen by an armed extremist group in order to obstruct the truce. To rescue the flag, the UN sends the Special Development Command (SDC, which is armed with the High Agility Versatile Weapon Carrier (HAVWC)), along with an embedded photojournalist to record their activities. That photojournalist is Saeko Shirasu—the young camerawoman who took the picture of the flag. I refuse to call it animation and thus I've invented a new term for it - abruptation. There are a lot of still images with camera a bit shaking to imitate movement, there are also a load of photos made of absolutely everything so that for few seconds there was only still image. Add the fact that 3D is also used occasionally. Finally, even in rare moments of actual animation it's done through tiny window of camera with a lot of UI on top of it. The plot is journalist recording everything she sees... that's it. And it's not that it's something really interesting. I can understand the appeal of aesthetics and occasionally crafty dialogues and some social confrontation context, but that's not nearly enough, and visually it's a pure pain to watch.   Overall Rating: 5/10   58. Hana no Kage Shadow of the Cherry Blossoms 花の翳 [-] (Finished 1/1) Tags: Historical, Mythology Drama, Romance In ancient Japan, a princess and her lover run away from their pursuers. When it became apparent that they would be caught, they vowed to commit suicide rather than have the princess return to her former life. Both of them took their blades to end their lives but something went wrong. Now one of them seeks revenge for being abandoned. Short simple Heian story with some horror element, nothing to brag about.   Overall Rating: 5/10   59. Mitsu x Mitsu Drops Honey x Honey Drops 蜜×蜜ドロップス [Radix] (Finished 1/2) Tags: Shoujo School Drama, Romance Students at the Houjou academy are perfectly normal—except for those who take the Kuge course. This special course is reserved only for elite and rich students and their "honeys." Hagino Yuzuru enrolls in the course through Kai Renge, and she quickly regrets it. To become a honey, a student must get someone already in the Kuge course to sponsor her. Kai becomes Hagino's sponsor, getting her into the course and paying the price to cover it. But in return, Hagino must submit to him as her master, catering to his every whim. Hagino may have gotten herself into something she can't handle. But if she pulls out now, she gets expelled from the school. Can she make things work with Kai, or will she call it quits before he does something she'll regret? Naïve shoujo girl and weird cruel bishounens - everything is as I like it to such extent that won't even bother wasting time on second episode.   Overall Rating: 5/10   60. Aachi wa Ssipak Aachi and Ssipak 아치와 씨팍 [Flatiron Film Company] (Finished 1/1) Tags: Action, Comedy  After the world ran out of all traditional energy sources, only one remained—human excrement. To encourage citizens to produce as much waste as possible, the government implants a chip in the anus at birth, which provides citizens with "juicybars" every time it detects defecation. Juicybars are highly addictive narcotics that sometimes transform their users into mutant blue dwarfs with extreme constipation. These mutant addicts make up the "Diaper Gang," those who live underground and are focused on trying to obtain juicybars. Aachi and Ssipak are two small-time crooks who steal and sell juicybars to make it on the streets. When they meet a beautiful woman who has the anal chips of every Diaper Gang member implanted in her, producing dozens of juicybars with every dump, Aachi and Ssipak strike it rich. However, with both the government and the Diaper Gang on their tails, the two struggle to protect their newfound riches. My first impression - disgusting. It's basically collection of ultraviolence and SM "humor" with some dwelling into other fetish territories.   Overall Rating: 5/10   61. Crayon Shin-chan Movie 14: Densetsu wo Yobu Odore! Amigo! 映画 クレヨンしんちゃん 伝説を呼ぶ 踊れ!アミーゴ! [Shin-Ei Animation] (Finished 1/1) Tags: Seinen School Comedy, Slice of Life, Ecchi An action comedy film based on the "duplicating humans' invasion" setting derived from Jack Finney's Sci-Fi novel "The Body Snatchers", combining Sci-Fi horror-like story and dance (samba). An authority on biotechnology and a developer of "konjaclone" technology, Amigo Suzuki carries out "Transformation Plans for Samba World", in which he makes human clones using konjac as a material and makes them dance a samba. In Kasukabe city, people switch places with false ones who look just like the real persons. The Nohara family and the members of Kasukabe Defense Forces try to escape from Kasukabe with the help of a mystery beautiful girl Jacqueline Feeney (Jackie). There was already Shin-chan movie about impostors. This one is a more advanced version, plus there's this weird samba sidetracking, but it's not good enough.   Overall Rating: 6/10   62. Hanare Toride no Yonna Yonna in the Solitary Fortress はなれ砦のヨナ [CoMix Wave Films] (Finished 1/1) Tags: Adventure, Fantasy  Yonna and Stan, brother and sister, live in isolation because of their special powers. There are enigmatic people who plot to use their power, in conflict with the king`s government, which is also planning to draw them onto their side. Intrigue surrounds Yonna, and now a new agent comes to see her. Character designs are unusual, and not in a good way. 3D is mostly ok. Whole movie is basically confrontation of two mages, so no good story either. Girl's personality is quite horrible. There aren't really good sides here.   Overall Rating: 5/10   63. Ginga Tetsudou no Yoru: Fantasy Railroad in the Stars 銀河鉄道の夜 -Fantasy Railroad in the Stars-  [ KAGAYA Studio] (Finished 1/1) Tags: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery The Celestial Railroad is a fantastic journey of a boy, Giovanni, in a dreamscape created into a colorful full-dome CG animation picture with inspiring background music. Based on a story written in the early 20th century, KAGAYA, a digital fine artist, has breathed new life into the unique imaginary world using creativity and precise astronomical knowledge. The starry sky is depicted as the Celestial Field made up of a river, a field of silver grasses, flowers, birds, survey towers, railway signals and more. Across this amazing beautiful scenery, the Celestial Railroad runs along the Milky Way. Abstract random 3D is not the best way to tell a fairy tale story... 1985 version is still better.   Overall Rating: 5/10   64. Tachiguishi Retsuden 立喰師列伝 [Production I.G] (Finished 1/1) Tags: Comedy, Gourmet  Immediately following the end of the World War II, Tokyo was trying to emerge from the rubble. In a corner of the black market stood a flimsy soba (buckwheat noodle) eatery. It was a delicate time just before the closing. A man appeared at the threshold. "One moongaze (raw egg). With soba." This was none other than the legendary Fast Food Grifter known as Moongaze Ginji. His relentless scam quietly initiates. The time changes. In the midst of the first anti Japan-US Security Treaty movement (1960), the streets rumored about Foxy Croquette O-Gin, a beautiful lady Fast Food Grifter, who disappeared all of a sudden. Wandering the alleys in the years of the economic miracle was Crying Inumaru, the loser. Then came Cold Badger Masa, whose scandalous death made people aware of the presence of Fast Food Grifters within the Japanese society. Beefbowl Ushigoro put an end to a major gyudon (beef and rice bowl) restaurant chain. And it is not possible not to mention Hamburger Tetsu, who shocked the entire fast food industry. Fast Food Grifters are the phantoms that rise and fall with the shifting diet-styles. They are the dissenting heroes who carved their names on the dark side of dietary culture with their glare. Now their legend revives, strong as ever... First of all, it's not animation as real faces and often also bodies are used. Next, it's mostly black and white.... And if you read the synopsis, it gets obvious that comedy is not the strong side here. And since I don't see any strong sides here at all, it does not stand out for anything good.   Overall Rating: 5/10   65. Yu Shi 雨石 [-] (Finished 0/1) Tags: Adventure, Drama, Romance - Not found.   Overall Rating: 0/10
  23. kivandopulus
    Foreword: There are so many superb English reviews (1 2 3 4 5 6) that it's already evident how great this game is. I'll only try to consider if flaws are big enough to prevent from playing.

    There are various races living together at Ocelot City. Land, who lives as a mystic one, is one of the most famous citizens there. Rick, the main character, is a butler, and works for Selma. Selma lost her ability to transform herself into a dragon after a certain accident, and is always depressed that is one of his concerns. But, he somehow enjoys his life with his friends and other butlers. One day, Rand is assassinated by someone unknown, and their life turns around 180 degrees...
    Game type: Suspense mystery
    Character Design rating: 8/10
    Protagonist rating: 8/10
    Story rating: 10/10
    Game quality: 9/10
    Overall rating: 9/10

    Infodumping. There's a lot of information to process on the history, geography and current state of events. It produces a rich in detail and characters world. Can hardly blame any story for it.
    Composition is a bit redundant with three story arcs where first two only reveal small details about villains and focus on different heroines stories. Heroine ends can't compare to True End in terms of action, but in my opinion they should be skipped only if you can'ts stand both Valeria and Yuki. But I can't say I don't like Yuki. There are people who absolutely like all the heroines here, so see for yourself.

    Erotic scenes. I see them as disgusting in this game. HCG with twisted faces and degraded from main style art look very alien to me. It feels much better without H scenes for me, but - again - there are people who love H scenes in this game.
    SOL scenes can be considered as sleepy fillers and humor as simplistic. But those scenes whirling around SD CG are often hilarious. Tsundere behavior adds a lot to the humor. 
    It's not a game to read about. It's a game to play. And don't let any negative comments mislead you. All flaws are either insignificant in the long run or can be easily turned in advantages for many readers.

  24. kivandopulus
    Foreword: I guess Concerto Note won the poll for extra review, because of partial English release that turned out to be a total scam covering literally only the first three minutes of the game where absolutely nothing is told, and no introductions are made. A lot of years ago I took this bait as well. Now it's time to satisfy that curiosity.
    Synopsis: Shinya is stuck! He is forced to leave school when he comes back to school after long hospitalization. But one day, he meets his childhood friend, Rito, and she tells him about a new school and an western-style old house. Like this, he comes back to his hometown and meets Wakana, Shirayuki, Seika, and Sayori there. Kind people and new house... One night, a strange girl appears in front of him and says, "You'll die in ten days..." Her name is Tama and she kindly gives him the power to prevent it. However, this means he borrows luck from her in advance. From that day, various mishaps happen to Shinya and his friends. To stop it, they will need to get rid of other people's misfortunes... Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs4Gp5VU4Fv9VENhmo_xhRdI9BEcFEP8I Game type: Plotge
    Character Design rating: 8/10
    Protagonist rating: 6/10
    Story rating: 6/10
    Game quality: 7/10
    Overall rating: 7/10
    As usual, if game has review coverage, I'm happy to present it (1 2 3 4). I did not pick this game on my free will earlier, because I'm strongly prejudiced against games revolving around luck concept. It's just so unrealistic that it makes me want to facepalm. Concept is rather simple and it's all in the synopsis. Tama prevents death and that eats up all protagonist's luck. Concerto Note is called a game for Rito and Tama for a serious reason. Other four main heroines have rather simple personalities and routes composition. In those routes H events are piled at the end, and luck mystery is resolved half-heartedly or even susbstitured with love, so protagonist can't see Tama anymore. Rito route on the other hand only has short H scenes in the middle, but the focus is on resolving the mystery up to the end of the route. Basically, only Rito route makes Concerto Note a plotge. Rito also has outstanding personality being an excessively rational genius and a childhood friend. But if you think that game revolutionarry breaks with tradition starting from ToHeart to present childhood friends as boring vegetables, you're only half right, because Wakana plays this role here just fine. Don't have much to say about this game, so let's see its downsides. Graphics is rough in many CG. Flowchart is pretty much useless as its only meaning is to present routes in forced order. Game has little humor in it. True End reminds me of Air too much, and I hate Air. Main character produces positive impression in SOL scenes, but suddenly becomes abuser in H events. Other four main heroines did not impress me, even Seika failed to meet expectations. I evaluate the whole luck concept really low. After Rui wa Tomo o Yobu approach to dealing with the curse is much weaker in Concerto Note. Basically, Rito is the only element that makes game memorable and outstanding. Interaction with her is always interesting, so I'll let the game slip as girigiri masterpiece. But there are other good features as well. Three male sub-characters are actually depicted rather well, not like usual placeholders for classmates. But what allows to keep reader's attention is good tempo and absence of forced scenes. Flow feels natural. So I'd say that text is skillfully written as it manages to advance story painlessly without tilt into humor or parody. I'd say that Concerto Note is a good game for beginners or those who can accept such concept. I could not suppress irritation during the read.  
  25. kivandopulus
    I'd rather nominate an absolutely incomplete title Ryuusei World Actor: Badge & Dagger than choose from several moege-like games.
    1. Toshishita Kanojo 年下彼女  [210625] Azarashi Soft 1 "When I grow up, I'm going to marry you, Onii-chan!" This kind of promise is the least likely to be kept in the world. At least, the protagonist, Yunagimoto Yuusuke, believed as much when he thought back on the distant memory of that promise. Then, one day, a younger female relative of his showed up at the apartment where he was living alone and said "I'm old enough to get married now. Will you keep your promise and take me as your wife?" Vanilla nukige  
    2. DraPri Guu-ta-life 2 竜姫ぐーたらいふ 2  [210625] Whirlpool It has been a few weeks since Judgment Day, when dragons filled the skies of the world. People were trying to adjust to a new normal life. However, in the distant skies of the… Star world, a situation was brewing. The dragons are split in half over the treatment of humanity. In the midst of this, the king of the dragons of the “sea” and “water” factions descends to earth (at his own discretion). In the blink of an eye, he chases humans away from the world’s oceans and declares, “This ocean belongs to us,” and “Humans are off limits." The world, deprived of summer resorts, fishing rights, and even the right to travel freely between nations, is in a state of great weakness. And a few days later… Takeshi and Haru are still lazing around, and Suzuka is taking care of them, when Dorami comes to invite them for a sea vacation. Although they feel some kind of suspicion, they can’t resist the temptation of the sea. What awaits Haru and her friends when they stand in the sea, which has now become a magical land ruled by the sea dragon tribe? (For now, we’ll have a barbecue and fireworks.) For those who liked prequel  
    3. HajiLove -Making * Lovers- ハジラブ -Making*Lovers-  [210625] Smee 1 "Dating someone that's not your soul mate is a waste of time. The only kind relationship I'm interested in is one that's sure to have a happy ending. If you're going to fall in love, fall in love once. Find your ideal partner, a person that you love so much that it feels like you're burning up inside." My beliefs about love were abnormal, clearly. My classmates certainly seemed willing to hookup with anything that walked, and they appeared happy enough. But I realized something in my 2nd year of high school. My soul mate wasn't going to just fall out of the sky into my lap. I wanted to experience a real, flesh and blood love, not some made up fairly tale version of it that only existed in my head. -The childhood friend that wants to spend her life at your side- -The classmate that dreams of meeting her knight in shining armor- -The underclassman that wants to become an expert at romance- -The upperclassman that longs to bring happiness to the family she holds dear- My meeting these girls was nothing but a series of coincidences. But if what happens next is up to me, then maybe I can decide it starts right here, right now. I won't know if I'm making the right moves or not until this is all over. All I know is that the only one that can turn a chance encounter into true love is me. ---- The heroine and protagonist suddenly start dating, and as they spend time together, they fall in love for real. This work inherits the concept and world view of its predecessor, "Making*Lovers". It is a student version with all the heroines attending a school, with the concept of the shape of love that develops after a relationship is formed and the element of "shyness" is strengthened. There are English reviews  
    4. Lilium Wedding Plan リリウム・ウェディングプラン  [210625] Barista Lab Goddess promised marriage when she was young. Main character returns to grandparents' house for a short time. There he is met by the goddess  Lilium who calls herself his wife. Vanilla nukige  
    5. Ryuusei World Actor: Badge & Dagger 流星ワールドアクター Badge & Dagger  [210625] Heliodor 1 2 3 The Seventh Republic—the city despised by the sun. Sunlight hasn't reached here since the last great war, and the shadows teem with vicious criminals. With evil threatening on every side, the National Police Agency is a stronghold of justice. Detective Ruka Hiryu belongs to the 13th Division, nicknamed the Sideliners, and treated like shit by the rest of the force. With no major incidents to keep him distracted, Ruka has been investigating the sealed Cult Massacre case in secret. Things change when the 13th picks up two new members. The agency is shaken with unreliable rumors about the semi-mythical Shining Union, and as suspicions and conjecture fly like bullets, will Ruka, the 13th, and the NPA be unscathed? There are English reviews  
    6. IdolDays 愛怒流でいず [210617] iMel Inc. 1 A young man working at an Akihabara-based agency that manages underground idol groups has been ordered to discover new idols by his boss. Now, he's at the end of his rope. The protagonist is at a loss, finding that girls with the talent to become the kind of idol he's picturing are few and far between. He's sitting defeated on a park bench when he comes across a girl singing to herself while feeding some cats. The girl's song is delicate, but her voice shakes him to the core. His heart stolen in an instant, the protagonist turns to the girl and tries to scout her to become an idol. However, the girl flatly refuses him, saying the idea is stupid, only to then disappear. The next day, the protagonist gets called into the office, where he learns that the daughter of their sponsor has been hired as a member of staff and gets assigned to be her training supervisor. The girl who appears before the bewildered young man is the same one who turned down his scouting offer the day before. The girl's name is Tsubaki Akanesaki. Though she's had several jobs, she got fired from all of them for getting into fights. What does fate have in store for a young man who's been assigned to train a girl whose a total delinquent?! Game is released in English and has English reviews  
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