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Everything posted by Arturia

  1. Ahh alright i see xD.. Well i kind of just hit my new course in Photography so when i get the time i will do the Dialogue.. Do you think it should be simple, like the story i was writing "Into the Night" format or even simpler..?
  2. oooh i got the best opportunity to use my brand new camera i bought for my Photography course xD..
  3. Thanks Arakura.. By the way Okami.. Um i would like to help write the story, but since i am unable to help much with the chapter you are on except with some hints and suggestion's..So i would like to suggest if i can write on a part later on in the story, or maybe a Remembrance for some of the Mc's.. Anyway hope all is going well..
  4. Thats great...I love love story's like this xD.. it makes me want to create another romance xD. Well, its great you guys have each other and i hope for the best. Good luck for the years to come and the day today.. (New parting line i made last night xD)
  5. Thanks ill take a look..Just last night and today i have been thinking..and i think i will apply for a TEFL course so that i can try and go into teaching. The only downside and problem i see, is that most positions looking for english teachers, are looking for a University diploma or such degree.. Problem is that i couldn't finish my high school correctly so i don't think i can get into University easily.. I will wait a bit and hopefully complete my TEFL course and find a job that requires no University degree.. Thanks for the help all..I have decided on the job side and all thats left is to see how it goes xD.
  6. Hmm i see..Well i knew it wasnt going to be easy, and if teaching is really the only option to start out with, it was my original goal.. Well i guess i will still keep searching for other opportunities and get to know more Japanese over these next few months while i do Photography. Well any new information would still be great Thanks.
  7. Thank you for moving the Topic and sorry for placing it in the wrong area.. Thanks for the help but ya, this isnt going to be easy and will take some time.
  8. Thank you..I will take a look, but im still unsure of how to go about searching for such a thing xD..
  9. Thanks Flutzz. Well i kind of got the FLight costs and such already...although if i convert it into Yen it totals around 80,000 Yen for a one way flight..well in a way i can pay that even now maybe, but then i need to get the money for living expenses which i need a job for xD..Ill message if i get any info
  10. Hello everyone... This is another one of those Personal Topics, where i would like some help with.. I am pretty serious about myself moving and living in Japan, and work as a Graphic designer/ Photographer.. Only problem i have is that i know little about how to go about it.. When i do and will move there, i need to have a job already...Kind of,,,xD Well i have tried looking online for types of places i can try and apply to work at, but i dont trust places i dont really know..Although i guess asking here, not many people will have the experience xD.. Well i guess the next thing would be what would you think the average monthly spendings in Yen do you think it will be...at the cheapest and probably a single room apartment style. Well another problem i just remembered there being was the Jlpt, which if i can recall are the tests to see how your Japanese is...unfortunetely dont have any tests in my Country..so i would probably take them in Japan when i go, Sorry if this seems a bit too personal, i just felt like it would be great if i can get some valuable tips and help from fellow Fuwanovelists xD.. Anyway, Any and all help would be greatly appreciated and when i do move their i can help spread the east culture to the west xD.. Just to remind you i am dead set on moving, even if it would take me years..i will go there and stay there.. Thank you and enjoy your day...
  11. Well i wanted to give a try at my style drawing your character design...I tried Minami but i felt like my hand was shaking a bit to much so i couldn't draw the lines too great. Also i know some proportions are off especially the eyes but this was a rough one in a way.. Sorry mind the Yellow in it..i just got this camera today so i havent really gone into the settings.. I will try the other characters soon.
  12. I am finally able to get more time to this project as i have finally resigned...i am going to go into Photography course this year so i can have more time for this.. Soon i will try and get a few pictures of the characters in my design, just to show you if you would like me to help ya with the characters and such Zucco. And Okami, Likewise...If you want help with a certain part of the story i am always here xD.. I will Try and think up a few ideas for later story and midway... by the way how far and how is the first couple of CHapters going Okami..Theres no rush, but if we can get some chapters, we can move onto Page layout and changing the story into Manga format..Then we move onto Art and Background...
  13. thats greatRias.. Pso2 has also been taking alot of my time lately xD...Ill add ya when i can...Also when i get some nice COstumes ill upload a few pics xD...right now still got starters so its boring.
  14. Well my idea was just an idea xD, i like your way too...Later on in the story we will see if it would be alright to add it our not...that idea of mine is a late story part anyway...
  15. Just stopping by to give my suggestion..In terms of Nobles and them living with satisfaction...Also with them being revered above other soldiers..I would like to suggest that later on in the story, one of their higher officer's ordered them to kill a friend(Might be one of the Mc or a friend from a journey), but then they refuced and that would lead to some conflict between them...Later they would abandon their Faction and decide to go on a search for the rest of their friends..Maybe one day they reunite apart from two..They swear to reunite and go against the three factions..in my opinion you could have a big Objective their xD but this thought came to mind when was reading earlier.
  16. THats cool..I actually hardly know much about Serbia.. As with the Background, i think what zucoo means is that we could get the background information just for us, Not part of the storys plot...More like for our information only that will gradually be introduced into the story.. Well thats how i meant it to be xD.
  17. Hey sorru just got off work.. About the designs..I loved most of them and among them Minami #3 Noel #1 Hiroi #2 Akeno's is alright, just feel like somethings is off though.. and Orion's version with a but shorter hair, sorry can only see two and dont know which is which.. Okami, YOur story is flowing greatly, I feel like it would be rather simple to add it to manga, and that way it would be easier for the artists.. In regards to drawings, I would ofcourse like to help out, and since there has been alot of effort you two have put into this, although i already mentioned that Okami is leading the story writing, i think Zucco should lead the artists.. Well thats how i view it xD..This is a Manga by us for us..so mostly you can go with whatever you feel like it and if the majority dont like it we can change it slightly.. Previously mentioned i think, i said that i could probably only draw faces although they are Orignal works of mine randomly thought of and drew them, When i had a character on screen or know of, the drawing feels smoother and can easily go further then that.. So with these character ideas, and designs, im sure i can help out with a bit.. In regards to Backgrounds, i still need someone to fill that spot.. SO if anyone who is reading this still would like to help out with this...just reply.. In terms of the map, I feel like setting it in a differant type of world would be best...Not like the world, Like COde Geass where there was those type of Factions but set in our world... More like 4 Continents maybe 5, with multiple islands and such...Maybe you could say its similer to Earth but not entirely..THis could add to the Sci/fi genre.. About the Backgrounds, I do aswell think that Backgrounds build a story, Like my "Into the Night" i am working on..I worked on the Background first and the characters came from there.. Although most people like to write a certain way, Although my way/Zuccos or your way Okami, it would all be great and write your own way...If it needs changing then we will.. Ugh going to end this post here,,FIngers hurting as i had just burnt them with hot water and then had to type this out xD...
  18. Wow alright if you like..well it is great to get the general story, But you dont have to rush xD..although its up to you..Once i get home i will help out a bit more with ideas and such xD
  19. Well, im sure there are hundreds of differant styles, so i was just wondering xD.
  20. Okami, Great work you have there..I can feel the story and it feels like it can easily be added into Manga form... Well i know English isn't your strong suite, so we might need an Editor or a checker you could say, Anyway in regards to certain parts of the story, i feel like for example when they are at the cave when they were small..We could add a bit of detail and say that they are there for a test of courage, and when they hard noises and bangs from outside they got scared and wouldnt leave the cave...Well thats just an example.... HMm well i am returning to my own home tomorrow and so i should be able to manage my time a little better to work more on this.. And since i am Resigning from my Barmen job to focus on my Graphical Design, i should be able to work things a little faster.. Hmm this morning there was something else i wanted to mention but forgotten it now.. Well anyway, In regards to other members who wanted to help out, We kind of got the Rough draft on our first chapter, our character details(only partial) and with that soon able to get this on the road, so if you would like to help out, tell or me Okami and keep the suggestions/art designs/ story chapters, Anything would be great to help.. Anyway. Great work Okami, And Zucco, since you kind of got the feel on the Main characters, can you try further the detailing you could say...Like finer details to the face, Toning and maybe color...But you dont have to rush it...also its just a suggestion xD... I think it would help out other Artists who would like to help out, the feel of the art style we will work with..And the art style we actually haven't talked about.. Okami.... What do you think, Should we aim for a Mangish style or a realism style...What i mean is a joking type of feel or a Serious feel to the drawings...Mangish style should be easier and realism requires more details...Ill post two pictures on what i mean..in a bit.. Sorry for the lengthy post... Edit: Also just realised...Are we aiming for Shounen/Shoujo or Seinin..I dont think Shoujo would fit the genres but what i am referring to there was the art style..Like Shoujo art is easily distinguished.. xD
  21. Akira is the best girl xD.. Mayoi second.
  22. Blood-C..Enjoyed it in the begining but its the only show that i have ever dropped.
  23. Haha alright, Well we all amatuers..Anyway, i will try and get some more works to upload another time xD.
  24. Cool..If you love drawing, Do you try and draw Manga style sometimes?...If you like take a look at my Topic...https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/2823-fuwanovel-creations-for-fuwanovel/ We trying to make our own Manga and more artists would be great, xD
  25. Welcome Welcome...so it is true..Most people always(or most people) hit emi's route first xD.. i was shocked when i hit her route first when i wasnt even trying to xD.. Anyway Welcome and enjoy the new World you steped into.
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