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Everything posted by Alpicarez

  1. A collaborative group of friends and I decided one summer's day to begin creating a visual novel like no other. Turmoil of the Seven is a sci-fi RPG visual novel that takes seven factions of cultures widely known around the world, and places them in a futuristic, but chaotic universe. The protagonists of the Visual Novels depend on which of the four characters you would choose to pick. Tristen Talon, Ryou Hidekari, and Heinz Ritter are currently the three protagonists we have right now, the fourth protagonist is still being decided. The seven factions in the game are: The Alliance of Free Systems, The Honorable Shogunate of Hidekari, The Imperium of Weisslande, The Holy Mandate of Alvan, The Absolute and Royal Systems of Arthuria, The Galacian Empire of Alyssandria, and finally, The Union of Ursan Republics. These seven factions are the primary forces in the game right now, while we are currently creating minor factions that will be somewhat nomadic during gameplay. Magic is in this game, and we are also devising how that will turn the tide of battle in the game. The game is currently in development and we need your support and feedback to make it a reality! Feel free to check out our Kickstarter at: Feel free to follow us on Twitter, where most of the game's updates will be posted Twitter: https://twitter.com/OfficialToTSVN Thank you all so much for taking the time to look through our Kickstarter. Your contributions won't go to waste
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