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Everything posted by Rea_x_Chihiro

  1. weird,the link doesn't work if we click it from this site.I copy pasted the link to fb and osu and it worked fine. anyway, I hope this one work http://osu.ppy.sh/u/Pokefreaker
  2. 1.Rea Sanka(credit goes to Sayuri from gendou for making this banner for me) 2.Minami Shimada 3.Ohana Matsumae I love all my waifus
  3. Added, here's mine http://osu.ppy.sh/u/2642456
  4. Well,you could always play Insane with NF until you could pass the difficulty without it.(Atleast that's how I practice) Slider break everywhere~I swear my gaming environment is the worst
  5. Wouldn't it be better to practice insane difficulty with normal mode rather than practicing normal difficulty on double time? Given both have the same speed,Insane map give you more valuable experience since the number of circles you'll be clicking is twice or triple the amount of normal difficulty.Imo.
  6. Congratz top 5 players~ btw, is that really Peppy?I mean THE PEPPY?
  7. [Hiatus Vn mode] busy with HoN

  8. Okay I'll give you a big clue : Canadian
  9. I've got to disagree about some part in this discussion,mainly about fan hype.I find nothing wrong about fan hype because every single people have their own opinion and taste towards anime/vn/music/etc.Most of them,apparently,like to share their opinion to the community.Now you might see people 'hype' over something which is not worth the expectation for example,a person may 'hype' [insert vn's title here] as the best vn out there while as we think, it's only decent (or bad ).BUT don't forget that "beauty lies on the eye of the beholder" EVEN if the fact,in reality,it's not.Just because we don't think [insert vn's title here] is a masterpiece doesn't mean it is true to everyone's opinion.He or she might found jewel on the thing we call as trash or otherwise.Therefore, we can't just mock at other people's 'hype' just because you know that it's not even close to a masterpiece. My way to avoid disappointment from all the 'hype' it self is by mentally positive .Whenever I play vn or watch Anime I tend to think "this is actually quite good " and it help me passed those bad moment where you think it's not worth playing/watching anymore. But I hate JB with the impression "hey, look at me, that thing that everyone likes? I don't like it!". And I know we all do.(Probably)
  10. Well you're not actually new in fact your ID is older than mine but oh well, welcome to the land of VN and Loli? On advance: Happy birthday~
  11. GOD DAMIT MY MMR WAS 1768(Friday) now dropped to 1750-ish(sat).I shouldn't da troll the game ==

  12. Lucky Star taught me that Homework are done with effort,not wisdom. Baka to test@ You can actually fall in love with anime character.
  13. I used to have the same problem as well,either your pc doesn't support the game's spec or your directX outdated.
  14. Pretty sure HR is the hardest. I can't last more than 10s in ANY insane map with HR
  15. Kimi ga Naku - Nano.RIPE I doubt this song have in youtube
  16. Welcome to the forum,I hope you like gory girls.
  17. Welcome,hope we can get along well
  18. Just started watching Inori Kon Kon today,I gotta say it gave the same vibe as the manga. *given that I'm probably the only one here who read them before*. Sumizome is way too cute!~and Inori ...well...still short. I wonder if it's only 13 episode then it would much likely cover only 13-20 chapters in the manga.
  19. Nano.RIPE - Namida no Ochiru Sokudo

    1. Rea_x_Chihiro


      Turns out Nano.RIPE newest album released quite a while ago (when I lost my internet like for 3 weeks ==")

      Just realized it yesterday and now I'm blasting with their music~

  20. Ditto I also finished Kotori's route today,what a coincidence. And wow,I thought I'm the only one who took A VERY LONG TIME to finish LB(3 months 1/2).I also like Kurugaya's route though Kyousuke kinda ticked me off in Refrain,so his coolness level dropped fmpov.
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