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Everything posted by Blue

  1. I'm translating a line where a character talks about an evil gothic chick: それにしても、あの子ホント怖いね きっと、もう妖怪みたいなもんだよ。 歴代イッキの彼女に対する怨念を 抱えて柳の下とかに立ってるんだ とりあえずさっきの番号は 『妖怪女』とでも登録しとこ。 で、着信拒否設定。うん I don't get the second line... What does 柳の下とかに立ってる mean? (Aside the obvious.) Other notes: Ikki is a male character who's got a fanclub, and あの子 is the president. Help?
  2. @delapropia: Have you ever been a leader of a group of randomly selected people? It's rather difficult to achieve anything in a timely manner when every member has a completely different level of skills.
  3. I actually managed to put text back! But hkki doesn't save the edited file properly, like you said... Following your advice I also used ct2 to edit text and now the game runs! I still wish hkki could save the DiaLovers files properly, because there's not much I can do when the text space is limited...
  4. Don't worry, your English is okay! What I did: 1. Decrypted install.dns 2. Unpacked the decrypted dns (either with utf tab special or the x-cpk bms script) 3. Modified one line using hkki. 4. Tried to pack it back with cri file maker, but it didn't work properly: my original file was about 125 MB, but the outcome file was 250 MB. 5. As expected, the game crashed as soon as I reached the dialogue screen. I don't have access to my computer now, but I'll check that cri maker you mentioned soon. Thank you for the tip!
  5. Diabolik Lovers. Unpacks gracefully, but no tools to pack it back
  6. I have same problem. I've got tools to unpack encrypted cpk files from otomate games, but no tools to repack them. I've managed to find a modified bms script to unpack encrypted cpk files: http://www.pujia8.com/topic/585/ Maybe this will help someone?
  7. This doesn't work for Diabolik Lovers...
  8. @Kelebek Yeah... I'll try unpacking the cpk with py scripts from cpk tools and if this doesn't work... But first I need to figure out how to actually run those scripts on a file ('~')
  9. I tried to use that cpk python script on Amnesia's instal.cpk but failed miserably... It's because I don't know how to python... Anyone knows some idiot-proof tutorial on running py scripts? I tried googling it, but I couldn't understand any of the answers (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
  10. Yes, I'm sure. The file is indeed PGD. JPCSP handles those files well. It's not really an issue of unpacking cpk files... The question is how to pack them back.
  11. I tried, but it's rather complicated... Unless someone makes a tool for unpacking and repacking CPK files from that game, it's not possible.
  12. Recruiting translators and tl- checkers for "Wand of Fortune Portable" and "Hiiro no Kakera DS". Hacking is going to be done by yours truly for now. Special requirements: patience. You can contact me through here or at my tumblr: ogtproject.tumblr.com
  13. GHP scripts: http://vocaotome.tumblr.com/game-resources As for Shinobi, try googling it. It's a breadmasterlee-approved game, so I think at least one person or two tried extracting scripts from it. If there aren't any on the web, it's still faster to extract them yourself then wait for someone to do it. Use hkki to convert scripts.
  14. Nice Very excited about this! Particularly the fact that it will work on Otomate and Rejet games~ Thank you and good luck!
  15. Hi! I'm the translator. I'm an onee-san, btw If have questions or would like to help out, pm me here if you're not a fan of tumblr I'm not making a patch, but I would like to. For PSP. But there's a problem with the font in this game... English letters aren't displayed properly. Anyways, the reason why vndb is listing a possible ios patch is because I wanted to team up with Bishounen Gemu and they said they had a hacker who was willing to tackle ios system... But that idea died and now I'm focusing on translation only. I'm doing Ikki's route (very, very, very slowly) and Shiori is doing Shin's route (www.otomehearts.com). There's also a slight chance that it might get licensed - there's a short article at siliconera saying Idea Factory/Otomate is looking for a western company to team up with for that project.
  16. 心底ほっとした = I was thoroughly relieved.
  17. @zoom909 Aw yiss! Many thanks! It makes perfect sense now!
  18. Guys, thank you for the replies! Really like this one! Adds character! This is the line that's bugging me the most here... Your translation makes it even more confusing somehow... The だが tells me the fortuneteller wants to contradict something she said in the previous sentence (the fortuneteller is a woman, btw) I tried breaking down the line like this: そなたの願いであれば = if it's your wish 戯れに = for fun 付き合う = to go out with someone 良い = good と思えるな = doesn't appear Since と思える is "appear, look, seem" and I assume the な here is to make the verb negative...? So in the end, if I were googletranslate: "However, if it's your wish, going out with someone doesn't appear good" Maybe she's saying that the girl has poor dating prospects??? Some more context: the sole purpose of the fortuneteller in this game is to give the MC hints about how to get a guy love her. What I'm not sure here is if she's talking about the future ("will tell me") or the current moment ("telling me [right now]")... I get the feeling she's refering to what fortuneteller said in the line above... I'm sticking with mine here. I wanted to stress that both "fresh leaves" and "girl of purity" refer to the same person. Also, the fortuneteller is not the colorless one, the girl is. I didn't know that 恋を知る = know what it is to be in love ... haha...
  19. Thank you! That line makes a lot more sense now! I tried translating 2 and came up with this: Fortuneteller: ……妾の言葉は、必要と思われる者にのみ与えられるもの。滅多なことでは占わぬ My words are a thing awarded only to those people who have a need for them in my opinion. Fortuneteller: だが、(girl's name)。 そなたの願いであれば、戯れに付き合うのも 良いと思えるな However, (girl's name). Do not think lightly of going out with someone. Girl: えっ……、占ってくれるんですか? Girl: Huh... Are you telling me my future? Fortuneteller: 若葉の娘、そして無垢の娘。 妾はそなたのような色のない娘が、 どのような色に身を染めるかが知りたい You're a daughter of fresh leaves and a daughter of purity at the same time. I want to know what color a colorless girl like you will take. Fortuneteller:: そう……、恋を知り、変わりゆく色を眺め愛でることも楽しいもの That's right. It will be fun to admire your color changing as you learn more about love. Are those translations even remotely correct?
  20. I'm translating some random stuff and I need help. 1) Girl runs after a fortuneteller, but she has to go back to class soon, however the fortuneteller says she doesn't need to go back. Much later it turns out that the class was canceled. I'm having trouble with this: そなたが求める時間は停滞を示している Here's some context: Girl: あの……、どこに行くんですか? Girl: 思わずついてきちゃいましたけど、 実は私、学校に戻らなきゃいけなくて Fortuneteller: ……戻ったところで、無駄足となる。 そなたが求める時間は停滞を示している 2) Another conversation I'm having trouble with: Fortuneteller: ……妾の言葉は、必要と思われる者にのみ 与えられるもの。滅多なことでは占わぬ Fortuneteller: だが、(girl's name)。 そなたの願いであれば、戯れに付き合うのも 良いと思えるな Girl: えっ……、占ってくれるんですか? Fortuneteller:: 若葉の娘、そして無垢の娘。 妾はそなたのような色のない娘が、 どのような色に身を染めるかが知りたい Fortuneteller:: そう……、恋を知り、変わりゆく色を眺め愛でることも楽しいもの Note: 若葉の娘 is fortuneteller's nickname for the girl This is all way too mysterious for me, so help?
  21. I don't know how to run/open/download the stuff you provided... But I'll try googling it...
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