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Everything posted by gijimu

  1. I felt vague about the world of Alternative when playing it first, like why the protagonist seems to know everything that's about to happen and stuffs. But after playing until middle of the story, the background story become more insignificant. Just like playing Grisaia without knowing Yuuji's and heroines' background, but slowly you'll get the glimpse of them later.
  2. A VN with risky setting, character, or theme, imo, something that will go for acceptable overall reception or very negative one. I can't describe it well. The settings of Tokyo Babel is intriguing enough. Maybe I will give it a try.
  3. Thanks, I got it, more or less. So basically, any modern era action VN with fantasy settings can be roughly called chuunige, be it science, urban fantasy, or mythologic, right? So everything comes to personal preference whether a chuunige is good enough or not then.
  4. FSN is a chuunige too? I am too quick to judge chuunige then.
  5. Well, I just happened to dislike chuunige I played (S;G and Comyu) that I dropped them, because of 'what the heck those guys are thinking/talking about' that came to my mind when playing them. Hmm, maybe I'm the only one in fuwanovel who doesn't like chuunige.
  6. Ugh, seeing the word chuunige really makes me lost interest of Tokyo Babel. It means I have to hold myself from watching the anime until 2019 if this is true. I really hoped to see both soon, too. No one is hoping for Miagete Goran and Konosora fandisc translation, I guess?
  7. Will Tsukihime remake's release get postponed that long? Too bad then, it will belong to same category as Baldr Sky and Dies Irae, which is more of 'wish for them to get released/translated'. Also, I remember that Aokana translation patch will get released soon, which is nice. Carnival Phantasm is a crossover of Fate/Stay Night and Tsukihime, and hilarious parody of them. Seeing Tsukihime in an anime version makes me don't really want to play original Tsukihime at all.
  8. Tsukihime, I haven't read it yet, but somehow get interested in it after watching Carnival Phantasm anime. I will wait for its remake rather than playing the original version. And there is Tokyo Babel, something with Christian mythology elements. I wonder if this VN is good.
  9. I became fan of Muv-Luv franchise after finishing Muv-Luv Alternative. It led me to Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles, Muv-Luv Alternative Total Eclipse, and Schwarzesmarken. Muv-Luv is a large fictional alternative history world on its own. Imo, Muv-Luv Extra is a typical slice-of-life high school comedy VN, with a genre shift after you finished the two main heroines' route, which is darker and more serious. Muv-Luv Alternative is a climax of the trilogy where you'll actually see the rest of Muv-Luv world. Actually, I finished Muv-Luv Alternative first then Muv-Luv Extra second, so maybe I'm missing some feeling, but Muv-Luv Alternative alone packs quite a punch. You may need Muv-Luv Altered Fable after finishing Muv-Luv Alternative, just in case...
  10. Baldr Sky, Dies Irae, and Muv-Luv came into mind first. Will definitely re-read the Muv-Luv. Then Angel Beats, although I don't read any Key's VN beside Little Busters, I'm interested in Angel Beats.
  11. I would recommend it to whoever asks for moege. Personally, I don't find myself disliking Chisato's route, though. Maybe the drama is a bit forced and cliched, but it is quite enjoyable in some routes plus love triangle drama in each of them. Maybe most of everyone's favorite route goes like this: Satsuki > Everyone else > Chisato. It is one of very few VN I would complete its routes, maybe because of its extra menu.
  12. Cartagra, I thought I was hitting a bad end after seeing the protagonist found the murderer. I began disliking the protagonist somehow for his reckless action, but because he kept on living and earned praise from his boss, Arishima, I got over with it. Overall, I'm enjoying it. Even more after his boss's seiyuu is someone who voiced Kotomine Kirei from F/SN. I got a vibe that this guy will turn out to be a villain...
  13. That makes me wonder how 'small' is Non-Chan's, as Michiru's are really 'small' enough that it looks like washboard...
  14. Hearing everyone saying that the Mitsuki's route on PE's fandisc is nice makes me curious and even considered to skip PE entirely and play the fandisc. Coincidently, the only heroines I like in PE are Ruriko and Mitsuki though.
  15. So Noble Works is better overall than Princess Evangile? I personally disliked PE because its heroines are stereotypical, lack of comedy, and uninteresting main and heroine's route. Some senior readers gave it an excellent score. And it made me curious about this VN. If I disliked PE because of reasons above, do you think I will enjoy NW?
  16. I imagined the monkey duo getting into love triangle drama though, well I think they're not that favorable enough to get their part in a fandisc, just my idea. Oh, I forget that gender oblivious journalist. I want to see her route in a fandisc, I think.
  17. Can't decide. Every time I tried more than 2 game of same genre, I'll get bored. But I'm always interested in friendship genre, though I don't know if it's actually a genre or not. And to lesser extent, drama and moe.
  18. I still don't understand why sprite make those unskippable Chisato's crying scene. Well, because I didn't skip Chisato's route, I could feel some sympathy when someone you liked suddenly fell into another person, but it was just that. I hoped that sprite would release a fandisc though, maybe with additional heroines like monkey duo, Hazuki, and Non-chan (her route is unavailable in PC), plus after story of each heroines.
  19. Cute heroine whose smile is brighter than sun And cute character with cute catchphrases, like Kud's "wafuuu", Komari's "fueee", and Isara's 'aha!' And maybe heroines who are not so good with English and tend to make comedic situation because of it.
  20. So far I'm enjoying it. Although there are some comedy, the dark mood is still there when it comes to protagonist doing his job. Well, in every murder mystery, the investigator always risk his life and depending on the choices, I think it's possible to solve the mystery in some way. Way to go, though, I only played for two in-game days.
  21. Started playing Cartagra. I heard that people could get their protagonist killed in Kara no Shoujo, which is a same game like Cartagra. Does this also happen in it? Also, I am playing it by making my own decision without looking at the walkthrough. Hopefully my protagonist won't die after some choices like FSN.
  22. Dropped Princess Evangile after trying Ayaka and Ritsuko route, not even bothered to try Rise and Chiho route. Well, maybe I just need a change of pace after playing 3 moege in a row. I think mystery genre will be nice. Will read Cartagra next.
  23. Finally, I don't have to wait for fan translations again for my wanted visual novels. Thanks. Hmm... Nakige = Clannad. White Album = Nakige. Then White Album is something like Clannad then?
  24. I only played one nakige before, Little Busters, and since then become one of my most memorable VN because it often reminded me of its power of friendship. Is White Album of the same thing? Maybe in other sense.
  25. I only know VNR when it comes to VN text hookers. What do you recommend? Is it something like moege?
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