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Everything posted by InvictusCobra

  1. After doing the following: Playing Skyrim for two weeks to get most achievements and all skills to 100 Replaying Witcher 2 for Witcher 3 Playing Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs Playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution on max difficulty with no kills nor alarms triggered Wasting 15 hours of my life slamming my head into the wall with Gothic 1, to then lose my saves due to a bug Playing the original Deus Ex on Realistic with Biomod I am now playing Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and I feel this one is going to take a while, so I'll just buckle up and enjoy the ride
  2. Now the purpose of this thread is not to provide a review of the game per say, given that it's been out for almost two years now. It is merely because I would like to test my skills as a reviewer and see what must be improved and if I have a single bit of knack for this sort of thing. I know this is probably boring and uninteresting, but I am in need of feedback and crtique, so that I may improve and find out if I can be any good at this. Thank you in advance and without any further ado: P.S: If it's tl;dr for you, I understand.
  3. I should visit a Skyrim Players Anonymous group...

  4. Today I stopped being a pirate for a bit. After a full college semester of Skyrim fun and two months of Oblivion fun... I finally bought both for 16€ on Steam. I feel guilty for my expenses, and I'm sure my friends will mock me T_T Nevertheless, I feel like I did a good deed today (even though it doesn't wash away the guilt). I need solace. Did I do the right thing, or am I a money wasting moron? ;-;
  5. My computer broke down and now I will have to resort to my Playstation 3 for fun... Guess it's time to finish those Tales of Graces f and Xillia I bought on sale and never got to finish. Started Graces f, got to Pascal's sister's laboratory and quit on the first boss there. 19 hours in and I still don't understand how the combat in this bloody game works. Oh well, guess I'm just a stiff who likes his turn based or completely fluid gameplay, not some mish mash (excuse me if I completely missed the point of it's combat) heh.
  6. No sir, I have not, due to the fact that one of the elements of the question is missing from my life. try to imagine which one T_T I think it might depend on what you are seeking from the experience. A person with whom to discuss the plot, someone to share the burden and weigh the choices with, or just a reading/talking buddy to help alleviate the grind of infodumping or have a laugh due to a bad or hilarious moment? Or maybe sex has gotten stale, so now you read things like Starless for some "innovative" ideas heh.
  7. Don't worry about us, just focus on your husband's recovery and taking care of the family. They come before us and hey, we're not going anywhere so take your time and be positive. In the end, everything will work out and be back to normal. Even though similar things have happened to some members of my family, I cannot imagine what you must be going through. Just know you have all our support Remain strong and hang in there! All the best for you and your loved ones
  8. is coming from jumping on the 'awww doggie' bandwagon. I've never really seen Fallout as being even remotely realistic, I think it's more of a black comedy post-apocalyptic gore, grit and gag-fest more than anything so... I dunno how about a raptor with cybernetic implants or something? How about a little mutated lizard thing that looks like a dragon and goes around breathing little flames at everything (hell if ants can do it..) and sits on your shoulder sometimes. How about a guy who got fused into his fursuit and runs around pretending to be your loyal dog because his mind was fried by radiation? How about anything that is interesting and thematic? It just feels like they chose the most default option, and default and Fallout don't go together in my mind. ... that said, I'm not a dog person and am actually quite afraid of big dogs so everyone should take my dog-hating opinion with the appropriate massive dose of salt. Edit: And, though I didn't play it, apparently New Vegas even had a dog with cybernetic implants and a see-through brain case? See? That's a thematic dog. Not just a plain old dog dog. So you would basically like to have the dinossaurs from Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon as a sidekick? (In case you don't know what they are, they're dinossaurs with neon coloured skin and shoot laser beams from their eyes). When could you do that sale? I don't recall it. Was it in Fallout 1 or 2? I tend to prefer Fallout 1 and 2 in terms of story and world, but 3 and New Vegas for the morality system and some of the zany quests. For gritty gameplay, dark world and gore, play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or Metro 2033 since those always seemed to me what Fallout tried to do in terms of story but couldn't.
  9. Oh, wonderful! What a nice addition Even though there were threads dedicated to this, having a native option is always nice. Much appreciated and thanks for the effort!
  10. Just watched this film and did not understand what all the fuss is about. Why is it considered the best film of all time by general consensus? Now, I'm not questioning the film itself or it's contents, but I didn't think it was that special. I wasn't that hyped nor did I have any expectations regarding it, but at least for me there was no "WOW! moment" or something similar.
  11. This game is love, this game is life. But seriously, this game is really good, hectic and provides one hell of a rush. Basically, enemies come at you from either the left or the right and you have to use the Left or Right arrow key (or the mouse buttons) to hit them. The objective is to just survive and rack up points. Highly simplistc, but hella fun and dirt cheap (costs 2€ or your regional equivalent). In case you want actual footage, here's Jim Sterling's Squirty Play:
  12. Well, I always saw Bethesda games not as engaging storytelling experiences, but as a mere gameplay piece to be cleared. Obviously, clearing a Bethesda game to 100% on a single character is rather monotonous imo, but it's flexibility and replayability is what makes them worth it. For example, I spent my Winter semester (Sept. to Jan.) playing exclusively Skyrim (with the Requiem: The Roleplaying Overhaul mod). Bethesda games aren't worth it for the story, just for the massive amounts of content and ways to resolve it. Of course, if one seeks a good story, unless you have VERY low expectations, a Bethsoft game is the last place you should seek it lol
  13. I am not defending Bethesda, but at least for me, TES games aren't for the story. They're just for the gameplay (even though it's too simplistic) and extensive game time they allow. Plus, the mods. I honestly don't care for Bethsoft's stories since they're so shallow... I only care about the story in Fallout 3 due to the Karma and good guy/bad guy dilemma.
  14. I don't want to sound like a hater, but why is my post apocalyptic world looking like a high fantasy one? The colours feel too vibrant for a nuclear wasteland... I'm not much of a post apocalyptic games player, but here's how I imagine one should be (again I love Fallout, so I'm just worried about it): Nevertheless, it's still too early to tell.
  15. For those who are not in the know yet.
  16. You... you haven't won... You and your hyped-bastard friends will join me in a big ol' disappointment cloud sendoff. They just triggered the crush hopes button. The crushing of illusions will go on. You didn't do nothing with this, 'cept seal your own dream's death warrant. Cynicism... disbelief... pessimism... Never Give in to the Hypppeeeee.... *dies*
  17. I use a lot of them for Skyrim, but since I've never played Oblivion that much, the mods I'm using are almost all cosmetic (textures,music and menus specifically) and Enhanced Economy. When I become more knowledgeable regarding Oblivion, I'll play with Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul. As for Skyrim, I won't list all my mods, but I use mods of all kinds: Music (Celtic Music 2.0 ftw), gameplay (Frostfall, Hunterborn), textures for the map and the ladies (sadly, my PC can't handle ENBs that well) and general Overhauls (I've tried SkyRe, Perkus Maximus, SPERG and Requiem, which is my favourite). I have all the DLCs for both and for Morrowind as well. Who do I think I am, a console Vanilla pleb?
  18. For now,I've exchanged the cold harshness of Skyrim for the green beauty of Cyrodill.
  19. I'm not someone who likes to read (in fact, I made a thread asking people how a person enjoys reading), but I saw a TED Talk regarding storytelling that I liked a lot: Though as Rooke said when I originally posted this Talk, the speaker IS an Agent, so he's speaking from a commercial/sales standpoint, so take it with a grain of salt. He also mentions a few books that might be interesting for an aspiring writer to read: Why I Write, George Orwell Art of Dramatic Writing: It's Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, Lajos Egri I've never read these books, nor anything by these authors (yeah, not even 1984, sue me) so take this as you will, since I'm probably the last person whom you should come to for advice in writing books.
  20. Yeah, TB, Jim Sterling, Super Bunnyhop and Yahtzee are all inspirations for me. I feel like I could try to do something like them, but never quite as good. Whenever I think of what to write besides reviews, all that comes to mind is "What do I have to say? I could never reach the likes of them..." As for a style I'd like to develop, I was thinking of being a serious reviewer with perhaps some Yahtzee style humour on the side. But I have no defined style yet, so who knows. Thank you for the great quote, Rooke. It reminds me of the music I want to have playing in my funeral, hoping that it will be the truth regarding my life. I've listened to it countless times this past weekend as it resonates with my uncertainties and what I want to feel in my deathbed (how melodramatic): In case you were wondering...
  21. Sigh... it's hard to say since 99% of people I talk to about it burn me on the stake, but I'd like to be a gaming journalist. This has led me to reflect long and hard upon my choice, if I am ready or not and how it would affect my life. Given what I'd like to do for a living can be called a "global" job, my competition isn't Portugal itself, but the whole world (technically).
  22. Title. How would you process that information and deal with it ? I've been kinda figuring out what I might like to do for a living during the past year or so, and more often than not I find myself thinking it's a saturated market where I will most likely receive little to no pay and be a burden to my family. Using my college degree (graduating next year), I should get a job that is enough to pay bills and put food on the table, but I keep wondering if I'll spend most of my time there lost in thoughts along the line of "This is not what I wanted, but it's what pays the bills..." And as I'm a young college student, go ahead and bombard me with all the "life isn't all sunshine and rainbows kid" things you want. It's what I already get at home, in a way (not that harsh, but it's what my mother keeps saying) and they suggest doing it as a hobby, which I don't know if it'll bring me same satisfaction. If you've read this far, I appreciate it and have a nice day. P.S: Exams, stress and panic suck.
  23. That sounds terrible! I hope you have a comfortable and speedy recovery. All the best for you and your family!
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