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Posts posted by Zenophilious

  1. Just finished Komomo's route, and...wow.  That was, without a doubt, the most moving piece of fiction I've ever read.  Not just in a VN, in books, too.  I immediately went to VNDB and changed the rating from an 8 to a 10.  That route alone makes HoshiMemo worthy of a 10.


    I think that

    it affected me pretty strongly because I had someone in my family die, and even though it wasn't as traumatic as Kosame's death, it was similar enough to identify with Komomo and her feelings. My God, they should get an award of some kind for it. I actually started crying at the end when Mare was going to reap Komomo's nightmare, and again during the epilogue, when it showed that Kosame was still there.

      I don't think a story has ever touched me in the way that Komomo's route did.

  2. 8.75/10

    Also, just out of curiosity, is that a girl or a dude??

    Ezreal is a guy.  People joke around about how he's actually a girl, since his hair is so nice and he has feminine features, but he's definitely a guy.


    9.25 so strange and adorable


    that face scanner works for 3d ppl only :D id like to see how a perfect face would look like to that program




    10/10 would bang.

  3. I can't jungle for crap  xD  I tried to jungle with Warwick in a bot game...I was soooo bad  lol  Never jungled since then.  I tell people that, if they want me to jungle, we will lose.  It's not a threat, it's a fact.  We will lose if I jungle.


    Is Vi top viable?  I thought that Vi looked fun to play, but since I can't jungle for my life, I thought that I might be able to play her top.


    Do you play any other mids besides Ahri?  I played her a bit, and while it was fun, I was definitely not that good with her.  I got into an One For All match and my team picked her.  Our ADC Ahri carried so hard  lol

  4. Me. But I barely play anymore. It takes too much time out of other activities (like reading VNs)..


    I play normals/ranked once in a blue moon but lately I've only been playing Coop vs. Ai once a day for the first win.


    Summoner name: Rains12


    My First win is actually going to be up in 30 mins. add me if you want to join me :)

    Yeah, I'm starting to play a little less, too.  I haven't gotten into ranked yet, so it's not going too badly for me, just losing a bit of skill that I can get back through Normal games.


    I would, but I think I'm going out to dinner pretty soon, so no can do.  Thanks for the offer, though  :3

  5. I was wondering how many people here at Fuwanovel are into League of Legends; I know I'm not the only one, since it's one of the most played online games.  Feel free to post your Summoner Name, you favorite champs and lanes/roles, and your favorite skins.


    My Summoner Name is Direwolfiez, and I'm on the NA server.


    I mostly play AP Mids and ADCs, but I'll dabble in Supports once in a while.  My favorite ADCs are Ezreal, Ashe, Caitlyn, and Jinx.  My favorite AP Mids are Annie, Lux, and Veigar.  My favorite Supports are Sona and Nami.


    Favorite skins- Lux: Spellthief Lux  Annie: Frostfire Annie  Veigar: Bad Santa Veigar  Ezreal: TPA Ezreal  Ashe: Amethyst Ashe  Caitlyn: Officer Caitlyn  Sona: Arcade Sona  Nami: Koi Nami  (I hate Jinx's only skin  >_>)

  6. Haha that's not a fair way to rate :P


    7/10 for the Ez avatar, even though I love Ez :)


    Gotta say, though, that while the red around the eyes is contrasted by the black/white background, the blood splatter kinda takes away from it, as it focuses the attention on it.  As a picture, I gotta give it 8/10.


    TPA Ez is my favorite Ez skin!  His Classic one is...meh...the weird under-eye stuff is weird.  I've noticed that a lot of n00bs buy Pulsefire Ez  lol

  7. Kamidori is the way to go then. You should play that one first.

    M'kay.  Thanks for the suggestions, everyone.


    I kinda want a VN with gameplay that lacks permadeath because I generally dislike having to save right before every battle just in case I do something stupid  :/  I always end up forgetting to, and then I have to load a previous save if I want the character to still be alive, which makes me take even more time to complete it.

  8. Komomo was not only my favourite character, but she had the most interesting route so far as well. Don't worry, if it wasn't obvious from the common route already, she's one of the much more likeable tsunderes - she's not the kind who gets away with all of her crap just because she might act nice sometime down the line, she's actually a very nice person with just an awkward attitude. She might complain about things, but she actually gets things done... a major plus compared to the rest of the characters, if you ask me. :P Aoi is her polar opposite, she's the pinnacle of annoying characters.

    Yeah, so far I've gotten to like her character more.  At first she just seemed like she was taking advantage of You and purposely making his life as hard as possible, but she really isn't as mean as she pretends to be, and, at least in Asuho's route, she gets a lot more negative attention than she deserves.


    As for Asuho's route, I had this theory that 

    Mare reaping the nightmares was just a metaphor for people overcoming their problems themselves, but I suppose they really are pushing for the magic stuff instead...

    Makes sense, but still, I think that it would have meant more.  I guess they wanted to have a reason for Mare having a physical presence besides having her own route and being cute.

  9. Just wondering if there were any VNs besides Sengoku Rance that have gameplay sequences in them.  I'd try Sengoku Rance, but it's a little too rape-y for me.  I'm not quite sure how narrow this might make the list of possible VNs, but I tend to prefer nakiges with H-scenes in them, yet don't get too depressing.  The H-scenes are preferred but optional, though; I can still get through a VN that doesn't have them.  Any suggestions are appreciated.

  10. Finished Asuho's route in HoshiMemo.  Really loved it  <3  She's such a sweet girl, and even though she has some serious self-esteem issues, they contrast nicely with her outwardly bubbly personality, which made her character seem quite realistic.  Nothing irritates me more than a 2D character.  Like I said before, her

    being deaf in her right ear

    really surprised me.  Personally, I would have preferred if You himself had

    ripped up his prayer card with Yume's name on it instead of having Mare reap it, since that would have meant more to Asuho than having someone else do it.


    Moving on to Komomo's route.  Kinda unsure about her character; she's obviously tsundere, but I hope she's more than just that.  I think I'd be a little disappointed if she isn't  :/

  11. It's kind of silly though

    Even if you're deaf in one ear, you'd still hear things from that side, although they'd be quieter. You wouldn't need to wait until someone straight up shouts in your ear to hear them.

    Yeah, I was thinking that myself.  I guess that the developers decided to ignore facts to make it more romantic...you know, she'll always be by his right side.  Nothing too bad, though.  At least they're not ignoring the laws of gravity or anything.


    EDIT: It just might be plausible if

    Asuho's left ear was slightly worse than a normal ear, but still semi-decent.

      That's not the case, though, since it's stated that her

    left ear was unaffected by her condition.

      Oh well.

  12. I'm a masochist...


    That's what it means... by the way, when you said all those things, I... I think I know something that awakened inside me when I was in Aoi's route...


    It seems like I'm an M as well.

    Aaaah.  That makes sense now.  Who else would like Aoi besides a masochist?  xD

  13. Just finished Aoi's route. It's finally over! That was pure suffering. The route actually made me hate her.

    I just generally dislike her right now.  I guess I'll transition to full-blown hatred for her after I get through Komomo and Kosame's routes.  Really not looking forward to it.  She's the one main character I actually don't like in any way.


    Still loving Asuho, though.  The fact that she's

    deaf in her right ear

    really surprised me, but I was wondering why she'd always stand on You's right.  Kinda reminds me of Katawa Shoujo, which was my first VN  <3

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