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Everything posted by bogdankl

  1. wow... spoiler man....................... spoiler warnings, do you speak them?????
  2. after i finished lucia's route in rewrite i have not been able to touch a vn <even ikinari or majikoi>, it really feels like i got the bad ending, everything in the end's gone to shiet... well i'm not a very happy go lucky kind of person most of the time so maybe that's just me being sad cuz im sad and stupid ^^
  3. best wishes to the man and his family, i hope he get's well soon and this time stays in good health,stay strong man we are all eagerly waiting for his return here ^^ them vn's are not gonna read themselves yaknow
  4. that's.... disappointing in a way, chihaya's route is actually one of the two i wanna do <akane's boobs being the other one> and i think i will do all the routes, i am really curios about the protagonist's past, i probably should have realized myself it would be explained in the unlockable route still
  5. i don't think i ever read all the routes in a vn... no i'm actually pretty sure of it unless you count imouto paradise, and two and a half of those routes i read while pressing ctrl wait you're telling me someone actually made an anime from a vn but did not animate the most important part of a vn.... WHAT SORT OF BLASPHEMY IS THIS???
  6. wait THAT'S IT? what the sh!t did i miss a few chapters???? overall on Lucia's route the story is amazing, the heroine is amazing, the ending sucks ballz, and the route needs some h content this vn... killed me a little on the inside, in both a good and a bad way <and i still have at least 2 more routes i definitely wanna do> also i think this and majikoi would profit a lot from an anime adaptation, a long anime adaptation, get all the story in, add some filler and bam instant sugoiu dunno bout you guys but i definitely prefer my fight scenes in visual form rather than in text form
  7. returning to rewrite... is painful need more drink, too sober for this
  8. Majikoi is a 5/10 game. It has great moments, yes, but overall it isn't all that impressive. IMHO it does not deserve very high a place in the hallmark of VN's. my reason being, when something stupid happens in most vn's it's funny because something stupid happened, when something stupid happens in majikoi it's just... well normal, that being said i have yet to finish the game
  9. so i tried Hoshizora no Memoria to see if i can get it running, 20 mins in i think I will never ever again like a imouto type character, this is.... SO ANNOYING also the protagonist looks like the mc in persona 3, bonus points for hoshizora no memoria
  10. look when playing ikikoi's ryou route and g senjo no maou's usami's route, just do yourself a favor and pretend that the credits are the end, it's better for the soul consider this warning my good deed for the day
  11. really, well i don't speak chopnese so i can't exactly tell if the translation is good or not but what i did notice is the text, it's too much and doesn't fit in the box so i have to constantly keep scroling up but for me the worst translation is Little busters<tho i played very little of it> the fact that the words cut half way through at the end of the line is just too god dam distracting to keep me focused
  12. ikinari, one of the best vn's... nay, one of the best games out there, right bellow imouto paradise but fo realz m8, game's not that bad, it tickles me tsun itchin, not every game needs to be clannad, sometimes you just need to let loose, watch something funny and laugh a bit <though i was about to flip a table when > next on the chopping block is onigases route, <i hear it's a blast>
  13. finished eika's route in ikanari
  14. also reading Ikinata, dun Ryou's route first and now I'm regretting it cuz I'll always be worried about her, also that poor protagonist, I'm surprised he still has his family jewels
  15. https://vndb.org/v5295 so... amazing... , it is gods gift to humankind
  16. hmmmm, well when i was a kid i used to play old nes games, i still remember how hard batman and contra were and how rewarding it felt when i finally finished them, when i got my first pc i was a bit older so i knew what games were about more, i remember story used to be everything for me, i used to play a lot of rpgs and games like max payne, i remember how amazing it was when i was playing wow back in the wrath days, i remeber my guild and having fun with them on teamspeak nowadays i am totally opposite, i play games almost always for the gameplay, i rarely play a game for the story <except vn's but those, in my opinion, are not really games> i turn down the sound, put on podcasts and youtube vids, i tried to play wow again and it just feels like shiete compared to the gameplay in other mmos <mainly dragon nest was the only mmo that i felt the combat to be silky smooth and enjoyable> so even to i am still young i guess you could say i became a lot more cynical and bitter
  17. well if we don't count rance in then... my honest answer is azai from g senjo no maou, i get that he becomes a better person by the end, and he has his own reasons for being the way he is but ffs i wanted to strangle him every 5 god dam minutes most of the game, also tomoyo... kind of a dick
  18. I'm not usually a very happy person When i play vn's i always use a guide to get the good endings, when i finished the main story in g snjo no maou and when i finished amane's route in grisaia i had those things on my mind and weighing heavy on my soul for god dam days at a time that's why i tend to like stuff more lighthearted like princes evangelie <i only did the ritsuko route tho> and majikoi <only did two routes> to answer you're question simply, yes, and i think, even tho i may not be the ideal person to talk about this, it is natural to feel like that sure you can make the argument fictional characters... bla bla... not real.... bla bla... but a good story is a good story no matter it being a good book, a good movie, or a good vn filled with pervy h scenes if it wasn't meant to stick with you and get a reaction out of you, then why are so many people playing and talking about vn's? aside from really bad awkward, wierd boner inducing h scenes
  19. dropped rewrite for now, it was such a beautiful time in the story of lucia
  20. so i will be perfectly honest and up front, you all sound like a bunch of conservative butthurt old men no i was not here when the forum was smaller, i don't really see a lot of immature posts <maybe cuz i don't frequent this part of the forum> and compared to the old forum I used to frequent it's not nearly as bad I honestly can't see it you're way, so what if you start a topic and someone comes in to troll and tell bad jokes <i myself am sure guilty of telling bad jokes>, as long as the old members are there to keep the conversation rolling along it shouldn't be a problem, so what if someone gives an inexperienced opinion, or goes of on a tangent, or just says something really stupid, is it really that bad having to reply and explain to them? is it really that bad to have a real argument with someone, to explain each others point of view? so there are trolls, trolls will come sooner or later anywhere you go on the internet, so there are immature people starting posts and going on and on about stupid sh!t, nobody's forcing you to live with them, it's like in school, even tho you learn in the same class i don't think anyone is forcing you to like one another then again i'm an idiot who spends all of his time alone hiding from the world in front of the computer, what do i know
  21. i have 2 categories of games i play, either i play a vn and ofc listen to the soundtrack and voice acting or i play something like monster hunter or dark souls or a fps, in which case i play music, news, podcasts, creepypastas, everything i need to listen to there's nothing like getting you're head ripped of by a rathalos while listening to totalbiscuits soothing voice
  22. so i stop playing vn's for a week return to rewrite and find out i was 2 lines of dialog from starting the actual story with lucia and now i'm FFS i taught it was over and now i have a feeling it is gonna turn into a reverse grisaia where lucia is gonna be someone like yuuji
  23. LoK defiance i hold a lot of nostalgia for these games also max payne 1 and 2 were pretty amazing too
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