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Everything posted by Tatsujin

  1. So after a very, very long time. I started on Dantalian no Shoka and I find out that ... it's a detective anime with no proper build and episode follow-up ... each episode doesn't give a flying shit about the other and the cast die off so fast ... I hate these types of anime ... Just the two main characters are cool ... I'm not sure. I'm placing this one on hold, again. I may never watch it because this shit has no leads to anything ..
  2. lol too many to list. Fate universe, Gargantia, Macross Frontier universe (seriously, awesome technology!), Garden of Sinners universe, I really like Grisaia's universe too ... and ... this is going to sound weird and some may call me a sicko or whatever ... but I freaking love Muv-Luv universe and if I had the chance to live my life there I would so fucking do it. Fighting a powerful hordes of the unknown is pretty damn bad ass ... until I know I'm in the action. But the mecha, design and philosophy behind it literally bests any mecha out there. Chamber from Gargantia is on a really good scale with the TSF's from Muv-Luv as well.
  3. mkay VNs to get ... mankitsu happening and ... and

  4. Damn each chapter breaks into me. Chapter 52 just made me go 'about damn time'. Nishimiya needs a lot of hugs... Can't wait for Chapter 53.
  5. lol ... okay ... well ................... this sucks ass. This Guide needs to be edited and have a clear warning about this bug. I wasted time without realizing it.
  6. So I'm at my limit before I lose it and delete this VN. I feel like I've skipped unread text on Komomo's arc while my options is checked to skip only the 'read' parts. I have no idea where I'm at right now with Komomo and going back and forth doesn't seem to solve the issue ... Link. That's the English menu up there. I want to know where can I pick up from the new path on Komomo because I know I skipped a lot of shit. Right now I'm at the l
  7. well lol this is fucking retarded, the system itself is broke from inside since it skipped the unread text and the read text, so I have no freaking clue where I'm suppose to pick up the new lines at all with Komomo's lines ... man this totally fucking ruined my night. -shrugs-
  8. What does "Evaluate (Un)read text in Ctrl-Skip" mean?
  9. ah geez my right hand is killing me ... too much D3 today. okay back to Hoshizora ... I'm taking forever to finish one route ... lol. edit - FINALLY DONE WITH ASUHO OMG WOOHOOO F YAA!! -yells out running naked under the night sky- UUUNIIIVERRSSEEE!! Oookay so I played new game, I don't see an option to "skip read text" and menus are all still in Japanese. Oh hmmmmmmmmmm ... this is not good.\ is .. is that Yume? ... Something finally changed? No ... no way! Edit - I did a lot of edits, so how am I suppose to know that I already read the text? This is frustrating man lol ... I dont' want to re-read something I already read.
  10. -yawns- I gotta sleep for work tomorrow ... but I'll finish this movie first. It's really good. I want to know where Major is and what happened to her. I also want to see some serious kick ass action.
  11. Yeah dude, this is really freaking good. Mardock Scramble stands really well on its own feet. But it feels like it was driven from Ghost in the Shell. I'm on Innocence now .. where the fuck is she! D: I don't see her! So the manga is old, huh? Is the art good? Anatomy, at least?
  12. It depends on the genre you are picking. I'd like to help from the start so I'm going to list down the useful sites we use in general: AniDB - This is your information site on who-subbed-what with detailed information on videos. Not like you would understand it, but you'll get the general idea if you skim through one series for a few minutes on that site. ANN - Up-to-date news on everything out there that involves the 'Anime' world. BBT - Releases completed series/seasons with the best or good quality from fansub groups. For programs that are required: CCCP - Get rid of any third party codec program, including VLC (it's shit) and install this. Use the MPC inside of it. There are three other steps I want to put down here but I'll list them later if you do take this step. They're optional, but they'll make the player lighter and the subs will be smoother and easier to load. uTorrent 3.0 - This is the best uTorrent version that doesn't have all the crap they put in the later versions, including ads ... unless you want ads then go download the latest version. Disable the 'update to newer version' in General tab. Though I gave you the break down of how I do things (and the majority of us), you can also go to Funimation or Crunchyroll and stick to their streaming services which is several steps below the fansub quality you get. As far as getting into the Anime world ... the links provided by The Major is a good start. It all depends on what you're into. Are you into mo'e (cute) anime? Realistic? Fantasy? Dark Fantasy? And so on and forth. But here's one other thing you could use - go to AniDB, click on 'Calendar', in the drop down box where it lists the months, scroll down to the 'seasons' and you will see all the anime releasing/released for that season and for the year you picked. I use that for quick reference to what I missed, what's coming up soon, or what I want to watch.
  13. Last time I watched Ghost in the Shell was with that TV series, but that was long time ago while it was still airing. First time I watched it was that very first movie from 1995/1996. I actually seen it in 1998 if my memory is correct. I rented the movie from Blockbuster ... and damn I watched it several times and I thought 'this shit is so freaking awesome!' since it was a nice, dark fantasy. As I was cleaning my NAS today from duplicates, low/bad copies of anime and updating them to higher resolutions, or getting rid of shit-anime, I stumbled on several [Collections] folders that I had no idea how to sort it through. So I managed to pack them up, download the updated/better versions from BBT and download those I though I had. I started on Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence and about twenty minutes in, Bateou spoke about that female being gone in the network or some shit. So I backtracked and went straight for the remake of the 1995 movie, Ghost in the Shell 2.0. Just finished it ... she's in a girl body now. I feel like I'm missing something? Wasn't she suppose to be lost in a body? How should I watch Ghost in the Shell for best possible experience? Any Ghost in the Shell die-hard fans out there?
  14. Nyaa been down all day, and this was the day that I like reorganized my NAS. Got rid of many lower-end stuff, duplicates, and was downloading better versions of shows and some shows are blacklisted on BBT so Nyaa is my second choice ... grr...............
  15. I prefer FIGMA figures over stand-alone figures in a lot of cases. I'm also very picky with figures. I tend to view as many pictures as possible from all sides to see how good the figure looks, especially the face, facial expressions, gesture and pose of body and anatomy of course. These are all important. I trust Good Smiles a lot. My last figures I purchased ... man ... like, 5 or 6? One of them was a duplicate of Shimakaze (or whatever the hell her name is). I also have gotten that 1/4 figure size of Sena from Boku wa Tomodachi and the latest Saber Bridge figure with her busts almost showing. I think that one is 1/6? I've pre-ordered the FIGMA Racing Miku 2013 with her Viper Bike and as soon as I saw Super Sonico 1/4 figure I went ahead and looked at all the surroundings of the figure by viewing the pictures and it had some serious anatomy perfections so I ordered that one too. Fuck my life man ............................................... This is why I avoid Good Smiles and Figma sites. But sometimes those fuckers leak into ANN's announcements, like the Super Sonico one. :/ Edit -- awww man fuck ... now I want to get these: http://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/4478/figma+Chariot+TV+ANIMATION+ver.html - OMFG they finally released Chariot!!!! Oh hell yea I'm pre-ordering! http://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/4536/figma+Super+Sonico+Suntanned+ver.html - yeah I like Super Sonico a lot, but this one is a piece of shit product. http://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/4431/figma+Saber+2+0.html - instant pre-order. Saber 2.0 <3 http://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/4135/figma+Snow+Miku.html - ;/ so hard to get ... not sure where to purchase this since it's so super limited, I think? http://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/4531/figma+Racing+Miku+2014+Ver.html - RACING MIKU 2014? ... -pre-orders- Okay done catching up with FIGMA stuff .. edit 2 - god i'm losing my self to this picture: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10282930a4/20/4 Can't find Saber 2.0 on Hobby Search ... time to go fetch things around.
  16. Oh hmm ... to answer your question, I personally support everything out there in a VN. Because there is no restriction on how fucked up a VN can go. So let it go as wild as it can get!
  17. -yawns - ... i think i'm almost at the end of asuho's route ... I want to start on Komomo's route now ..
  18. I really don't like smokers. I mean not THEM personally but subjectively the decision to smoke, to smoke around me or even away from me. I can't stand it.. Btw, smoking is so bad for you that there are even 5 other things that is not mentioned a lot. Like saggy tits, lower physical conditions than a normal human being, depression, uh what else is there .. man it just doesn't make sense. Look at it this way. I would rather spend my money on Japanese goods than some fucking box with stuffed shit inside that kills me and mutates me slowly into an ugly looking human in the long run and then it kills me ... yuck. Getting enough sleep grants a lot of benefits. One of them is weight loss. The other is stronger and better concentration for your next day ... that's good, yeah?
  19. someone hug me .. ;[

    1. ~SnowBunny~



    2. Tatsujin


      -squeezeededdd- >><<

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