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Everything posted by Tatsujin

  1. Ah you're playing all of them? I just did Meiya, then Sumika for EXTRA. As for Unlimited, I did Meiya .. and then I jumped to MLA. That's one awesome ride.
  2. Koe no Katachi Baka-Updates Too much feels to describe how terrifying this manga can stab repeatedly at your emotions. I'm gonna let few cliff-hangers go on the loose: This is literally among the very best mangas to be released. Hmm, it's hard to describe. I've re-read this many, many times. The ending is coming soon. Luckily this got licensed in the US though I'm gonna check the publisher, translator and editor before I decide if I want to purchase the copy. I give it my best manga of the year. Definitely give this a go if you guys want a stream-roller filled with emotions. Romance is barely present ... it's twisted ... very twisted and unpredictable.
  3. ... wow this is a boring, unexpectedabilitability boring. So when is he going to screw Asuho? Her voice is annoying when she ends her sentence ...
  4. You know man, I never freaking understood Evangelion ... that shit seriously doesn't make sense in a lot of corners. Is it from a manga or something? I also second Macross Frontier. That's one of the 'best' Mecha battles, ever. I hope they ditch the noticeable CG movements and all. I like it very much. Ah I know I mentioned this before, Gargantia has some really nice mecha battles too (the ending made my jaw drop!).
  5. NouCome, this shit reminds me of Boku wa Tomodachi and Nourin ... I had a good laugh on the first episode, and damn that epic raw thighs and panty shots and pose ... I approve.
  6. Gargantia had a bit of mecha, but hell it was really good. I like the atmosphere and story, and the characters too. I have the BDs and guide book.
  7. ^ grisaia? muv-luv series? -- Asuho ... is so freaking annoying and a cry baby. Man I'm like dragging my feet on this annoying first arc.
  8. Nayleen, are you seasonal or normal? I'm steamrolling T5 like a boss. My gear is totally bad. It's made for pure frenzy attacks and I just recently rebuilt my skills into WW/Leapquake and it's insanely powerful. I can add frenzy in but I'd have to replace furious charge and it's way too fun to replace furious charge. character. Going to try to build a cold set since leapquake with cold quake is overpowered and it'll make things easier in T6. I also want to find a good suitable grad ring with a socket and replace the leoric' ring .. I already have few but they're no good. Unity ring is like 'permanent' since my templar has that relic which makes him immune to death with a unity ring. Plus, he stun locks a lot of enemies (check the combination of gear I put on him). Yeah ... if anything, I want the 3 piece IK set, that would put me at 75% permanent dmg reduction with Ancients lmao!!
  9. Kore wa Zombie Desu ka is hilarious, lmao. Man I haven't watched anime in a long while. Hmm let me see what I got so far .. Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru. Yeah, I want to watch this one. Though I have it in 720p. I'm waiting for Nyaa to come back up to see if there's a 1080p and if it is worth the 1080p.
  10. Gargantia Official BD Boxes ... hot damn these things are on fire. Each of them weights heavier than what it looks like! The art book to the left is a guide, manuscript and designs of the characters. I got all these items very cheap from Amazon.co.jp compared to their first time they released.
  11. sigh ............. so I'm trying to purchase the Fate/Zero BD box limited edition import ... and I purchased a shit load of BDs and they ALL came factory sealed with blu-ray stamp (big blue BD stamp) on one of the corners of the case, on the official seal. This guy is telling me that it's not sealed .. like what? The item hasn't shipped so I'm trying to cancel it. I'm gonna contact Amazon later on today and have them cancel this. I'm not sure if he understood me or not. He said he will post pictures. I Googled the import box and I saw the plastic wrapping and BD stamp on it. Fuck sakes don't put it as 'new' if it's not factory sealed anymore.
  12. omfg this game is addicting ... ;_; Just load it up and play seasonal. Or go back to your old characters. Diablo III 2.x is not the same as it was before. It's a whole new game. This is how they should have released it.
  13. Do you dislike modern stuff in general? Or just modern robots? I personally dislike things that are half-assed regardless of how new or old it is. Even Macross Frontier TV had limited animations in some respected areas (like just characters talking) but the action is superb. Macross Zero does have modern mecha if my memory recalls right. The character design is not as modern as where we're at now.
  14. ^ This is true. I agree with what Down said.
  15. Macross Zero is pretty good. It's 2004 yet it's still really good. Also, just keep this in mind. Macross Frontier TV and Macross Frontier movies (both movies) have alternate routes and endings. The story changes as well drastically in some areas and in others it stays the same. I really like both. They present a very welcomed futuristic atmosphere. I wanted to mention one other thing. Frontier has the 'best' songs across all of Macross and they sport some of the best songs across all the anime. I remember listening to these songs non-stop at work for like a year. I've rewatched the TV series so many times ... and now I remember nothing. I so can't recall when was the last time I rewatched the TV version ...
  16. I'm a big fan of Macross. I love the stories they come a long. At least from Macross Zero and onward. Macross Frontier is my favorite. I also watched Macross: Do You Remember Love? which was produced in 1970s and put up with how old it was. I couldn't put up with the others at all but I read few trivia and facts. I haven't watched Macross Frontier TV for more than 2 years, after I put my NAS and transferred all of my anime on the NAS I decided to watch few clips of somethings. Damn everything is instant in comparison to having stuff on the slow externals (or the lowest type of HDDs, like the WD Greens). I watched like the first half hour of the first movie of Macross Frontier ~ The False Songstress ~ and decided to just watch like 5 minutes of the TV series. For a 2006/2007 TV anime, this is done so very well that it blows away its rivals in the same years and few more years ahead. Great action, the art was amazing during its time and now its still passable, and I just like the story a lot. Sucks that I don't get to learn a lot about the characters and the TV series felt short for 26 episodes. The two movies are mind-blowing in everything - like, everything. I'm very glad this quality anime will never be licensed to the West due to the fuck ups the West has done. Anyways, a new Macross series was announced months ago and the reveal is yet to be determined. This is a whole different series so I'm expecting a new jump from Macross Frontier with different characters. All I want to say is bring another awesome character like Sheryl. Because she is the best. May'n <3! I haven't purchased the TV or the movies, yet. Hmm ... ! Here is the AniDB link. Who else is a Macross fan?
  17. You're twisting the words around. Let me use the dictionary: Translation - the rendering of something into another language or into one's own from another language. Localize - to make local; fix in, or assign or restrict to, a particular place, locality, etc. Literal - following the words of the original very closely and exactly. Source - Dictionary.com When you translate something to the audience, that's the action you are taking in order to reproduce the original language into the language that you are targeting. So then it comes down to keeping things local to your community or keeping things original to your community. If you want to abandon the original script itself to something that makes sense to your local community then you are localizing the script. As I stated above, brother / onii-chan is an example. Otherwise, if you want to keep it original then you'd keep the honorifics, you'd keep the original content and so on and forth. ^ This is how the anime community works. This is true. No need to emphasize on this anymore. Style of Writing is done by a human being and everyone falls under this rule - fansubs and legal anime companies. Though correcting grammars is different. We go back to translating something - anything. It's going to kill the original content regardless. Because, for example, you bring in three translators with each in a separate room. You give them a paragraph to translate. They all translate the paragraph and present it to you. It will all be similar but it will be different from translator to translator. The process was done differently but the goal was ultimately achieved. The act of 'translating', basically, was done, regardless of it being localized or literal. Just the 'style of translation' or 'writing' was done differently in the mentioned example.
  18. A bit late here. Kimi no Iru Machi - 270 chapters Good Ending - 150+ chapters Both have really good story (in my opinion) and amazing art styles. Good Ending especially has some very pretty anatomy and strong attention to facials. Iru Machi sports some cool characters. You're going to like or hate Eba. A lot of people have mixed feelings about her character. I like her uniqueness and I respect her character. Nozoki Ana - 140+ (I think?) Very nice art and explicit scenes. Story is thrilling and very unpredictable.
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