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  1. Like
    Mei reacted to Croosboy in About Little Busters! and its anime adap.   
    1.) Time constraint during broadcast.
    Ads 3-5 min
    Openning 1 min +
    FIRST half 10 mins +
    Ads 3-5 min
    Second half 10mins
    END 1min
    Ads 5min
    something like that.
    They have to make a way to adapt the timing while airing it live. Changing story, shrinking gags that were in the VN, summarizing the dialog and etc.

    2.) Budget - I read it somewhere in the net(probably from Danny Choo since he has a relation to JC staff) that its not cheap to make one anime episode.
    I think one anime per episode estimate cost $50,000 USD or $10,000 USD. Not sure about the actual cost but its between those two price.

    They said that they made a way to adaptation LB where they fit things and not spoiling the "Secret of the world". Other Anime production company weren't able to make that possible.

    This is what I think why they didn't make it possible to make a perfect romance route.
  2. Like
    Mei reacted to Wahfuu in About Little Busters! and its anime adap.   
    Probably because the anime would have been better with just purely friendship and no romance tacked onto side routes, imo, but J.C was a bit too by-the-book with adaptating everything from the VN.*
  3. Downvote
    Mei reacted to marjoni01 in About Little Busters! and its anime adap.   
    True...But well I think some people want the romance in Little buster ._.
    Well to be honest I like little buster with purely friendship :3
  4. Like
    Mei reacted to Beato in About Little Busters and Little Busters EX   
    The big eyed art isn't actually a problem at all. That's a style question. I am rather fond of Itaru Hinoue style but she needs a lot work on her anatomy and I mean a lot. Chihaya in particular has some incredibly ugly sprites her arms look like wooden logs that has been pasted upon her body without actually being connected to her body. She also is very inconsistent with her art which lead to her characters often looking vastly different from shot to shot.

    And why they aren't changing the artist. They have sometimes Planetarian isn't done by Hinoue, not Tomoyo After either. And Little Busters/Kud Wafter is half done between Hinoue and Na-Ga. But obviously they can't kick her. Why should they? She is just as much a part of Key as everyone else there she is not some contracted artist like Fumio for Tomoyo After. Kicking her out of her own freaking company would be awful. She is improving though it's going slowly. Eroge artist don''t tend to get better at the same speed as other artist because they don't practice much. If you look at the cg's from various eroge you'll see that its always the same sorts of angles used. Since the artists spend their time drawing characters looking exactly the same they simply never improve that much ):.

    Well eroge/VN art in general is pretty fucking awful (Though colouring as gotten a lot better in recent years). And Hinoue isn't even near the worst of the lot.

    This Review by Choux from calamitous intents details some problems with the art in Little Busters.

    I could also mention the ugly outfits designs but those have actually improved. The casual clothes in Rewrite looks nice, stylish and actually fitting for their character (apart from Chihaya's yuck kill that thing with fire. Also Akane's clothes look kinda weird but nearly all clothes in VN's do so I guess that's expected)
  5. Like
    Mei reacted to solidbatman in Best route in Key's Visual Novels   
    Fuuko in Clannad!
  6. Like
    Mei reacted to Kaguya in Best route in Key's Visual Novels   
    character route, huh? I'd go with Chihaya from Rewrite. The reason is obviously Sakuya's awesomeness. Favorite overall Key heroine... Probably Haruka.
  7. Like
    Mei reacted to Vladz0r in Best route in Key's Visual Novels   
    Best overall: Refrain, then After Story. Moon route might also be up there... definitely not Terra.
    Best character route: Obviously Masato's Muscle Sensation from Little Busters

    Seriously though, probably Lucia from Rewrite or Haruka/Kud from Little Busters.

    Favorite heroine: Kurugaya
  8. Like
    Mei reacted to Kaguya in Best route in Key's Visual Novels   
    LB's Refrain, obviously. Followed closely by Rewrite's Moon. I didn't really like Terra.
  9. Like
    Mei reacted to Tay in H-Scenes. Really necessary?   
    A Note Before Reading: I realize this isn't a topic to take lightly, but I'm interested in hearing other people's viewpoints on the subject. Historically they're a major part of the medium, and so I feel they're worthy of some discussion.

    I'm not a fan of H-Scenes. I love VNs too much to give them up, but when *those* scenes come up I generally click through at high speeds, looking away kind of awkwardly. (Now, I realize that there are two types of H-Scenes: ones intended to be "tasteful", and others in games which are blatantly sex-oriented. All of my comments are directed to the former, as the latter are... well... they are what they are.)

    Is it because I'm "afraid" of sex or sensuality? No way. I'm happily married and therefore have a healthy context to this stuff. Rather, I feel like H-scenes cheapen the VN experience. I understand that these scenes can represent a culmination of romance between two characters, but I don't understand why they have to be so graphic.

    I feel like these scenes are included in VNs for the same reason they're included in most AAA movies: the obligate sex-appeal to be used for advertising.

    That's the short version of my opinion, more or less. I'm interested in hearing what others think. Again, I realize this isn't the easiest topic to discuss, but I'm interested in sounding out.
  10. Like
    Mei reacted to Vladz0r in About Little Busters! and its anime adap.   
    Anyway, my post was a long rant about how the anime is absolutely inferior and poorly executed shit by JC Staff, when Key did a much better job on the visual novel.

    Here's why it failed, basically. It's a combination of execution issues, and why the anime was poorly received.

    I read the VN and liked the anime after, but it has a lot of shortcomings in terms of grabbing the audience's attention, establishing something meaningful (romance), giving people a worthwhile ending to the first season (the ending was neither a cliffhanger, nor a conclusion), and the animation was subpar, and lacked the type of style found in any of Kyoto Animation's adaptation of Key's visual novels.

    To go further into the criticism of each arc, Haruka and Kud's arcs were altered significantly, removing pretty much all of the romance, which was a driving force in Haruka's route. Also, Kud's scene in the cave lasted 5 minutes in the anime in real-time, compared to the days and weeks emphasized in the VN. Futaki's antagonistic buildup in Haruka's route was weaker, and her change of heart as a character was foreshadowed too early on, compared to the VN, also.

    Komari's route was finely adapted, but was pretty much the weakest route in the VN. Mio's was done nicely also, but people didn't really catch the theme of it due to its execution.

    Honestly, a lot of the animation was seen as pretty dull and boring. There's limited character interaction, and the baseball scenes aren't even as well animated as those in Clannad, where baseball isn't even as much of a focus. The route endings were nicely done, for the most part, but the story buildup bored people with the constant closeups scenes with lacking animation. Compare this to the style of KyoAni's Clannad adaptation, and there's no contest in terms of which will grab the audience's attention more easily. Little Busters' core story may be on the same level as Clannad's, but the anime execution wasn't nearly as strong.

    Also, people don't enjoy Riki as a protagonist, not having seen how he improves come Rin 2 and Refrain next season. They'd much rather have someone like Kyousuke be the protagonist, as he's most similar to the protagonists of Key's previous works (Clannad, Kanon, Air).

    The pacing and comedy execution is also weird and all of the place. They put a random Rin route episode inbetween Kud's arc, and Komari's arc happened too early on, before anyone cared for the character.

    The common route precedes the heroine routes in the VN, to build relationships with all the characters before any of the drama happens, but it happens 4-5 episodes into the anime series, before some people even remember Komari's name.

    Refrain might redeem it through its story, but J.C. Staff has offered little in terms of adding anything unique to the anime that wasn't part of the visual novel. Clannad had references to the Illusionary World each episode, for example, and has great storyboard directing to intensify specific scenes.

    Little busters is my favorite VN alongside Muv-Luv Alternative, but the anime had a lot of shortcomings that affected people who only watched the anime.

    Oh and the awful music directing in some of the episodes didn't help either.

    Anyway, absolutely read the visual novel. JC Staff will probably screw up Refrain if they don't drastically improve their shit.
  11. Like
    Mei reacted to Kaguya in IRC Flood Extravaganza   
    This is what this thread is all about, right?
  12. Like
    Mei reacted to Guest in lol i love this guy   
    it's a comment i found in a torrentfreak article

    "I will fight that unto death."

    ^ thank you. muaha so awesome
  13. Like
    Mei reacted to HaruKaizo in If there is one VN you could remove from memory and play again   
    Clannad indeed, and Refrain route from Little Busters too.

    Damn, that was epic.
  14. Like
    Mei reacted to Ryoji in If there is one VN you could remove from memory and play again   
    GREAT TOPIC!! if only we could...

    It would defientely be Clannad. That VN was so amazing and emotional, from the story development to the Music to each amazing route. Absolutely the best EVER.

    As for 1 route, After Story without question. SOOOOO good. I wish I could go back and read that for the first time again. Amazing!
  15. Like
    Mei reacted to Erlkonig in Tearjerking VNs   
    try these

    Steins;Gate (PC)
    Cross†Channel to all people (psp)
    Muv-luv (PC+all age)
    White album 2 (ps3)

    ..take care of your eyes
  16. Like
    Mei reacted to VN-Angel in Tearjerking VNs   
    - all-age
    -no KEY's works.
    That's hard.

    -ever17 out of infinity (well, not really tear-jerking)
    -999: Nine Hours, Nine Person, Nine Doors

    That's all I know
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