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Everything posted by marcus-beta

  1. Yes, works, but after extract I found the style of script who I hate work (Must be fully decompiled to translate), If wanna translate the LB I included in my Specific-Games repository, The Font.pak contains the font of the game, I'm not too hyped to work in the LB and study the font, maybe if i'm free a day, but for now, i will wait to see if someone try create a tool the the new font format. (WTF Key, why not allow change the game font? Siglus>Luca :V)
  2. Let's finish this question forever, Okay, Included a shit string reorder sample in my tool, if you wanna try fix to your own usage it's in my git the sample, good lucky. You don't know how to devloper? okay i will list soluctions to you Use this inedit above, i don't know if this tool update all offsets but he can analyze all bytecodes, i think is safe to translate it he Use this new branch of my tool: https://github.com/marcussacana/KrKrZSceneManager/tree/Brute-Reorde Open your game and inject the AGTH/ITH into him, make your hook tool copy to the clipbard the dialog. After this, when you skip the dialog in the game, the shit of the sample gui will seek the string in the list to you. Use this tool: https://github.com/number201724/psbfile this tool is a open source PSB decompiler If by some reason you wanna see only the string and not the fully script, do this: Decompile your PSB script Recompile the PSB source (Yes) Open the source with a old version of my tool. (The last contains this sample reoder, will not help if you use it) And it's this, No reasons to anyone continue worry about this, personally i don't like use decompilers because can cause unexpected erros in the game, I don't know if this PSBFile is safe to publish, maybe if you know programation you can use he as way to generate a order database and export to use with a string only editor...
  3. Are you with problem to repack? I have created a simple encryption bypass patch, just use extract to the game directory (english ver. unc) and translate files in the VNX+ Directory this VNX+ Directory works as patch.xp3, you can append any file you like. here: http://www42.zippyshare.com/v/DIn1Hv5V/file.html
  4. Of course, Chinese not being "useful" to me does not mean that I would refuse to help one, in the time I was learning I got a lot of help from chinese hack xmoe (if I'm right) so even not being "useful" I still have one debt with the Chinese who gave me a hand when I needed it many times.
  5. Yeah, in my case any language with exception of chinese, it's good... It's obvious my english isn't good, so... why help english projects? I only know my native language but I know how to edit scripts, A part of my tools is to my own usage as a alternative of the 'Visual Novel Reader'... The "TLBot" in my git is to this, i create all tools as dll to insert into him, he send the entire game to the google translator and i read the game with a fully shit machine translation (Yes, i do) And the google isn't good with asian language, so, I only do this with vns who have a non-chinese translation.... ... And that's my reason "selfish" for trying to help with projects, but it's something that everyone wins so there's not much of a problem.
  6. Send the original script and use tools like winmerge to compare the changes made by it and apply it yourself. I personally do not like private tools because someone might fail to start a project by need a tool that haven't been published ... My tools are mostly open source and public, currently only my "SRL" is in closed code because I myself have some problems with the dependencies, it was so annoying that once I deleted one of the dependencies and I almost lost the project all because I could not reinstall in a way that compiled as I wanted ... Until I don't removed the more boring dependencies of installing I will not publish the source code ... Funny is that it got so complex the dynamic data interpretation that the dll in some decompilers believe to be obfuscated but are not haha Well, although I do not like it personally, but if someone entrust me with a tool I would not share without permission
  7. the "easy" way, yes... if you have a true hacker into your team you can ask to him....
  8. Ohh sorry, for some reason i don't recived a notification, hmmm In the true i never touch before in a kirikiri game without default wordwrap, since the kirikiri is a open source engine if i'm the one who wants disable the kirikiri wordwrap, to me, looks more fast change the source and rebuild... Isn't garantied because is possible disable using only .tjs scritps or a plugin? The problem of this is the kirkiri encryption, some .tmp plugins verify a checksum of the main executable, and to bypass this you need crack the checksum validation manually or remove the plugin (looks easy but you need decrypt every .xp3 and is impossible to create a small patch, you need upload the entire game) In the second way is possible create a setup who decrypt the .xp3 automatically and remove the encryption plugin (tpm) to apply the patch/modify the executable... But is slow to install... In the really if the wordwrap is a problem of the main executable, if you manually patch the executable to works the wordwrap, the exe checksum will mismatch, so... no escape
  9. To me, while isn't chinese is good to see a translation project So, good lucky
  10. Really? so i don't know too... but he says works after redownload.
  11. I think he tried run a python script with wrong version...
  12. O caminho "relativo" a pasta atual, geralmente quando começa com .\ ou sem sem C:\ Isso indica que minha pasta atual é a C:\Users\Marcus Vamos supor que eu tenho uma pasta com nome "Exemplo" dentro da área de trabalho e queira me referir a ela sem digitar o caminho completo, Pra isso usamos o caminho "relativo" a pasta atual, se o caminho completo seria C:\Users\Marcus\Desktop\Exemplo E o prompt já está aberto na C:\Users\Marcus, posso então apenas digitar ".\Desktop\Exemplo" que vai ser equivalente ao caminho completo... Anyway, se o caminho que tu digitou no parâmetro está correto, o problema não esta ai... se tu tiver espaço no caminho por exemplo a Program Files pra passar o parâmetro, tu precisa por ele todo dentro de aspas, por exemplo C:\Program Files ficaria "C:\Program Files"
  13. Tente por um caminho relativo da pasta, como .\Out e [] Geralmente sugere que o parâmetro em questão é opcional, tente sem ele.
  14. No idea without see the game, but don't have the name in any other place? Maybe somewhere have a list of names and your respective effect... translating the name missmatch that list?, I don't know, I just guessed...
  15. Good work, I hope you have understood a little the operation of everything...
  16. I don't found see any announce about the 2nd... but okay
  17. It's true the 1st beat contains traits indicating that they have planned more games (~6th Beat~ if my memory serves me correctly), but they haven't confirmed anything, if don't have a good sell he can stop any time... so... isn't too trustable will release more games... Se tu ta querendo ler o 1st beat, eu tenho um patch de maquina do russo pra ptbr, me manda pm se quiser...
  18. I think the Siglus has detected you aren't a japanese playing the game. I recommend edit your post or delete, someone will "rage" with your piracy-like steps. Anyway this is a trouble to original users too, you can "patch" with the kdays or AlphaRomDie
  19. hasuhauhua It's because my english isn't too good... i saw this... and decided reply in portuguese, it's my native language... I says something like: "Dude, you need upload the file, we can't say if is a bad decryption of the .xp3 or is the kirikiri compression"
  20. In my coutry is hard to buy last generation pieces, but oka.... GPU: GTX 960 (4gb) RAM: 8GB 1600mhz CPU: i5 4460 HD: WD 1TB OS: Dualboot, Windows 10 Pro + OSX El Capitan and i put a corsair 600w...
  21. Cara, faça upload do arquivo... não da pra dizer se foi um erro na descriptografia do xp3 ou então ele está usando a compressão da kirikiri padrão...
  22. Just more easy now... And i said to everyone who don't know assembly and want "implement" a best way to recive the string order... A alternative is wrote the tool to seek the clipboard and inject the AGTH or ITG in the game... very, but very easy...
  23. I wrote the tool to edit and publish it, and don't finish the easy work to who wants translate research and learn, but this is what i got... allways... :/ Lonely, I sayed this in the email before but i wanna more people learn, you are one that needs... I hope if you try research and learn about what you can do. Isn't too hard, with maybe 10 lines of code you can do the tool automatically seek the game text...
  24. This isn't the first time i see this, but i think is better to new users require approve the post and/or limit post creation in the same hour...
  25. Keep updated, i don't have tested choices... i need play the game to found a choice part and add support, when you see the update on my git just update your AdvHd.exe and SRLx32.dll
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