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Everything posted by Segai

  1. Had to check twice to make sure Steins;Gate wasn't on the list. I commend your self-control. Voted for Yume miru kusuru though all of them look pretty good.
  2. 7/10, it looks good but you can't really see the character too well.
  3. My money is on Aniki, for the glory of FuwaChat!
  4. I know a few people with a negative IQ. Or at least I'd like to think so. They are just so ignorant and stupid that they even think scientific papers are wrong because it doesn't follow their beliefs.
  5. Well with Kurisu-chan and Maef dead I'll have to vote for Tiago for the sake of Fuwachat!
  6. Michiru, everyone knows explosives < tsundere
  7. I just can't comprehend why people think all anime is bad. I mean, there are live action movies with a good story, just like anime. Live action movies with some nudity, just like anime, live action movies with a lot of nudity (Game of Thrones, watched by MANY people), just like anime. If you say only anime is encouraging pervertedness then you're a bloody moron. If I had to guess I'd say the thing keeping people away from anime the most, and making people hate it, would be loli's but again, that's not every anime. As for being lazy and fat, I know so many people that sit around watching Friends or GoT all day and are fat, lazy bastards. Either the guy who started this petition is a troll or he's just uninformed as fuck. Just as in EVERY form of media there are different genres, if you only look at ecchi stuff then yeah, I can understand your point but there is a lot more than that. There is anime that'll make you laugh, cry, think, be amazed and more. Just look at Clannad, Another, Angel Beats!, Fullmetal Alchemist, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, AND I CAN KEEP GOING. These are all high-quality, very well made, relevant and important animes that really make you feel or send you a message. Just as we have very important movies that send us a message, V for Vendetta for example which is a personal favourite of mine and is about the oppression of people by a dictatorship, also pretty much every good war movie. If you're going to go off off a single genre then you may as well ban live-action because most of the porn on the internet is live-action and thus live-action encourages weird fetishes, perversion and unrealistic romantic standards. Then for Visual Novels, those were also mentioned in the petition. Yes, most of them are short nukige and revolve around sex, but again, not all. There are so many good VN's that don't have anything sexual in them. And really good ones where you can just skip H-scenes (this should be in all non-nukige imho). /rant
  8. One thing I only just noticed, in district 9, or the Grisaia district, you have the name Yumiko but the image of Amane.
  9. Akabei Soft 2 because every VN I read from them was amazing. And Key and Kid are really good as well. And for the amazing Steins;Gate I'll add Nitroplus and 5pb too.
  10. People like this are obviously far better than the average Otaku; behold the future of the country!
  11. Haven't played it. Next person won't play a VN if the art is old.
  12. Soo, Yozoro, Sekai, Kurisu and Misaka are dead already?
  13. Obviously Mayushi. ~tuturuu~
  14. 9/10 I really like the art style. And a cute girl too.
  15. I quite like it when I re-watch an anime from a long time ago and suddenly recognize their voice from elsewhere.
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