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Everything posted by atorq

  1. I would totally back this if it was something more steamy than what you can have on Steam. Sadly it seems most OELVNs are going the Steam route, which means no money from me.
  2. Welcome to the world of tomorrow! And you should read Muv-Luv.
  3. He does seem a bit like an old grumpy man. Getting drunk at that age is fairly common sadly.
  4. Does it really matter though? I used to be afraid of that too, but I have come to the realization that alcohol is mostly just something you blame. The self-control never goes away.
  5. Confession: I have just learned what might be the greatest achievement in technology since polygon tits. I need to get NekoPara.
  6. Confession: I currently have 274 tabs open in Firefox, most of them are porn. Double confession: I envy Tyrael quite a lot, I wish girls would approach me too. Doesn't help seeing all the pretty girls at work.
  7. You know what's great about Majikoi? Ain't no bad characters in it. But best grill is obviously Mayucchi.
  8. I think both MaleShep and FemShep are great, for some reason people seem to think FemSheps voice acting is way better but I think they are pretty equal. MaleShep does have some benefits though, like getting Dat mAss.
  9. Fuck that's a cool blender, but it's false advertisement. 1500 W does not equal 2.5 hp, it is only a little bit over 2.
  10. I've always associated it with the font. My name comes from taking some letters from my real name and smashing them together in a particle accelerator.
  11. Fuck and here I was hoping you would take the next flight to Finland and come clean it up. Confession: I have some real problems with organizing and keeping things tidy, one moment I might be cleaning and the next I have suddenly found an old book and started reading it. And every now and then I might be holding something I need and the next it's not in my hand anymore, then the search begins unless I forget what I was doing.
  12. I don't know if it's normal, but there's a girl like that for me too. So you're not alone at least.
  13. I really don't like lolis. Like a lot. With maybe a few exceptions. That's some scary shit. Although it will probably just be full of males getting nothing out of it.
  14. Who cares about pretty? No more itchy armpits, no more weird feelings on feet or legs due to hair getting in to the fabric of the socks, much more comfortable ass and penis-region. The benefits are endless.
  15. From what I've heard it gets back sooner or later even after laser surgery.
  16. God damn, that's like the hottest it ever gets here, for a few seconds, I would not wear jeans in those temperatures unless I had to. I would never shave my legs, to much work, if I could get rid of my body hair forever though...
  17. I love Katawa Shoujo, there's so many things that are done right. The characters feel real and are not the stupid preset personalities you see in every other visual novel. The music is fantastic, it perfectly sets the mood for the scenes. And the lack of voice acting is actually quite nice, after reading Katawa Shoujo I turned of the voices in the visual novels I read afterwards because I found them distracting, which they kind of are. It's kind of like watching a movie with subtitles, except not quite as annoying.
  18. Souns like you did a good job. I'd rather be emasculated all day every day than get rejected. The fear of rejection is strong with this one.
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